Kelly and Sarah raced out to where they'd heard Louise scream.That sound was still going through their heads,as they knew it was one of the most terrified shrieks they'd ever heard.Both girls were praying their friend was okay.
They both hurried to where Louise had last traced her steps,and sure enough,the two girls saw Louise's fallen scanner,but there was no sign of their friend.Their concern increased.
'Louise.'Sarah spoke into her com-set urgently.'Give me your location.'
There was no reply.Sarah repeated that several times,but Louise failed to respond.This made Sarah call her captain once more.
'Captain,Louise has been abducted by persons unknown.'Her voice was tense as she reported this.'Request extra support.'
'Granted.'Karen's reply was also tense,as she then ordered.'Action stations.'
Back in the 'Daring',sirens echoed throughout the ship,as the crew raced to their assigned areas.This was done in record time,as Karen had constantly repeated this order.However,back then,they were only drills.Now it was the real thing.Somebody or something had seized one of her crew,and Karen was determined to recover Louise.
The report came in quickly from her crew,that they were all ready,and Karen acknowledged that.She then filled in details to a security team,before they then understood her instructions.The team assured her they'd find Louise,and bring her back safely.
Satisfied at hearing that,Karen then turned her attention back to her bridge duty.She was still aware of that unknown ship approaching their position,and wanted to see who they were.
'Range on approaching vessel?'Karen asked one of the bridge officers still on duty.
'Coming into visual range now,captain.'The officer then activated certain controls,and all on the bridge could now see the relevant ship.They all recognised it as one of their own ships,and there was a sense of relief at this.Karen decided to make contact with them,as she ordered a hail.The result however,was disappointing.No contact could be made,but the communications officer acting as replacement for Louise,picked up the approaching ship hailing them.Karen immediately ordered a visual.
Next instant,all the bridge crew could see two men.Obviously,they were flight crew,but Karen recognised the military clothing they both wore.Both men were soldiers.
They both looked really tough in appearance,and Karen admitted to herself,that she liked the pilot.His co-pilot was just muscle,although Karen could tell by their eyes,that they seemed decent types.She could see the pilot talking into his headset,and immediately knew he was trying to establish contact with them.
'Can we get a link to them?'Karen asked.
'No,captain.'the officer answered,'but we can get audio from them.'
'Do so,please.'
This was promptly done,and everybody on the bridge now heard the pilot's voice.
'Calling the 'Daring''The pilot was saying.'Can you hear me? This is Flight Lieutenant Jennings from Earth command,please respond.'
The girls watched Jennings listen to his headset,but he then shook his head at his co-pilot.
'Nothing.I don't think they can hear us,Monty.Can you pick up anything else?'
The man known as Monty made some movement on the flight panel,before he glanced back at Jennings.His expression was worried.
'I'm detecting jamming signals alright.'he told Jennings grimly.'They're originating from that ship.'
This more than confirmed Karen's suspicions,and she made sure she reminded her security team to be careful,before they boarded the alien vessel.
'Keep trying to establish contact with them.'Karen told the communications officer.'I don't want them to fall into any trouble.'
Suddenly,one of the bridge officers spotted something on her console,and she turned hurriedly to Karen.
'Captain! Weapons detected,and armed!'
'Target?'Karen's voice was calm,knowing it was vital to stay cool under pressure.
'They're targeting that ship.'
As if to confirm this,all the girls watched Jennings stiffen slightly,as he too,noticed the developments.
'What the hell?'Jennings was clearly taken aback,as he scanned his instruments,now informing him,that they were being targeted by the alien ship.
'Evasive manoeuvres,Monty!'Jennings ordered,before the alien vessel fired on them.
The fire barrage on them,was intensely powerful,and their ship rocked violently,before the screen suddenly went off.
'Get them back on.'Karen just stopped herself from snapping the order.She was actually glad these two men had turned up.What purpose they had,was unclear,but Karen would find that out.That is,if they survived the continuous laser blasts being directed at them.
They still couldn't contact them,and the viewscreen now showed the stars,with Jennings' ship,violently avoiding the lasers.Karen and the rest of the bridge crew,could only watch helplessly,but all were hoping the ship would survive.
The laser blasts were getting more and more closer to it,but Karen admitted this Jennings flew with great skill.Every blast fired at his ship,he successfully managed to avoid.
Even so,Karen knew it was just a matter of time,before Jennings' luck would run out.She was praying he'd prevail,when suddenly,his ship disappeared.
There was no catastrophic explosion,meaning the alien weapons had found their mark.Instead,the ship simply vanished.
'What happened?'Karen asked,puzzled.'Where did they go?'
'I don't know,captain.'One of the bridge officers responded,just as baffled.'Scanners unable to detect them.'
'Keep searching.I want those men found.'Karen hoped Jennings and his friend were okay.They had appeared to help them,and she wanted to express her gratitude.
For the moment though,she had a missing crew member to find.
'Number one,report in.'She ordered Sarah.
There was no response.Karen tried again,with the same fruitless result.This made Karen more baffled than ever.
'What the hell is going on here?'She muttered to herself,utterly baffled,but still anxious to recover Louise safely,and find out.
Deep down in the alien vessel,Louise sat on the floor,with her back to the wall.She hadn't chosen to sit here.Instead,her humanoid captor had easily carried her down here,and still secured in his tentacles,Louise felt the humanoid had then started to wrap ropes over her.
With her hands and arms effectively trapped,the humanoid quickly tied ropes over her wrists,securing her hands behind her.Louise felt the ropes squeeze into her skin,and she'd cried out in pain,but one of the tentacles still held firm over her mouth,and her cry was totally inaudible.
Very quickly,the humanoid had then secured more ropes over the girl.He wound the coils expertly over his prisoner's shirt,above and below her breasts.There was a smirk on his face as he did so.The humanoid still couldn't resist groping Louise's breasts,and he fully enjoyed doing so.Louise's cries were still inaudible,as she was tied up.
Finally,after winding more ropes over her ankles and knees,the humanoid then produced a strip of white cloth,and removed his tentacle over Louise's mouth,who was just preparing to give the loudest scream of fear she could manage.
Unfortunately,Louise never got the chance,as the humanoid quickly forced the white cloth over Louise's mouth.He tied it tightly,making sure the gag was secure.Then,he laid out the girl on the floor,who stared terror stricken at her captor.
'I shall return for you,my pretty human.'the humanoid was still smirking as he told Louise that.He kept on fondling and squeezing Louise's impressive breasts,much to his pleasure.'Once I have taken your two friends,you will all provide us with what we desire most.'He squeezed the girl's chest more eagerly,and more lustfully.'A female mate.'
Louise screamed and screamed into her gag,as the monster continued to enjoy his prize.He kept up his indecent assault for some time,before he then leaned closer to Louise's face,and instantly,a snake like tongue leapt out of his mouth,stroking the girl's cheeks and her neck.
'There is no escape,my pretty.'The humanoid sneered with relish into Louise's face.'Your two friends have already been captured,and are now being bound and gagged as we speak.They will make excellent sex slaves for us,just as you will,my pretty!'
Louise clenched her eyes tightly,as the monster still groped her.She was full of horror,hearing the humanoid telling her Kelly and Sarah,were now captives too.All she could do,was hope and pray someone would save her friends,and of course,herself,before she was raped by this nightmare creature savouring her.
The laser weapons placed all over the mammoth alien vessel,scanned for their recent target.They would have instantly fired upon it,had it come back into their sights.
For the moment though,this was not possible.Thanks to Jennings' flying skill,he'd managed to avoid all the laser bursts,and actually landed on the huge vessel's hull.
Still sitting beside him,Montgomery breathed a huge sigh of relief.
'That was well done.'He congratulated Jennings,fully meaning it.
'Thanks,Monty.'Jennings nodded back,before he activated some more controls.He was now scanning the alien ship's structure.He did this for a few moments,before he ended the scan.
'Bad news,I'm afraid,Monty.'Jennings' voice was grim.'We can't use any weapons in there.The interior's really weak.Not a good idea to fire a weapon in there.'
'I half expected it.'Montgomery admitted.'What's your plan?'
'First,we check on what this crew looks like.'Jennings was already typing in the details of the ship.His ship held a vast amount of knowledge,and it was able to identify many races in the known galaxy,but it could also identify unknown races,due to the technical layout of their ship.
Jennings didn't have to wait long,before the answer arrived.When he and Montgomery read the information displayed,both of them glanced at each other,very concerned.
The computer had found the identity of the mysterious ship.It was from the Vana system,and both Jennings and Montgomery knew it.This system was strictly no go,as the place was definitely hostile.Both men hadn't forgotten the video footage shown to them earlier,but at least now,they had a chance to do something about it.
'Monty,get in touch with fleet command.'Jennings told him.'Send them our position,and the 'Daring' too.'
'Got it.'Montgomery nodded,and sent the message.After he'd done so,he then watched Jennings activate more controls.
'Scanning alien interior.'Jennings was keenly observing the ship's interior on the screens in front of him.He wanted to know the schematics back to front,and it was a huge construction.
However,Jennings absorbed the information quickly,and Montgomery assisted.Soon,they found the 'Daring' in one of the landing areas,and they marked the airlock entrances too.As luck would have it,Jennings had actually managed to land on one.This meant that they didn't have to do a space walk,and Jennings was glad of that.Those weapons could still be targeted on anything.So both men were relieved they could simply enter the ship.
'Can we breathe okay in there?'Montgomery asked.
'Earth type atmosphere,Monty.'Jennings confirmed.'The gravity's a bit more heavier,so that may slow us up a bit.'
'If we can't take weapons,what do you suggest?'
'We'll take the flash guns.'Jennings answered.'The Vana people like to see better in the dark,so they won't like bright lights.'
'Yeah.Got to admit it's a perfect ambush spot.'Montgomery too,was scanning the interior.Everywhere he looked,it was just utter darkness.'Those girls have walked right into it.They'll need our help.'
'Then let's get moving,shall we?'Jennings was already climbing out of his flight seat,and headed to the ship's armoury.Here,he selected one of the flash guns.It looked like a rifle,but it's purpose wasn't to kill or maim,only to temporarily blind the target.A single discharge from it,was powerful enough to blind the most savage,or cunning enemy.Both men liked this particular weapon.It had helped them many times,when they'd been in a tight spot.They sensed they'd need to use it here.
After selecting several flash bang grenades,both Jennings and Montgomery then equipped themselves with powerful torches.They'd already discussed using these.Both men were well aware,that the Vana would see them if they used them.However,to reassure the girls,they'd both decided to accept that risk.The only advantage they had,would be the gravity.If they were discovered,at least the Vana wouldn't be able to catch them in a sprint.
Even so,Jennings knew they'd better not be cut off.If they were,they'd be in dire straits,as he led the way to their own ship's airlock.
'Keep your eyes peeled,Monty.'Jennings politely warned his friend,although he knew it wasn't needed.Montgomery had extra sharp senses.If he could sense a threat,Montgomery would warn him.
However,his friend nodded,and stood behind him,ready to board the mammoth vessel.
'Ready.'he simply stated.
Jennings then opened the airlock door,and he stepped out carefully into the Vana ship.
No Vana humanoid came out menacingly towards them,but a quick reading from a handheld scanner,told Jennings they were close.He knew it was always better to avoid them,and concentrate on finding the girls.
'Which way?'Montgomery whispered.
Jennings already had worked that out,as he'd seen thermal images of human females,who were obviously bound and gagged.He could see the clear outlines of the ropes,and the gags over each girls mouth.He could also see one of the Vana humanoids,and the creature was obviously taking advantage over one of the bound,gagged girls.His eyes hardened,and Jennings knew they had to get there quickly.They weren't that far off from their present location,and still keeping his eyes open,Jennings then led the way,as quick as he dared.
It didn't take them long to reach that area,but all the time,Jennings and Montgomery kept their senses on full alert.They both knew they were at a disadvantage,but were still confident,as they kept alert for anything suspicious,that would betray any Vana presence.
As yet,they hadn't seen any Vana humanoids,but both men could hear muffled,but terrified female cries,and there was also some very deep,and excited panting heard.This made Jennings' teeth clench,as he still had that image he'd seen earlier,fresh in his mind.Both he and Montgomery knew what the Vana people were like,and they weren't friendly.They were always pursuing females for sexual pleasures,and it was widely known they'd seized many unfortunate female victims,who were never heard off again.Jennings and Montgomery were both determined,not to let this fate happen to these girls.
Jennings stopped at a corner,motioning silently to his friend to stop,before he peered carefully around the corner.His face was a mix of horror and loathing,at what he was seeing.
He noticed the Vana for the first time.They looked powerful and intimidating,and Jennings also noticed the three young women,who were held by the humanoids in their tentacles.
All three girls were tightly tied up and gagged,but it seemed the Vana males were taking no chances.They were all determined,not to let their captives escape.
Jennings saw the girl on the floor,now being groped and fondled by one of the humanoids.He clearly saw the lustful smile on the Vana's face,who was thoroughly enjoying himself.Then,Jennings suddenly noticed part of the Vana's body,suddenly become huge,and he knew he had to act quickly,before the girl was sexually taken.
Kneeling down,Jennings then brought his weapon to bear.He aimed it at the ground,in front of the Vana,and fired.
The shot made the humanoids whirl around to face the source,but it was only for a moment.As soon as Jennings had fired,there was a blinding flash,which made the Vana cover their eyes,and they then instantly released the two girls they were gripping.The Vana attempting to ravish the girl beneath him,did the same,as all of the humanoids cried out in pain,each of them covering their eyes.
Jennings fired again,increasing the blinding effect,and Montgomery did likewise.Both of them wanted to inflict a maximum delay here,so they had more time to escape.
The two men didn't hesitate,as they raced forward to help the bound and gagged women.Jennings went to assist the girl on the floor,whilst Montgomery moved to the other two girls.All three girls stared in utter overwhelming relief at them,although as Jennings moved to the girl he chose to help,he could see she was hysterical, as she was still screaming fearfully into her tight gag.Jennings knew he had to calm her down.
'It's okay,you're safe now.'He whispered in what he hoped was a comforting voice into her ear.'We're getting you out of here.'
Fortunately,it did seem to do the trick,and the girl's inaudible screams,suddenly became frightened sobs,but Jennings placed a hand on her shoulder,and looked directly into the girl's eyes.She stared wildly back at him,still very scared,but after a moment,the girl appeared to calm down.Jennings could see her two fellow shipmates looking at him and Montgomery.There was still relief visible in the womens faces,but there was also anxiety.Clearly,they wanted to get out of here.
'Come on,John,let's go!'Montgomery whispered urgently,as he fired another blast from his weapon,keeping the Vana temporarily blinded.All of the humanoids,were still howling in agony,as they kept their hands over their eyes.
Jennings didn't hesitate,hearing his friend's voice.Quickly,he scooped the still bound and gagged girl into his arms,and placed her over his shoulder.Montgomery did the same with his two girls.There wasn't time to free them from their bonds,but Jennings and Montgomery quickly left the area,and headed back towards their ship,leaving the nightmare scene behind.
Only a few moments later however,the effect of the flash-bang grenades wore off,and all the Vana humanoids recovered their eyesight.
They soon discovered the three bound and gagged human females,were not in their clutches anymore.
'What happened?'One of them demanded,now searching for his three captives.
'Ambush.'One of his colleagues answered tersely.'We have intruders on board.Find them,and eliminate them,but we must re-capture the human females unharmed.Move!'
All of the Vana humanoids instantly raced out in pursuit of their prey,determined to succeed.
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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