The bell rang through the hallways and corridors of St Josephine's boarding school for girls.This was what all the girls wanted to hear,as the bell signalled the end of school.
As expected,there was a sudden flurry from all the female pupils,now eager to leave,and enjoy some time of their own.
One such pupil looking forward to this fact too,was Sarah Mitchell.Sarah was now rapidly approaching her nineteenth birthday,and was looking forward to that as well.
Sarah was of average height,but she had a good figure,had jet black raven shoulder length hair,and knew she attracted a lot of attention.
Sometimes this did irritate her,but Sarah had a good sense of humour,and politely,but firmly denied any hopeful suitors.Sarah was too busy to concentrate,trying to choose the right man.Her studies here at school,meant everything to Sarah.If she did well on all of them,she had a chance of getting a trainee journalist post,at a major newspaper.
This meant everything to Sarah.Getting a job in these tough times was hard enough,but securing a job there,would not only mean a healthy wage,but Sarah could do a job she enjoyed.
Sarah's last lesson had finished,and like all her other fellow pupils,she headed back to her own private room.In this regard,Sarah was lucky.She had a room all to herself,although of course,she wouldn't have minded sharing.She had quite a few friends here in the school,but it was still nice to have some privacy.
Sarah made it back to her room,and dumped all her school books onto her bed.She'd do her homework later,but now,it was time to relax.
Sarah remembered she'd made plans with her best friend:Zara.Both she and Zara were inseperable.They did so much together,and even when they were walking together,they attracted a lot of admiring glances.
Both girls were slightly amused at this,but nonetheless,they did appreciate it.Sarah thought Zara was the most attractive,whilst Zara thought vice versa.Zara was dark skinned.Her parents came from the Ivory Coast.She too,had a superb figure,having visited the school's gym many times.Zara's hair was of course black,and just a little longer than Sarah's.They'd both seen many drooling looks given to them,but they did not appreciate that.
Even so,both Sarah and Zara were very pleasant girls,and were highly thought off.Both of them worked hard at school,and had received many glowing reports.The future looked bright for them.Sarah and Zara sensed that.
Once Sarah had dumped her school books,she then made herself a glass of fresh orange juice.Then,slowly sipping it,she picked up her mobile,and made a call to Zara.Her friend responded instantly.
'Hi Zara,'Sarah greeted her warmly,'how's things?'
'Hey Sarah,'Zara's voice was just as warm in her response.'I'm not too bad.What you got planned?'
'Spend some time with you of course,'Sarah smiled,even though she knew her friend didn't see it.'Are you coming over? I've got some drink waiting for you.'
'Cool,what you got?'
'Couple of bottles of sweet wines,'Sarah grinned this time.She liked a drink,but not too much.Although she kept it well hidden from the staff,knowing she'd be in deep trouble if they ever found out.
'I'm on my way.'Zara's tne sounded eager.'See you in a few minutes.I just have to make a phone call.'
'Okay Zara.I'll be waiting.Bye for now.'
'Bye Sarah.'
In her own room,Zara then ended the call.She was looking forward to a drink.It had been a tough day for her.
Zara always did her best,and she did score good marks in her lessons.She needed too,as Zara was pursuing a career for a stewardess.
She'd seen the requirements for positions like this,and thought it was so unfair at times.It was crazy asking for so many qualifications,when actually,very few were needed.
However,Zara was determined to succeed.She always dreamed of travelling around the world,and being a stewardess would get her that chance.Hopefully,Zara would get a job on a long distance flight,say to the Far East.She heard it was really good money.
For the moment though,it was time to relax.She was just going to phone her younger sister,Theresa,who was coming down to see her.Both Zara and Theresa were great mates,and were also very close.They were both looking forward to spending some time together.
Zara made the phone call to Theresa,who instantly responded.
'Hey,where are you now?'Zara asked her,after greeting her sister.
'Just having a bite to eat,'Theresa's voice replied.'I'm not too far off.Should be another hour or so,depending on traffic.'
'Everything okay? You had a good trip?'
'So so,'Theresa admitted.She loved driving,but it was looking out for the morons that she had to watch out for.She'd seen some lunatics on this trip.
'Sorry to hear that,'Zara knew her sister's tone.She'd seen it herself.God,what was wrong with some people,once they got behind the steering wheel of a car?
'Well,you're nearly here,Theresa,'Zara reassured.'I'm looking forward to seeing you.'
'Me too,sis.Bye for now.Need the little girls room.'
'Okay,see you.Bye.'
With that done,Zara ended the call,and picking up her handbag,she then thought about changing,as she was still dressed in her compulsory school uniform.She glanced down at herself,seeing her white shirt and pleated skirt.Her white socks and smartly polished black shoes,still made her look smart.So,Zara decided not to bother.
She left her room,and then headed over to Sarah's,eager to chill out.
As Zara left her room however,she failed to notice that she was being observed.
More to follow...
The answer to both your qustions,is yes.I just need the time to think it out,that's all.:)
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
"School"--POSSIBILITY of schoolgirl uniform!
ReplyDelete"Zara-from Ivory coast"--
Summary: black girl bound and gagged in school uniform~"BOING!"
HOPEFULLY THIS story will have MORE than one (1) part!