Still fuming inside,Harris watched the settlement recede from her as Sanders drove off.She utterly resented losing any fight,and was determined to get those responsible here.They'd made her lose face in front of here men,and this was something Harris that didn't appreciate.
She had already made the suggestion to Sanders,about dropping some of her people off,and try to eliminate the hidden enemy,but Sanders had advised against it.
'They'll still be there watching us.'He told her.'So they'll see anybody we send back there.It's best to leave that place alone.'
Harris had to accept that.Sanders had a first class military brain,and every time she listened to him,their plans succeeded.Even so,Harris hated him for not letting her fight back.However,she kept quiet.It was a forgone conclusion,that whoever these people were,they'd strike again,and next time,Harris would be ready for them.
The trucks kept on moving,and Harris looked skywards.There,she could see the Sanna military might.The humanoids had stationed many of their ships and orbital bases there.It was an impressive sight of technology,but as Sanders followed he gaze,he could tell it was an intimidating sight.
No doubt bout it.Sanders thought grimly.They're the masters.
He then continued to drive on.
Finlay was pleased to see,that everybody had made it back to the base successfully.Finlay was always relieved,to see everybody return safely.He and Paula Ann had gone through this process many times,worrying that they'd lose their friends in battle.He'd never felt so pleased though,seeing his new friends safe and well.
After the usual exchange of greetings were finished,they all headed into the command room.Reynolds was busy scanning the monitor screens,and he made a thorough check on them all,before he nodded to Finlay.
'All clear.'he reported.
'Very good.'Finlay nodded back.He then called everybody together.'I think it's time we gave this O'Rourke and Harris,some more serious worries.'
'What did you have in mind?'Finch asked.
'You all told me and Paula Ann,about the number of young women O'Rourke's kidnapped.'Finlay correctly noticed what his friends thought he was thinking.'It's about time we helped those girls.'
'You plan to attack his base to do that?'Reynolds' question,was somewhat disbelieving.
'Not attack in that sense.'Finlay was sensible in his reply.'We all know how heavily guarded O'Rourke's place is.Only an idiot would dream of attacking that place.No,I've got a much better idea.'
'Which is?'
'Well,I don't think the girls here,will like what I have in mind.'Finlay knew that.He then looked at Paula Ann,knowing she would accept his idea.She nodded back to him.Finch however,seemed to disagree.
'You're going to use your lady friend as bait?'he asked.
'It's a successful tactic we use,and we use it a lot.'Paula Ann confirmed.
'We'll let O'Rourke take Paula Ann,or he thinks he's taken her.'Finlay started to explain.'Once she's inside his base,we'll track her and get the defences taken out.'
'Just like that?'Reynolds tone,was still disbelieving.
'Not exactly.'Finlay admitted.'However,I'm confident.I take it you'll all back Paula Ann up?'
'And me too.'Louise spoke her approval too.'I'll do it.'
They all looked at Louise in total surprise,especially Jennings.
'Are you sure,Louise?'Jennings asked her concerned.'You know what you'll be getting yourself into.'
'I do.'Louise knew it.'I also know you'll be there for me,when I need you.'
'I'll make sure she's okay.'Paula Ann reassured.'Anyway,two's better than one.It may even lower O'Rourke's guard.'
From the looks on Jennings,Montgomery,Reynolds and Finch's expressions,they didn't appear convinced,but none of them said any objections.
'Okay.'Finlay turned back to one of the monitor screens,and showed them a route of one of O'Rourke's snatch patrols.
'We'll drop you both off here.'Finlay went on.'It's a deserted stretch of road,but they use it a lot,heading towards a settlement close to O'Rourke's base.Once they grab you,we won't have to follow you for long.'
This made Louise look into Jennings' eyes.
'I know you'll come for me.'She told him,fully believing it.
'You can count on it.'Jennings nodded to her,swearing his life on it.
Harris and Sanders had finally driven back into O'Rourke's base.They ignored the frantic activity going on.Both knew that they were receiving a Sanna visit today,and their people were doing their best to make the place look good.
However,Harris and Sanders had other things on their mind.As soon as the trucks stopped,they both jumped out,and entered the base.
Once they'd reached their destination,neither of them wasted any time,as they began to access the needed camera footage.It didn't take long to find it,and both Harris and Sanders watched the decimation of O'Rourke's men.They then saw the figure of Jennings and Finlay,who then helped Kelly,before they escaped.
Sanders wanted to see how O'Rourke's men had reacted under fire,and he wasn't impressed by what he was seeing.He clearly identified the deadly,and ultimately successful crossfire,that finished them off.However,Sanders knew to eliminate a sniper,you sent another sniper in.Had those men kept their heads,they would have stayed under cover,and radioed for support.They'd all paid dearly for not doing so.
Harris selected Jennings,Finlay,and finally Kelly's figures in the footage.She was actually placing them onto the base's database,and wanted to know who they were.Their personnel records were excellent here,and if they needed to find out about somebody,they would.
After watching the footage,Harris then switched it off,and made the necessary orders to find out who her latest enemies were.She then turned to Sanders.
'Recognise any of them?'She asked.
Much to her surprise,Sanders nodded.
'I recognise the two men.'He told her.'The tall one is known as Jennings,whilst the other man is Finlay.'
This made Harris think.She too,had heard of those names.
'Jennings and Finlay?'She almost mused the question,before she finally realised who Jennings was.'Not Jennings and Montgomery?'
'The very same.'Sanders confirmed.'The Sanna are even reported to be scared of them.I've seen the damage they've done,and it's impressive.They've even successfully infiltrated heavily defended Sanna bases.'He paused,before finishing.'Two very good soldiers.I would like to see them in action.'
'What about this Finlay?'
'He's one of General Grant's people.There's rumours going on,that they have an army in recruiting,somewhere up north.Anybody General Grant sends,is bound to cause some major problems.'
'I see.'Harris almost sneered that out.'Well,thank you for that,Sanders.Let's go and inform our fearless leader,shall we?'
They both headed towards the main command area of the base,but not surprisingly,O'Rourke wasn't there.After they'd made inquiries of his whereabouts,they were directed to his private quarters.
'You stay here,Sanders.'Harris ordered him.'The Sanna may be here any moment.When they come,you deal with them.'
Harris didn't wait for a response from him,nor was there one,as she made her way quickly,towards O'Rourke's private chambers.
When she got there,Harris didn't bother knocking.She walked,or more precisely,barged her way in through O'Rourke's guards.The men knew better not to stop Harris.
However,Harris was stopped.Not by the guards,but by what she was currently seeing.
O'Rourke was in his private chambers,and he wasn't wearing any combat gear.Instead,he was only wearing his briefs.At first glance,he appeared to be,a very handsome man.He was strong too,as he liked to work out.Many women would have found this fact on him,quite appealing.
Yet,O'Rourke had no female admirers.Instead,the women loathed him,as well as being in fear of him too.At the present moment,O'Rourke was enjoying his most sacred hobby,and that was ravishing a delicious young woman.
He had one on his hugely impressive,king sized bed.The girl he held under him,now securely bound to it,with both her hands tied tightly,to the gold plated bed frame.Her ankles too,were tied separately,to the foot of the bed.O'Rourke fully enjoyed seeing the huge,frightened eyes,bulging back at him.This pretty girl was a recent edition.A young blonde his men had seized,from one of the many Sanna prison camps.The humanoids sent him a lot of requests,as they too,needed highly desirable human females for breeding purposes.O'Rourke was glad to oblige.His large gathering of female captives,certainly did not.
He was fondling and groping the woman's chest lovingly.Like him,the girl was nearly naked,as she wore only her lingerie.It was black,and O'Rourke loved it.He couldn't wait to enter her.The girl's eyes continued to scream up at him,but she couldn't do so verbally.A large piece of rectangular black tape,completely covered her mouth.O'Rourke only heard faint,fearful mumbling from her,and he relished it.
'I hope I'm not disturbing you,O'Rourke.'Harris suddenly announced herself,in a far from friendly tone.
This made him stop his rape attempt,as O'Rourke glanced up in shocked surprise.It soon faded though.
'What the hell are you doing here,Harris?'he snarled at her.'Can't you see I'm busy!'
'Yes.'Harris responded dryly.'So I see.Anyway,have you forgotten the Sanna are coming here? They'll want to see you.'
'No,I hadn't forgotten.'O'Rourke snapped.He then gazed menacingly down at the bound and gagged girl.He leaned down,using his tongue on her neck,making his prisoner scream in fear.At least,it was an attempted scream by her.He merely laughed at her distress,and rose up from the bed,addressing his guards.
'Take her back down,and put her with the others.'He instructed them curtly.'Keep checking their bonds and their gags too.I don't want any of the girls getting loose,and send out another patrol.I want some fresh faces.'
His guards nodded,and quickly,they both released the girl from the bed,although they held onto her tightly,as they carried her out.Her gagged whimpers clearly heard.
When they'd gone,Harris glared at O'Rourke.
'Now that you've quite finished wasting time.'Harris' tone was still highly unfriendly.'Get dressed.There's something you need to see.'She then abruptly whirled around,and left him.
O'Rourke watched her leave in faint amusement,but he decided to see.The girls could wait,as he knew his pretty catch,were all safely bound and gagged,and under lock and key.They wouldn't be going anywhere.O'Rourke smirked as he thought that,and it wouldn't be long before he had some new merchandise to ravish.
After getting dressed,O'Rourke made his way to the command centre,where he saw Harris and Sanders waiting for him.
'So?' O'Rourke didn't ask that,he demanded it.'What is it?'
'Watch.'Harris answered him brusquely,as she put up the camera footage she and Sanders had just watched.
O'Rourke watched,stunned at what he was seeing.At first,it started well,as his men easily seized,unsuspecting young women.Then,it all went horribly wrong for them,as he then noticed the two armed figures,of Jennings and Finlay arriving.Both men easily demolished any opposition,and O'Rourke watched the two of them save the girl,that one of his men gripped.He then watched the whole group being finished off,obviously by sniper fire,before Harris turned the footage off.
'Who the hell were those two?'O'Rourke demanded.
'They are known as Finlay and Jennings.'Harris answered.'They're bad news,and they're operating in our territory.'
O'Rourke thought of the two names.He then recalled hearing one of them before.
'Jennings,you said?'he asked Harris more intently.'Not Jennings and Montgomery?'
'I'm quite surprised you have heard of them.'Harris sincerely thought O'Rourke didn't take any interest at all,in what was happening outside his own little world.
'I do read the intelligence reports,Harris.'O'Rourke countered,clearly seeing her face.He then looked at his watch.He hadn't forgotten the Sanna visit either,as he then glanced back up at Harris.
'You and Sanders will accompany me,when the Sanna arrive.'he told them curtly.'If we're lucky,we could be on a little trip,to one of their space stations.'
'For what purpose?'Harris didn't seem that bothered.
'Intelligence,Harris.'O'Rourke's tone was patronizing,which made Harris even more mad.'I'm fairly sure the Sanna will help us,regarding this Jennings character.Despite what I've read about him,he isn't invincible.We just have to find out who he cares for,and exploit that weakness.'
Just then,one of his aides came up to him,and whispered something.It was evidently good news,as both Harris and Sanders watched O'Rourke smile.
'Make sure you bring them both in.'O'Rourke ordered the aide,who nodded before moving off.
'Good news,I take it?'Harris asked him,somewhat sarcastically.
'Nothing that concerns you,Harris.'O'Rourke didn't bother to answer her,but Sanders did.He already knew it.
'You've grabbed more innocent girls,haven't you?'There was utter contempt in Sanders voice.
'Whether I have or not,is of no concern of yours,Sanders.'O'Rourke dismissed that.'Right now,let's prepare to greet our Sanna allies.'
'One day,O'Rourke,'Sanders was fully convinced of this,'you're going to pay for what you're doing,and you fully deserve it.'
'Interesting.'O'Rourke sneered at him.'I'd like to see if anybody can get close enough to try.You perhaps,Sanders?'
From the disdain visible on Sanders face,it looked as if O'Rourke got that right,but although Sanders took a menacing step towards him,Harris intervened between them.
'That's enough.'her tone was sharp.'We have other things to worry about.'
'I agree.'O'Rourke nodded.'I shall be back in a moment.'
He then left them,not seeing the killer looks he was getting from both of them,especially from Harris.
Someday,that fool is going to die.Harris thought to herself,and she sincerely hoped she would be the one responsible.
'The Sanna are here,Harris.'Sanders then informed her,seeing one of their attack craft land close by.
Harris turned to look too,and followed Sanders out.She stood with him,as some of O'Rourke's people formed a guard of honour,standing just outside the Sanna ship.Then,a ramp lowered from it,and heavily armed Sanna troopers exited.They all ignored the guard of honour,and stood waiting in their own group,as a another Sanna trooper emerged from the craft.Both Harris and Sanders recognised this particular humanoid,as a Sanna commander.His gaze fell straight onto them.Harris maintained a somewhat forced,but respectful attitude,whilst Sanders couldn't help,but stare at the Sanna.There wasn't any warmth in his eyes.
The Sanna commander walked up to them,and as expected of them,both Harris and Sanders bowed towards him.
'Welcome,commander.'Harris greeted him carefully.
'Where is the human,O'Rourke?'The Sanna commander growled.They spoke through some kind of translator device,as they knew of no human had been able to comprehend their language.This was one of the many facts,that they looked down in total contempt,at their human subjects.
Harris kept her temper in check,knowing it would be stupid to be defiant towards them.
'Follow me.'Harris didn't however,have to be polite,and she whirled around,heading back into the base.As she did so,she and Sanders noticed one of their trucks now entering.Both recognised the men who clambered out of it.They were O'Rourke's men,and part of his snatch squads.
The two men wore evil grins on their faces,as they moved to the back of the truck,and within moments,both of them were seen to carry a young woman out of the truck.They'd obviously been tied up,as Harris and Sanders noticed the tight ropes secured over the two girl's legs.Their hands too,had been similarly tied behind them.Both of O'Rourke's men had each girl carried over their shoulder,and started to take them into the base.The Sanna commander however,had other ideas.
'Wait.'He sharply ordered the men,just as O'Rourke emerged.He was smiling,seeing his new catch,but then his face became concerned,as he heard the Sanna order his men.
'Bring those two human females here.'The humanoid's order was cold,but the two men obeyed,and then put each girl down onto their feet.The two tightly,bound and gagged forms of Louise and Paula Ann struggled vainly,but they stood no chance of escape in their captors grip.Their eyes were huge,as they stared in terror at the Sanna.
'I know your face.'The humanoid told Louise,as he placed his three fingered hand under her chin,and lifted it.'You will not escape this time.'
The Sanna ignored Louise's frantic,yet gagged mumbling,as he turned his attention to Paula Ann.
'I also recognise you.'His voice was full of menace at her.'You will pay dearly,for being an enemy of the Sanna.'
The humanoid then turned to his own subordinates.
'Take these two human females on board,and secure them.'He sharply commanded.'Have an armed guard on them,at all times.'
Sanna troopers instantly stepped forward,and grabbed hold of Louise and Paula Ann's trussed up bodies.The two girls were then taken onto the Sanna craft,and disappeared from view.
O'Rourke had watched all this stunned,before he managed to recover himself.He instantly protested to the Sanna commander.
'Commander,I must respectfully-'O'Rourke began.
'Your opinion is of no interest to me,O'Rourke.'The humanoid dismissed O'Rourke's protest with contempt.
'Is that so?'O'Rourke wasn't going to give up that easily.'Those two women are high value targets.They'll make excellent hostages,and I had plans for-'
'I know precisely what plans you had in mind for them,O'Rourke.'The Sanna talked down to him.'Which is why I have taken possession of them.'
'You mean you want the credit yourself,is that it?'It was now Sanders turn,to speak in contempt to the Sanna.
'That is not your concern.Suffice it to say,the two human females will be under our jurisdiction,not yours,whilst they serve their purpose.'
'And what precisely are you going to do to them?'Sanders voice was like ice.
'All in good time.'The humanoid assured.'All in good time.Now,I have a busy schedule to maintain,so if you will oblige.'
Glaring at the Sanna humanoid,O'Rourke then led the way back into the base.Harris followed,with Sanna troopers close behind.Sanders however,stayed behind for a moment,looking into the Sanna craft.Two of the heavily armed Sanna troopers,stood guarding the ramp,and he knew there was no way he could get inside.The only way he could,was to try and persuade the Sanna commander to do so,but that seemed highly unlikely.
He'd clearly seen the dominant fear on both girls faces,and Sanders really wished he could have helped them.But he couldn't.All he could do,was to try and get the Sanna to let him on board,when they left.
Grimly,he began to make his way back into the base,when he sensed a familiar feeling.He'd felt it before,back at the settlement,knowing he was being watched.Only this time,Sanders didn't have a clue where to look.He then hurried back inside the base.
Watching Sanders enter the base through his telescopic sight,Jennings then turned his attention to the Sanna craft.Lying beside him,was Finlay,Montgomery,Finch,and Reynolds.All four of them,had seen Louise and Paula Ann being seized bu O'Rourke's men,who had bound and gagged them,before bringing them here.
Now however,they had to change the plan,seeing the Sanna arrive here,and who had now seized their friends.
'Any ideas?'Finlay asked.
'I do.'Finch nodded.'We get on board that ship.'
'I agree.'Jennings also nodded.'There's no way we're letting them take the girls,out of our reach.'
'And your plan is?'Finlay asked him.
'We carry out a deception,as well as a diversion.'Jennings already had the idea in mind,and he explained it to them.
When he'd finished,he was pleased to see his friends nod their approval.
'I like it.'Finlay's tone indicated that.'Shall we proceed?'
The four men then headed down towards O'Rourke's base,and to the Sanna attack craft.
Still lying securely bound and gagged,both Louise and Paula Ann could only look at each other for comfort.This wasn't part of the plan,being taken by Sanna troopers.Both girls knew that,and realised their friends outside,would have their work cut out to save them.
Although still terrified and helpless,both Louise and Paula Ann held onto that hope,when suddenly,they both heard the Sanna craft's engines start up.
The two girls mumbled frantically into their tight gags,with ever increasing despair.
Chapter Ten to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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