Suzy Cheung had now boarded the 'Eastern Princess',and was now making her way towards the bridge.She could see that the crew,were now making final preparations to leave.
Not before I see Louise.Suzy thought determinedly,as she began to find her way,up to the bridge.
Watching Suzy arrive,Liu and Yee were pleased.They'd soon have another worthy addition,ready for storage,and sale.
However,Yee did have some concerns,as he watched the pretty Chinese girl,come closer to her unsuspecting capture.
'Are we going to take her,Captain?'
'Of course we will,my friend.'Liu replied.'That girl knows about our pretty English rose.It's only right we grab her,to cover our tracks.'
'You're certain we can trust our man in there?' Yee was mentioning the man working in the customs building.He knew they had many of their people,working undercover in suitable locations,where they could choose to kidnap more pretty girls.
'Perfectly.'Liu nodded.'He hasn't let me down yet.'
He did however,consider Yee's query,but was satisfied things would always work to their advantage.
'I wouldn't worry too much.We sail tonight anyway,and besides,' Liu smirked.'Miss Yang will have plenty of back up for us,should the need arise.'
Yee understood.Kim Yang had many powerful allies,that protected her slavery empire.Despite many police attempts to stop her organisation,Kim Yang certainly knew how to influence the right people,who would make the right moves,to throw the police off their scent.
Of course,it didn't quite work with everybody.A lot of the police,were incorruptible.So Kim Yang went to the next plan,kidnapping their young female relatives,to show them that she was deadly serious,in her warnings.
It had paid dividends of course.With her new pretty hostages in her power,a lot of the police had backed off.Even that was no guarantee,for a safe return for their kidnapped daughters,and sisters.If Kim Yang liked a girl,she kept her.
'By the way,'Liu asked.'What's the ETA for our guests arriving?'
'They'll land by helicopter,twelve hours after we depart Hong Kong.' Yee answered.
'Good.'Liu was looking forward to that.A group of the most dangerous men,were coming to his ship,and to inspect his 'cargo.' He was very confident all the girls they'd abducted,would sell very well to them.
'We'll take care of Miss Cheung first.'Liu could see Suzy nearing the bridge,and he then ordered Yee.'Bring her in here,and after you've chloroformed her,give her to Miss Yang,then prepare the ship to leave.'
He smiled at that,eager to enjoy another pretty girl,to fall into his clutches.
'I can't wait to get back to Bangkok,and deliver our merchandise.We're going to be even more richer,my friend.'
'Me too,Sir.' Yee acknowledged.
He then watched his captain enter his ready room,just as Suzy entered the bridge.He enjoyed admiring the girl's figure,but kept up the polite mask,to put the girl at ease.
'Good evening.'Yee offered his hand to her,which Suzy accepted.'I'm Yee,first officer here.Can I help you?'
'I'm Officer Cheung.'Suzy introduced herself too.'Hong Kong customs.I need to speak to the captain.'
'Of course.This way,please.' Yee gestured politely,to Liu's ready room.As he turned to knock on the door,Suzy failed to spot him smirk.
This is too easy.Yee couldn't wait to grab this new,pretty girl,fully enjoying her scent.
He knocked politely,and waited for Liu to give permission,to enter.This was given immediately.
Yee allowed Suzy to walk in ahead of him,and silently prepared to use the chloroform on her.
Suzy noticed the man sitting behind the desk,was indeed,the captain.She didn't like the look of him,nor his first officer.Despite the politeness shown,Suzy still felt somewhat uneasy,in their presence.
However,she pushed these thoughts away.It was Sarah she was concerned about,and hopefully,they had some good news on her.
'Good evening,Miss Cheung.'Liu stood up,to offer his hand to her,introducing himself.
'Good evening,Captain.'Suzy replied courteously to him.'Thank you for the invitation,to come on board your ship.'
'A pleasure,Miss Cheung.'Liu smiled at her,which made Suzy's insides recoil.'I know you're very concerned,about a very pretty,young English lady.Miss Jennings,I believe?'
'Is she okay,Captain?' Suzy hadn't forgotten how strangely Sarah had acted,in that telephone call.
'Well,she's tied up at the moment,my dear.'Liu and Yee both enjoyed that,although they still hid their real motives from her.'But she's fine.'
For some strange reason,Suzy failed to grasp of that first part,of what Liu had told her.She was just glad to know Sarah was okay.
'Perhaps you'd like to join her,Miss Cheung?' Liu prompted.
That's the best thing he's said.Suzy thought,so she nodded eagerly.
'I'd like that,Captain.'
Liu was pleased,as he pressed the hidden switch under his desk,clearly enjoying the girl's startled look,as the wall slid reveal the lift door.
Suzy was indeed taken aback,and gave a puzzled look at Liu.
'What's going on,Captain?'She asked him,more nervous this time.'Why is there a hidden door there?'
'You remember,my dear,I told you about a security alert we have here.' He nodded at the lift door.'Shall we go down,and I'll explain?'
'Sarah is down there?' Suzy asked again.
'She is indeed.'Liu smiled.'She's tied up at the moment,but that's where she is.'
That comment made both men smile again to themselves.Behind Suzy,Yee had silently prepared himself,to seize her,dabbling plenty of chloroform onto a large cotton wool pad.
Suzy had failed to grasp what Liu had just told her.She was very anxious to see Sarah,so ignored the obvious warning signs,as Liu asked her.
'Would you like to join her,my dear?'
'Yes,please,Captain.'All Suzy could think about,was getting down there,just to make sure Sarah was safe.
Liu stood up,and then headed over to the lift.As Suzy followed him,Yee suddenly made his move.
Instantly,he grabbed Suzy's waist from behind,and fully enjoyed clamping the chloroform soaked pad,over the girl's mouth.
Suzy's eyes bulged in horror,as she felt the man seize her tightly.Her cry for help silenced by Yee's hand.Suzy's eyes pleaded at Liu,for help,but once she saw the evil smile on Liu's face,Suzy realised he wasn't going to help her.
Her struggles were frantic,but Yee kept a vice-like grip on her,and the chloroform finally made her sag,in Yee's arms.
'Excellent work,my friend.'Liu complimented.'Take her down to Miss Yang,and help tie her up.I'm going to check on that English girl's brother.'
'He'll still be with that Japanese girl,Sir.' Yee had already picked Suzy's unconcious form,and placed her over his shoulder,in a firemans carry.
'Not for long she won't be.'Liu grinned.He'd already issued fresh orders,to take the beautiful Japanese girl again.'We'll be enjoying Miss Yamamoto's company again,and soon.'
Yee grinned too,as he then walked into the lift,carrying Suzy to her new prison.
When he entered the cargo hold,Kim Yang was waiting for him.Yee noticed her stroking Sarah's long,bushy dark hair.The English girl's eyes,were frozen in fear,but he relished her distress.
Yee then walked over to an empty cage,and gently put Suzy's limp form down.He placed the girl on her front,and then placed Suzy's hands behind her back,crossing her wrists.There was plenty of rope nearby,and he began to wrap coils over Suzy's wrists.
Kim Yang kissed Sarah's hair,whispering into her favourite prisoner's ear.'Don't go away,my dear.'She chuckled.'I'll be right back.'
With that said,Kim Yang then went over to help Yee bind Suzy.Both of them enjoyed their work,as they tied the girl,just like all the other bound,gagged girls.Within minutes,Suzy's body was tightly trussed up,with horizontal loops of rope secure over her chest,and waist.Her legs and ankles were also tied together,to make the girl totally helpless.
Just as Kim Yang and Yee were tying the final knots on their latest prize,Suzy was now starting to recover.
'You go and help the Captain,Mister Yee,please.'Kim Yang told him.'I'll finish off here.'
Yee nodded,but couldn't help turn Suzy over,onto her back.He then used both his hands,to grope Suzy's breasts,still enjoying himself.The girl was still unaware,of what was being done to her.
'Her chest isn't bad,Miss Yang.'Yee smiled.'Not as impressive as Miss Jennings.'He gave Sarah an ominous glance,and was pleased to see the English girl flinch from him,in her cage.
'Oh,Miss Cheung will fetch an excellent price.'Kim Yang was totally confident of that.She gazed over,at her many tied up female captives.'They all will.'
There was a weird sound,as she said that.All the girls had mumbled in fear,into their tight gags.The power Kim Yang had over her prisoners,made her relish that sound.
Yee then stood up,and left the cargo hold.Kim Yang watched him leave,then she made another final check,on Suzy's tight ropes.
Suzy's senses slowly came back to reality.She was wondering what had happened to her,but as her vision improved,she then became aware,that she'd been bound.Her mouth opened to scream,but before she could,a hand clamped over her mouth,preventing that.
A woman's voice suddenly whispered into her ear.'Don't be foolish,Miss Panna.We have you under our total control,and everybody else,as you can see.'
The woman's hand gag was tight,but Suzy managed to see what she was talking about.In front of her,were several large cages,and she was shocked to see them all hold,a bound,gagged woman.
Suzy was even more shocked,when her eyes suddenly found Sarah,locked up the same way.The girl's eyes,were full of despair,knowing these people had managed to abduct her friend too.
'Now,Miss Cheung.'Kim Yang told her.'I'm going to take my hand away,but be warned,don't scream.I'll see to that,in a moment,but there's nobody to hear you.'
Kim Yang had already the roll of black duct tape by her side,and then warned Suzy again.'Be sensible now.'
She then removed her hand,and was pleased to see Suzy did obey.
'Wh-who are you?' Suzy asked fearfully,at this mad looking woman,whose eyes were boring into Suzy's tightly bound body,with ever increasing lust.Suzy then made a vain struggle,to free herself from the tight ropes.'Why have you kidnapped Sarah,and me?'
Kim Yang enjoyed Suzy's futile efforts,and couldn't wait to get started on her,but she did answer her prisoner.
'Well,you were very concerned about Miss Jennings,were you not,Miss Cheung?'She gestured with her head,over to where Sarah lay bound and gagged,in her cage.The girl was listening,but Kim Yang was still pleased,to see a lot of fear on Sarah's face.
'I'm afraid we couldn't let you call the police,when Miss Jennings wouldn't return,so we decided it was best,to take you too.Besides.' She grinned down lustfully at Suzy's bound body,stroking the girl's cheek.'I wasn't going to miss an opportunity,to sell new,fresh and more pretty merchandise.'
Suzy's face became more scared,as she stammered in shock at this.'You-you wouldn't! You're mad!'
'Don't be silly,my dear.'Kim Yang was still enjoying herself.'It's excellent buisness,and certainly made my bank balance more comfortable,and I know you'll fetch an excellent price.'
Suzy was still shocked.The woman was going to sell her,as some kind of sex slave!The fear inside her,was practically overwhelming her.She had to escape,but how? Tightly bound all over her body,Suzy knew she wasn't going anywhere.Her despair increased.
Just then,Suzy noticed Kim Yang pick up a roll of black duct tape,and the woman tore off a strip,then still grinning,she told Suzy to keep still,then placed it firmly over the girl's mouth,smoothing it over with both her hands,reinforcing it.
Suzy felt the tape stick like glue over her mouth.It was an effective,tight gag,as she could only manage a weak mumbling sound behind it.
Her faint gagged mumbles also pleased her captor.Suzy's eyes went wide,as Kim Yang continued to stroke her cheek,still smiling down at her.
'There!'The woman smirked.'Your mouth looks even more prettier now,my dear.I can't wait to see who buys you.They're in for a treat.'
This made Suzy make more gagged mumbles,only this time,they were more frantic.Yet,what could she do? Just like Sarah,and all the other girls held here,she was completely at her captors mercy.
Suzy gazed over,frightened at Sarah,who mirrored her own expression.Kim Yang noticed it,and remembered Suzy asking why they'd seized Sarah.
'You wanted to know why we kidnapped Sarah? Her brother's on board this ship.'Kim Yang began to explain,as she walked over to another cage.Suzy could see another young Chinese woman,dressed in the white naval uniform.She was really gorgeous,and even bound,and gagged in it,presented a very sexy sight.
However,the girl's eyes were full of apprehension,as Kim Yang then seized the back of the girl's neck,making her squeal behind her own black tape gag.
'This is Miss Angela Lee,Miss Cheung.'The smile was still there,but this time,with no warmth on it.'She's one of Hong Kong's best undercover police officers.She's caused a lot of damage,to my buisness associates,and been an annoying little pest,to say the least.'She tightened her grip,on Angela's neck.'Haven't you,my dear?'
Angela gave a frightened yelp,at the woman's cruel grip,but she recovered quickly,glaring fiercely back at her.
However,this didn't affect Kim Yang at all.Instead,she then started to stroke Angela's silky,long black hair.
'Sarah's brother has a mission,and that is to rescue the lovely Miss Lee.So you have a possible hero,my dear.'
Angela suddenly knew who she was talking about.The European man she'd seen earlier,whilst she was locked up,and of course,when they'd both bumped into each other.So,she may have some new hope after all.
Her new expression was clearly noticed by Kim Yang,and she went on;'I'm very interested in seeing how he does.He's already managed to rescue one pretty girl,who's got her eye on him,and I can't wait to see how he's going to rescue you,Miss Lee.'She then turned to give Sarah,a menacing look.'And his pretty sister too,of course.'
Sarah could only look helplessly back at the elegant,but cruel Chinese woman's face.She was relieved that John had managed to save an innocent woman's life.Even so,Sarah knew she was a hostage,and seeing how her kidnappers were behaving,her fears for all the other girls held here,her brother,and herself,were growing rapidly every second.
Chapter 9 to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago