As Jennings and Montgomery made good their escape in the truck,they'd failed to spot Harris and her small group watching them.They'd desperately scrambled for cover,when the Sirrun fighters made their devastating attack runs.
They'd been lucky.Harris could only watch,and keep her head down,as Sanna troopers and a lot of her own people were easy prey.It really looked like a graveyard,once the Sirrun craft left the scene.
She could only watch Jennings and Montgomery successfully leave,with O'Rourke's former female prisoners.Losing the women didn't bother Harris,not in the slightest.It was only these two men,that she wished she could have killed.However,seeing the bodies of the men in the guard posts,Harris sensed a sniper was responsible,and she had to stay under cover.She could see the security surveillance devices,and none of them was working.Quite clearly,they'd been sabotaged.Whoever did this,Harris admitted,had to be really good.They'd sneaked in here undetected,and had basically gave them a sound beating.She hoped she'd meet this Jennings and Montgomery again.
At the moment though,Harris had to be sure the base was clear from any enemy,who may still be hiding by.She doubted it,but looking back at the dead men up above her,she thought there still may be a sniper watching them.
She then ordered one of her men,back into the base.Harris curtly told him to get the defences back online,especially the infra red scanners.Once these were operational,they'd be able to see who was hiding from them.
The man made it back into the base,without being attacked.This made Harris disappointed.Not because he'd made it,but if he had been shot by the sniper,Harris could have eventually marked the sniper's position,as she'd used her man,as a decoy.Either way,there was no shot fired,as she suspected.Whoever it was,had moved off,and had done a damned good job too.Harris knew,that to eliminate the tower guards,required great skill.She'd be very interested,to find out who this sniper was.
Suddenly,O'Rourke's voice blasted into her ears.
'Harris!'He sounded enraged.'Where the hell are you? Get down here,on the double!'
Damn him!Harris cursed silently.Pity he hadn't been killed.She mused afterwards.Still,there was plenty of time for that.
The man she'd sent in earlier,finally informed her the area was clear of hostiles,and they were getting on with repairs to the base.Harris could see it would take a while to do this.Everything was a mess,as well as a graveyard.
As her men covered her,Harris re-entered the base.She was glad that she made it back in unscathed.It was always in her mind,that the sniper was still here,and Harris knew her head had a high price.The same was said of the casualties suffered here.Dead Sanna and human bodies lay strewn all over here too.Harris knew Jennings and Montgomery had proved themselves,deadly accurate in their shooting.Yet Harris also noticed the many fatal cut wounds,inflicting on the bodies.She didn't have to guess,who'd been responsible for this.Whoever that mysterious woman was,Harris was going to find out.
She finally reached where O'Rourke was.He was slowly getting to his feet,somewhat shakily,and Harris noticed his battered,and bloody face.Despite the agony his face was in,O'Rourke's thoughts were hard.He was constantly thinking of Jennings,who'd easily beaten him,and revenge was dominant on his mind.He was determined to get it too.
Seeing Harris enter,he just about kept his balance,and rubbed his face gingerly.
'I take it they escaped?'There was bitter sarcasm,in his query.
Harris nodded,although she made no verbal response.
'Doesn't matter.'O'Rourke was already making fresh plans.'We'll get them.I know we will.'
'Really?'Harris was faintly amused.'How do you propose to accomplish that?'
He heard her tone,but O'Rourke ignored it.He admitted secretly to himself,that he'd been lucky to escape being killed.Jennings could have finished him off,but he hadn't,and that was his big mistake.O'Rourke thought,with an evil smile.
He'll regret letting me live.O'Rourke never had any doubts about that.It was the only thought,that made O'Rourke determined to get even with Jennings.
'Get a hold on Sanna records on those two.'He ordered Harris curtly.'I want to know everything about those two men,especially Jennings.'
Harris was still amused,to hear him say that.
'You're still sore,that the better man beat you?'She practically smirked,seeing the evidence clearly.
'He didn't beat me,Harris!'O'Rourke snarled at her.'If he had,I'd be dead now!'
He then calmed himself down,realising losing his temper,wasn't going to get him anywhere.
'Just get a hold on their files.'O'Rourke went on more reasonably.'Look for any concerns,that this Jennings has.Maybe we can exploit that,against him.'
'That's not going to be easy.'Harris admitted.'Sanna security,is really hard to get past.'
'Then I'm sure you'll relish the challenge,won't you,Harris?'The sneer returned in O'Rourke's tone.'If you can't do it,I'll find somebody else who can.'
Harris glared fiercely at him,but realised it was pointless to argue against him.She'd bide her time though,and would take great pleasure,in taking command here.With O'Rourke out of the way,she sensed she could really get things moving,unlike this fool,who was only interested in satisfying his sex lust over his pretty captives.
'Let's go.'Harris ordered her small group,turning away from O'Rourke's smug face.She'd wipe that off him,and still accomplish her mission he'd just given her.In fact,Harris already had an idea.
Montgomery stopped the truck temporarily,so they could pick up Kelly and Hunt.Kelly was easily helped into the back by Jennings,who then assisted Hunt.Jennings could see the two sniper rifles,she was carrying on her back,but he helped her easily.Hunt always accepted his offer.She owed a lot to Jennings,who'd actually saved her from going insane,having seen her brothers being gunned down by Harris.
Quickly,Jennings pounded on the back of the truck's cabin.There was a small gap,where he could talk to him,but he shouted to him.
Montgomery instantly put his foot down,increasing the truck's speed.Soon,they were well out of range from O'Rourke's base.The truck stopped momentarily,as Jennings climbed into the front cab with his friend,and both men kept a sharp lookout,especially on the sky.Sanna fighter craft were a major threat,having achieved air superiority over Man's own air forces.
'Where to now?'Montgomery asked.
'That base Major Peters ordered us to.'Jennings responded.'We'll carry on the fight there.'
'Let's hope we can find it.The position wasn't really well marked.'
'We will.'Jennings was quite surprised at his confident answer.He did agree with Montgomery,having seen the co-ordinates Peters had given them.It was very vague,but something told him he'd find it.
In the back of the truck,Hunt,Kelly and all the other girls,were looking at Kate closely.She was an attractive woman.Kelly thought,but her own eyes never left the two swords the woman wore.She could tell this female,was deadly.
'Who are you?'Kelly managed to summon up to ask her.'Why did you help us?'
She received a warm smile from the woman.
'My name is Kate.'It was a polite reply.'We picked up your distress call,and came as soon as we could.'
Kelly remembered making her frantic call,just before she was seized.It was just dawning on her,that this 'Kate',wasn't from the Earth.Yet,she looked totally human,and Kelly did feel safe with her.Even so,she was still curious.
'You heard me? How?'
'The Sanna transmitter you used,was exceptionally powerful.'Kate explained politely.'It had the range,to travel to our system.'
'Where are you from?'Kelly asked,but then,she noticed Kate look sharply towards the cabin,where Jennings and Montgomery were.
In the front cab,Montgomery made sure he kept his foot down,and glancing in the side mirrors,both men were relieved to see O'Rourke's smouldering base,finally disappear.Jennings sincerely hoped O'Rourke had bought it.If he hadn't,Jennings was certain that thug,would be gunning for revenge.
For the moment though,both men had other things to worry about,as they kept their eyes peeled at the sky.Sanna fighter craft were a major threat,having achieved air superiority over Man's air military.Both Jennings and Montgomery kept a sharp lookout,ready to evade them,if they showed up.
Another worry for Jennings,was his sister,Louise.He'd never stopped thinking about her,and was remembering the last time he'd spoke to her.She was actually close by,at a Royal Navy port.She had her hands full,trying to assist the countless refugees,desperately trying to flee the fierce fighting.Jennings also remembered,that there wasn't much military protection there,and he swore to himself,that he'd get there and help his sister.
He was suddenly aware,that Kate was speaking to him.
'You are concerned for your sister?'Her voice was gentle,but Jennings glanced back at her,surprised.
'How did you know that?'He asked,before recalling that he'd felt her thoughts in his head,so he knew the answer.
'You read my mind?'Jennings asked her slowly.
'I would never do such a thing.'Kate reassured him.'You are a decent man,so there is no way I would contemplate it.'
Jennings looked into Kate's eyes,and quite clearly saw the woman's warm,sincerity in them.So,he answered her question.
'Louise is all I've got.'He nodded.'I always promised I'd be there for her.'
Kate nodded too.She actually felt the sinister,and even lustful thoughts directed at his sister.She didn't like it.
'I will help you.'She told him.'You may rest assured of that.'
Jennings didn't reply to that.All he wanted to do,was to get to that port,and protect Louise.But right now,there were other people's safety depending on him.
'We'll make sure the girls are safe first,Monty.'He informed his friend.'Let's get to that base Major Peters told us about,then we'll head over to that port.'
'You got it.'Montgomery agreed,still driving the truck at breakneck speed.Jennings silently praying he'd get to Louise in time.
Louise Jennings was a very pretty girl,and she'd always accepted that.She had long dark bushy hair,that just fell past her shoulders.Louise also had warm,intelligent brown eyes that didn't miss much.It was part of her job to be this.Louise was an officer,in the Royal Navy,and her duty involved assigning the right people,to protect others from harm.Louise chose well,and wisely.The men she selected,always came out successfully.Usually,it was protecting shipping,and other tasks,such as gathering intelligence,on possible hostile threats.
In her normal duty,Louise would be stuck behind a desk,doing paperwork.She sent her reports to higher brass,detailing the mission backgrounds of the men she chose.However,with the Sanna invasion,paperwork practically ceased,as the military was desperate for more manpower.Louise knew they needed everybody they could get.Time was running out,and they all knew it.
She was in this port,and was trying to assist the many fleeing civilians,desperate to find a place of refuge.A boat out of the country,seemed a good idea to many of the people here,and they were pouring in.There was a military presence here,and the port was defended.Two Royal Navy destroyers,'the 'Brilliant' and the 'Hunter' were stationed just inside the harbour.Their crews ready and alert,as they manned their weapons.Louise could also see anti-aircraft guns,and missile launchers scattered all over the port.It looked a formidable defence,but Louise could see so few soldiers manning the weapons.She knew that when the Sanna attacked,they did it en mass,simply overwhelming their defences by sheer numbers.It was impossible to fight against these odds,and this was why there were so few,and experienced people to keep the fight going.
For the moment,the military's presence was keeping things under control.The soldiers made sure that there was no stampede,and issued their instructions firmly,but encouragingly.Queues of people were kept orderly,yet there were still more and more people arriving,stretching the military's resources even further.
Watching all this,Louise could feel the tension in the air.She was scared stiff herself,but didn't show it.Looking at the harbour,she could see many boats of different shapes and sizes.They were all crammed with people,who'd been lucky enough to get on board one.Yet,she could also see the wrecks of those boats,who hadn't been so lucky.The harbour was littered with these wrecks,and it was making the port dangerously overcrowded.
Even so,there was nothing that they could do for the fallen.Louise was here,to help the living.She was currently working on the schedules,of the still active shipping.The port was extremely busy,as the boats filled up with people.Louise knew many more were expected in,but Sanna fighter craft had sank so many,delaying the evacuation here.Louise and her people felt so helpless.Despite all their best efforts,the Sanna were winning,and just like everybody else,Louise was getting more and more frightened.
To try and control her fear,Louise always kept a favourite photograph on her.She reached into one of her breast pockets,from her navy white shirt,and looked down at it.It showed herself,and her elder brother,John.Like her,he served in the military,but was in the British army.He was always engaged in battle,and Louise really had no idea,if he was still alive.She sincerely hoped he was,as she kept gazing down at the picture.She then touched her brother's face.
If only you're here,John.Louise thought,hoping she'd reach him.I really need your help.
Louise knew immediately,that there was more than a hint of desperation in her,as she thought that.
Quickly,she put the photograph back into her shirt pocket,and hurried on.She'd been ordered to take the schedule,to her commanding officer,Captain Foster.There were still many harbour buildings standing,although a lot were burnt out shells,but in one of them,was her captain.She found him easily enough,and could see the radio man,hard at work too.Louise had never seen this man before,but she could see he was typing out messages by Morse code.
She then walked straight up to Foster,and saluted him.He glanced up at her,and Louise could see the weariness on his face,but his eyes were still strong.Foster was determined to save as many lives as possible,and could handle high pressure situations like this.This was why he,Louise,her brother,and many others joined the British armed forces.They were the best trained soldiers,in the world.Even so,Sanna military might was wiping them out,with only a few limited successes.There were simply too many of them,to contend with.
'What is it,Louise?'Foster returned her salute.He always called everybody under his command,by their first names.It was a nice touch from a senior officer,to the ranks below him,and much appreciated.
'Here's the latest schedule,Sir.'Louise handed that over to him.Her voice was grim,knowing a lot of ships were overdue.She knew the reason why.
'Thank you,Louise.'Foster nodded,reading it.His own expression turned grim,knowing that unless a major miracle occurred,there'd be a disaster here.His intelligence had fully confirmed a heavy Sanna force en route,and Foster could only pray they'd get help,and quick.He had actually called for it,and then turned to the man,operating the radio.
'Any news on those reinforcements,Talbot?'Foster asked him.
'Nothing.Sir.'The man known as Talbot replied.'Still unable to get past Sanna jamming our signal.'
'Keep at it then.'Foster instructed him.'We need that extra help.Without it,we're finished.'
Foster then left him,to check up on the harbour's defences,warning his people about the expected Sanna.As he turned his back on Talbot,Louise was watching the radio man curiously.She clearly recognised the message system Talbot was sending out,and for a moment,listened to his tapping.She was a little rusty at Morse,but could still understand the code.Louise clearly heard Talbot tapping out,'come quick come quick'
She really hoped he'd get through to somebody,who could give them the help they so desperately needed.She was about to ask him something,when Foster called her over.
As Louise turned away from him,she didn't see Talbot's smug,leering expression at her back.He really admired the girl's figure,and he'd been watching her,since he managed to infiltrate Foster's people.Talbot was actually one of Harris' people,and she'd given him clear instructions,to kidnap Louise.It was an order Talbot was fully eager to obey.She looked great in her all white navy shirt,and many had drooled over Louise's magnificent chest.The girl had seen this,but wasn't offended.She wasn't that type,as Talbot knew she was a very popular young woman.
She'll certainly be popular with the boss.Talbot knew that.He might be lucky,and get some time with Louise herself.He thought with relish.She's a real beauty.Talbot concluded,and he couldn't wait to take her.
For now though,he kept up the pretence,that he was sending out messages for help.In reality,he was actually sending out information on the defences here.Had Foster found out,he would have been shot on the spot.But so far,the deception was working.There was just too much happening outside,and Foster's people had their hands full.From what Talbot could see,things were getting more desperate.He smirked again.When the Sanna would get here,they'd find this place so easy to attack,and he didn't anticipate any problems whatsoever.
Finally,Montgomery stopped the truck.It had been a tense ride,but they'd managed to avoid Sanna patrols,and any other hostile party.Jennings had been thinking of the people he'd killed,back in O'Rourke's base.It really sickened him,that any of his people would ally themselves,with an invader.But he would deal with any threat to him or his friends,be it Sanna or human.
The area they'd arrived in,was nothing but a bleak landscape.They could hardly see anything,but Jennings had examined the co-ordinates on the map,and knew that hidden base wasn't too far off.
Once the truck had stopped,both Jennings and Montgomery climbed out,and looked around them.There was a low,but thick mist surrounding them,giving off a creepy scene.However,neither man wasn't perturbed by it.The mist was a good source of cover for them,so they didn't complain.At the same time though,neither of them could see more than a few yards in front of them.
It was then,that Jennings spotted several cave entrances,and he drew Montgomery's attention to it.He instantly knew the base was close by.
To confirm this,both men were then aware of Kate suddenly by their side.She too,was pointing at the caves.
'You are here.'Kate simply told them.She'd already known of the base's exact location,told to her by Major Robson,back on board the 'Savage.'
'Okay.'Jennings nodded,before he headed back to the rear of the truck.He then helped Hunt down,then Kelly,and all the rest of the girls too.They all followed him,as Hunt kept to the rear.
They all noticed Kate taking the lead,and she moved towards one particular cave entrance.Jennings moved up quickly behind her,as everybody else followed him.
As he entered the cave,Jennings was aware the cavern,was pitch black.Instantly,he and Montgomery switched on powerful torches,improving visibility.Jennings could just make out Kate up ahead.She was still advancing deeper into the cave,and he made certain he kept her in his sight.
After a few moments,he then noticed Kate had stopped.She then knelt down to the ground,checking something.She had found what they were looking for,and turning to face Jennings,Kate gestured for him,to come forward.He did so.
When he did,Kate stepped back for him to see,and Jennings then saw a cover built into the ground.He glanced at Kate curiously.
'How did you know this was here?'he asked.
'I was told of it.'Kate answered him truthfully.Whilst she'd been on the 'Savage' preparing herself for this mission,she'd been told of this place by Major Robson.
'I just thought you could use a little help.'She said to Jennings,who nodded at her approvingly.
'Believe me,it's much appreciated.'Jennings was honest in his response.He still didn't really know who this woman was,but he trusted her.They could have easily missed this,and be still searching for ages.The cover had been extremely well camoflagued,and how on earth this woman had spotted it,was a mystery.
He then watched Kate take out an electronic device,and she placed it on top of the cover.The device flashed for a few moments,before the cover slowly opened.Jennings then noticed a long metal ladder,leading downwards into more gloom.After a quick glance to his friends,Jennings made the decision to go first.He gently lowered a foot onto one of the steel rungs,and was relieved to feel its strength.He then began to climb down the ladder,but very carefully.Kate,Kelly and Montgomery watched his slow descent.
Jennings made sure he took his time,but he experienced no problems,and his feet finally reached the bottom.He then used his torch,and could see a corridor leading off.He radioed back to his friends up above.
'It's here.'His voice was satisfied.'Be careful when you come down though.'
Jennings looked up,and could now see Montgomery now climbing down to join him.Jennings waited for him,and once his friend had done so,they both began to check the base out.The place was huge,but after a thorough check,the two men found nobody here,and radioed the all clear.Soon,they were all joined by Hunt,Kelly,all the girls,and finally Kate.
They found living quarters,a command centre,medical facilities,and an armoury.They also heard a faint humming sound.Obviously coming from machinery.
'Must be the generators.'Kelly said,and she saw Kate nod at her.
'That is correct.The generators keep the base entirely self sufficient.It was actually a top secret design by your people.'
'I see.'Jennings said.He'd never heard of this place,but it looked as if it would provide cover,from their enemies.He hoped so.
The rest of the base was explored,and there were more quarters found.Jennings asked Hunt and Kelly,to show the rest of the girls that.With that done,Jennings led the way back to the command centre.The room was not to dis-similiar,from that of the radio station.Kelly took a quick look around,and noticed the familiar monitor screens,built into the consoles.She moved over to one,and activited a power switch.The whole room,suddenly came to life,as all the monitor screens were turned on.
Kelly made a thorough test of all the communications equipment,and then looked up at her friends.
'Everything's functioning perfectly.'She told them.'We've got some good stuff here to use.'
Jennings too,examined the monitor screens.He could see all the surrounding area they'd just passed through,and was pleased to note,that nobody could approach the base unseen.
'Looks good.'He commented,before watching Kelly making more adjustments,on the screens.
'Let's see if we can see what's going on.'She was switching through different broadcasts,hoping to find more of their people,still managing to resist the Sanna.Although they all knew,that there was very little organised resistance now.The first Sanna strikes on the Earth,had been devastatingly effective.Very little could be done countering this,as the Sanna had moreorless destroyed their forces.Only a few were managing to operate,and Kelly was desperately hoping she'd find these people.However,there was nothing,but constant defeats.So many millions of human lives,had been lost.The Sanna's grip on the Earth,was tightening.
Kelly finally found a civilian news channel,and they all gathered round her to watch it.What they saw was grim.The monitor screen showed a harbour,packed with people flooding into it.They all noticed the fear on the faces.The camera then turned to show the harbour itself.There were many ships,and obviously,it was an evacuation in progress.They then saw two Royal Navy destroyers,and manned defences that were scattered all over the harbour.All could see,that the defences were aimed at anti-aircraft.
The camera then turned back to the people,desperately hoping to get on board a ship to escape,but more and more were coming in.Jennings could see that the small military force there,were just about keeping control,but they'd need help.All of them could see,that everybody there was anxiously scanning the sky.They all knew why.Sanna air power,was ruthless.
The camera then turned to face a very pretty young woman.She was holding a microphone,and was obviously the news reporter.However,Jennings could see this woman's face was nervous.He didn't blame her,but as he watched,his heart leapt,when he spotted his sister.Louise was hurrying past the newswoman,and Jennings could see,that Louise was scared stiff also.He only saw her for a moment,but knew she was in trouble.
Kelly had turned up the volume control,and they then heard the newswoman gave her report.
'This is a scene of mass desperation.'Her voice was a mixture of grim anticipation and terror,as she kept looking up at the sky.'So many refugees here,desperately trying to secure a place on board one of the ships here,to escape the invading Sanna menace.'She paused for a moment,gathering her breath.'The few surviving military sources,can't confirm a large Sanna force is en route here.'
A sudden blast from a ship's horn,made her jump in fright,as she turned her gaze over towards the source.A large passenger liner,packed to the brim,was slowly departing the harbour.She then turned back towards the camera.
'Hopefully,there will be enough ships here,to safely evacuate everyone,but time is against-'
They all saw the woman stop in mid-sentance,and watched her gaze look up sharply.She'd obviously spotted something,and they watched her scream out in terror.
'Oh my God!'
The camera also turned upwards,to show dozens of Sanna attack craft,swooping down onto the harbour.All of the attacking Sanna began to attack the defences,as eeverybody in the base watched in horror,now hearing their people scream out in fear.
'We've got to get there!'Jennings stood sharply up,anxious to help Louise.
'How?'Montgomery asked.'The harbour's over ten miles away.We'll never get there in time.'
Before Jennings could respond to that,he watched Kate stepped forward.She then held out her hands to him.
'Hold onto me.'Kate told him respectfully.'I will take you there.'
'What?'Hunt was baffled,just like her friends.
'I will take you there.'Kate repeated.'Please.Hold my hand.'
Jennings did so.Montgomery followed suit,before Hunt also took Jennings' arm,whilst Kelly gripped Montgomery's.The moment both men touched Kate's hands,they all disappeared from sight.
Foster was rapidly issuing his orders to his people,who were immediately returning fire,on the attacking Sanna hordes.The whole place was in uproar,as the harbour's defences blasted back at the alien invaders.The gunfire was deafening,the two naval destroyers were targeting the Sanna craft,shooting down many,but more and more just simply came at them.The Sanna were also shooting into the huge numbers of defenceless people mercilessly,killing many.This enraged Foster,who'd served in many war zones before.The screams he was currently hearing,hardened him.He hated seeing the innocent suffer,and was always determined to protect them.
However,Foster could see that the Sanna were here in force.To make matters worse,he then spotted two Sanna warships,menacingly approaching them from above.The two ships were moving into a pincer attack.Foster clenched his teeth,feeling his helplessness.Once these ships were on the scene,you were as good as dead.To beat them,some serious firepower was needed,but they didn't have it.All their weaponry,was desperately trying to beat off the Sanna fighter attack.So far,they were having success.The anti-aircraft batteries and the missile launchers,were taking a heavy toll on the alien ships.The two Royal Navy destroyers too,were throwing up everything they had,inflicting their own hits,but Foster could still see more Sanna attack craft coming in.He was also anxiously watching the two Sanna warships moving closer to them,and Foster knew,that once they opened up their weapons,he and everybody else down here,would be obliterated.
They needed help and fast.Glancing back at Talbot,who had told him the radio had a problem.The man appeared to be working frantically on it,still tapping out the messages in Morse code.Foster then looked back outside,seeing everybody out there,desperately trying to find cover,from the attacking Sanna.Not all could.More and more people were being killed,and Foster clenched his fists in frustration.He was aware that Louise was standing close by.Foster could see the fear in her face.He didn't blame her.Inside,he was fuming with rage at these murdering monsters,so callously killing his people.He was hoping to beat the Sanna off,but realised they needed a miracle to achieve that.
He glanced sharply back at Talbot,praying for some good news from him.
'Have you got it working yet?'Foster almost snapped it at him.
'Yes,Sir.'Talbot responded respectfully.'Transmitting now,but still no response.'
Foster cursed silently,but kept his cool.
'Just keep trying.We're dead if there's nobody there.'
How right you are.Talbot thought smugly,as he continued to tap out the Morse.He was still grinning to himself,totally uncaring at the slaughter going on outside.
However,he'd failed to notice Louise move up behind him,and was watching him tapping out the codes for a few moments,before Louise realised what he was actually sending out.It certainly wasn't a call for help,and her eyes widened in shock.Instantly,she grabbed Foster's arm.
'Sir!'Louise's voice was frantic.'He's betraying our position!'
Both Foster and Talbot froze at hearing that.There were incredulous expressions on both their faces,but Foster was the first to react.He grabbed his sidearm,and aimed it directly at the still stunned Talbot.
'Get away from there!'Foster's voice was almost a snarl.The sheer thought that one of his own people,was responsible for so many deaths sickened him.
Carefully covering him,he watched Talbot slowly rise up,and the man moved slightly away from the radio.Talbot's stunned look,was still aimed directly at Louise.He was cursing himself for being so careless.Of course the girl would know Morse code.She was after all,in the Royal Navy.
However,Talbot recovered.He was still confident of completing his mission,and his smug,almost lustful look never left the girl.
'It's a waste of time,you know,Captain.'Talbot remarked casually,still indifferent to the massacre going on outside.'The Sanna will always prevail.'
'Shut up!'Foster waved his gun sharply at Talbot.'Back off.Now!'
Still keeping a sharp eye on Talbot's retreating figure,Foster then turned to Louise.
'Louise,find out where he was sending his messages too.'
'Aye,sir.'Louise hurried forward to the radio,putting on the headphones,and listened intently.The shock multiplied on her face,once she found out the answer.She looked back at Foster.
'Sir,it's O'Rourke!'
Foster's face hardened even more hearing that name.He knew too well,who O'Rourke was.
'My God,man.'Foster shook his head disbelievingly at Talbot.'Don't you realise what you've just done here?'He couldn't help,but demand.'Why,Talbot? Why?'
Talbot's still smug and lustful look,never left Louise.
'Because the rewards are well worth it.'
'You're a murderer!'Louise almost spat into his face,feeling her revulsion for this man shaped thing increasing.
'Louise.Get away from him.'Foster commanded.He didn't like her being so close to him.
With huge relief,he saw her hurry back to his side.Foster still had his weapon aimed at Talbot,and had just decided to shoot this monstrosity,when suddenly,a Sanna attack craft swooped down on them,firing its laser cannons at them.Foster instantly grabbed Louise,and flung her down onto the ground.His own body covered her.Louise couldn't help,but scream in fear,as the lasers passed perilously close to her.The Sanna craft then flew off.
As soon as he'd seen the Sanna ship coming in,Talbot too,had thrown himself onto the ground.He'd managed to avoid the deadly laser fire,and despite being winded,he slowly looked up.His face broke into an evil smile,at what he saw.
Foster lay unmoving,but Talbot could see that the man was dead.The Sanna lasers had struck him in the back,but the girl was unharmed.Good.That was what he wanted.
He watched Louise slowly come up on all fours,trying to gather her wits.It was then,that she spotted Foster's sidearm lying close by.
Talbot too,had seen it at the same time,and they both went for it.Although Louise managed to get a hand on the weapon,Talbot's hand seized her wrist,forcing Louise to relinquish her hold on it.
Smiling triumphantly,Talbot still kept his iron vice like grip on Louise's wrist,and he then yanked the girl up to her feet.Quickly,he pulled her arms behind her back,and wrapped a tight arm over her waist.
'Nice try,Louise.'Talbot was more than pleased,as he gloated into her ear.'But a wasted one.'
'Let me go!'Louise fought fiercely in his grip,but Talbot held her easily.He was actually enjoying her struggles,before he heard the girl scream out.'Somebody help me!'
This made Talbot clamp his hand over the girl's mouth.Louise's eyes bulged,as she felt his hand tighten.
'Don't bother screaming your pretty mouth off for help,my dear.'Talbot was still chuckling into her ear.'Everybody outside,is trying to save their own skin.Nobody is going to help you here.'
Despite the warning,Louise kept up a frantic struggling,and she could only make faint mumbles behind his tight handgag.Talbot smirked,relishing his captive.
'You see,my dear.'He began to explain.'When the boss wants something,she always gets it,especially a pretty young lady like yourself.Harris has ordered me to seize you.'
Louise's eyes bulged even wider,as she recognised Harris' name.She knew this woman was O'Rourke's second in command,but she wasn't a woman.Louise had read off all Harris' doings in this war,and just like the Sanna,she was a monster.Louise's struggles became more frantic.Being kidnapped by Harris,would surely lead to O'Rourke.This was something Louise had never imagined,not even in her worst nightmares.She had to escape,but this was impossible,as she felt Talbot grip her more firmly.
Talbot easily dragged her back over to the radio.This time,he didn't use the Morse,but made voice contact.
'This is Talbot.'He spoke calmly into the microphone,before both captor and captive heard the familiar voice of Harris.
'Report.'Her voice was harsh.
'Mission accomplished.'Talbot spoke confidently,still smug.'I've got the girl.Requesting evac.'
'Proceed to extraction point.'Harris didn't offer any congratulations to him.'Just make sure you deliver her in one piece,Talbot.Or else.'
'Roger that.'Talbot then signed off.He knew the extraction point.It was a boat,moored up way back,amongst the outer harbour bays.Harris had chosen this personally.She hadn't bothered asking for Sanna assistance.This was her work alone.Talbot was utterly confident he'd make it there,and escape with the girl.
Still seeing the chaos going on outside though,Talbot thought it was too risky,to force the girl out like this.Instead,he decided to tie her up.
He easily forced Louise backwards,scanning for ropes,and he didn't have to look far.After all,this was a harbour.Ropes were plenty,and Talbot selected several strong coils.He then forced Louise down onto her knees,still confident that nobody would disturb him.There was just too much confusion going on,with the raging battle outside.He then jammed the gun hard,into the back of Louise's neck.
'Just do as you're told,Louise.'The threat in his voice fully evident.'I'd hate to mark that pretty face of yours.So don't bother screaming.'
He then removed his hand,and was pleased to see Louise didn't scream her head off,but he was enjoying seeing her fear.He then started to wind the ropes over her wrists,and Talbot worked quickly,but efficiently.He made sure all the ropes were pulled tight,and was pleased to hear Louise grunt in pain,as he finished the final knot on her wrists.Then,he pulled her ankles together,and did the same on them.Within moments,Louise was helpless,tightly bound hand and foot.
Talbot however,hadn't finished.He continued to wind more coils over Louise's upper body,drooling as he wound the ropes over the girl's shirt.He made three loops over Louise's chest,four loops under them,and then wound three more around her waist.Still enjoying himself,Talbot relished his handiwork,as he tied all the final knots tight as ever.
Satisfied that Louise was securely tied up,he then rolled her over onto her back.The girl's eyes were staring fearfully up at him,as he leered down at her impressive breasts,due to the tight ropes.Talbot then stroked a finger down her cheek.
'I'm sure you know about your brother.Louise.'Talbot smiled lustfully down at her,enjoying her eyes widen once he mentioned that.
'Yes,indeed,my dear.'Talbot nodded,confirming it.'Your brother's a real thorn in O'Rourke and Harris' operations.It was Harris' idea to kidnap you.You'll make a very pretty lure,so you can watch us kill him.'
'You bastard!'Louise snarled back up.Despite her fear,she still maintained a defiant attitude,towards her captor.'He'll easily smash you to pieces!'
This only made Talbot faintly amused.
'He can try,my pretty,but I don't think so.'His smirk still remained.'Once he's dead,you'll be one of O'Rourke's personal sex slaves.I'm hoping he'll give you to me,for a job well done here.'
Louise was horrified hearing that.
'You'll never get away with this!'She glared back.'You're going to pay for what you've done here!'
'I already am being paid for what I've done here,Louise.'Talbot told her,not the slightest bit bothered by the girl's threat.'Once I safely deliver you to Harris,you're going to do exactly as she tells you.'
Chuckling,Talbot stroked a finger down her cheek,which made Louise's skin crawl.He then couldn't resist,from fondling the girl's impressive breasts.She instantly responded,by spitting venomously into his face.Talbot's eyes flared,but he just managed to restrain himself,from striking Louise.Instead,he calmly wiped the spit off his face,and gripped Louise's chin hard.He then pulled out a large strip,of black cloth.
'The boss likes his girls to have plenty of spirit.'His smirk was now menacing.'He also loves to tie up and gag his pretty collection,which reminds me.'
He then balled up the cloth,and roughly forced into Louise's mouth.He enjoyed her frightened mumbles,but made sure the girl could still breathe.But she would be tightly gagged.There was still plenty of spare length from the cloth,and Talbot wound that over Louise's mouth.He made sure he fastened it tight,and was pleased to see it was effective.
Louise knew she couldn't utter a sound behind the gag.She could only manage a few,faint indistinct mumbles.Desperately,she shook her head furiously,trying to get it off,but it didn't budge an inch.If anything,the gag got tighter.In despair,she had to concede that she was firmly in Talbot's clutches.
Talbot was delighted.The girl was now secure,and his.He couldn't wait to savour her,once he got her on the boat.Now,it was time to get her out of here.Scooping Louise's bound and gagged form up,he then placed the girl over his shoulder,and hurried out,towards the extraction zone.
As he emerged into the on going battle,Talbot was pleased to see the Sanna attack craft,finally manage to hit the two naval destroyers.The two ships had put up a fierce defensive barrage,allowing many people to escape,but now,their ammunitions stocks were running low.Their fire became much more weaker,and the Sanna fully exploited this advantage.
Commencing ruthless strafing runs on them,the Sanna fired repeatedly into the destroyers.They became blazing infernoes,and as Talbot carried Louise on,both ships suddenly blew up into spectacular fireballs.
It was at that moment,that Jennings and his friends suddenly appeared out of nowhere.Apart from Kate,they'd all been surprised to find themselves where they needed to be.However,they all sprang into action,seeing the port's defences.There were some empty seats,on the scattered anti-aircraft weapons.They all headed there,but before Jennings raced on,he turned to Hunt and Kelly.
'Kelly,you stay with Hunt,okay?'He told her.'She'll keep you safe.'
Whilst he would have appreciated Kelly's help,Jennings knew the Sanna may get to know she was here,and didn't want her to be captured again.
As Hunt led Kelly off,Jennings and Montgomery looked on,appalled and shocked,at the carnage the Sanna were inflicting here.There were plenty of human casualties,but this made the two men determined to destroy the alien attack.
Quickly,they both made a survey of the harbour's defences,and could clearly see,that the two destroyers,were now sinking.Their defence gone.However,they could also see the scattered anti-aircraft batteries,and hurried towards them.Both men,and Kate climbed into a vacant seat,preparing to fire.
Checking the Sanna attack formation,they all noticed the alien craft lining up,to make another attack,on the huge mass of defenceless people below them.After checking the ammunition stock of his weapon,Jennings signalled to his friends,indicating their line of fire.Both Kate and Montgomery nodded their understanding,and they then opened fire.
The Sanna were taken completely by surprise,as more of their fast,agile craft were blown apart.Despite their instant successes,the three of them knew they hadn't won.All of them saw the two colossal Sanna warships,rapidly approaching.
As he kept on firing,Jennings shouted over to the Sirrun woman.
'Kate!We're going to need your help!'
Kate nodded at him.From the moment she'd seen the two Sanna vessels,Kate made immediate mental contact with her people.After a moment,she called back to Jennings.
'Help is coming.'
She then rejoined her new friends,who were blazing away at the Sanna enemy.So far,they were holding the attack craft at bay,but they were still fully aware,that they needed to eliminate the two massive threats,now getting even nearer.
Still billions of miles away,on the extreme edge of the Earth's solar system,the 'Savage' was still lurking in the massive orb cloud.Kate's thoughts however,made instant contact with her friends by telepathy.
It was Major Robson,who heard her request,and had sent a reassuring response back to her.She then immediately,approached Commander Griffiths.
'Sir.'Robson reported respectfully to him.'Lieutenant Sanders is urgently requesting fire support.Two major Sanna warships,threatening the planet's inhabitants.'
'Ready all main armament.'Griffiths nodded his approval.'Take us there,Major.Maximum speed.'
The 'Savage' then made a slow turn,and exited out of the orb cloud encircling the solar system.The ship then raced towards the Earth.
It only took a few moments,and Griffiths then saw the blue and white planet beneath them.He could also see plenty of Sanna fleet activity,and Robson then informed him,that the Sanna were now aware of their presence.
However,this didn't bother Griffiths.One of his people was in trouble,and he was going to help her.He always did.
'Position of enemy?'Griffiths asked.
This was relayed to him,and it only took him a moment,to plan his attack.
Turning to his helm officers,Griffiths then calmly ordered them.'Take us directly in front of them.We'll get their attention away from those people.'
The two Sanna ships configuration,was then shown to him.Griffiths recognised their type,knowing he'd faced them before.He was confident his attack would succeed,as he watched the 'Savage' enter the Earth's atmosphere.The,Griffiths ordered all defensive shields,to maximum power.
Back down in the harbour,there was a stunned silence,as everybody still alive,gaped at the new,massive,but deadly sleek shape of the 'Savage',now became visible.Only Kate wasn't gaping.Instead,she wore a smile,knowing her friends were here.
The two Sanna warships,were already blasting their main guns at the 'Savage',whilst their Sirrun enemy returned fire in full.The sky was echoing,with thunderous,deafening explosions.Everybody in the harbour,was staring upwards in fascination.The Sanna warships were firing potential,and hugely damaging salvoes at the 'Savage'.Massive explosions were surrounding the Sirrun ship,but she remained undamaged.
From the bridge,Griffiths was constantly listening,to the status of his shields.So far,they were holding up,and then,he was pleased to see his guns strike first blood.One of the Sanna warships,began to suffer a series of devastating explosions,as the 'Savage' inflicted tremendous damage on it.His gun crews had aimed well,selecting the Sanna vessel's most vunerable spots.Pleased,Griffiths watched the huge ship slowly back off from them,as its companion tried to cover their retreat.
'Keep firing.'he still calmly ordered.'Let's make sure they don't come back.'
His orders were obeyed,and he then turned to Robson.
'Launch fighter squadrons,as directed,Major.'Griffiths had already told his pilots,to prepare for scramble.They had assured him,they'd be ready.'Destroy all Sanna enemy ships.'
'Aye,sir.'Robson then carried out his wish,and moments later,the 'Savage's' launching bays,were alive with fighters launching out.Each of these fighters,then headed down into the Sanna attack craft,firing accurately.
Jennings watched the new ship inflict heavy,and serious damage on the two Sanna ships.Both of them were now retreating.This pleased him,and he turned to Kate,who in turn,gave him a thumbs up signal.He felt as if he'd really scored,in having this woman as a loyal ally.Jennings was still baffled by her origins,but seeing the new ship above him,utterly convinced him,that Kate was indeed,not from the Earth.
He then watched small,silver specks coming out of the new ship.These specks then instantly dived onto the remaining Sanna attack craft.Their assault was deadly,as many of the Sanna were blown out of the sky by them.Jennings knew these were fighters,and satisfied that the Sanna enemy had been contained,he then turned his attention,to finding Louise.
However,there were still too many people here,and Jennings forced himself to look more closely.He knew she was a Royal Navy officer,and he'd seen her wearing her uniform,so he was hoping that would help.He continued to scrutinize everybody,and was just thinking he'd never find her,when he suddenly did.
A man was carrying her over his shoulder,and Jennings could see,that Louise had been bound and gagged.The man was heading towards the outer part of the harbour,and Jennings could see a single,but large boat moored up there.It was evident the man was taking her there,and he'd soon get there within moments.
Instantly,Jennings jumped down from the anti-aircraft weapon,and raced after them.Montgomery did too,with Kate also jumping down,and she moved quickly to intercept the man.
Still helpless over Talbot's shoulder,Louise had spotted her brother,as he successfully shot down several Sanna attack craft.Her eyes had gone from despair,to soaring hope.She had to get his attention!But she was tightly gagged,and Talbot held onto her easily.All Louise could do,was pray that John would see her.He did.Their eyes locked,as Louise made a frantic mumble behind her gag.
'John!Help me!I'm being kidnapped!'That was what she tried to scream out,but the gag kept her cries to a minumum.She was still desperately trying to slow Talbot down,as Louise saw the boat he was taking her too.If John wasn't quick enough,her kidnapper would escape with her.Her efforts were fruitless.She did see her brother jump down immediately,and was now in pursuit.Louise prayed for him to reach her.She also saw his close friend,Montgomery follow too,but Louise then spotted a strangely dressed,young woman.She too,had jumped down from the anti-aircraft gun,but then Louise lost sight of her.
Talbot ignored Louise's frantic struggles.He was nearing the boat,and this made him grin to himself.Just a little further,and he could deliver the girl to Harris and O'Rourke,as ordered.He couldn't wait.
Talbot had just decided to make a check,to see if he was being followed,when he noticed he was.The grin vanished,as he then saw a tall,powerful man aiming his weapon at him.
'Hold it right there!'The man ordered sharply.
Talbot reacted quickly.He instantly put Louise down from his shoulder,but didn't release her.Instead,he wrapped his arm tightly over her waist,and pressed the gun harder,into the side of Louise's neck.This made her yelp behind her gag,and her head was forced up.
'Let her go!'Jennings could clearly see the fear,fully dominant in his sister's eyes.He sent her a comforting thought.Don't worry.I'll get you away from him.Jennings hoped Louise felt his reassurance.
Talbot made sure he kept a vice-like grip,on his pretty hostage.His own face,contorted into an arrogant sneer.
'I don't think so.'Talbot's voice was nasty.'But I will kill her,if you don't drop your weapon.Now.'
Talbot spoke the last word,with utter conviction.He pressed the gun more harder,into Louise,who whimpered.Jennings could see,that this thug was deliberately hurting his sister,so he threw his weapon down on the ground,in utter contempt.
Talbot smiled,fully relishing Louise's fearful,gagged mumbles.The girl's eyes were huge,thinking her brother had easily surrendered.
'That's much better.'Talbot nodded,very pleased.He then recognised Jennings.'You're her brother,aren't you?'He felt Louise stiffen in his hold.Excellent.This confirmed it.
'Your sister is very pretty,Jennings.'Talbot grinned maliciously.'She's certainly got a lot of admirers.O'Rourke too,has had his eye on her.I'm looking forward,to ravishing her myself.'
To savour his victory,Talbot kissed Louise's long,dark hair.The girl clenched her eyes shut,and Jennings was furious,as he was forced to listen to Talbot's gloating.
'She'll fetch an excellent price,once O'Rourke's finished with her.I bet the Sanna may even use her for their own-'
He suddenly broke off,seeing Jennings' fierce eyes suddenly change.The man was now quietly grinning at him.
'What's so damned funny?'Talbot demanded.
It was then,that Talbot sensed a presence behind him.He whirled around to face it,forcing Louise away from her brother.Talbot just had enough time,to see a beautiful,dark haired woman,standing very close to him.Her gaze was cold at him,and before Talbot could react,the woman made a swift,sharp movement with one of her arms.Talbot suddenly felt a sharp pain on his own arm.Instinctively,he looked down,and his eyes widened at what he saw.His severed hand lay on the ground.The gun still held in it,but Talbot didn't retreive it.Instead,he sank to his knees,shocked and full of disbelief,as he clutched his bloody stump.
As he sank to the ground,Talbot lost his hold on Louise,who almost fell too,but Jennings prevented her.He warmly hugged her,pleased she was free.Louise buried her head into his shoulder.She was starting to cry,and Jennings gently removed her gag.
'Thank you,John.'Louise's relief,was fully evident.She then watched her brother,cut the many ropes tied over her away.Once she was free from being bound and gagged,Louise warmly kissed Jennings on his cheek.
'Are you okay,Louise?'Jennings asked her,full of concern.
She smiled affectionately at her elder sibling.
'I always know my big brother,will come for me.'
They both embraced again,but then,they both heard Talbot give off,a gargling sound.Both gazed in contempt at him,as they were just in time,to see him collapse.A hidden knife,was in his other hand.He'd obviously hoped to ambush them with this,but fortunately,Kate had spotted his move.His ominous thoughts easily detected by her.The moment Talbot had pulled out the knife,Kate ruthlessly dealt him,a single,but fatal blow,with one of her swords.
'Thanks.'Jennings nodded at Kate.'I owe you one.'
He meant that,knowing if it wasn't for this unique young woman,Jennings wouldn't have been able to help these people under attack here,or rescue Louise.
Kate smiled at him,but made no comment.He would return the favour,in due course.
Louise was looking curiously at the young woman.
'John,who is she?'
'A friend,Louise.'Jennings knew she was.'A really good one.'He then allowed himself a faint smile,as he sensed better times ahead.However,he then lifted Louise into his arms,and carried her back to Kelly and Hunt.Montgomery and Kate,were right behind him.
However,as they moved away,none of them had spotted the boat,in which Talbot was supposed to escape in,had quietly left its moorings.As soon as the crew had seen Talbot eliminated,the Captain had made radio contact with Harris.His face was grim,knowing he was bearing bad news.
'Well?'Harris demanded from him.'Have you got the Jennings girl?'
'Negative.'The Captain answered.'She was rescued by her brother,and a young woman armed with swords.She killed Talbot.'
There was an ominous pause,before Harris' voice returned.
'No matter.'Her voice was indifferent,to Talbot's untimely demise.She never cared for him anyway.Only her aims,was what Harris appreciated.
'Just keep your eyes on her.'She told them firmly.'Remember,I want her alive,and unharmed.Understood?'
Harris then abruptly ended the transmission,before the captain could respond.However,he did indeed understand,and told the rest of his crew,who nodded too.Already,they were watching Louise being carried safely away,by her brother.Every one of them was determined to recapture her,but for now,they had to wait for the right moment.All were patient,knowing that moment would come,to seize the girl.
Chapter 6 to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago