Wearily,Jennings scanned the flight console in front of him,checking that everything was working okay.Fortunately,there were no problems,and he kept the shuttle on auto-pilot.
He glanced beside his co-pilot,Montgomery,who was also his best friend.Both had been best friends since childhood,and had swore to remain loyal to each other until death.
Both of them were tall men.Jennings just passed six foot,whilst Montgomery was just over six foot four.They both held incredible strength,and were also highly intelligent.These facts had helped them to join the military.Both had trained to be infantry soldiers,and had excelled at this,but they had something extra in them,and their instructors had immediately noticed this.
As a result,Jennings and Montgomery had been asked to volunteer for the special forces.Both had agreed.This had helped them to serve with distinction,in many battle zones.Wherever they fought,both Jennings and Montgomery had always fought honourably and decently.They did what they could to protect innocent civilians,and they always succeeded.
However,both men knew at times,that they had to be utterly ruthless,when they faced many cruel opponents.It was a price they had to pay for,but neither men would allow unjust suffering,inflicted on innocent non-combatants.If they saw something like this,they'd make the perpetrators pay dearly.
At the moment,both men were flying back to base,having just successfully completed a mission.They'd been ordered to destroy several observation posts,that had been marked in this area.Earlier in their mission briefing,their superiors had told them these posts,had been used to target innocent,defenceless commercial traffic.Jennings and Montgomery had also been shown surveillance footage,of massive,luxurious passenger liners being forcibly boarded,by even more bigger vessels,but as yet,nobody had been able to identify them.They had however,learnt many young female passengers had been taken,and there wasn't any trace of the missing girls.
Both men had recalled asking questions,back at the mission briefing,and Jennings had asked if anything was being done,to find the girls.
'There is.'He was answered.'We're sending out some people to deal with that,but first,we've got to find these ships first.We want you to clear the way ahead for them,so destroy these observation posts,and report back here once you've done so.Understood?'
They both had,and then prepared themselves for the mission,but Jennings was going to find out who those people were.He didn't like leaving them out on their own,especially in deep,unknown territory.He had a word with Montgomery,once they'd left the briefing.
'We'll keep our eyes peeled for them.I think they may need our help out there.'
'Done.'Montgomery agreed.
Although they were heading back to base,both Jennings and Montgomery were indeed,keeping their eyes peeled.They both knew one of their own ships was out here,and were determined to help out if needed.For the moment though,all the radar screens were clear.
Suddenly,something flashed up on the radar,and both men spotted it.
'Contact.'Jennings informed his friend,and he sat up more sharper,as he kept his eyes on the small blip of light on the screen.
'Range?'Montgomery asked.
'Sector 45.'Jennings then checked the distance between them.'That's about an hour away at current speed.'
'Can we see it from here?'
Jennings activated the magnifyer,and almost immediately,the familiar outline of the huge alien vessel came into view.Both men stared intently at it for a few moments,before Jennings then saw something else.
'There's another ship there,Monty.'Jennings told him.'Could be our people.'
'Can you get a closer look,John?'
Jennings made the necessary movements,and sure enough,both men could now clearly see the other ship.It was tiny compared to the other monster vessel,but Jennings and Montgomery clearly recognised it.
'It's the 'Daring.'Jennings noticed.'That's Karen Thomas' command.'
'Yeah,'Montgomery nodded.'It's the only ship in the fleet,to have an all female crew.'He glanced over at his friend,who glanced back.It was a look they fully understood.Instantly,Jennings accelerated the ship to maximum speed.
The 'Daring' had made a couple of circuits around the massive alien vessel,but there was still no sign of life from it.
Still sitting in her command chair,Karen was still observing the vessel.There was still no response to their hails,and this was now making Karen slightly concerned.
She turned to her first officer.Sarah was also watching the viewscreen,checking for any signs of life from it.
'You still have a bad feeling,number one?'Karen asked her.
'Definitely,captain.'Sarah nodded,as she then turned back to Kelly.
'Have fleet command sent any back up?'
'No update as yet,ma'am.'Kelly reported,as she made another attempt to communicate,but only static greeted her.She almost yanked the headset off she was wearing due to this,but didn't.Kelly actually recognised something there too,and grimly reported it.
'We're being jammed,ma'am.I can't get a signal out.'
Everybody on the bridge heard it,and became a little more nervous.Quite clearly,this was a hostile act,and Sarah then headed over to Louise,still scanning the radar screen intently.
'Any other ships in sight,Louise?'
'I'm picking up another contact,ma'am.'Louise had already seen another ship's radar image on the screen.'They are approaching our position.'
'Too far off at the moment,ma'am.'Louise kept examining the screen though,hoping she would be able to see the approaching ship.
With that done,Sarah moved back to stand next to Karen,who was still waiting to hear of the alien ship's entrances.Within a few moments,these had been spotted,as all the girls noticed a landing bay.
'Take us in,helm.'Karen ordered.
The helm officers did so,and with great skill,landed the 'Daring' inside the huge ship's landing bay.
Karen then turned to Sarah.'Right,get a team ready please,number one.Let's see what out there.'
Sarah still had major concern over Karen's decision,but she obeyed her captain.
'Okay.'Sarah then looked over at the people she would select.'Kelly and Louise,you're with me.Head to the armoury,and meet me at airlock 2.'
Both Kelly and Louise nodded,and they instantly left their seats to obey.
'Atmosphere?'Karen then asked.
Sarah moved over to one of the bridge consoles,that would give her the answer.
'Breathable Earth atmosphere,although the gravity conditions are somewhat heavier.'Sarah reported.
'Good enough.'Karen nodded.'Remember,be careful.Any sign of trouble,get out of there.'
'You don't have to tell me,captain,but don't worry.We will.'
Then,Sarah followed Kelly and Louise out of the bridge.Karen hoped they wouldn't run into any trouble.However,she was beginning to feel more than uneasy,as Karen did sense there was something nasty here,but for the moment,it hadn't revealed itself.She tensed,as she sat waiting in her chair.
Sarah had immediately made her way to the armoury,and was pleased to see Kelly and Louise there.They'd already chosen their weapons,and were now checking their kit.It didn't take them long,and neither did Sarah,once she sorted her own gear out.
With her team prepared,Sarah then moved to one of the consoles,which was actually a communications link,and she asked to speak to the captain.
'Go ahead,number one.'Karen responded immediately.
'Can you give us an interior scan,captain?'Sarah asked.She always did this,before entering anything unknown.
The response was instant,as Sarah then watched images,from the inside of the alien vessel became visible to her.She felt Kelly and Louise move up to her either side,also looking keenly at the screens.
The first thing the girls noticed,was the sheer size of the passageways.They were enormous.It made them all think intensely,on what sort of crew were operating the ship.
Another thing they noticed,was the lack of light.Everything was in near darkness,so Sarah made sure they all had powerful,portable lights.Once satisfied at that,Sarah decided to get on with it.
'Let's go then,ladies.'Sarah ordered them,as she led the way to one of the 'Daring's' airlocks.Sarah made sure she would exit the ship first.If anything happened to her,at least Kelly and Louise would have a better chance to escape.
Finally,Sarah took a deep breath,and then she moved forward into the airlock.Kelly and Louise followed.Sarah then made sure the door to the 'Daring' was secure,before with a hiss,she opened the outer door.
It was dark,but Sarah's portable light showed more than enough.The landing bay they'd just entered,was really vast.The 'Daring' was tiny in comparison,but that didn't interest Sarah.Instead,she swung her light around,checking for anything suspicious.There wasn't any,so she glanced behind her to see if Kelly and Louise had joined her.They had indeed,exited the ship,and were also swinging their own lights around.
'Can't believe anything could be this big.'Kelly commented.
'Yeah.'Louise responded,watching all around her,and she sounded nervous.'Wonder what they're really like?'
'Keep your eyes open,ladies.'Sarah ordered,clearly hearing Louise's scared voice.'We still have a mission to complete.'
She then held out one of her hand held scanners.This instrument was capable of detecting life signs,and Sarah activated it,waving it carefully around her.
After doing so for a few moments,Sarah checked the readings,as Karen's voice came in.
'Number one,we've detected life signs,but are unable to pinpoint the precise location.'
'Understood,captain.'Sarah acknowledged.'I'm picking up the same readings.I think we're being jammed.'
'I agree.'Karen answered.'Watch yourselves,and be careful.'
Sarah acknowledged that too.
Sarah then moved away from the 'Daring',and began to move deeper into the alien's ship passageways.Kelly and Louise followed right behind her.As they advanced,all three girls became aware of the gravity effecting them.Thy could still walk moreorless normally,but Sarah knew running was out of the question.This was bad news.Sarah knew that.As they moved deeper into the ship,all three girls were sincerely hoping,that there was nothing nasty waiting for them.
Sarah,Kelly and Louise continued to explore the ship.All three girls constantly checked their equipment,scanning all around them,but as yet,there was still nothing in sight.
Finally,they reached what was clearly some kind of command centre.Like everything else they'd seen,the place was vast.It got them all thinking again,as they wondered what kind of race operated this ship.
The technology they saw was utterly baffling to them.All three girls examined the strange consoles,and took readings on them from their scanners.
'Never seen technology like this before.'Kelly peered closer at the strange looking consoles.
'Agreed.'Sarah nodded.'Looks highly advanced.Possibly better than ours.'
Sarah then made contact with Karen,back on the 'Daring.'
'We're in the bridge section,captain.'Sarah reported an update.'Still no sign of any life,but we are picking up life signs here.'
'Keep checking on that,number one.'Sarah heard Karen's reply,before she then told her.'I'm coming on board to meet you.I want to have a look myself.'
Sarah wanted to protest at that,but knew she'd be wasting her breath,so instead,she acknowledged her captain's wish.
They began to spread around the room,still slowly examining the alien technology,and still unaware,that they were being sharply observed by the still,lustful eager eyes.
Louise was directing her attention on one of the consoles,when she heard something.Instantly,she straightened up,and peered into the direction she'd heard it.The sound had been faint,but Louise had definitely heard it.It was the sound of something moving.
Shining her portable light at the source,Louise peered more closer.She still couldn't see anything,and she glanced back at Sarah and Kelly,who hadn't noticed her moving slightly away from them.
'I heard something.'Louise called over to them,and much to her relief,both girls came over to her.
'What did you hear,Louise?'Sarah asked.
'I'm not too sure.'Louise admitted that.'But I definitely heard something moving.'
'Stand back.'Sarah ordered,holding her own light on the same area.Louise was glad to obey and did so.
Sarah also held out her own portable scanner,checking for any thermal images,but saw nothing.
'Well,whatever it was,it's gone now.'Sarah finally said,glancing curiously at Louise.'Are you sure you heard something?'
'I didn't imagine it!'Louise almost shouted it out,but just managed not too.'There's something here with us.I know it.'
This made her face Sarah,and both her crewmates could see Louise wasn't joking.
'Let's get out of here.'
Sarah clearly heard the insistence in Louise's tone of voice,but wasn't having any of it.So far,she hadn't detected any threats.Of course if she had,Sarah would have given Louise her wish,but for the moment,she saw no need.
However,she did recognise the fear in Louise's voice,so decided to give her a break.
'Report back to the ship,Miss Willis.'She noticed Louise's face fall into utter relief,once she'd heard that.
'Yes,ma'am.Thank you,ma'am.'Louise responded gratefully,before moving out of the bridge area.
Kelly watched Louise leave with concern.
'You sure she'll be okay on her own,ma'am?'
'The captain's coming,so she'll meet up with Louise soon.'Sarah reassured,but decided also to inform Karen of this.She did so,and Karen acknowledged her message.
It was only then,that they heard Louise give out a scream of utter terror,before there was silence.
Kelly and Sarah didn't waste a second,as they raced out of the bridge.However,due to the slightly heavier gravity here,both girls found running impossible.At the very most,they could only reach a quick walking pace.This however,didn't stop them,as they were anxious to reach Louise.
Louise made her way back to the 'Daring' and she felt very glad to do so.This alien ship was giving her the creeps,and she couldn't wait to reach the safety of her ship.
Her progress was slow,although not too slow.As she walked on,Louise still kept her eyes open.She knew she hadn't imagined that sound.There was definitely something here on board,and she felt being watched.Louise could feel that.
As she continued through the ship's passageways,Louise suddenly heard the faint,but familiar rustling sound,and she suddenly froze.Her eyes were huge,as she tried to see what it was,and her heartbeat increased rapidly.
As she stood frozen to the spot,a large shadow moved up silently behind her.Then,a large green spotted tentacle shot out,and wrapped itself tightly around Louise's waist.At first,she was startled,but once she realised what was happening,Louise screamed the loudest she'd ever done,but it was only for a moment,as the tentacle then closed over her mouth.Her terror-stricken scream lasted only for a moment,before she was firmly silenced.Her eyes were still bulging,as her unseen captor yanked her back.
Louise found she couldn't budge a muscle,as she felt the tentacle wrap itself more around her upper body.The tentacle still held fast over her mouth,even though she was still desperately tying to scream her head off,but to no avail.
It was then that Louise saw what had seized her.A humanoid shape slowly moved towards her.More precisely,slithered towards her.Her eyes were still full of fear,as the humanoid shape revealed itself to her.
It almost looked like a human being.There was a head,torso and two arms,but Louise could clearly see the differences.The forehead was ridged,but it was the massive tentacles that held her terrified gaze.In fact,there were four of them,and they were all aiming at Louise.
She clearly noticed two more things that increased her fears dramatically.The humanoid creature had its gaze fixed on their prize,and there was a smile on the face.It wasn't a pleasant one,and it frightened Louise,but what really terrified her,was that she could see their male genitals.It was a very big one,and Louise in horror,clearly recognised the sexual movement in the genital.Quite clearly,whatever these creatures were,they were sexually turned on by her.
Helpless in her captor's grasp,Louise then felt her breasts being squeezed roughly by it.She tried to scream,but the tentacle over her mouth remained,and was proving a highly effective gag.She couldn't even struggle,as her upper body was almost covered in more tentacles.If she moved,it was only of her captor's choosing.
With her breasts still being roughly groped,Louise watched in utter fear,as the humanoid creature facing her,moved forward to her.When it reached her,the humanoid also used his hands on her breasts.He squeezed both of them hard,fully enjoying the human girl's inaudible shrieks.
He and his colleague did this on Louise for some time,relishing the power they had over their prisoner,who was totally unable to resist.It was then,that the humanoid facing her,seized her chin,and looked menacingly into Louise's wide eyes.
It was then,that she heard a voice inside her head.
'Do not bother to struggle,pretty Earth female.You cannot escape.'
Stunned,Louise suddenly realised these humanoids had the power of telepathy.She was unable to respond in her own thoughts though,as she was still roughly being fondled by her captor.Her fear was dominating her,and her captors knew it.
'You are going to prove a most useful asset to us.'The first humanoid still communicated telepathically to her.'We seek only young,and females in their prime to serve us.I'm sure you already know,what purpose this is.'
As if to confirm Louise's utter dread,she felt herself being pressed from behind.The humanoid holding her,still hadn't stopped fondling her chest,but he was smirking as he did so.His tentacles kept Louise tightly bound to him,and he couldn't wait to ravish her.
'Your friends will soon be joining you,my dear.'The humanoid still gripped Louise's chin.'In fact,all of your friends aboard your ship,will soon become our prisoners,and of course,our breeding slaves.'
The humanoid's sneering smile filled Louise with more fear.She was in the clutches of sex starved monsters.Who could help her? She clung to the hope,that her friends would find and rescue her,but these hopes in her were cruelly dashed,when she heard the humanoid's voice in her head again,as she saw the humanoid look up at his colleague.
'Capture the other two human females.Secure and silence this one tightly,and bring her to me.Inform the others to prepare to seize the other human females.'
Then,the humanoid released her chin,but Louise,with her feet still dangling from the floor,was then taken away.She could still offer no resistance,but only show her terror at her predicament.Being secured and silenced meant only one thing to her.They were going to have her bound and gagged.She had actually been tied up and gagged by the bad guys before.Many of her pretty shipmates had.The 'Daring' crew was well known for it's all female crew,and it had been targeted many times.Space pirates wanted to seize all the girls,so they could sell them as slaves.Other parties had taken the girls captive,so they could learn their military secrets,but Louise had never been kidnapped,by a four tentacled humanoid before,so she could be used as a sex slave.
As if sensing her frightened thoughts,the humanoid holding her,laughed,as he continued to squeeze his prisoner's breasts,and took Louise deeper into captivity.
Chapter Three to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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