Friday 15 April 2011

HMS 'Princess' illustrated version,in colour!

Here's the coloured version.Coloured by Matt Stone.Thanks very much,Matt.Great job.


  1. beautiful! will we be seeing more of these?

  2. Glad you liked it.Yes,you will.:)

  3. great! also, I'm curious why you closed your art blog down? if you are going to keep it down is there a chance you could post some of the great art you get somewhere we good download them full size instead of the small size on your banner?

    thanks-keep up the good work

  4. Oh,I'm just mildly annoyed with my blog's posts function.It used to let me see the posts people were looking at now,today,and the week,but this detail seems to have vanished.I'm always interested in seeing what people are looking at my blog.The damsel drawings blog I had before,just didn't seem to attract any interest really,plus of course,I had the same problem with the stat posts.Never mind though.I might put it back on.I was pleased you liked it,erikson.Keep up the good work on GDIT.:)

  5. A black girl with a black gag~"delicious"!

  6. I thought you would like that one.:)


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