Suzuki Yamamoto wearily stopped the alarm buzzing from her bed.She glanced sleepily at the time displayed on the alarm clock.It read 0600,and reluctantly,she raised herself out of her bed,to head into the shower.After cleaning and drying herself thoroughly,Suzuki headed back into her room,to get dressed.Within a few minutes,she was glancing at herself in the mirror.Her police uniform made her appear very smart.Suzuki wore a smartly pressed blue shirt,matched with an almost blue,knee length skirt.She checked her dark blue nylons,and was satisfied that she'd do well at inspection,once she'd reach work.All of her police colleagues were inspected every morning,by their superiors.They did this to constantly check for anybody,who wasn't so keen on inspections.Punishment could be quite severe,but Suzuki knew it was done to keep them on their toes,and it did show benefits.
Now that Suzuki was dressed,she put on her shoes,a pair of smartly polished,black high heeled shoes.She then went downstairs to prepare breakfast.Once this was done,Suzuki headed back upstairs to stop outside another bedroom.She knocked politely on the door,then opened it.There was a familiar,sleeping figure on the bed inside.Suzuki walked over to the bed,and knelt down,shaking a visible shoulder.
'Wake up,little sister.'Suzuki spoke close to her sibling.'Breakfast is ready.'
There was a stirring,as her sister blearily opened her eyes.Once she recognised who was speaking to her,she pulled the blankets back over her head.
'Go away.'was what Suzuki heard from beneath the blankets.
'Come on,Kieko.'Suzuki's voice became a little more firmer,as she walked forward to kneel down by her youngest sister's bed.She gently shook Kieko's shoulder,saying.'It's time to get up.'
The only result Suzuki noticed,was that Kieko didn't budge an inch.She accepted that her sister wasn't going to obey her,so with a quiet smile on her face,Suzuki suddenly grabbed the blankets on Kieko's bed,and yanked them off.Kieko,dressed in Mickey Mouse pyjamas,suddenly squealed in surprise at this.She bent her knees,as she appeared to be fully awake now.Her face glared at Suzuki.
'Hey!'Kieko was furious with her.'What did you do that for?'
'Two very good reasons,young lady.'Suzuki answered calmly.'First and foremost,I am your elder sister,so you will respect and obey my wishes.Secondly,have you forgotten what day it is today?'
'What's that got to do with it?'Kieko had now angrily grabbed the blankets back,and lay back on the bed,wanting more sleep.
'Your English friends are coming today,remember?'Suzuki reminded.
This seemed to do the trick.Kieko's eyes suddenly snapped wide awake,as she flung herself out of bed.
'Jennings san!'She called out excitedly,as she hurried into the shower.Suzuki kept her faint smile,as she heard Kieko then ask.'What time are they arriving?'
'You have forgotten that also,I see.'Suzuki just shook her head sadly.'Their plane arrives at Nine o'clock.You told me that many times yourself.'
She then heard Kieko turn on the shower,and Suzuki headed back into the kitchen.Father will be up soon.She thought.Better prepare his breakfast too,and she did.Kieko had showered quickly.All the sleep and tiredness,had now vanished from her system.She was so looking forward to being reunited with Jennings,and his younger sister,Sarah.Kieko and Jennings had kept in touch,since he'd rescued her from those slavers clutches,back in the Thai jungle.Even though Kieko had made a strong recovery from it,she still couldn't help,but sometimes shudder,especially when she remembered that awful Chinese woman,Kim Yang.She'd written many letters to Jennings,who always replied,and was pleased to see him write that both his younger sisters,had also made a full recovery from their own ordeals.However,he'd also written their chief abductor,Kim Yang,had simply vanished into thin air.Kieko certainly hoped she'd seen the last of her.
She finished her shower,and after drying herself,Kieko chose to wear a white shirt,and a pair of blue jeans.She put on a pair of trainers,and went into the kitchen.Suzuki was already there,dishing out her breakfast.It was just then that the girls noticed their father enter the kitchen.Toshiro Yamamoto held an average figure,but he possessed a first class brain,and used it to great effect.Just like his eldest daughter,Suzuki,he was an officer in the Tokyo police department,and an extremely efficient one.He'd done a lot of good work,making a lot of Tokyo free from criminal activity.So much so,that he was rapidly promoted to command a large district of Tokyo,especially by the docks.Yamamoto really had his work cut out there.He faced many problems,ranging from smuggling to taking on the strong yakuza presence there.His people had intercepted many shipments sent over to these ruthless gangsters,and as expected,they didn't take kindly to it.Threats,including death ones,were repeatedly sent to him,but Yamamoto was made of stern stuff.He refused to be intimidated by these gangsters,and took the fight to them.His success rate,was very high indeed,making him a hugely popular officer.
Yamamoto had just picked up the post,and had walked into the kitchen.Both his daughters had stood up,and immediately bowed deeply to him.
'Good morning,Father.'Both Kieko and Suzuki greeted him in unison.
He nodded to them,and returned their affectionate gesture,answering.'Continue your breakfast.'
Both girls sat back down at the table,and resumed eating.Yamamoto joined them,and Suzuki pushed his own breakfast towards him.He then handed over the girls post to them.Suzuki had some new details from work,as she was pursuing a promotion,and she opened the letter up.It was good news.
'My exam results are at the end of the week,Father.'Suzuki informed him.She was very pleased,now knowing a date had been set,and she couldn't wait.Suzuki was a lot like her father.She worked,and studied very hard.Suzuki was totally dedicated to her police role.She studied,and worked very hard indeed.Of course,she did have a sense of humour,but it wasn't shown much by her.Suzuki felt she didn't have much time for laughs.Kieko on the other hand,was bubbly,and really gregarious.She was highly popular amongst her own work colleagues,and Kieko had many friends,from all over the world.Of course,that didn't mean Kieko worked just as hard.She loved her job,working for Japanese naval intelligence.It meant dealing with any threat to Japan,or even outside her country.There had been many benefits,as everybody worked together to fight any malicious plans being prepared,especially when innocent lives were being threatened.It felt good to stop these actions,wherever it was.
Her father had handed her a letter.Kieko instantly knew it was from Jennings.She eagerly opened it up,and was pleased to see he'd written several pages for her.There were also some postcards he'd enclosed,and Kieko read he was looking forward to seeing her again,and meeting her family.Her father too,had expressed that wish,knowing his youngest daughter had been rescued from modern,ruthless slave dealers.In fact,he'd asked Kieko what had happened,who told him the whole story.Yamamoto knew a name Kieko had told him,that he knew full well.This wasn't good news.When Kieko had told him about the fight in the 'Eastern Princess' engine room,she'd said Takachi had fallen to his death,whilst Jennings rescued Sarah.But of course,Takachi's body was never recovered.
This made Yamamoto worry.He knew all about Takachi,a high profile yakuza boss,who dominated much of the Tokyo underworld.His reputation was fearsome,and his thugs bullied,intimidated many innocent people,as he gained more and more power.A lot of people were terrified of him.Not so,Yamamoto.He was made of stern stuff,and was always willing to accept any challenge.He'd done so many times,when he was an ordinary patrolman on the streets.His superiors soon recognised his bravery,and skills,and rewarded him.He was promoted,and was soon able to pick his own people.Yamamoto made sure he chose suitable candidates,from the military.In other words,Yamamoto always got people who were great thinkers,and would not allow themselves to be bullied,or intimidated.It was a system that worked really well.He'd been able to launch a deadly counter on Takachi's reign of terror,forcing his yakuza away from decent people,and this made Yamamoto more popular than ever.
Takachi however,had been livid with fury.He swore revenge on Yamamoto,and especially on his family.Yamamoto always worried for his Suzuki,and Kieko.If anything happened to them,he'd swore vengeance on anybody responsible for hurting his daughters,even deadly yakuza.
They all finished their breakfast,and then headed towards their garage,where their car was waiting for them.Yamamoto opened the rear door to allow his daughters climb in,before he sat on the driving seat,and then drove off,heading towards the airport.None of them had seen,that their departure had been watched by unfriendly eyes.
With a screech of its tyres,the 747 made a perfect landing at Tokyo International airport.The plane was then taxied away from the busy airport traffic,as small trucks approached it,carrying the huge,portable stairways,that they'd put up against the doors of the plane,when it finally stopped.Inside the plane,there was a full complement of passengers,as they readied themselves to exit the plane.Two of the passengers,were Jennings,and Sarah.Sarah had fully loved every minute of the flight,having the travel bug,whilst her brother had closed his eyes in utter relief,knowing they'd landed safely.He hated flying,and whilst he'd done it on his military duties,Jennings didn't really care much for civilian airlines.He also felt naked on them,not having the defensive hardware to thwart off any attempt,to blow them out of the sky.
Sarah was eagerly looking forward to seeing Kieko,and her family.She and her brother had still kept in touch,ever since that adventure on the doomed cruise ship,the 'Eastern Princess.'All of the girls,who'd been abducted by Kim Yang,had stayed in touch.They'd formed an unbreakable friendship,and Sarah was so pleased,that they'd all been saved by John.Of course she knew that all the girls still wrote to him,and she could see they all had their eyes on him.Sarah smiled to herself at that thought.She knew why Kieko had invited them here,and John had admitted to her,that he really liked Kieko.
Turning to him,Sarah saw him close his eyes in overwhelming relief.She held his hand,to support him.
'I take it you didn't enjoy your flight,John?'She smiled,as she asked him that.
Jennings opened his eyes,and seeing his sister's smile,returned it.
'It was okay.'He never admitted to being frightened,but he was glad to get back on the ground,and said that.
'You worry too much,John.'Sarah still kept her smile,telling him.'Flying is the safest way to travel.'
Jennings made no reply to that,only squeezing Sarah's hand gently,as they then saw all the other passengers get their hand luggage,from up above them.He and Sarah did the same.Then,finally,the doors were opened by the highly efficient ground crews,and everybody got up to leave the plane.They passed through customs,and obtained their luggage.Jennings noticed Kieko straight away,and she spotted him too.Forgetting the traditional Japanese greeting,Kieko ran straight up to him,and they both warmly embraced.Jennings actually spun her through the air.
'Jennings san!'Kieko was kissing his face like mad,and she was starting to cry tears of joy.It had been a while since she'd last seen him,and Kieko was determined to make his and Sarah's stay enjoyable.
'Hello,Kieko.'Jennings was still enjoying Kieko's greeting,but he could see Kieko's father,and her sister waiting,so he then whispered to her.'I'd better say hello to your family.'
Kieko nodded,as Jennings let her greet Sarah.Both girls were really pleased to see each other again,and gave each other a warm greeting too.They then walked up to Kieko's family.Kieko then introduced them.
'This is my father,Jennings san,and my elder sister,Suzuki.'
'Konnichiwa,Mr Yamamoto.'Jennings put his hand on his heart,and bowed deeply to them both.He had learnt from Kieko,that the deeper you bowed to somebody in Japan,the more respect you were showing.He'd also learnt a little Japanese too,but it was only simple basics.Privately,Jennings hoped Kieko's father and sister,would speak English to him.Both Yamamoto and Suzuki bowed respectfully back to him,and Yamamoto then offered his hand.
'I am very pleased to meet you,Mr Jennings.'Yamamoto was pleased to see the Englishman accept his hand.Both shook it firmly,as it should be.He the turned to Suzuki,gesturing for her to come forward.'This is Suzuki,my eldest daughter.'
Suzuki gave them both a polite,yet still warm smile.She exchanged hugs and kisses as Kieko had done.She liked the look of Jennings.He was tall,strong,but his eyes were gentle.She could see why Kieko had fallen for him.If she hadn't immersed herself in her work,Suzuki would have liked to have found out more about him.She could see Kieko giving her a warning look,fully recognising her sister's interest.Jennings in return,thought back to Kieko describing her elder sister.
'Suzuki's great.'She had written in an earlier letter to him.'But she does drive me mad sometimes.You wonder if she ever smiles,or laughs.All she thinks about,is her job.'
Jennings had recognised the smart blue police uniform Suzuki was wearing,and he also saw the seriousness in her eyes.True,she had greeted he and Sarah genuinely,but Jennings could tell she had to be somewhere else.In fact,Suzuki mentioned it.
'Will you drop me off at work,please,father?'She asked.
Yamamoto nodded,but then went to help with their guests luggage.Both he and Jennings carried the bigger suitcases to the car,and after Yamamoto had carefully placed them in the boot,politely refusing Jennings' offers of assistance,opened the car door again,to let them in.Kieko had already translated to Jennings and Sarah,that they were dropping Suzuki off first at her work.Neither of them objected to it.
Yamamoto then drove off.Suzuki sat in the front with him,whilst Kieko made sure she sat next to Jennings.Sarah was thrilled,looking outside,fully enjoying the sights racing by her.
'John,I can't believe we're here,in Japan!'Her voice was excited,and her brother nodded in agreement.
'Yes,Japan's always a place I've wanted to come and visit,Sarah.'
'I've got loads of things planned for you.'Kieko had already worked out what,and where she was going to take them.'You'll both have a great time here.I'll see to that.'
Suzuki glanced at Jennings again in the mirror,secretly admiring the Englishman's powerful physique.Jennings noticed it,and gave her another polite smile.Suzuki blushed faintly,but she also noticed Kieko glaring at her.
I know that look.Suzuki thought wearily,recognising Kieko's expression.She's saying hands off.
Still,it was a very pleasant atmosphere,as they drove on.Then,Yamamoto pulled the car up to a stop outside a police station.Suzuki then turned to face Jennings and Sarah.
'I will see you shortly,once I have finished my shift.'Suzuki addressed them in perfect English,and both of them smiled politely at her,wishing her well.She then kissed her father thanks,and said goodbye to Kieko too.Then,Suzuki exited the car,and after waving them off,entered the station.
It was a busy day,as she noticed all her fellow officers perform their tasks.Suzuki then reached her own desk.It was immaculately kept,with no sign of a mess anywhere.That wasn't her idea of fun.All her files were kept neatly,and her computer sat on her desk,ready to offer any new information she needed.
Her own duty assignment for today was waiting for her on the desk,and opening it up,Suzuki saw that she'd been ordered to report to Captain Sakai,her superior.Automatically,Suzuki glanced for Kimie.This was Captain Sakai's daughtet,who was also a police officer.She was great friends with Kimie,as they'd walked many patrols together.The last she'd heard from Kimie was that she'd been called in,to do some investigating at a bank,but there'd been no contact from her.
Still,Suzuki was confident she would see Kimie again.For the moment though,the Captain required her presence,and she headed towards his private office.He was there,and after she knocked on his door,waved at her to come in.
Captain Sakai was sitting behind his desk,working through a mass of paperwork on it.Suzuki could see he looked worried.She also noticed a photo of Kimie,that was always on his desk,and he was making constant,frequent glances at his daughter's photograph.Something's wrong.Suzuki thought,now worried herself.She didn't doubt that for a moment.
Sakai however,managed a faint smile at her,and gestured for her to sit down.Like her father,Sakai was a very well respected officer.He was a close friend of the family,and like Yamamoto,was a hard taskmaster.He was firm,but fair.He too,was determined to fight the criminal element,threatening decent people,especially the yakuza element.Sakai knew the yakuza would always be there,but he too,followed the right advice that Yamamoto always urged against these thugs.
'Never let them intimidate you.'He'd said.'Never give in to them.If you do that,you will always prevail.'
Both Sakai and Suzuki had agreed whole heartedly.Her father had indeed,worked miracles,clearing up many crime ridden areas of Tokyo.Yet,the yakuza menace was always there,and the battles were still constant.
'How are you,Officer Yamamoto?'Sakai asked her politely.
'Fine,thank you Sir.'Suzuki answered.
'Good.Because I need you for a special assignment.Undercover work.'
This thrilled Suzuki,although she kept calm.Undercover work!Suzuki had always dreamed of doing something like this.Getting into the bad guys hideout,and watching their movements,before she could call in the good guys to make the arrests.Now,she had her chance.
Sakai then handed her several photographs.Suzuki glanced through them all.The first picture she saw,was a modern type office building.She could see a sign above it saying.'National Treasures Bank of Japan.'All the other photographs showed women.Suzuki could see the women were all young,and very attractive.In fact,some of them were drop dead gorgeous.Still,she was slightly puzzled,as she glanced back up at her Captain.
'The bank you saw on the first picture,has been under suspicion for some time.'Sakai started to explain.'All the women you saw on those photos,have disappeared.Every one of them,was last seen going into that bank.Some worked there,whilst there have also been customer disappearances too.'
'Any information on this bank,Captain?'Suzuki asked.
'Indeed there is.'Sakai nodded.'They only open accounts,for single,young women,and only employ women of the same virtue.'
'That's unusual,Sir.'Suzuki admitted.'You sent anybody in to investigate this bank?'
'I did.'This time,Sakai's smile disappeared,as he glanced at Kimie's photo on his desk.Suzuki clearly saw his worried face,and had a terrible incline at what he was going to say next.'I sent my own daughter in,but haven't heard from her.'
Suzuki's face now mirrored Sakai's.She knew Kimie was a very confident,police officer.Surely she couldn't be in trouble?
'No contact at all,Sir?'Suzuki felt an idiot asking that.He'd just told her,but Sakai didn't rebuke her.
'I'm afraid not.Kimie was supposed to check in last night.She never called in,and she's not answering her phone.I even went to her house,but there's no sign of her.She'll always leave me a note,saying where she's going.There was nothing.'
Suzuki fully heard the worried tone in his voice,but then he went on more positively.
'Now of course,I could order the bank raided,but if those girls,and Kimie are there,I don't want to endanger them.So,I would like you to go in,and see if they're there.'He paused momentarily,before asking her.'Will you do it?'
'Of course,Captain.'Suzuki didn't hesitate.A friend was in trouble,and she had no intention of refusing.
'Thank you.'Sakai's smile returned in gratitude.It was a faint one,but he was gratified.Although,his voice was still serious,as he went on.'We'll equip you with a wire,so we can listen in to who you talk to,and we'll have all exits covered.But remember,Suzuki,you will be on your own.Are you still certain you want to do this?'
'Yes,Sir.'Suzuki's voice was adamant.'I do.'Then,she asked him.'How do I get in,Sir?'
'Believe it or not,they are advertising vacancies,and are interviewing new people as we speak.More precisely,they're asking for females.You'll have to apply for one of the positions.'
'I'll get on it immediately,Captain.'Suzuki then stood up,and respectfully saluted him.'Don't worry,Sir.If Kimie is there,I'll get her back for you.'
Suzuki then left his office,to head back to her own desk.Sakai watched her leave.He sincerely hoped she'd be okay.Suzuki,like Kimie before her,was a very confident,and capable officer.He knew her father had taught her well,yet somehow,Sakai had a nasty feeling he'd just put her into the lion's mouth.
Suzuki had reached her desk,and immediately turned on her computer.Straight away,she entered the internet,and then typed in the National Treasures Bank of Japan's details.The results came up instantly,and Suzuki rested her chin on her hands,as she studied the information displayed on the webpage.Everything looked legitimate,and it was an impressive read,for anybody interested working in finance.However,Suzuki then spotted the job vacancies advertised,and she read the details.
'Only single young women need apply.'She mummured to herself.'Ages from 22 to 27.'
Straight away,Suzuki smelt a rat.But now,she had a start,and after finding the relevent telephone number,wrote it down,and then dialled it.
The two men lay perfectly concealed outside the Yamamoto home.Both were waiting for their targets to return,and had strict instructions to observe everything that went on here.They were both equipped with binoculars,radio walkie talkies,and ominously,silenced pistols.
They then saw Yamamoto drive back into his grounds.After stopping the car,they watched him exit,followed by Jennings,Sarah,and finally,Kieko.Yamamoto went to take in his guests luggage,who still politely refused Jennings' offers of help.They all then,entered the house.One of them took his walkie talkie,and reported in.
'Yamamoto has returned.'The man spoke softly into the receiver.'He's with his youngest daughter,plus two Westerners.'
'You have secured surveillance,in the house?'A man's cold voice came back at them instantly,over the radio.
'We did it earlier.'The first man answered.'When they were out.'
'Very well.'The man's voice was still cold,and didn't offer them any congratulations on that.They actually heard the faint voice of a woman,speaking to him in the background,before he came back to them.'Find out who those Westerners are.'
Both men resumed their spying duties.
Inside the house,Yamamoto and Kieko were preparing drinks for their guests.Both Jennings and Sarah gratefully accepted them.Kieko gave him his,and she sat down next to him,linking her arm through his.Yamamoto gave Sarah hers,and sat down opposite them.He could see Kieko was totally absorbed by Jennings,and even though he would always be eternally grateful to the Englishman for saving his daughter's life,he still wished Kieko could have chosen somebody much more closer to home.
'How long do you plan to stay in Japan,Mr Jennings?' Yamamoto asked him in Japanese.He saw immediately,that he really annoyed Kieko,who glared at him,but she translated for him.
'Oh,a month,that's all.'Jennings replied.'I hope that's okay,Mr Yamamoto?'
'Of course it is.'Kieko told her father in her own language.'It was what we earlier agreed,wasn't it,Father?'
Yamamoto clearly heard the disapproval in Kieko's voice,but refrained from rebuking her.He didn't want to start a fight with her.So,he nodded.
'Yes,you and your sister are most welcome here.'He said,still in Japanese.'I am honoured by your visit.'
Kieko's faint hostility vanished,to be replaced by a loving smile.Yamamoto knew Kieko had literally bullied him into accepting her wishes.Seeing her happy,was all he wanted to see,and Kieko was very,very happy indeed.He had hoped his daughters would meet somebody much more closer to home.Suzuki of course,was simply too busy in finding a man,but Kieko had her eyes firmly set on Jennings.Yamamoto hoped they'd be happy together,and also hoped there would be no problems.
As shown on it's photograph,the National Treasures Bank of Japan appeared a small place.However,when one entered the building,they would have seen a totally different place.The bank's interior was very well designed,and there was plenty of space to work in.The female cashiers wore friendly smiles,as they greeted their only allowed female customers.The female employees were also smartly dressed.Each girl wore a white shirt,with a knee length,black skirt.This was mandatory,imposed by the management,insisting on this dress code.The girls were allowed to choose their own nylons,but each had to wear a highly polished pair of black,high heeled shoes.This made every one of the girls who worked here,extremely attractive.
Set well back from the reception area,were the back room offices.In these rooms,the management of the bank could oversee the running of their buisiness,in complete privacy.In one of these rooms,were three people,a man,and two women.The man was Japanese,and he was sitting behind a desk,wearing a cold,determined,even ruthless expression.His face,at the moment though,was grinning.One of the women was Japanese also,the other was Chinese.However,the Japanese girl wasn't grinning.She couldn't,as a large strip of black tape covered her mouth.She sat helpless,with her hands tied behind her back,and her upper body was tied tight,with many loops of rope wound over,and below her chest.Her ankles were tied together,being forced to one of the lower struts.Her expression was full of fear,as she stared wide eyed,at her captors.The other woman was Chinese,and like the Japanese man,she too,was grinning.Both were observing their captive,with interest.It was they that had bound and gagged her to the chair she was now sitting on.Every loop of rope they'd wound over,and below her chest,had been pulled as tight as possible,firmly holding her onto the chair.They'd caught her by surprise,as she'd been secretly going through the draws,and files in this office.She'd been forcibly hand gagged by the man,with a deadly blade held at her throat.There had been no choice,but to surrender.Both her captors had enjoyed tying her up,and were now savouring their prisoner,with increasing lust.
'Sorry if you are uncomfortable,Miss Sakai.'The man addressed her,still maintaining his grin.'But we certainly don't want you running away,and telling your police colleagues about our operation here now,do we my dear?'
Kimie Sakai tried to say something,but the tape over her mouth held firm.She could only manage a few faint,and frightened mumbles behind the gag.She'd volunteered her services to go undercover here,at this bank.There had been strong suspicions of kidnappings,possibly linked to a major slavery operation.Kimie had seen it as her duty to stop this sort of thing.She had read all the intelligence reports about this place.A lot of the female staff had simply vanished,and even the female customers was affected.Just like Suzuki before her,Kimie was suspicious about the bank's recruiting methods.Back at the police station,Kimie had persuaded her father to let her try and enter this place.He had finally,but reluctantly agreed.Her efforts had paid off,but now,she was caught,and could only stare in fear at her captors,dreading what they had in mind for her.
In particular,Kimie was very frightened of the Chinese woman,who was calmly observing her,and enjoying her fear filled eyes.This woman had actually interviewed her,in application for the job.Who she was,Kimie had no idea,but she was definitely bad news.Her eyes showed Kimie,that she appeared just as ruthless as the Japanese man.
She was still sitting tied up,when all of a sudden,there was a call.It wasn't from a telephone,but Kimie then saw the man produce a walkie talkie.The man answered,and listened to the man's voice speaking to him.Then,the reply was sent back,as the Japanese man issued sharp orders,to find out who two people were.All Kimie could hear,was that they were from the West.
The man then turned to the Chinese woman sitting opposite him.
'Interesting news.'He stated to her.
'Indeed.'The Chinese woman responded,with a cunning smile.
'You know anything about them?'The man's voice was still interested.
'Let's just say I have my hopes up,about renewing old acquaintances.'
'So you do know something.'The Japanese man smiled thinly.He then took out a bottle of saki,and poured two portions,into two small cups.He then handed one of them over to the Chinese woman,who accepted it.
'I sincerely hope these two have information,about my brother's death.'His thin smile had now vanished,and his voice was now filled with menace.'If I find out they had anything to do with it,I'll be most anxious,to get some answers from them.No matter how I do it.'
The Chinese woman nodded thoughtfully,ignoring the venom spoken in the last part,merely saying.'Hopefully,you won't have to wait too long for that.'
She had of course,her own plans,but wasn't going to tell him that.Instead,she saw his smile return,as he gazed lustfully back,at the bound and gagged girl.
'You have something special planned for the girl?'He inquired.
'I need her as a hostage first.'The woman nodded again,as she stroked a finger through Kimie's smooth,black hair.The girl whimpered behind her gag,and the woman went on.'They're sending in another female officer,to come in undercover,and of course,to try and rescue Miss Sakai.'The woman smiled more menacingly.'In fact,it's an unexpected bonus.It's the eldest daughter of Chief Yamamoto,Suzuki coming here.'
Kimie's eyes bulged in shock above her gag.They were going to seize Suzuki!With her best friend in their clutches,these criminals would always have the edge over their friends.What were they going to do? She then watched the Japanese man sneer.
'Excellent news.Once we have his pretty daughter,and the lovely Miss Sakai here as our hostages,Yamamoto will do anything we demand.'He paused,before finishing.'Even if it means his death.'
Kimie couldn't help,but give a frightened,but considerably muted shriek into her gag.These two were not human beings,but despicable,and callous monsters.Her own thoughts were filled with utter terror.She was still dreading what her captors had in mind for her,when the Chinese woman stroked Kimie's hair again.
'Don't worry,my dear.'She smiled,which made Kimie's skin crawl.'You'll serve me well,as a pretty hostage.Then,I'm going to keep you,as one of my personal sex slaves.I will have the utmost pleasure,in tying you up,and gagging you every day,before I ravish you to my heart's content.'She still kept her sinister smile,lifting Kimie's chin up to her,before finishing.'Once I've had enough of you,I'll sell you to the highest bidder.'
This shocking statement made Kimie go into frantic struggling against the tight ropes,that held her.However,it was useless.Not one of the ropes even moved an inch.Kimie had to concede in utter despair.
Her frantic,but futile efforts had been enjoyed by the woman,who still smirked down at her,keeping a hold of her chin.
'You'll fetch an excellent price,my dear,as will Miss Yamamoto.I'm sure of that,and I really can't wait to see who'll bid for you,after I've had my fun with you both.'
The woman laughed,releasing her chin.Kimie's fear was going into full overdrive.She was a hostage,and soon to be sold into a life of sex slavery,with Suzuki not far off being captured either.The worst thing of all,was that Kimie knew there was nothing,or nobody,who could help her.
Just then,she suddenly found out her kidnappers identities,as the Chinese woman raised her cup of saki to the man.
'It's a pleasure to do buisness with you,Mr Takachi.'
The man known as Takachi nodded politely back,raising his own cup in return.
'Likewise,Miss Yang.'
Kim Yang smiled.She had much to look forward too.
Chapter 2 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago