Angela and Louise were now hopelessly lost.They'd tried to keep Jennings in sight,but had lost sight of him as soon as they re-entered the house.This had now backfired on the two girls,as they'd hoped to keep him in sight,and be of help to him.Both Angela and Louise tried to call out to him,but had they realised where his current position was,there was no way Jennings would have heard them.He was nowhere near them,being on a different floor.There was still a heavy presence of well armed men,and the two girls cowered,as the men raced by.They were clearly expecting trouble.Angela and Louise,remembering the strong presence of the Thai police outside,knew a major gun battle was looming.
'Where is he?'Louise asked,sounding anxious.As long as they'd kept Jennings in sight,both girls felt secure.Now,with no sign of him anywhere,Angela and Louise felt as if they'd walked right back into the lion's mouth.
Angela was just as worried.She craved to be back in Jennings' company,knowing he was a good man,and would help her.Even so,the longer they were here without him,the greater the risk they had of being recaptured.Angela prayed that wouldn't happen.She certainly didn't want to end up being bound,and gagged again.Angela then thought of a battle plan.
Turning to Louise,she suggested.'Do you think we should split up? Might be better.'
Louise nodded her assent.'I'll go down.You check out this floor,then go up.He's bound to be close.'She too,was eager to find Jennings,and be a lot more safer with him.
'Got it.'Angela agreed.She then held Louise's hand,telling her.'Be careful.'
'You too.'Louise returned her friendly gesture,and then,they both moved away from each other.Neither girl noticed they were being closely watched.
Hiding behind a wall,Captain Liu and another one of Kim Yang's men observed the two women with relish.He grinned,listening to the girls agreement to split up.They just made it a lot more easier for him.As he watched them move away from each other,Liu whispered to his accomplice.
'You get the Chinese girl.I'll grab the English woman.'
His accomplice grinned too,and quietly closed in on Angela's unsuspecting form.Liu also made his stealthy approach on Louise.He never took his eyes off the girl,although he did keep a sharp lookout for Jennings.So far,he hadn't seen him,and that suited him just fine.He still kept his eyes on Louise,hearing her slightly nervous calls for Jennings,and then reaching inside his person,brought out the small,but trusted bottle of chloroform.He then took out a white handkerchief,and after folding it over a couple of times,dabbed plenty of the chloroform onto it.
The English girl still had her back to him,as he moved nearer.Liu had to admit Louise was gorgeous.He couldn't wait to get her back into his,and Kim Yang's clutches.It would be even better to have her back,as one of Miss Yang's personal sex slaves,where he'd love to ravish her,just as he had done with many other,very pretty young women in Kim Yang's power.He closed in on the girl,ready to use the chloroform soaked handkerchief,fully admiring Louise in her white navy uniform.
'John,where are you?'Louise was still calling out for Jennings.'Please,,I need you.'
Still no response,and Louise finally conceded that he wasn't on this level,and made to check downstairs.It was then,that she felt herself seized from behind.A strong arm wrapped around her waist,and before she could scream,a strong hand clamped over her mouth.Instantly,Louise felt the handkerchief,and her eyes bulged,as she also recognised the smell of chloroform.
'Hello,my pretty.'Liu's voice chuckled into her ear.'Not leaving us,are you?'
Struggling frantically in her captor's grip,Louise's eyes bulged in horror.She'd never been chloroformed before,and no matter how hard she tried to get the hand away from her mouth,she couldn't escape it.With the handkerchief still firmly held over her mouth,Louise was forced to breathe in the chloroform,and finally,she sagged limp in Liu's hold.
Still grinning,Liu made sure the girl was out,keeping the handkerchief over her mouth.Once satisfied,he took it away,and then told the unconscious Louise,still wearing his unpleasant smile.'I think Miss Yang will be delighted to see you again,my dear.'
Liu then put away the chloroform soaked handkerchief,and lifted Louise over his shoulder.The girl's arms and hair flailed limply down his back,and Liu couldn't resist giving Louise's rump,a very pleasant smack.He then carried her away,obeying Kim Yang's instructions.All that remained now,was to wait for his accomplice to bring Angela to him.
As Liu disappeared with Louise,Angela had no idea that she too,was being watched like a hawk.Liu's accomplice had seen the English girl taken.Now,he too,closed in on his unsuspecting prey.Angela was still searching for Jennings,but without any success.Please let me find him.She thought desperately.It was beginning to unnerve her,how much she was here on her own,and totally lost too.She still hid from the sight of Kim Yang's men hurrying past.There were now shouts between the men,obviously preparing for the upcoming fight.No doubt,the bullets would start flying soon.Angela knew that,and she felt naked without a weapon in her hand.It might be a good idea,to find one.Angela thought sensibly.Unfortunately,just as she thought that,she would never get the chance.
A hand clamped over her mouth,stifling her surprised scream.She felt her arms forced behind her,and Angela froze in fear,her eyes bulging,as she felt the cold,metallic sensation of a gun being held at her neck.
'I strongly suggest you do as you're told,Miss Lee.'She heard a man's voice hiss into her ear.'We have your pretty English friend,and I'm sure you value her health.'Angela felt her captor's hand tighten over her mouth,as he sniggered.'So,are you going to be sensible?'
Helpless,and for Louise's sake,Angela had to nod,mumbling 'yes' under his hand,even though it didn't come out as that.However,her surrender was recognised.
'Very wise,Miss Lee.'The man's voice told her,very pleased.'Now,let's take you to her.'
He dragged the girl along with him,still keeping her hand gagged,and forced her into a waiting lift.As he did so,Angela's eyes were still frantically searching for Jennings.She couldn't help,but try to call out to him,but the man's hand was effective,keeping her attempted cries to a minimum.The lift doors then closed,and she was taken down,further removing her chances of escape.
When the lift doors finally opened,Angela was forced out,and she could see they'd arrived deep underground.There was a river here,and she noticed a small motor boat,moored on the single jetty built.The boat wasn't too small,nor too big.Yet,it was large enough to carry several people,and it was designed to be comfortable.Although,Angela doubted she would be allowed to travel in comfort on it.The river led off into the blackness,although there were fire torches lit on the rocky walls here.It was obviously the way out,but Angela then noticed the small group of armed men,standing guard by the boat.In horror,she then recognised Captain Liu,and Louise's limp form being carried over his shoulder too,and she also spotted Kelly there.Jennings' youngest sister was sitting in the area,just under the steering wheel.She was still bound and gagged,and her eyes were terror stricken.
Liu jumped onto the boat,and turned to see Angela being forced to join him.He grinned maliciously at her,as Angela was forced onto the jetty.He raised a precautionary hand to his accomplice,who stopped,but still tightly held her.
'It's no good screaming your pretty mouth off here,Miss Lee.'Liu warned her.'Rest assured,I'll see to that in a moment,but please,for Louise and Kelly's sake,don't disappoint me.'
He looked at her,his eyes indicating he wanted her obedience,and was pleased to see Angela succumb again.She had too.There was no choice.
'That's a good girl,my dear.'Liu then gestured at the man holding Angela,who then,much to her immense relief,removed his hand from her mouth.Yet,still held her tight.
'Bring her on board.'Liu ordered.
The man holding Angela,then swung her up into his arms,and easily jumped aboard.He noticed Liu had placed Louise into a sitting position,on the deck.Angela found herself being forced into the same position,only this time,her back was to Louise.She could see the many coils of rope the boat had,and realised with dismay,that she was going to be tied up again.
'Okay.'She heard Liu confirm her fears.'Let's tie them up.'
Both Liu and his accomplice expertly cut many lengths of rope,and then pulling both girls wrists behind their backs,started to wrap the ropes over them.Angela grunted in pain,as she felt her hands tied securely.She also felt the ropes over Louise's wrists too,and was aware the English girl was slowly recovering from the chloroform attack.Angela tried to reach the knots with her fingers,even probing for Louise's bonds,but it was impossible.More loops of rope followed around their ankles,knees,and they both wound plenty of tight loops over the girls shirts too.They both enjoyed doing that,seeing the girls chests swell.Angela didn't,and Louise was now getting her senses back,realising she was now tied up.Her eyes widened,as Liu gripped her chin,stuffing a balled up cloth into her mouth,before she could make any protest.Liu then made sure Louise's gag was effective,as he tied a strip of cloth over her mouth.He smiled to himself,as he secured the double knot at the back of her head,keeping it secure,and Louise tightly gagged.His accomplice prepared to follow suit,doing the same method with Angela,when he heard the Chinese woman tell them defiantly.
'Jennings will save us.You're going to be so sorry,when I see how he's going to deal with you.'
Liu just smiled at that,enjoying the girl's spirit.
'Well,that remains to be seen,Miss Lee,but in the meantime,we can't have you,or our other pretty hostages screaming their heads off for help from your hero.'
He then nodded at his accomplice,who was eagerly looking forward to gag her.The man then grasped Angela's chin,reaching inside one of his pockets,to produce a couple of cloths.
'No!'Angela pleaded with her captors,clearly seeing what the cloths were for.Her defiance rapidly diminishing.
'Now,now,Miss Lee.'Liu warned her politely,as he took a hold of Louise's chin,and Angela heard her fellow prisoner give out a faint,but very frightened cry.'Just do as you're told,and I won't have to hurt our two other pretty guests.'
This made Angela stop,on hearing Louise's,and Kelly's faint,but audible gagged cries.'Leave them alone!'She had anger in her tone,but then,another balled up cloth was roughly forced into her mouth,and the man followed the same method as Liu had gagged Louise.He then tied a wider strip of cloth over Angela's mouth,making the knots just as tight.Angela never felt so much despair,as Liu bent down to her,obviously seeing how tightly bound the two girls were.
'Just keep your spirit up,Miss Lee.'Liu told her,checking her ropes.'You're going to need it soon.Miss Yang has a perfect record breaking pretty,but very defiant girls.'
Angela couldn't reply to that,but her fear on hearing Kim Yang's name,made her fear the future.She and Louise backed into each other for comfort,but their position wasn't.The ropes tied over them,and their enforced position on the hard deck of the boat,made both girls extremely uncomfortable.Added to that,Liu was still kneeling down by Louise,a very lustful look on his face,as he used his hand to stroke Louise's tightly bound,but very sexy nyloned legs.Angela felt Louise flinch behind her,and heard her non-existent scream.She instantly knew what Liu was doing to the girl,but could do nothing to prevent it.Her own gagged sounds just made her more scared,hearing Liu chuckle behind her.
'Don't get too impatient,Miss Lee.'Liu's voice was full of sexual lust,which terrified both girls.''You'll be next.'
After enjoying himself fully taking advantage over Louise's helpless form,he then stood up,and gazed down at his three pretty captives.
'That should hold you.'Liu was satisfied the girls wouldn't be able to escape from their bonds.'You'll stay like that for some time,but first,let's give Miss Yang the good news,shall we,ladies?She'll be thrilled to see you both.'
Mentioning Kim Yang again,made Angela and Louise full of dread.Kelly too,stiffened in fear.The girls mumbled weakly behind their gags,not thrilled at all to hear this ominous news.They could only stare fearfully at Liu,as he picked up a radio walkie talkie.
'Miss Yang?'Liu was smiling as he established contact with her.'I have some good news for you.'He then went on to tell her about the recapture of Angela and Louise.
'Excellent work,Captain.'Kim Yang's voice did sound very pleased.'Keep your eyes on them.I'll be down there later,bringing another two pretty slaves with me.'
With that said,Kim Yang closed the call.She was standing behind Sarah's still seated,bound,gagged form,staring down at her prize with mischievous intent.Sarah had clearly heard Kim Yang's intentions,and was now making another frantic,but futile struggle to free herself.Her efforts just made Kim Yang shake her head sadly.
'Patience,my pretty.'She lifted Sarah's head up,forcing the girl to look at her.Kim Yang enjoyed the terror in Sarah's eyes,and she smiled reassuringly at her captive.'I'll get you out of here very soon.'
It certainly wasn't what Sarah wanted to hear.Inside,she was still praying for her brother to get here.With John now on the way,rescue was always there for her,despite Kim Yang's threats against her.Sarah never gave up on her brother,and never would.
Sarah's hopes of rescue seemed reinforced,when one of Kim Yang's men suddenly entered her bedroom,and hurriedly reported.'The police are here,Miss Yang.'
Having been informed of this earlier,Kim Yang wasn't alarmed.Instead,she asked the man calmly.'How many?'
'A lot.They're all armed too.'
'Really?'She then told him.'Well,you'd better go and deal with them,hadn't you?'
Kim Yang then turned to several of her men,still awaiting fresh orders.She then issued one.
'Take Miss Yamamoto down to the boat.The rest of you prepare for the police assault.I don't want any of them to set foot in here.Understood?'
The men nodded their understanding,and one of them went over to the couch,where Kieko lay.He reached down,and ignoring the Japanese girl's frightened,but gagged mumbles,easily placed her over his shoulder,and followed the rest of the men out.Kim Yang then turned her attention,to the man standing guard behind Sarah.
'If her brother comes,kill him,but make certain the girl is unharmed.Do I make myself clear?'
She spoke the last sentence,fully meaning it.However,the man nodded,bowing before her,and Kim Yang then left her bedroom,sliding the door behind her.Sarah still sensed the guard behind her,and she turned her head to look at him.She wished she hadn't.The man's eyes gave her the impression of a cold blooded killer.His eyes never left her,and they really frightened Sarah,who turned her head back quickly away from him.
As Kim Yang exited her bedroom,she had failed to spot Jennings hiding nearby.He had managed to get a glimpse inside the room,just spotting the guard,and Sarah.His sister had been bound and gagged to a chair,and the man guarding her looked alert.Then,Kim Yang had closed the door,and walked past him.However,he'd seen enough.There was only Sarah and the guard in there.Jennings had seen Kim Yang's men enter,and the guard hadn't bothered to turn around.So,it seemed reasonable,if he did the same,but he would have to be quick,in dealing with him.
He silently approached the door,and could see the man and Sarah's shadows.Then,he quietly slid open the door,his eyes never leaving his target.So far so good.The man hadn't turned.Jennings could see Sarah's tightly bound form on the chair.They'd certainly tied her up a lot,but he was silently praying his sister wouldn't turn her head back.She would react to his presence.
Fortunately,Sarah didn't.He could hear her making frightened,mumbling sounds,and recognised she was gagged tightly too.However,this worked in his favour,as the guard was listening to her.This hid his approach,and then Jennings was on him,catching the man totally by surprise,grabbing him in a neck hold.Jennings ruthlessly applied the pressure,and within seconds,the man fell without a sound.
Sarah had heard a brief commotion behind her,and was now trying to turn her head,to see what was going on.She felt her chair being turned around,and it was then,she saw her brother.For the first time in ages,Sarah's eyes lit up.Jennings smiled down at his sister,who was trying to speak behind the tape gag.
'You okay?'He asked his sister,full of concern.He saw Sarah nod vigorously at him,and he gently removed the strip of black tape from her mouth.
'Yes.'Sarah felt so grateful to get her voice back.He then produced his knife,and skillfully began to cut away the many tight ropes over her body.
'Thank God you're okay,John.'Sarah told him,over the moon her brother was here.'They told me they were going to kill you.'
'Yes,I know,Sarah.'Jennings nodded,still cutting away at the ropes.'Luckily,I managed to spot them.'
Suddenly,both of them heard gunfire.It made Sarah jump with fright in her chair.
'What was that?'She yelped.
'Hopefully,it's the cavalry.'Jennings knew he had to help Panna's people,and finally,he freed Sarah.His sister instantly grabbed him,wrapping her arms around his neck,giving him a warm,grateful kiss on the cheek.
'I always knew you would come for me,John.'Sarah somehow managed a smile,as she hugged into him.'I never gave up on you.'
'Are you hurt?'
'No,I'm okay.'Sarah hugged into him more.'They really frightened me though,especially that Yang woman.'
'Yeah.'Her brother agreed.'She's quite sinister.'He then asked her.'Can you walk?'
Sarah tried,but she'd been tied up for ages,and she stumbled into his helpful arms.She had to shake her head at him.
'John,I can't.'
'Don't worry.'Jennings reassured her.'I'll carry you out.'
He scooped Sarah up into his arms easily,and was just about to leave,when they both heard Kim Yang's voice behind them.
'Going somewhere?'
Jennings instantly spun round,still holding Sarah,who cuddled into him more,seeing the Chinese woman,standing still in the doorway.He could see she was pleased.Gently,he put Sarah down,realising he'd have to go through her.Fighting female opponents was very rare for Jennings,but he had done so,and was prepared to do it again,if they were a threat to innocent people.
'So,you're Kim Yang.'Jennings told her.'You've got a lot to answer for,kidnapping my family,and all the other girls.'
She didn't move from her spot,but was still pleased at what he'd just said.Kim Yang liked her opponents to be formidable,and high spirited.It made the victory over them,much more sweeter.
'And you are Sarah,and Kelly's brother,John.'Kim Yang recognised him too.'You certainly appear to have a charmed life,Mr Jennings,but I'm afraid your luck's about to run out.'
She then produced one of her deadly blades.Jennings tensed,and he felt Sarah cling to him more tightly,as Kim Yang began to advance slowly towards them.A quiet,but confident smile on her face as she did so.Jennings noticed Kim Yang had left the door open behind her.This was good news,as he knew the exit wasn't that far off from here.There was a strong chance he could help Sarah escape.He turned to his sister,although never taking his eyes off the approaching Kim Yang.
'Sarah.'He whispered to her,feeling her nails dig into his arm.'The exit's to the left,and straight up,okay?When I tell you to run,go like hell.'
'No,John.'Sarah tightened her grip on her brother.'Don't you dare leave me.'
Kim Yang heard it all,and just kept up her smile at her prey.
'You won't escape,my dear.'She warned Sarah.'After I've dealt with your brother here,I'm going to make you pay for your defiance,just as I will with Kelly.'
Mentioning his youngest sister hardened Jennings,as he almost snarled at her.'Where is Kelly?All the other girls too?What have you done with them?'
'Oh,Kelly's tied up at the moment.'Kim Yang responded truthfully with a smirk.'So are your other pretty girlfriends,and your sister is going to join them.'
She was pleased to see Sarah's reaction.The girl was literally clinging to her brother.Kim Yang noticed Sarah's mixed expression of hate,and fear at her.Yet,her brother stood firm,protecting her.How noble.She thought sneeringly.
'I don't think so.'Jennings' answer was cold.'You'll have to get past me first.'
This was the response Kim Yang wanted.However,before she could respond with another sneer,Jennings suddenly made his move.He kicked the knife out of her grip,catching her completely by surprise.Then,he used his other leg in a sweeping motion,to kick Kim Yang's legs off balance.The woman fell back.
Seizing the moment,Jennings grabbed Sarah,and propelled her forward.'Sarah,run!'
Sarah didn't hesitate,as she bolted out of the room.Kim Yang,still getting her breath back,watched in frustration,as her favourite slave attempted to flee her clutches.
'Stop her!'Kim Yang shouted out angrily,desperate to stop Sarah's escape.She then heard the sound of her men running nearby.'Get the girl!'
Suddenly,there was another burst of gunfire,much more closer this time.It had been one of her own men,firing excitedly,in pursuit of Sarah.This however,didn't impress Kim Yang.
'I want the girl alive,you idiots!Cease firing!'
Her sharp command worked,and then she rose up to meet the challenge of Jennings.Unfortunately for her,Jennings had listened to what she'd just ordered with clenched teeth.He was ready with his next move,even before Kim Yang had stood up fully.He gave her another kick,this time into her midriff,sending her sprawling backwards again.He got a bonus,seeing the Chinese woman hit her head,knocking her senseless.
He didn't bother to gloat at her,he was too professional for that.Instead,Jennings hurried out after Sarah,hoping she was okay.Fortunately,he found her hiding close by,and grabbing her hand,raced towards the exit.The exit came into sight soon enough,however,so did plenty of Kim Yang's men,and they were all armed.They both heard the gun battle raging outside,and Jennings suddenly saw that they'd been spotted.This made a few of them point their weapons at the two of them.Quickly,Jennings grabbed Sarah out of the firing line,and into cover,lying on top of her to protect her,as Kim Yang's men started firing at them.
Sarah couldn't help,but scream as the bullets struck uncomfortably close to them,but Jennings managed to get them into more cover,and then,prepared his own weapon,the deadly AK-47.He held long experience in battle,having fought many combats,and knew precisely how to deal with any threats.He was grateful for the brilliant training he'd received in the British army.It really was the best,and he knew the men firing at him and Sarah,were not professional soldiers,just hired muscle.
'Stay down,okay?'He told Sarah,who nodded,covering her ears,trying to protect her eardrums from the sound of the weapon fire.Jennings knew he had to be quick here.A long,prolonged firefight could prove disastrous for them.The longer he was held up here,the less chance he had of rescuing Kelly,and all the other girls.
He flicked off the safety catch,and waited for the right moment.It came soon enough,as the weapons fire ceased,as Kim Yang's men ran out of ammunition,and began changing their magazine clips.Quickly,Jennings leaned out,and began to return fire on his opponents.He fired in short,but deadly accurate bursts.Every burst he fired,hit his designated target.Within a minute,he'd finished them off.Their bloody corpses were sprawled all over.Jennings felt grim satisfaction at gaining the upper hand.Even so,he'd better make sure.
Glancing at Sarah,he laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder.'Stay here,Sarah.'he warned her.'I'll just make sure it's clear.'
Sarah gripped his hand tightly in return.'Don't be long,John.Please.'She insisted to him,desperate to get away from this awful place.
Jennings nodded,and rising up from his cover point,began to check the area out.Even though,he could still hear the gun battle raging outside,there was no more armed opposition,that came out to face him.Satisfied it was clear,Jennings was just about to call for Sarah,when he suddenly heard her scream in fear.He started to race back to her,but then seeing why,he had to freeze.
Kim Yang was there,and she held Sarah tight,one arm over her shoulders,and a gun pointed right into his sister's neck.Sarah's face pleaded at her brother,whilst Kim Yang's was one of utter menace.
'Drop the weapon,Jennings.'Kim Yang's voice was totally inhuman.'Or I drop your pretty sister.'
To emphasise her threat,the Chinese woman pointed the gun harder into Sarah's neck,making her hostage gasp in pain.Jennings clenched his teeth,seeing his sister hurt.This made him slowly kneel,aiming his own weapon at Kim Yang's head,but the woman was wise to what he was planning,and made sure her head was right behind Sarah's,thus denying him the opportunity for a headshot.
'Let her go,Kim Yang.'Jennings' voice wasn't friendly.'I mean it.'
This didn't work.Instead,Kim Yang suddenly clamped her hand over Sarah's mouth.However,Jennings noticed her eyes look behind him,and he just saw a shadow get nearer.Whirling around,he was just in time to stop one of Kim Yang's men,hoping to ambush him with a knife.Fortunately,Jennings knocked the weapon away from him,and using the AK-47's rifle butt,to smash it into the man's solar plexus.The man was completely winded,and then Jennings gave him a viscous uppercut,sending him senseless.
Enraged,Kim Yang watched Jennings easily defeat one of her men,but as she watched him turn back round to face him,she suddenly took the gun away from Sarah's neck,and aimed it at him.She instantly fired off several shots,each bullet striking Jennings' upper body.The impact sent his body crashing backwards,and there was a sickening crunch,as he hit his head on one off Kim Yang's furniture pieces,before he crashed onto the floor.His arm flailed up,before it fell limp.
Sarah had instantly screamed,seeing her brother being coldly gunned down.She didn't spot Kim Yang's sadistic smile,as she frantically struggeled to break free from her,desperately trying to get to his unmoving form.However,despite superhuman strength,Kim Yang easily held onto her.Her cruel voice chuckled into her ear,still keeping Sarah handgagged.
'Well,I don't think your hero brother will be bothering me again,will he,my pretty?'She gloated.
Satisfied Jennings was dead,Kim Yang then began to drag Sarah away.The girl was still frantically trying to call for her brother,but he didn't move,and once Sarah had been forced away from his still,unmoving body,her screams turned into utter despairing sobs.
Chapter 29 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago