'Cabin crew,take your seats.'
The reassuring voice of Captain Jenkins,was what the cabin crew of flight SA 234 wanted to hear.They were now preparing to land.
All of the cabin crew of flight SA 234 were all female,four in all.In charge,was Sarah Thomas,a tall young woman,who had long dark hair,tied up in a ponytail.Sarah had a great figure,and had to politely reject any interested advances on her,from plenty of male passengers.
It was the same for her three other co-workers:Jane Mitchell,a stunning blonde from Kent,Michelle Davies,a short haired brunette from Devon,and finally,Jenny Lee,the only girl not from the UK.Jenny came from Manila,in the Philippines.A real Filipina beauty,as Jenny had the usual raven,silky and smooth hair.Jenny's hair wasn't short,but she didn't need to tie it up.Her hair fell just onto her shoulders,and of course,Jenny too,had to politely fend off unwanted invites.
All four girls were great friends,and really enjoyed working together.It certainly was a bonus that they could do this.Sarah remembered asking for this,and rather surprisingly,this had been granted.They'd proved themselves highly capable,and were hard workers.Sarah always suspected her wish had been granted,due to all their efforts,and she was very grateful for this.
Sarah had worked this route many times.The flight originated from Heathrow,and they'd land in the Saudi capital,Riyadh,in just over six hours flight time.It wasn't a long flight,but all the girls were glad to get off the plane,and get a much needed break.
Of course,visiting the Middle East,Sarah was well aware of the restrictions and customs the Saudis operated.She honestly thought quite a few of their laws were meant for barbarians,but it was still a nice place to visit,and there were good people here.
Sarah and all the other girls had made their usual checks on the passengers,and were all pleased to see everybody had their seatbelts on,eagerly looking forward to landing.Sarah knew she and her friends were feeling the same.
Working for Saudi Airways had many benefits.Not only was it a comfortable flight,but it was also a private airline.Sarah didn't envy any of her fellow employees,who worked the bigger passenger planes.At least here,they had more room to work.Not that Sarah had anything against working on those planes.It was enjoyable,and she had met many interesting people,but now,she was glad to be on her current assignment.Not only did it give her more space,but it also paid more,a lot more.
Sarah was really glad to get this big pay increase,as she was saving up for a dream holiday to the Far East.She had visited Japan and Hong Kong on previous work trips,and had loved it.Sarah couldn't wait to finally reach her bank balance target.
She'd instantly obeyed her captain's orders,and had strapped herself into her seat,placing her hands under her onto her seat,and waited for the plane to land.She knew Captain Jenkins was a highly experienced pilot,who had actually flown all over the world.Sarah and her friends were glad to have him.He was a stickler for safety,but he was warm,decent bloke,and the girls loved him.
They also knew Captain Jenkins had served in the military,but he didn't mention any of it to them,and the girls never asked.Although hopefully one day,Sarah was interested in asking.She liked reading on the people,who'd served and fought in the British armed forces.She had a good collection of books back home.Maybe one day,Captain Jenkins might write one.
Sarah then felt the plane land.As she expected,it was a flawless landing,and she then waited for the order from Jenkins,to inform her they were ready to disembark.
This only took a few minutes,as the plane finally stopped.Jenkins voice then returned.
'Cabin crew,prepare for passenger exit.'
Sarah unstrapped herself from her seat,just as Jenny,Michelle and Jane did.All four girls then stood by their assigned exits,ready to assist any passenger that needed it.
Soon,they felt the famaliar clamp of the extended gangways,now locking onto the plane doors.Within a few moments,they could and did,open the doors.
The first thing everybody felt,was the massive,unbelievably overbearing heat.It powered into the plane's interior,but nobody complained.Most of the passengers here,had come for just precisely that.
Then,the passengers began to exit,and after wishing all of them a safe,happy stay,all four girls were glad to get their own gear.They did so,and eagerly awaited Jenkins and his flight crew to emerge from the cockpit.
From one of the observation lounges in Riyadh International airport,two men,dressed smartly in dark suits,watched the arrival of SA 234.They could see the passengers exiting from it,but that wasn't what they were waiting for.Instead,they had more sinister intentions.
They maintained their watch,and sure enough,they could now see what they had come for.They were now observing the stewardesses,still on board the plane.
They could see four of them,and were pleased to see all four were highly attractive.Three were westerners,whilst the fourth was Oriental.The uniforms all four girls were wearing,were also deeply appreciated by the men.Each of the women wore a smartly pressed white shirt,with a knee length blue skirt.A very smart blue coloured neck scarf,was also worn by the girls.With their highly polished black high heels,Sarah,Jane,Michelle and Jenny felt very smart indeed.
However,if they had noticed they were being watched by two sinister looking men,their alarm bells would be ringing like mad.The two men hadn't taken their eyes off them,and they felt excited,as well as their lust increasing too.
One of the men reached into his person,and produced an iphone.This was required by him,to complete his orders.
He then selected the video camera option,and then started to film the girls.The four young women were still waiting on the plane,and the man knew they would come off,once the flight crew exited.For the moment though,he kept filming them discreetly.Once he was satisfied with enough footage,he then made a call on the iphone.
'Well,are they there yet?'An impatient man's voice greeted him,once he'd made the connection.
'They are here,your excellency,'he replied respectfully,'they are indeed as you said they would be,four beauties to add to your harem.'
'Good,'there was now pleasure evident in the man's tone,'follow them,and report on their movements.I will tell you when to seize them.'
'Your wish is my command,your excellency.I have the footage of them ready for you.'
'Send it immediately.'The voice was sharp,but the man didn't object,as he promptly obeyed his master's command.
He sent the film of the four girls he'd just took to him,and after a few moments wait,the man's voice returned.
'This is excellent work,'there was now pleasure fully evident,'you have done well.Continue to follow them,but do not seize them just yet.I have plans for that.'
'Yes,your excellency.'
The man listened for any more orders,but the call was abruptly ended.So,he and his accomplice resumed their task.They were now pleased,to see all four girls now exiting the plane.
Keeping a discreet distance from the still unsuspecting girls,the two men proceeded to follow them out.
They watched the girls leave through the airport's main entrance,and still keeping themselves hidden,they then watched all four women jump into two taxis.The taxis then left.
Both men hurried out of the airport,but did not hail a taxi.Instead,they raced into a black car.As soon as they'd entered the vehicle,the driver instantly raced after the two taxis in pursuit.
After a long drive through crowded streets,the men watched the two taxis finally pull up outside a hotel.As the four girls exited their taxi,and entered the hotel,one of the men produced a camera,and began to take pictures of Sarah,Michelle,Jane and finally,Jenny.
None of the four young women were aware,that they were being observed in this way,and the man using the camera,was not discovered.
Finally,he lowered the camera,seeing the girls disappear into the hotel.
'I've got enough,'he told his two accomplices,'let's get them developed,and show them to his excellency.I'm sure he will be very pleased.'
The driver instantly obeyed,and drove away.All three men were looking forward to seeing the girls again.
Chapter 2 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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