As soon as he heard the police sirens,Takachi swore to himself.He gripped Kieko more tightly,who was still desperately trying to break free from him,yet without success.There was still a few of his men here,and as soon as they saw several police cars screech to a halt outside,every one of his men suddenly raised their weapons,and started shooting.They were pleased to see numerous police officers,hastily scramble back into cover,and they continued their barrage.
Taking cover behind his own car,Yamamoto had already pulled out his own personal handgun,but it was a peashooter,compared to what the robbers were firing at them.All he could do,was to keep his head down.Crouching next to him,Jennings wished he had a weapon to fire back,but for the moment,that option wasn't viable.He had another one of his bad feelings,and prayed Sarah and Kieko were okay.He also remembered Suzuki and Sakai's daughter too.Jennings had a strong hunch the girls were in there.He sincerely hoped the bad guys hadn't found them.
Yamamoto glanced at his officers with him.So far,none of his people had been hit,and could see that they were all determined to meet the challenge.Yamamoto also checked on his friend,Sakai,making sure he had taken cover.He had,and had managed to return fire a couple of times,but the deadly gunfire came back menacingly at them,forcing them to keep low.
'Everybody stay down!'Yamamoto yelled to his people,feeling like an idiot,as that's what they were all doing.It was then,that he spotted Kieko.His face was stunned,seeing his daughter held tight,and handgagged by his hated nemesis,Takachi.
His face was enraged seeing this,and forgetting himself,Yamamoto stood up to race forward,and free his daughter.Yamamoto had just gotten to his feet,when Jennings suddenly grabbed him back down again.Just in time too,as another hail of bullets struck uncomfortably close.They were showered with shards of glass,shattered from the car windows,but were not injured.
'You want to get killed?'Jennings had to shout to him,above the gunfire..
Realising Jennings was right,Yamamoto nodded his thanks to the Englishman,as he sat up,but stayed hidden from the gunmen inside the bank.Jennings knocked him on the shoulder,in support.
'Don't worry.'He reassured his host.'We'll get your daughters out of there.'
How he was going to accomplish this,Jennings had no idea,but he always accepted a challenge,even if his opponents seemed to hold the upper hand.For the moment though,there was nothing he could do.
Inside the bank,Takachi still held onto Kieko tightly.He had enjoyed watching his men scatter the police,and knew immediately,that he did indeed,hold the upper hand.
He was also enjoying his hostage's struggles,making his sexual lust increase massively.Kieko was still desperately trying to break free from him,but it was impossible.Her vain efforts only made Takachi pull her more tightly to him.
'Keep struggling,Miss Yamamoto.'Takachi chuckled into her ear.'You're not going to get away from me.'
Still handgagged,Kieko could only mumble faintly,as she then felt herself being forced back.Takachi had decided to take her through the back,and secure her with his other two pretty hostages.
'Keep your eyes open.'Takachi warned his men.'Yamamoto's a dangerous opponent.Let me know if they try anything.'
His men nodded their complete obedience,and kept shooting outside,hoping to strike a target.
Takachi easily forced Kieko back into the room,where Suzuki and Kimie still sat bound and gagged to their chairs.He was especially pleased to see the despair in Kieko's sister's eyes,as he dragged his latest prize in.Still keeping a hold on the girl,Takachi dragged another,hard backed wooden chair over,before forcing Kieko to sit on it.It was then he produced a large,and sharp blade,making Kieko freeze in utter fear.
'No screams now,Miss Yamamoto.'Takachi warned her with a chilling smile.He still had his hand over her mouth,before continuing.'I'd hate to mark that pretty face,as well as your sister and her friend,so please,be quiet.'
Takachi waited for a few moments,observing Kieko's expression.The girl was scared stiff.He could see that,but was pleased to see her struggles cease.He then slowly,took away his hand.Kieko didn't scream.
'Very good,my dear.'He smiled unpleasantly at her.'Now don't move.'
With that said,Takachi then grabbed more coils of rope,that he and Kim Yang had used to secure Suzuki and Kimie.
'Now,Miss Yamamoto.Hands behind the chair.'He ordered her curtly.
Kieko had to obey.The moment she did so,Takachi grabbed her wrists,and crossed them.He then went to work immediately,winding the rope over Kieko's wrists.Just as he and Kim Yang had done so many times,Takachi knew how to tie up a pretty hostage.He'd done so many times before.Takachi made sure the ropes were also wound to the back of the chair,firmly securing Kieko's hands there.Kieko herself,could only sit helpless,giving Suzuki and Kimie a desperate look.Neither her sister,nor her friend could help her.She then yelped in pain,as Takachi tightened the last knot on her hands.She inwardly gulped,knowing she hadn't been tied up since Kim Yang's men had kidnapped her,back on the doomed 'Eastern Princess',and also in that jungle in Thailand.
Takachi then grabbed her ankles together,and started to tie them to one of the chair's lower legs.This didn't take long,and the yakuza man smiled,supremely confident the girl wouldn't be able to get free.
'Wh-what are you going to do to us?'Kieko's voice trembled,as she asked that.She could see Takachi smirk in response,as he then began to wind more lengths of rope,horizontally above her chest.
'Well,very soon,Miss Yamamoto,you,your sister,and Miss Sakai here,will soon be joining Miss Yang.'He answered her,almost smug.'She's very keen to have you back on board her boat,but first,you're needed as hostages.'
Takachi wore a dark smile,as he finished tying Kieko's ankles to the chair leg.He then took more coils of rope,and then placed the lengths he needed over,and above Kieko's chest.He wound three horizontal loops above Kieko's breasts,and wound four loops under them.Takachi pulled the ropes tightly over the girl,tying more inescapable knots at the back of the chair.
Once he'd finished that,Takachi then walked to Kieko's front,scanning the ropes.He nodded to himself,satisfied Kieko wouldn't be able to get free.
'There you are,Miss Yamamoto.'Takachi told her,very pleased with himself.'That's how I like my pretty hostages to look.'
He then took a roll of large,black duct tape,and tore a strip off.Takachi then forced the strip over Kieko's mouth,smoothing the tape firmly.Kieko's eyes were still wide with fear,just as Suzuki's and Kimie's were,especially when she felt Takachi stroke his hand down her cheek.
Satisfied also,that the girl was tightly bound and gagged,Takachi then turned his attention to the security camera screens.He could still see the gun battle raging outside the bank,and the many police officers taking cover.Takachi then opened the door to the office,and shouted out to one of his men,to cease fire.Within a few moments,all his men had obeyed.Takachi then headed back into the office,and scanned the camera screens once again.He was looking for Yamamoto,but at the moment,he didn't see him.
Takachi then remembered Suzuki's mobile,and took it.He scanned the girl's contacts,and found the required number quickly.
'Well then,ladies.'He took great pleasure in informing them.'Time to let Daddy know where you are.'The dark smile increased.'I really hope he'll be sensible,if he doesn't want his pretty daughters faces unmarked.'
He still kept his evil smile,at his three pretty,bound and gagged hostages,whilst he waited for Yamamoto to respond.
Outside the bank,Yamamoto,Jennings,Sakai,and all the other police officers were still crouching behind their cars,shielding them from the gunfire.Thanks to Yamamoto's quick thinking,none of his people had been hurt,but they couldn't really return fire.Everybody had to keep ducking their heads,as the bullets struck uncomfortably close,showering them frequently,with shards of broken glass.
Still crouching behind his car,Yamamoto and Jennings kept low.Thanks to the former's quick thinking,none of his officers had been shot,or injured.Yamamoto had managed to order Sakai,to get the exit points of the bank covered.This was done promptly,and efficiently.If the bad guys were going to bring Kieko,or Suzuki out,he would make damn sure not to let them out of his sight.
They were still hiding behind the car,when much to their surprise,the gunfire suddenly ceased.Peering out,Yamamoto noticed the armed men in the bank move further back into the bank.Then,his mobile started ringing.Yamamoto could see it was from Suzuki.He answered it.
'Suzuki? Are you okay?'
Unfortunately,he didn't hear Suzuki's voice respond to him.Instead,he heard a very familiar voice,but not a very friendly one.
'Suzuki is just fine.'He fully recognised Takachi's voice speaking to him.'She and your Kieko are with me right now,as we speak.'
Jennings suddenly noticed Yamamoto's stunned face.This was probably more bad news.He thought grimly.
'Let my Suzuki and Kieko go,Takachi.'Yamamoto forced himself to remain calm,as he replied.'Your quarrel is with me.'
'I've no doubt about that.'Takachi responded.'But at the moment,I have something else on my mind.'
'Like what?'Yamamoto almost snarled.'Let me speak to my daughters,damn you!'
'You're in no position to demand anything.'Takachi snapped back.'I have the ace cards,and you know it.I don't just have your two pretty daughters here.I have your friend,Sakai's daughter here too.'
Yamamoto glanced over at Sakai.His friend was still crouching behind his own car,and looking anxiously over at him.Yamamoto wasn't looking forward to telling him this,but he needed to speak to his girls.
'Then let me speak to them.'Yamamoto's voice just remained calm,as he sincerely hoped Takachi would acede to his demand.
In the office,Takachi thought about still refusing Yamamoto,but then changed his mind.He walked behind Suzuki,and put the mobile to her ear.
'Be brief.'Takachi told her,as he jerked away the gag.
'Father!'Suzuki couldn't help,but scream into the mobile.She screamed again,as Takachi suddenly grabbed the back of her neck,and gave her a brief,but hard squeeze.Her screams stopped,as Takachi shoved the gag back over her mouth,and took the mobile away.She was crying quietly,as Takachi smirked,before he spoke into the mobile again.
'Suzuki!'He heard Yamamoto frantically call.'Suzuki!Are you alright? Please! Answer me!'
'That's all you're going to get,Yamamoto.'Takachi didn't want to waste any more time,as he demanded.'Now listen well.You have a Westerner staying with you.His name is Jennings.I want him here,and now.'
'You bastard,Takachi!'Yamamoto snarled,hearing Suzuki's scream of agony.'Let them go!'
'You have five minutes,Yamamoto.'Takachi warned him.'If he's not here by then,I'll send you a piece of one of your daughters out,until you see sense.'He abruptly rang off.
Yamamoto glanced at Jennings crouching beside him.The Englishman was looking at him concerned.He realised he'd understood everything that had just been said.Yamamoto slowly lowered his mobile.
'I thought Takachi was dead.'Jennings asked him.
'I'm sorry.'Yamamoto meant his apology.'I should have told you.Takachi had a twin brother.They grew up in crime,and finally rose to the top,being high profile yakuza warlords.'
'So he's out for revenge against me.'Jennings stated grimly.
'He says if you're not there within five minutes,he'll really hurt my girls.'Yamamoto's worried tone was fully evident,before he asked.'What do you want to do?'
'There's not much choice.'Jennings admitted.'Sarah's been taken too.If she's being held there,I'm going to get her out.'
He cautiously peered out,looking at the bank's entrance.The armed men were still there,their weapons aimed at the hiding police,but they refrained from shooting.Jennings didn't see many of them,counting four targets.He glanced back at Yamamoto.
'I'll tell you when you can make your move.'Jennings told him,before he stood up,and then said.'Stay sharp.'
'We will.'Yamamoto nodded,grateful for what Jennings was going to do.'Good luck,my friend,but please,make sure my girls don't get hurt.'
Jennings nodded back,and then continued his slow advance.Both Yamamoto and Sakai watched him go.They weren't sure what Jennings was planning,but they sincerely hoped he would succeed.Jennings however,wasn't quite sure how to work this out,but he didn't want to stand around,and do nothing.He had to go in,even if it was on the enemy's terms.
He reached the bank entrance,and could now see the four hooded men inside.All had tracked him carefully with their weapons on him,the moment he'd stood up.Just before he entered,Jennings watched one of the men hurry into the back.He had no doubt where he was going.Grimly,he tensed,as he opened the door,and entered the bank.
Back in the office,Takachi was lovingly stroking Suzuki's deliciously scented hair,when he noticed one of his men enter.
'The Englishman is here.'The man told him respectfully.
'Good.'Takachi's face was now filled with menacing hatred.'Have him searched,and bring him here.But don't rough him up.'His voice meant that.'I will attend to that personally.Keep your eyes on the cops too.Don't miss anything.'
The man bowed his complete obedience and loyalty to Takachi,and then hurried back to the reception area.Takachi then glanced around the room.There was only one empty chair left in the office.Unlike where the three girls sat bound and gagged on their chairs,this empty one had armrests.Takachi grabbed it,and placed it away from the girls.He then noticed there was no more rope,but he still had the roll of black duct tape.There wasn't much left on it,but that didn't really bother Takachi.He just couldn't wait,till Jennings came here.Turning back to the three girls,his smile of eager anticipation scared them.
'Let's see how your hero's strength measures up then,ladies.'Takachi rubbed his hands eagerly.'I'm looking forward to meeting him.'
He then turned his attention to the security camera screens.Takachi had watched Jennings enter the bank,and waited patiently.Suzuki,Kimie,and especially Kieko,were praying for him to help them.
Jennings had entered the bank,and slowly raised his hands in surrender to the hooded,armed men.
'I'm unarmed.'He told them in Japanese.
One of the men gestured sharply at him.'Against the wall.'
Surprisingly,the man had spoken English to him.Maybe it was an honour given to Jennings,for learning their own language.Jennings however,didn't make any comment on it,as he put his hands on the shown wall.He was then briskly searched,but he wasn't carrying any hidden weapons.The search was brisk,then Jennings heard the man order him.
'Move,and don't try anything.'
Slowly backing away from the wall,Jennings waited for further instructions.The man curtly ordered him along,and took him to the room,where Jennings instantly saw Kieko,Suzuki,and another,very pretty young woman,all sitting down,and bound and gagged.The other girl had to be Sakai's daughter.Jennings thought.All three girls were looking at him,almost pleadingly,especially Kieko.Jennings would make sure he would do so,but for now,his own eyes were on Takachi.
He could see the strong resemblance from the Takachi he'd faced earlier,on the doomed 'Eastern Princess' cruise ship.They were indeed,twins,but Jennings could see the same cruel eyes.He had to be watched very carefully here.Takachi in turn,was also gazing at him,giving him an up and down look.The Englishman looked quite formidable,and he would make sure,that there would be no threat from him,not ever.Takachi thought viscously.
For the moment though,Takachi kept calm,as he heard Jennings say;
'So you're Takachi.'It was a blunt statement,but Takachi bowed slightly to him.
'And you are Jennings.You are a credit.I will applaud that.However,there are certain things that I want to ask you,concerning my brother.'Takachi's voice was still reasonably calm,but then he gestured sharply at him,towards the empty chair.
'Sit.'This time,his voice was held more menace.'Unless you want me to hurt these three beauties here,and if I do so,it will be at your own expense.'
Jennings gazed hard at him,but remembering his promise to Yamamoto,he did sit in the chair,putting his hands on the armrests.He then watched Takachi grab a roll of black tape,and then,he started to secure one of his wrists to the armrest with the tape.Takachi did the same on his other arm,locking Jennings to the chair.He would have liked to have used more,but the tape had run out.
No matter.Takachi thought with a sneer.I've got him now,and he's going to pay.
Throwing the roll away,Takachi then pulled out a deadly blade,and held it in front of his latest prisoner.
'Now then,Jennings.'Takachi still kept a calm manner,knowing he was totally in control here.'I want you to tell me,how my brother died.Did you kill him,personally?'
'Your brother fell.'Jennings answered truthfully.'He planted a bomb on that ship,threatening many innocent-'
He never got the chance to finish his sentance,as Takachi suddenly hit him across the face,with a hard backslap,immediately drawing a trickle of blood,from Jennings' lips.Suzuki,Kimie,and Kieko winced behind their gags,as they watched Jennings spit out a dabble of his blood.He recovered quickly,gazing hard at Takachi.
'My brother was indeed,a man who threatened many people,Jennings.'Takachi nodded,confirming this.'I myself,have done the same,but threatening is only a beginning.I assure you,you won't just be threatened here.I'm going to make you suffer,for what you did to my brother.'
He then glanced over at the girls,his smile now much more sinister.'If I get bored with you,I'll gladly use this,on any of those three pretty girls.'
Jennings saw the terror in each of Suzuki,Kimie,and Kieko,hearing Takachi say that.He got his attention away from them.
'So,it doesn't really matter what I say,does it?'Jennings continued his hard gaze.'You're going to kill me,regardless.'
He made sure it was a statement,not a hopeful query,and Takachi turned back to face him,who gave him another slight bow,in acknowledgement.
'Of course you are.Surely you know,that any death in my family demands revenge?'
'I thought you people strongly believed in honour.'Jennings asked him.He was also concentrating hard,on moving his wrists.He felt the tape wound over them,was tight,but he kept up his efforts.
'Honour is for fools.'Takachi spoke in contempt.'I fight to win,no matter what the consequences are.'
'So you're prepared to make innocent people suffer doing that?'This time,Jennings spoke contemptuosly at him.'To torture and murder,just like your brother did?'
Takachi struck Jennings again,with the same hard backhand across the face.The second strike made the three girls yelp behind their gags,knowing there was nothing they could do to help him.They cowered into their chairs,as Takachi brandished his knife,in front of Jennings' face.
'I'm an expert with this.'Takachi told him confidently.'I've used it many times before,and know how to inflict the most painful,horrific injuries imagineable,whilst keeping you alive.I'm very interested to see how strong you are,Jennings.'He then glanced back at the girls,giving them an unpleasant smile,before he turned back to Jennings.'If I get bored with you,I can choose one of these three pretty girls,as an alternative.Your girlfriend perhaps?'
He still held his nasty smile,staring at Kieko,who was still glancing anxiously at Jennings.Takachi smirked.He'd make sure he would enjoy the girl later,but right now,his blood lust was up,as his breathing quickened.Suzuki,Kimie,and Kieko watched in horror,screaming behind their tight gags,as Takachi raised the knife,ready to strike Jennings.
'This is for my brother.'He snarled,bringing his arm down,but then,Jennings suddenly leapt out of the chair,successfully blocking the thrust,and forcing the knife away from his grip.Takachi was caught totally by surprise,his stunned face shocked,but Jennings gave him no time to recover.He slammed a hard fist into his opponent's solar plexus,making Takachi double up in agony.As the yakuza man leaned forward,Jennings then savagely grabbed his shoulder,and violently flung him onto the chair,where he'd been sitting only moments ago.He then gave Takachi his own backhand across the face,hitting him much more harder.The results were much more better too,as a lot more blood came flying from the Japanese man's mouth,and finally,Jennings clenched his teeth,as he balled up a fist,to smash it into Takachi's jaw.The man was sent sprawling onto the floor.He lay in a heap,unmoving.
Jennings looked at the prone form in contempt,and not without some satisfaction.Although he was a hardened soldier,Jennings had never really wanted to hurt anyone,but the arrogance of Takachi had left him no option.From the moment he'd been secured to the chair,Jennings had got to work immediately.By carefully relaxing his muscles,and with just the right amount of movement in his arms,Jennings had managed to get free,successfully hiding it from Takachi.It just took patience,and perhaps a little luck.He was pleased to get it,on this occasion.
He then took the fallen knife,and headed over towards the trussed up girls.The three of them were staring at him,in utter astonishment,but their eyes were free from fear.He smiled warmly at them,as he freed Kieko first.When he finally freed her from the chair,and gently removed her tape gag,Kieko instantly stood up,to give him a warm,grateful hug,and a delicious kiss.He blushed faintly at this.
'Are you okay?'Jennings asked her gently.
'Yes.'Kieko nodded,as she hugged into him more.'Thank you.You have rescued me again.'
Jennings smiled again.Then he went over to free Suzuki,and Kimie.Both girls responded the same way as Kieko had,giving him more appreciative hugs and kisses,making his blushes increase.The girls noticed that,and smiled warmly.
Suzuki then spotted her mobile,and she recovered it,instantly dialling her father's number.Jennings kept his eye on Takachi's still unmoving form,and also on the door,but none of Takachi's men had entered to investigate.
'Keep it low,Suzuki.'Jennings politely warned her,putting his finger to his lips.He was pleased to see the girl nod,and she spoke quietly into the phone.She just felt so glad to speak again,after being gagged for so long.She spoke with quiet tears of joy to her father,reassuring him,that they were well.Then,after the much relieved greetings were over,Suzuki handed the mobile to Jennings.
'My father wants to talk to you,John.'Suzuki now knew why Kieko thought so much of this man.He really was something.
Jennings had accepted the mobile,and still keeping his eyes open,and his voice down,confirmed the good news to Yamamoto,that his family was safe.The Sakai girl too.
'Thank you,my friend,for saving my family.'Yamamoto's voice was warm,and grateful.'My friend Sakai,wishes to thank you too.'
Jennings deeply appreciated the gratitude given to him,although he still felt as if he owed Yamamoto for saving his life,back at the house.
'You can send in the cavalry now,Chief.'Jennings told him.'There are four hostiles.'
'Leave the rest to us.'Yamamoto advised.'We will handle it.Stay with the girls.We're moving in.'
'Understood.'Jennings then handed Suzuki her mobile back.'Okay girls,take cover.The bad guys are in for a shock.'
Just as he finished saying that,they all heard several loud discharges,coming from the reception area.They all recognised the sounds.It was CS gas cannisters being fired in,and there was plenty of them.
'Stay down.'Jennings calmly told them,reluctantly removing his hand from Kieko's.He had a nasty feeling that maybe some of Takachi's men,would come charging in here to escap the gas.Seconds later,he was proved right.Two hooded men came bursting into the room,coughling like mad.A heavy presence of green smoke was right behind them.
Jennings moved quickly,as he flattened both men with hard blows,knocking them senseless,just like their still prone master.Jennings then moved back to Kieko,holding her hand.Suzuki and Kimie clung to him too,as they tensely waited.They then heard heavy footsteps coming closer to them.They were so pleased to see a group of heavily armoured police officers enter the room.They were heavily armed too,and wore gas masks to protect themselves from the thick gas cloud.
Fortunately,Yamamoto had prepared them well,and instantly,they put spare masks on the four of them,before escorting them safely out.Takachi and his accomplices had already been secured,and taken out.As soon as they left the bank,all three girls ran straight to their fathers,giving them both warm hugs,and they were glad to be back with them.
Jennings however,had made his way back into the bank.He was searching anxiously for Sarah.The gas didn't take long to disperse,but he still saw no trace of his missing sister.Finally,he had to admit Sarah wasn't here.He headed back out,and straight over to where Takachi and his thugs were.All of them were lying face down on the ground,still handcuffed,with an effective police guard.
'Where's Sarah?'Jennings snarled down at Takachi.'What have you done with her?'
'Well let's just say she's in perfectly capable hands.'Takachi smirked up at him,making Jennings even more madder.
'What do you mean?'Jennings' eyes were fierce.
Takachi however,told him no more.However,Suzuki stepped up to him.
'They did bring in Sarah,just before they grabbed me.'She informed him.'A Chinese woman interviewed me,just before they grabbed me.I watched her carry Sarah away.'
This brought more bad feeling in him.
'You didn't get the Chinese woman's name,did you,Suzuki?'Jennings asked her.
'It was Kim Yang.'
Instantly,Jennings clenched his fists.Damn the woman!He cursed her silently.He had to get to Sarah,and fast.
'Do you know where they took her?'
'She mentioned a boat,but didn't say where.I think she'll have it on the bay.'Suzuki said.'It's a good hiding spot.We've dealt with a lot of criminal activity there before.'
Jennings nodded his thanks to her,and he turned to Yamamoto.The police chief already had the microphone,from his police radio in his hand,and was issuing fresh orders to his people.
'Get all available units and officers to Tokyo Bay,and relay a message to the harbour master,and the security chief.'
Once his orders were promptly acknowledged,he turned back to Jennings.
'I have a couple of friends there.The harbour master is a really good friend,as is the security chief.They've helped me a lot there.If Sarah is being held there,they'll know about it.'
Jennings nodded.
'We'd better get there then.'He moved to head into Yamamoto's car,when he suddenly heard Takachi's voice call after him.
'You'll never save your pretty Sarah,Jennings.'Takachi taunted him.'Kim Yang has excellent plans for her.She's going to be a star attraction,when she's sold as a sex slave.'
'You bastard!'Jennings snarled,moving back towards him,ready to smash this yakuza's face in.However,Yamamoto and Sakai held him back,from doing so.
'He isn't worth it.'Sakai told him firmly,but politely.'Don't sink to his level.You're better than he is.'
Jennings knew he'd acted like a fool,being baited like that.He nodded his thanks to the two men,and calmed himself down.He gave Takachi a contemptous glance,before he raced back towards Yamamoto's car.
'Let's go.'He said urgently.Jennings' fears for Sarah were increasing,knowing she was back in Kim Yang's clutches.As he,Sakai and Yamamoto dived into the car,and raced off towards Tokyo Bay,Jennings just kept on silently praying,that he'd be in time to rescue his sister.
Chapter 6 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago