If any astronomer from the Earth had been able to discover the planet,Sirrus 6,they would have designated it,a class M planet.In other words,a planet capable of supporting human life,and human life did exist here.Sirrus 6 was considered a jewel of a planet,by their inhabitants.It was a very peaceful place.
Although the people who lived on Sirrus 6 looked like the human race,from the Earth,they were actually,a lot different.More precisely,it was the women,who held very special,and unique powers.Every female on Sirrus 6,held the gift of telepathy,and they could also transport themselves,to anywhere they wished,provided it was in the area they were in.
This made their planet,a highly prized target from other,and more hostile races.Many of them dreamed to conquer Sirrus 6,and seize the female populants powers.The Sirruns were always under threat.
Fortunately,they possessed an excellent military force,and they protected their system,with a fleet of warships.These warships were only a few in number,but they were more than a match,for any other hostile vessel.They were huge,but fast,capable of travelling vast distances,in no more than a few seconds.Every Sirrun warship carried fighter craft,used in offensive and defensive roles.The ships were well equipped with anti-aircraft weapons,and they also had very powerful,main armament guns,used in ship to ship combat.All the Sirrun warships were really powerful adversaries,and not to be taken lightly.They were deadly opponents.
One of the Sirrun warships,was known as the 'Savage' This ship had seen much battle.It didn't just protect their own home,but it also went into other systems,protecting other races who couldn't defend themselves.The Sirruns had made many new friends doing this,but also a lot of enemies.
Of course,that didn't bother the 'Savage's' commander.Commander Griffiths was a very popular man,but he knew how to get the best out of his crew.He lived for battle,and knew how to win one.He'd commanded the 'Savage' for years,and moreorless,still had the same crew.Everybody who served aboard the 'Savage',had no wish to leave.
At the present moment,the 'Savage' was in orbit,around Sirrus 6.Griffiths stood on the bridge,watching the view screen.He could see his home planet,and just like everybody else,swore to defend it,even to the death.He knew they had a lot of enemies,but Griffiths was always confident his people would prevail.
He'd been ordered back home,by the Sirrun President herself.Griffiths remembered how serious her tone of voice was.They were good friends,and if he could help her,he would.
Just then,his first officer came forward.Like the President,Major Robson was a woman,and loved serving aboard the 'Savage'.Griffiths had chosen her,because she was a highly capable officer.He knew she kept calm under battle,and was glad Robson was here.She took a lot of pressure off him.
'Your shuttle's waiting,Sir.'Robson told him politely.
Griffiths nodded his thanks to her.
'You have the 'Savage,Major.'He then made to leave the bridge.'Stay sharp.I'll be back soon.'
He knew,that there was no need to say that to her.Griffiths knew he could trust her.He trusted every woman from Sirrus 6,knowing their highly prized mental prowess.
As the women from Sirrus 6 were highly gifted,the men were also highly experienced soldiers.They needed to be,as they were always on the alert,for any threat to their planet.The Sirrun males were much adored by their female soldiers too.They always fought side by side,and protected each other quite well.However,there was a price.Sirrun males were now few in number,leaving the females to look elsewhere,for other compatible human males.As yet,they hadn't found this,and whilst the women never lost any affection for their men,they realised a solution had to be found,or their race would die out,leaving their home free,to be invaded.
Griffiths made his way down,to one of the many flight decks the 'Savage' had.Here he could see many of his single seat fighter craft.They offered him many attacking options,on potential targets.The fighters were also used in defensive roles too,and they defended the 'Savage' fiercely,from any attackers.If by some miracle,any attacking enemy fighter did make it through the fighter screen,they would have been instantly blown apart,by the 'Savage's' many anti-aircraft batteries.
Griffiths reached the flight deck,where his own personal shuttle stood waiting.He boarded it,and within moments,were cleared for launch.With fighter escort,the shuttle successfully launched,leaving the 'Savage',and immediately flew into Sirrus 6.
When the shuttle land,Griffiths was the first to exit the craft,and immediately noticed an old friend waiting for him.This was General Grant,one of his most trusted,and loyal friends.Grant was a tough looking man,seeing battle many times.Both he and Griffiths had fought many times alongside each other.They'd faced death constantly,but always proved the skill,to defeat their enemies.
Griffiths walked up to him,and saluted.Grant returned it,before they both warmly embraced.
'Welcome back,Commander.'Grant greeted him,with a warm smile.'Anything exciting happen out there?'
'Not really.'Griffiths shook his head disappointingly.'Just a routine patrol.There's nothing happening close to us.All the neighbouring systems are quiet.Then,I got a message from the President,saying to return immediately.'
'Yes.'Grant nodded,confirming that.'It's good news about not hearing any threats close by,but we do have something for you.The President's waiting for you now.Shall we?'
Grant gestured politely with his arm to follow,and Griffiths did.He'd seen Griffiths' disappointment,that there'd been no action.After all,he was a soldier too,and everybody in the Sirrun military,dreamed of going into battle.
He led Griffiths into the presidential chambers.It wasn't a place of luxury,but was well designed for comfort.Grant was pleased to see many people he'd selected,to stand watch over their leader.Every Sirrun always volunteered,to protect the President,and Grant made sure he chose the right people.
It was then,that the President entered.Both Grant and Griffiths bowed deeply to her,showing their leader much respect.The President smiled warmly back.She knew these two men,were amongst her loyal and trusted friends,and was always glad to see them.They both made sure she was well protected,knowing any Sirrun female was targeted,by their enemies.Grant and Griffiths were well aware,that every Sirrun female,was considered highly attractive.The President herself,was tall,and dressed in dark blue,and silk ceremonial robes.Her eyes were always warm,but like all her other Sirrun females,they could sense deception immediately.It was impossible to lie to them,as these exceptional women had the power,to enter a person's mind.It wasn't recommended,so all the Sirrun women never abused their powers.Just like their Sirrun men,they would help anybody,that needed it.
Both Grant and Griffiths had bowed deeply,and respectfully to her.She smiled down at them.,placing her hands on both men's shoulders,indicating them to rise.They did.
'Welcome,my friends.'Her voice meant that.She then kissed them affectionately on both their cheeks,and after doing so,she turned to Griffiths.
'It's good to see you safe,Commander Griffiths.'The President told him.
'Thank you,Madam President.'Griffiths bowed respectfully again to her.He was disappointed nothing had happened,during the 'Savage's' recent patrol,but it was good to be back home.He then noticed the President looking at him curiously,and realised he was showing his disappointment.
'I feel your disappointment,Commander Griffiths.'The President stated.'You must not feel that way.Nothing happened out there?'
Griffiths appreciated her point of view,but he still couldn't help himself feeling this way,from the lack of action on that patrol.
'That's very true.Madam President.'He nodded courteously.'It was good to see no new hostile activity in our system,and our location is still secure.'
They all nodded approvingly at that,knowing their home planet was a major target,for their known enemies to invade and conquer.They also knew of the disastrous consequences,should Sirrus 6's location be revealed.The women were the main targets,and the Sirruns were shocked to discover,that many hostile races,had offered rewards to capture any Sirrun female alive.If this was achieved,the Sirruns would be at a grave disadvantage,as their location would be forced out from them.Every Sirrun had vowed,never to let this happen.
For the moment,there was no threat,and Griffiths hadn't forgotten,that he'd been sent for.
'You wanted to see me,Madam President?'He asked her politely.
'Indeed I did.Commander.'She nodded.'It turns out,that we may have something for you after all.Follow me,gentlemen.'
She led Grant and Griffiths deeper,into the chambers.There were also several useful rooms here,that was used by the Sirrun military.The chambers were sacred to them,and were very well protected.The President led the two men,into a small room.This was a communications centre,and there were a couple of Grant's people manning the consoles.Here,they were on the lookout,for any suspicious vessels that lingered too long,in their system.There were also listening posts too,scattered throughout their solar system too.If there was any threatening messages directed towards Sirrus 6,they would hear it.
At the moment,everything was quiet,but the President and Grant knew otherwise.It was Grant who nodded over,to one of the people manning a console,and after watching the man adjust a few controls,they all heard the panicky voice of a young woman.
'This is captain Kelly Finch!'They all clearly heard the desperation,in the young woman's voice.'We are under attack by the Sanna,invading our planet Earth,requesting immediate assistance!Please respond!'
There was a brief pause,before they all heard Kelly's voice come back,sounding more frightened.
'Please!Somebody helmmmmfffff!'
Griffiths and everybody else,clearly recognised the sound of Kelly being hand gagged,before the recording abruptly stopped.The atmosphere in the room was grim,especially as Griffiths had recognised a familiar,but unwelcome name.He glanced over at the President.
'The Sanna.'He stated simply.
'Yes.'The President nodded.'It seems they are still invading,and conquering other worlds for their own gains.'
'Where did the signal originate from,Madam President?'Griffiths asked politely.
She glanced over at Grant,who answered.'It's very distant,but the woman we just heard,was very lucky.We recognised Sanna transmission codes,so it's more than reasonable,that she was using Sanna technology.'
Grant then asked for a star chart.When this was handed over to him,Grant placed it on an unmanned console,so everybody could see.He then pointed at the signal's origin,so Griffiths could see.His friend looked at the position for a few moments,and he was quite surprised,to see the huge distance between Sirrus 6,and this alien place.
'It came from all the way there?'Griffiths asked Grant,who again nodded to him.'I've never been to that area of the galaxy before.'
'None of us has.'Grant admitted.'However,you will be the first.We've managed to identify the planet,the Sanna are invading.It's known,as the Earth.'
Grant then ordered the planet's image to be shown.Within a moment,this was done,and everybody looked at the blue and white planet brilliantly lit up,in the centre of the room.'
'It looks really beautiful.'The President commented,as she observed the Earth's image.She then asked Grant.'Do you think the people there,will help us?'
'I'm not too sure,Madam President.'Grant was honest in his appraisal.'We need intelligence on that,so will leave that in Commander Griffith's capable hands.'
Griffiths nodded.'I'll take care of it.'
He too,was looking at the Earth hologram,and was interested.He now had his wish fulfilled,and that was taking the fight,to the Sanna.He hadn't had much dealing with these humanoids,but he'd heard enough of them.They were a ruthless,and cruel race,inflicting so much suffering on their chosen victims.Griffiths would be glad to get rid off them.
He looked again at the star chart,seeing the enormous distance involved.
'How long will it take,to get there?'Griffiths asked.
Grant had already worked that out for him.
'Seven of their Earth days.We'll send you any more information en route,but remember,Commander.'Grant warned him politely,but firmly.'The Sanna are in that system,in huge numbers.You'll know how large,their battle fleets are.Don't do anything rash.Understood?'
'Understood.Sir.'Griffiths nodded,and he certainly had no intention,of doing anything rash.That wasn't how he worked.No Sirrun serving in the military did.
'Good.'Grant was pleased,as he offered his hand to him.'Good luck,and good hunting.'
Griffiths accepted the hand,and after doing so,turned to the President.He bowed again to her,very respectfully.She smiled warmly at him.
'Bring everybody back safe.Commander Griffiths.'The President told him.'By all means,help these people on this Earth,but always come back safe.I mean everybody.'
'I will.Madam President.'Griffiths would make sure he'd honour that promise.With another bow and salute to his friends,he left the room,to head back to the waiting 'Savage.'
Watching him go,both Grant and the President were full of concern.
'I really hope they'll be okay.'Grant spoke first,looking at the Earth's image,still present in the room.'The intelligence says the Sanna highly prize this planet,and have no intention of leaving it,till they bleed it dry.'
Grant paused momentarily,before going on.'I really hope they'll get some help,from these Earth people.'
The President heard him,and decided to find out.She too,looked at the Earth's hologram,and stared intently at it.Her eyes were full of concentration.Grant could see,that the President was using her special mental abilities.He knew all Sirrun females had this gift,and telepathy was widely used by them.The Sirrun women could send a telepathic message,to anyone and anywhere.No distance was too great for them,but there was a risk.Every time a Sirrun female used her thoughts this way,they ran the risk of detection,and they all knew it.Grant knew of many other races,who also had mental gifts,and were quite keen to seize a Sirrun woman,so they could learn of their planet's secret location.
The President stayed like this for a few minutes,almost as if she was in a trance.Grant waited patiently,knowing it was extremely dangerous,to disturb her.It was far better,to let her come out of the trance herself.She then did that,allowing herself,to come back to her surroundings.
'Are you alright,Madam President?'Grant asked her.
'Yes,I'm fine.'She nodded.'Commander Griffiths will get the help he needs.I'm sure of that.I sensed them.'She paused for a moment,remembering what she felt.'Especially one in particular,he will assist.I made contact with him.'
'He replied to you?'Grant was a little surprised at that.
'I sensed he was hurt.'The President shook her head at that one.'He's a soldier,but I feel he's been hurt badly.I also felt the Sanna's presence too.They were quite close,so there must have been a battle.However,I do know he will help.General Grant.'Her voice was adamant at that.'Make sure you tell Commander Griffiths.I think this Jennings,is exactly the man we need,to help us.'
She was pleased to see Grant nod in agreement.Grant always trusted her word.Everybody on Sirrus 6 did.They'd all heard stories from other worlds,when there'd been so many false promises made,especially from political leaders.It had appalled everybody here.The President had made sure,that this sort of thing would never ever happen,on her home world.
'Then,let's hope this Jennings,can help us to defeat the Sanna menace.Madam President.'Grant told her.'I'll see Commander Griffiths is informed of your wishes.'
Just as Griffiths had done earlier,Grant bowed very respectfully to her,and then hurried out.
By now,Griffiths had landed back on board the 'Savage.' After exiting his shuttle,he made his way determinedly,back up to the bridge.When he got there,Griffiths went straight over to his first officer.
'Major Robson.Prepare these co-ordinates,for immediate departure.'He ordered briskly,handing her the 'Savage's' next destination.
Robson never made any queries about the order,and promptly obeyed.None of Griffiths' crew would,as they all trusted him implicitly.They all felt a little disappointed,not having the time to visit home,but they knew there was always a good reason for this.
'Yes,Sir.'Robson had instantly responded,and she then moved over to the helm officers,handing the co-ordinates to them.They put it straight into the 'Savage's' flight computers,and after the helm officers acknowledged this,they then told Robson the journey time.She was quite surprised,to see how long it would take to get there.She then headed back over to her commander.
'We won't get there straight away,Sir.'She informed him.
'Yes,thank you.Major.'Griffiths nodded at her,already knowing this.'Once course is plotted,please proceed to target system.'
Robson nodded,seeing the determination in his face.She was excited too,knowing this was a new mission.Even so,she hid the excitement she was feeling,and carried out her orders.The helm officers told her everything was ready,and Robson then gave the order for the 'Savage' to leave orbit over Sirrus 6.Next moment,the huge,but sleek Sirrun warship,vanished from its home.
Satisfied they were on their way,Griffiths then left Robson in charge of the bridge,and made his way towards one of the many training areas,the 'Savage' held.Being such a huge ship,the 'Savage' needed a considerable,well armed force,to protect it from any potential,hostile enemy boarding party.Griffiths knew he had this,in abundance.
He'd already received the message from Grant,and knew who to choose,to go on this next mission.When Griffiths finally reached the training areas,he could see plenty of activity.All his people here,were practising their skills.Here,they could shoot their weapons at arranged targets,or compete against each other,in unarmed combat.Griffiths could see a lot of this going on.Both men and women were competing against each other,and they were taking it very seriously.Everybody was fighting hard against each other,but there was always respect.
Griffiths scanned the participants.He'd already examined the personnel file,of who he was going to choose.He then found who he was looking for,and walked over.He was watching a young woman practising,her unarmed combat skills.Although,she held two swords,and was slowly circling a male opponent,also armed with swords.
The 'fight' had attracted a big crowd,but this wasn't entertainment.Everybody was here,to improve their fighting skills.Griffiths then watched the young woman assault her opponent,using her swords with great skill.She was obviously,a highly accomplished fighter,and this was why Griffiths had chosen her.
He watched the two of them use their blades expertly,making constant clashes of steel.Yet finally,it was the woman who prevailed.She beat her opponent,with a series of lightning moves,successfully disarming the man's two swords from him.Once she'd done this,the man accepted defeat,and standing back a little from her,bowed his head respectfully to her,acknowledging her victory.She bowed back to him,appreciating his gesture.This brought a lot of much deserved applause from the watching crowd,for both combatants.
Griffiths waited until the woman was on her own,and moved up to her.As soon as she saw him,the woman sprang immediately to attention.
'As you were,Lieutenant Sanders.'Griffiths gestured for her,to stand at ease.She did so.'Follow me please.'
He led her back to his personal quarters,and then gestured for her to sit down.She did so,and Griffiths then sat opposite her.He held her file too.
'I've got a mission for you.Lieutenant.'Griffiths informed her,opening up the file.'I've been reading your combat details,and see you scored top marks for infiltration.'
Griffiths glanced down at her details.Her name was Kate Sanders,and Griffiths could see she was very beautiful.Kate had long,flowing dark hair,and her eyes were warm.Griffiths knew though,that she was superbly skilled as a soldier.She was one of the good guys,and Griffiths went on to explain more.
'We're heading towards a planet called Earth.It's very distant,the furthest we've ever been,but there's a couple of good reasons for this.Firstly,the Sanna are there,currently invading this Earth.'
Griffiths paused,watching her reaction.Kate's eyes,like his,went cold.She despised the Sanna just as much.There hadn't been much contact,between the two races,although the Sanna were just as eager,to capture a Sirrun female alive,to learn of their secret location.
'I want you to go into this planet,and effectively help any of the native inhabitants,fighting these thugs.'Griffiths went on.'You will realise,that if the Sanna discover your presence,you'll be targeted for abduction,and you know what that means,don't you?'
Kate nodded,knowing how much their enemies would love,to find out where Sirrus 6 was.There'd been a few close calls,but so far,the Sirrun girls had avoided capture,thanks to their comrades determination to protect them.
'Do you want to accept the mission,Kate?'Griffiths asked.
'Of course.Sir.'Kate replied immediately.She never had any intention,of refusing him,although she did ask.'You said there were a couple of reasons,Sir.What's the second one?
Griffiths nodded.
'Your main mission,is to locate one of the male inhabitants,on this Earth.His name is Jennings,and he's a soldier,fighting the Sanna.It's very important,that you protect him.The President has given her full approval on him.'He glanced meaningfully at her.'You understand what I mean?'
Kate fully understood his meaning.In fact,Griffiths could see her eyes light up.The Sirruns were always on the lookout,for potential mates.They were not always successful,but every time they did find one,the Sirruns made certain,that no harm would come to them.If the President had given this man her blessing,Kate would be very interested to meet him.
'I'd like to make contact with him,Sir,if I can.'Kate wanted to see for herself,and after seeing Griffiths nod of approval,she concentrated her thoughts.
For a few moments,Kate felt nothing,but then,she did make contact with Jennings.She then broke off the link.
'You approve of him?'Griffiths asked.
'He's a good man.'Kate confirmed.'I saw what was in his heart.I will protect him,and his concerns.'
'Did he reply to you?'
'Not as such.He was unsure if he was imagining it,but I told him he'd be getting help,and soon.'
'The President said he was hurt.You felt he was okay?'
'He's fine.Commander,but I felt his worry.'Kate's face was concerned too,saying that.'He's worrying for his sister.'
'I see.'Griffiths responded.At the moment,they were just to far away,to be of help,but he sensed this Jennings,would be able to handle any problems,until Kate arrived.
'How am I going in,Sir?'Kate wanted to know.
'We'll send you in by shuttle,from the edge of the system.It's crawling with Sanna forces,but you'll get there.Then,you'll be parachuted in.Any more questions?'
'Very well.'Griffiths rose,and offered his hand to her.'Good luck,Kate.Remember,help those who need it,but above all,don't get caught.Understood?'
'Don't worry,Sir.'Kate was confident in her reply.'I can handle myself.'
'Very well,but don't get over confident.Lieutenant.'Griffiths warned her politely.'I don't want you taken prisoner.Remember that.'
Griffiths then stood up,and Kate did too.
'Good luck.Lieutenant.'He offered his hand to her,which Kate gladly accepted.
'Thank you,Sir.'Then,with a salute to him,Kate left.
Griffiths watched her leave.He had no doubt at all,that Kate would send any hardened Sanna trooper reeling,or anybody else dumb enough,trying to take advantage over her.Yet,he suddenly got an ominous feeling,that Kate was going to be in great danger.
With much impatience in his stride,O'Rourke made his way back,to where the Sanna had called for him.He was still fuming inside,having just about to ravish that dark haired,bound and gagged beauty,safely under lock and key.The humanoids had stopped him from doing so,and his face was furious.
What the hell do they want me for? O'Rourke thought angrily.He almost snarled it out,but at the back of his mind,he knew he'd be back,and somehow managed to contain his frustration.O'Rourke was looking forward,to ravishing the girl,so hopefully,this call,would be nothing more than a minor hinderance.
She won't escape me.O'Rourke thought to himself.I'll make sure of that.Thinking this,he chuckled,and hoped for a quick return.
He finally reached the command centre,of the Sanna craft.His entry was watched by every Sanna humanoid,and O'Rourke could tell from their narrowed eyes,that they weren't pleased.He then spotted Harris too,and even she was glaring at him.
Well,that's nothing new.O'Rourke thought indifferently.
He then noticed the Sanna commander advancing towards him,and before he could speak,the humanoid suddenly struck him,hard across his face.O'Rourke went flying backwards,crashing into a heap.
'You fool!'The Sanna commander hissed down at his fallen form.
O'Rourke was in too much pain to reply,as his face felt as if it was burning.He tried to glare back up,at the Sanna humanoid towering over him,but he had to pull himself together first.
When he did so,O'Rourke rubbed his face gingerly,and snapped back.
'What the hell are you talking about?'
'You human fools didn't do your job properly.'The Sanna was still speaking menacingly,and then turned to one of his crew,ordering him to replay certain scenes,of the recent battle at the radio station.Turning back to still glare down at O'Rourke,the humanoid snarled.'Must we refresh your memory?'
He gestured brusquely towards one of the screens,and O'Rourke found his attention diverted to it.He watched the battle repeat itself,and could see it had been,a hard earned victory.Then,the image switched to the rear of the radio station.O'Rourke and Harris watched themselves,assault and wipe out the few remaining defenders,before their initial success was stopped,by the two men,emerging from inside the station.Both men had successfully counter attacked,and practically wiped out their whole group.The sniper duel was then shown,and Sanna faces hardened,as they watched one of their craft,being blown out of the sky,by one of the men.Then,the last two defenders were blown away themselves,by the timely arrival of another Sanna craft.Everybody watched their bodies tumble down,from the radio station,before O'Rourke watched himself and Harris,check the two unmoving forms.Evidently,they'd been satisfied,as they then moved into the building,to capture the girl.
The Sanna commander then ordered more up to date images,to be shown to O'Rourke.When this was done so,the screen still showed the same place,where Jennings and Montgomery had fallen,but as O'Rourke could see,the two men's bodies had vanished.They were nowhere in sight.
'Where did they go?'O'Rourke suddenly found himself asking.He could still see,that he was receiving contemptible looks,from the Sanna.
'If we knew that,O'Rourke.'The Sanna commander hissed at him.'We wouldn't be asking you.'
O'Rourke thought for a few moments,before he shrugged,not knowing the answer.
'I don't see what the problem is.'He admitted.'It's possible that they did survive,or maybe their bodies were taken by looters.I don't think they'll be a threat anymore.'He glanced at the Sanna commander.'Do you?'
He wished he'd felt a bit more confident saying that,but the Sanna were still not impressed,especially the commander.
'You really are a fool,O'Rourke.'The humanoid snapped back.'We have studied every human here,who fought against us.The results are quite surprising.'
The Sanna commander then ordered another one of his crew,to bring a couple of images up.Within a moment,O'Rourke clearly saw the pictures,of Jennings and Montgomery.
'Do you recognise these two men?'The Sanna asked him,more calmly this time.
Surprisingly,O'Rourke did.He'd read a lot about them,and had been hugely impressed.
'Jennings and Montgomery.'He nodded slowly,realising how he'd faced two deadly opponents,back at the radio station.No wonder he'd lost all his assault group.These two men were the best soldiers,he'd ever seen.How he wished he could have had their services,to his own large,private and personal army.
'That is correct.'The Sanna didn't congratulate O'Rourke,on recognising their two most dangerous targets,but he went on.'We have tried for some time,to eliminate these two humans.'
'If they survived that fall,then they must be very lucky,or damned special.'O'Rourke conceded.
'They are indeed,as you say,damned special.'The Sanna commander agreed.'We have confirmed intelligence,that they are loyal friends to each other,and their battle record,is second to none.We would certainly like to have both their heads,especially the one known as Montgomery.'
'Yes,I know of him.'O'Rourke nodded again.He remembered reading confirmed reports,that Montgomery was one of the few known humans,to fight,and successfully kill Sanna troopers,with his own bare hands.Looking at the man's powerful physique,O'Rourke never doubted it.He also recalled,that Jennings too,had achieved this,and their combat missions,made interesting reading.
Suddenly,O'Rourke remembered something,which gave him an idea.It pleased him so much,that it bought a smirk to his face.
'You find something amusing,O'Rourke?'The Sanna commander demanded from him.
'On the contrary.'O'Rourke kept his smirk,now feeling more confident than ever.'I've got the answer,to your problem.'
'Which is?'
'This Jennings,is very close to our pretty prisoner.'O'Rourke relished saying that.'If he and Montgomery have indeed,survived.Jennings will obviously find out we have the girl,and he and Montgomery,will come to rescue her.'
'You are certain of this?'The Sanna's eyes narrowed at him.
'Definitely.'O'Rourke's reply was now fully confident.'We'll use Miss Finch as bait,to lure them into a trap.'
'And how do you propose to accomplish that?'
It was now O'Rourke's turn,to gaze in utter contempt at the Sanna humanoids.
'You really don't know anything,about human behaviour,do you?'He almost sneered it out.'I thought you'd said you'd studied us?'
The Sanna humanoids didn't respond to that,but O'Rourke could see he'd annoyed them,so he decided to explain.
'I'll take the girl into my base,and let Jennings and Montgomery find a way in.Once they're in,we'll be waiting for them,and you can watch us dispose of them.'
The Sanna commander gazed hard at him for a few moments,before he turned his back to him,and started a private discussion with his comrades.As they talked in their own native tongue,Harris came over to O'Rourke,and spoke for the first time,since they'd boarded the Sanna craft.
'I hope you know what you're doing.'
'Of course I do,Harris.'O'Rourke responded,still utterly confident.'I've always enjoyed reading stories of the hero,racing to rescue a pretty damsel in distress.Miss Finch fits that description perfectly,and let's see how her two heroes fare.'
He still wore his smirk,as he continued.'Of course,they will both fail abysmally.'
Harris didn't respond to that.She could see O'Rourke's mind was already made up,on his plan.Harris wasn't bothered by that.She was interested in these two men,especially Jennings.Of course,he was an enemy,but Harris fully enjoyed a highly worthy adversary.She too,had read about Jennings and Montgomery's battle records,and had been impressed,especially when she'd been at the receiving end off it.
They then noticed the Sanna stop conferring amongst themselves,and they all turned back,to face their human 'allies.'
'We have decided to accept your plan.'The Sanna commander informed O'Rourke,who was delighted.
'Very good.'O'Rourke's tone reflected his pleasure.'A wise decision,commander.'He now felt the future,was much more brighter,and was already preparing the details for the trap.Of course,he'd still take the girl,once her two friends had been eliminated.O'Rourke couldn't wait to ravish her,and add Kelly to his already impressive collection,of his pretty enslaved girls.There was also the added bonus,that he could use Kelly as a hostage.Her own people would be frantic for her safe return,and may even pay him a ransom.
Of course,O'Rourke had no intention of releasing Kelly,even if a ransom he demanded,was paid to him.He knew the girl was highly skilled,in understanding Sanna technology.The Sanna would be more than eager,to remove this knowledge from her.O'Rourke had seen them do this on human captives,and it wasn't a pretty sight.He silently promised himself,that he'd keep the girl.
Still,he was looking forward to seeing Jennings and Montgomery again.He actually owed them one,for wiping out his specially trained,assault group.He was enjoying thinking this,when he suddenly heard one of the Sanna say to the commander.
'We are approaching the human's base,commander.'
'Take us in.'His superior ordered.
The order was obeyed without question,and the Sanna craft landed inside.O'Rourke then made his way back towards Kelly's cell.When he got there,he unlocked the door,and was pleased to see Kelly,still tightly bound and gagged on the cell floor.The girl,seeing him standing in the doorframe,gave a terror stricken,but considerably muted shriek.With an evil smile on his face,O'Rourke advanced slowly towards her.
Kelly had made no headway with her bonds.The ropes were still too tight,and the tape over her mouth,was very effective,silencing her.Still praying for a miracle,Kelly's hopes were practically crushed,seeing O'Rourke's sinister form open the cell door.Seeing him move towards her,and kneeling down beside her prone form,Kelly clenched her eyes tightly shut.
As O'Rourke knelt down,he was pleased to see the girl's fear.He liked to see that,in all his pretty female captives,and he exploited that,to the fullest.He then took a firm hold,on Kelly's chin.
'Look at me,my pretty.'He ordered her.
Kelly heard a smug tone in his voice,which made her skin crawl,but there was also a cold,hard edge to it,which made her obey him.
'I have some good news for you,my dear.'O'Rourke smiled down at her,which Kelly hated.Her frightened eyes were huge,staring back up at him.'You have two friends,which survived the battle,and they're coming for you.'
He was pleased to see the despair in the girl's eyes disappear,to come alive with renwed hope.He confirmed it for her.
'Jennings and Montgomery are their names,I believe?'He still held Kelly's chin forcefully,and started to stroke his hand,through her smooth,raven hair,making her whimper fearfully.'I can't wait to let them know,that I have you in my clutches.Let's hope for your sake,that they won't keep us waiting too long,as I know the Sanna want to get their hands on you.'
Kelly was still mumbling like mad behind her gag,as O'Rourke suddenly bent down to seize her,and then lifted her over his shoulder.Giving Kelly's rump an enjoyable smack,he enjoyed hearing the girl's protesting,yet scared,muffled shriek.He then carried his prize out of the cell,and took her into his base.
As she was carried in,all Kelly could do,was to pray that Jennings and Montgomery,wouldn't be taking their time,to plan her rescue.She knew O'Rourke's base,was like a fortress,and only a complete lunatic,bent on suicide,would ever dream of attacking it.She knew that they were going to use her as bait.Her despair was now overwhelming her,as she heard O'Rourke's chuckles,as he carried her deeper,into the lion's mouth.
Chapter 3 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago