Angrily,O'Rourke led the Sanna to the command room in his base.He was still seething with rage,that the humanoids had just grabbed two pretty girls off him.He had seen their capture,and had been delighted.If things had gone the way he thought it would,O'Rourke would have possibly given the two girls to the Sanna.The humanoids made these type of visits frequently,always wanting young,and highly attractive human females to take back with them.Usually,O'Rourke was glad to oblige,once he'd tired of ravishing the same women,time after time again.This time though,he felt things were different.
Once they'd all entered the command room,the Sanna commander turned to O'Rourke.
'You have footage of an armed human group,decimating one of your own units.'The Sanna told him,in a far from friendly tone.'I want to see it.Now.'
They all heard the way the humanoid spoke the last word,so O'Rourke nodded to Harris,who promptly gave him the relevant footage.
'Good.'The Sanna's voice continued to growl though,although he was pleased.'This will help us to eliminate two major threats.'
'You mean Jennings?'O'Rourke couldn't help,but ask.
'That is correct.'The Sanna commander confirmed.'The two human males,Jennings and Montgomery,have proved formidable adversaries over the years.We are determined to eliminate them.'
'That's something I'd like to see.'Harris interjected.
'So would I.'Sanders agreed.
'You will see.'The Sanna told them confidently.'We have watched this Jennings and Montgomery very closely,and have identified possible weak spots we can exploit.'
O'Rourke,Harris and Sanders,knew what the humanoid was talking about,having seen the two trussed up,gagged girls earlier.
'You will now show me your latest collection,of human females we desire.'The Sanna commander addressed O'Rourke.His tone clearly indicated,that he wasn't going to take no for an answer from O'Rourke.'
'You'll pay me,of course?'O'Rourke asked.
'As we always do.'There was now disdain in the humanoid's voice,clearly recognising another fact of human greed.'Show me the women,O'Rourke.'
'Very well.'O'Rourke nodded,and he then led the Sanna to the detention area.
Silently approaching the base's perimeter,Jennings and Montgomery kept their eyes on the patrolling sentries.So far,they saw no sign of any heightened alert from their enemies,and they both managed to sneak undetected,into the base's grounds.
Watching them enter,Finlay checked the enemy sentries,hoping he could warn his two friends if they were discovered.However,there was no need for concern.Both Jennings and Montgomery had done this type of infiltration many times,and nobody had ever found their presence,until it was too late.
Finlay watched Jennings and Montgomery slowly stalking the enemy sentries.Both of them were highly skilled in unarmed combat,and were more than experts at killing silently.None of the enemy sentries they targeted,never knew what hit them.
As Jennings and Montgomery silently dragged the bodies away,Finlay glanced back,and waved to Finch,who returned the wave.This was the pre-arranged signal from him,that it was clear to proceed.He did so,heading towards,the still standing Sanna craft.He reached it unseen,but could still see the two heavily armed Sanna troopers,standing on guard duty beside it.Finlay kept in the shadows,keeping a sharp eye out,as he watched Jennings and Montgomery pause outside the base's entrance.Two more of O'Rourke's men were on sentry duty here,and both of them appeared bored.This was the moment Jennings and Montgomery needed.It was Jennings who made a signal to Finlay,indicating to him to stay where he was.Finlay waved back,understanding.Then,he watched his two friends easily take care of the two sentries.They then hid those bodies too,before cautiously entering the base.
As they entered the massive structure,the two men kept their eyes peeled.Surveillance cameras were all over the place,and they could hear heavy activity from O'Rourke's people.Jennings had thought about mixing in with the enemy,but decided against it.Both he and Montgomery were well known in this area,and they'd be recognised quickly.It was better to stay hidden.Jennings thought correctly.
They successfully continued to dodge the base's cameras,and the frequent armed patrols,as they both found their way to the detention area.As they got closer,they could hear O'Rourke's voice.Both men tensed,as they then reached the target area.
O'Rourke was there of course,with Harris and Sanders.A strong gathering of Sanna troopers,were also present.The humanoids were all eyeing the cells intently,as O'Rourke introduced the tightly bound and gagged female captive,who was locked up inside the cell.There was quite a few of them.Jennings and Montgomery noticed that,and they all saw the fear on each girl's face,as their captor told the Sanna of their assets.
The Sanna commander listened to O'Rourke's descriptions,before he then curtly told him.'An impressive catch,O'Rourke.I will take them all.'
The humanoid then turned to his own troopers.'Bring them all to the ship.We leave immediately.'
The Sanna troopers nodded their obedience,and waited for O'Rourke to unlock the cells.However,O'Rourke had other ideas.
'I want my payment,commander.'He demanded,ignoring the angry glare he was receiving.'That was agreed earlier.'
The Sanna commander stepped towards O'Rourke menacingly,before he suddenly struck O'Rourke across the face.O'Rourke reeled,but didn't fall.Now it was his turn to glare angrily back.However,the Sanna commander wasn't intimidated.
'Do as I say,O'Rourke.'The menace was fully evident.'You'll get your payment,when we are ready to give it to you.Now,get the cells unlocked.'
Raging inside,and well aware of the satisfied smirk Harris was giving him,O'Rourke then gestured angrily at one of his men to unlock the cells.This was promptly done,and immediately,the Sanna troopers stalked into each cell,and emerged moments later,carrying a bound and gagged woman over their shoulders.
Satisfied,the Sanna commander then began to examine each young woman.He went round to the back of each of his troopers,and lifted each girls chin.He was pleased to see the fear staring back at him from their eyes,before he then issued the order to take his new catch back to the ship.
Watching from the shadows,Jennings and Montgomery could see all the cells had been emptied,and both men immediately got back up,and headed back to the base's exit.They didn't want to start a vicious firefight here,which would threaten the girls safety.Instead,they sneaked back out,completely undetected.
They both saw Finlay,who was still hiding beside one of the Sanna's attack craft landing struts.Jennings gave him a signal to get ready,as they prepared their ambush.Finlay acknowledged him,and then he himself,gave a signal to Finch and Reynolds,waiting.Within moments,a large truck was seen driving towards the base.
When it reached the base's checkpoint barrier,two of O'Rourke's men approached it.Jennings could see the figures of Finch and Reynolds in the truck's cabin.There was a brief exchange of words between them,before the sentries waved them on.Jennings,Montgomery and Finlay all inwardly breathed a huge sigh of relief.There were still a lot of armed opposition here,and the three of them still hoped they could get the girls out,without firing a shot.
Finch was driving the truck,and he stopped it by the landing pad,where the Sanna craft stood.This added more cover to Finlay,who then watched Jennings and Montgomery then move up to the two Sanna sentries,guarding the Sanna craft's ramp.Just like O'Rourke's sentries before them,the two humanoids never knew what hit them.Both Jennings and Montgomery,were experts in stealth killing,even highly alert Sanna.
Dragging the two humanoids bodies away,the two men then quickly put on the heavy,but tough Sanna battle armour,and then also the helmets.These covered their faces completely,and they then took up the positions,standing outside the ramp.
'I hope this works.'Montgomery whispered over to Jennings.
'So do I.'Jennings responded.'I don't want a firefight breaking out here.'
They then saw the Sanna troopers emerge from the base.Each trooper was still carrying a bound and gagged woman over their shoulders,and they instantly headed towards the Sanna attack craft.
As the Sanna commander drew nearer to Jennings,he noticed the trooper suddenly give him something.The commander took it,and noticed it was new orders.The orders themselves,were more than puzzling.
'Why wasn't I informed of this earlier?'The Sanna barked impatiently at Jennings.
'A sudden late order,commander.'Jennings was one of the few human beings lucky enough,to understand and speak the Sanna language.It had taken him years to master it,and his tone was confident.So much so,that the Sanna commander and his group were not suspicious at all.
'Very well.'The Sanna commander nodded,still reading the orders he'd just been given.'Put the human females into that transport.'He gestured at the waiting truck,where Reynolds and Finch tensely watched.
However,there were no problems,as the Sanna troopers obeyed their commander,and easily placed the bound,gagged girls into the back of the truck.Once this was done,the troopers then filed back into the attack craft.They didn't see Finlay sneak onto the back of the truck.Watching him do so,Jennings then nodded at Finch,who immediately drove off.This was a tense moment,as both he and Montgomery expected a full scale alarm to sound,and all hell would break loose.Finch wouldn't get very far,if that happened.
Miraculously,no alarm was raised,and both of them breathed a huge sigh of relief again.They could now concentrate,on rescuing Louise and Paula Ann.
It was then that they spotted O'Rourke and Harris emerge from their base,and the two of them headed towards the Sanna commander,who was still standing next to Jennings.Both he and Montgomery inwardly tensed,but kept a calm exterior.It had been close.Had Harris or O'Rourke seen the truck,they would have surely questioned its presence here,and surprise would have been lost.
Fortunately,their deception was working.Now they calmly waited to board the attack craft,and rescue Louise and Paula Ann.They then watched O'Rourke move up to the Sanna commander.His face was still mad,at losing his highly valued collection.
'Okay,you got the girls.'O'Rourke snarled.'Where's my payment?'
'We hadn't forgotten that.'The Sanna commander sneered back,as he threw a small bag at O'Rourke,who promptly opened it.Inside the bag,O'Rourke saw gold coins.There was a lot of them,and despite his recent loss,he grudgingly accepted it.
However,the Sanna commander had had enough of him,and barked an order to his troopers to board their craft.They all did so,with the commander following.He then gestured for his two 'guards' to obey,which they did.
'Nice doing business with you,commander.'O'Rourke called to him,full of sarcasm.'I've no doubt we'll be doing this again.'
'No doubt.'The humanoid continued to sneer back at him.'Hopefully,it won't be for a while yet.'
Without waiting for a response from the humans,the Sanna commander whirled around,and boarded the craft.The ramp then closed,and within moments,the attack craft had lifted off,and was speeding skywards.It was lost out of sight within moments,and both Harris and O'Rourke disappeared back into the base,having seen nothing suspicious.
It wasn't until much later,when the alarm was raised.
As the Sanna craft sped towards its destination,Jennings and Montgomery had managed to evade detection,and headed towards the detention area.Every Sanna installation had them,even on small vessels like this one.This made it more easier for the two men,to locate the area where Louise and Paula Ann,were being held.
Both of them found the two girls,and were not surprised to see Louise and Paula Ann,tightly bound and gagged.The two girls had been forced into single cells,and they lay helpless on the floor there.
Jennings was just thinking of a plan to help them,when suddenly,two more Sanna troopers entered.The humanoids ignored Jennings and Montgomery,still cunningly disguised.Instead,the two Sanna unlocked the cell doors,and then easily picked up Louise and Paula Ann.It was then,that they all felt the sound of docking.Jennings turned to see a view outside,and realised they were in space.
However,he kept silent,as he and Montgomery then followed the two Sanna out,still carrying Louise and Paula Ann.Both girls were mumbling frantically behind their tight gags,but their captors paid no heed to them.Instead,they both carried their two female prisoners out of the craft,and into the massive Sanna space station they'd just docked with.
Montgomery too,had noticed they were above the Earth.He could see plenty of Sanna shipping traffic outside,and he turned to his friend.
'Hope you've got a plan,to get us all out of this.'He whispered to Jennings.
'So do I.'Jennings admitted.He knew this was going to be tough.Getting to the girls was of course,their immediate priority.However,to escape undetected with them,was going to be a real challenge.Jennings had seen plenty of Sanna military patrolling the Earth's orbit.He needed to think this one out,very carefully.
Suddenly,he had it,and he nudged Montgomery,nodding.His friend returned the gesture,pleased.They continued to follow the two Sanna,still carrying Louise's and Paula Ann's bound and gagged forms,deeper into the station.
Chapter Eleven to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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