'David!'Miss McGrath's voice was sharp,and I knew instantly it was aimed at me.'Are you paying attention or not?'
God,I hated school.Stuck in a room with a lot of obnoxious kids,who for the most part,were right bullying bastards.They liked to pick on me a lot,and I practically hated them all.
I especially hated where I was now,in Chemistry.God,you must have to be a super genuis,to understand all this crap.Who the hell was interested in chemistry?I wasn't the slightest bit interested in it,and Miss McGrath,my chemistry teacher of course,knew it too.
Of course,if she'd tried to make the subject interesting,I may have given it a little more attention.Sadly,she didn't.
However,if I hated the lesson,I certainly didn't hate looking at Miss McGrath.She was really pretty.An average sized woman with short,black curly hair,falling onto her shoulders.Her chest was impressive,and she was wearing a white lab coat,fastened all the way up.Her dark blue nyloned tights,with her smartly polished black high heels,made it even more impressive.I had to admit that she was turning me on big time.My fantasies went into overdrive!
God,I'd love to tie her up and gag her.I thought dreamily,looking at her sexy figure.She'd look great bound and gagged like that.I knew from listening to a lot of other boys in the school,they had the hots for her too,but whether it was a bondage fantasy like mine,I didn't know.
However,I realised I was still under her authority in this classroom,and I had responded immediately back,politely of course,as you had too.
'Yes,Miss.'I nodded back to her,still admiring her figure secretly.
'Then what did I just say,David?'Miss McGrath's voice was stern,knowing full well my history in this subject.
Fortunately,I always made sure that I listened to the questions,even if I didn't know the answers.
'You were asking what is the symbol for gold,miss.'
'Which is?'Her voice was still stern,and I knew I was still in trouble.
'Au,Miss.'Even a complete idiot would know that.
'I don't like your attitude,young man.'Miss McGrath's gaze was boring into me,even though I'd answered her correctly.It was odd though,I thought.The way she was looking at me right now,did make her look more beautiful.'What about the symbol for silver?'
Uh oh.I knew I was definitely in the mire here.
Fortunately,I had a secret weapon sitting next to me.
Not everyone in the school,was a cruel,malicious bully.I had met a few good,decent kids here,and I was very lucky to have one of them as my best friend.
Like Miss McGrath,Sarah Thompson was incredibly smart.Sarah was one of those rare gifts,as she knew a lot of stuff,that most of us would never have knew.
Sarah was also very pretty.She was an impressive sight,wearing the school's compulsory uniform of a white,double breast pocket shirt.She also wore a blue pleated short skirt,with white socks stopping before her knees.I knew a lot of the boys here were after her.
Her looks were more than impressive too.Sarah had jet black hair,that fell past her shoulders.Her eyes were a warm dark brown,and I knew Sarah's looks would earn her a fortune,if she chose to be a model.
No doubt a supermodel.I thought,wondering if Sarah had thought the same.
However,Sarah wasn't just a pretty face:she was very headstrong,and knew how to deal with any unwanted attention.I'd seen her do it,but it still didn't stop her admirers trying their luck.I knew her Dad served in the army,and woe betide anybody who crossed Sarah.I had to admit,if any boy won Sarah's heart,they were very,very fortunate.
Sarah had secretly written down the answer to Miss McGrath's question for me,and I'd seen it.I didn't hesitate with the answer.
Miss McGrath looked at me for a moment.She wasn't an idiot,as she was well aware me and Sarah were great mates,but she made no further comment,and carried on with the boring lesson.
I gave Sarah a thankful grin,and she grinned back.What would I do without her? I thought happily.Sarah was brilliant.
Finally,the torture ended,and we gathered our books to take home.
As I made to leave the classroom,I tensed.Miss McGrath had called for me.
Now what does she want? Another bollocking?
'I'll see you later,David.'Sarah told me,before she too,left the classroom.I couldn't wait to join her.
Grimly,I made my way over to her.The lesson had finished,and I was ready to defend myself,for any riot act she may be considering to read out to me.
'David,what's wrong?'
I was flabbergasted.This time,her voice was gentle.Of course,I realised she wasn't a bad person.I did like her,but I thought she was just a bad teacher,like a lot of them here,in this damned school.
However,being fifteen years old,I knew I couldn't read my own riot act to her.She was still in charge.
'I'm sorry,Miss McGrath,'I told her truthfully.'Chemistry baffles me.I don't have a clue on it.'
'You know,with a little more effort,you might surprise yourself.'Her voice was still gentle to me,and I appreciated it.'I think it will do good for you,for your future.'
Yeah,right.I thought.'I'm not going to be a research scientist.I'd already made up my mind on that.
'Look,just try to give it a bit more thought,okay David?'She smiled at me,which shot me through the roof.
'I'll try my best,Miss.'I told her truthfully,smiling pleasantly back at her.
'Good lad.'
'Okay,you can go now.'
I was somewhat reluctant to leave,having secretly admiring her figure.The lab coat Miss McGrath wore,was driving my lust crazy.I could also smell her scent too,which didn't help matters.
However,I knew I had to control my feelings,as any decent bloke worth his salt would,and I left the classroom.
As I was leaving,I noticed Sarah had waited for me.She looked gorgeous to me,holding her books in both her hands in front.I tried hard not to stare at her chest,but Sarah didn't seem to mind.
'Everything okay,David?'Sarah asked me.
'Yes.'I nodded,although I still didn't feel quite right.Miss McGrath's earlier bollocking of me,was still making me smoulder somewhat.
'Forget about her,'Sarah told me.'Let's go home and chill out.'
I was glad to hear this,as we spent a lot of time together,helping each other out.I was also lucky Sarah's Dad liked me too.Not many people impressed him,and he was also hard work,but he was one of the good guys,and I liked him too.
It was just then,that much to mine and Sarah's surprise,that we both noticed her Dad approach.He wasn't dressed in his army uniform,but he still looked(and was)a powerfully built bloke.I wondered if he had ever bumped anybody off,when he was on active service.
'Dad,'Sarah's voice indicated her surprise too,'what are you doing here?'
'Hello Sarah.David.'He nodded at me,and I responded politely back,before he answered Sarah's question.
'I'm just here to see one of your teachers.'He was gazing into the classroom we'd just left,and he saw Miss McGrath.She in turn,saw him,and smiled at him.They obviously knew each other.I thought.
'I'll see you two later,okay?'He then moved into the classroom,and then shut the door.
'Wonder what's going on.'I said.
'Not sure,'Sarah was puzzled too.'I do know Dad knows Miss McGrath,but other than that,I couldn't say.'
'Sounds intriguing.'
'You want to find out?'Sarah grinned at me.
'I'm not a spy.'I grinned back.'I've already made up my mind what I want to be.'
'I'm sure you'll be a good soldier,David.My Dad has high hopes for you.'
'And I'm sure you'll be a great success,at whatever you want to be,Sarah.'I repaid her compliment.
With that said,we both made our way out of the school,not knowing we were being watched.
Out of our vision,there was a large,white transit van parked up.In the van's cabin,sat two tough looking men,and a woman.All three had their eyes on the two youngsters,completely unaware of their presence.
The woman held a pair of binoculars,and was scrutinizing her targets.She thought the boy was quite handsome,but he wasn't what she was interested in.It was the girl.
'Looks like they're on their way home.'One of the men remarked.'Shall we take them both?'
'No,'the woman's reply was firm.'We shall obey our instructions accordingly,and that is to seize the girl,as well as her chemistry teacher.'
'They're both very pretty.'The second man spoke,liking what he'd seen of the two young women.
'They are indeed.Which is why they will be two perfect gifts for his eminence.He will have a highly skilled weapons developer,as well as two more pretty slaves to enjoy.'
The woman smiled saying that.Like her two male accomplices,she couldn't wait to grab those two beauties.They were in for a big surprise.
'Once the boy leaves,'she told them,'keep your eyes on her.I want to know her exact routine,and then we'll judge the right moment to grab her.'
Both men smiled in agreement,as they obeyed their orders.
I enjoyed Sarah's company.She really was a great friend,warm too.Sarah really kept my morale up,when it had been a bad day.I always wished I could return the favour.I had to admit to myself,that I would love to help her.
Sarah though,was very bright.I knew she was of the smartest people I ever came across.She had a first class brain,and always achieved top marks at school.It was thanks to her,that I somehow managed to get acceptable marks myself,at least in the harder subjects,like chemistry,physics and maths.
I still utterly despised them however.
We both continued to walk home,until we reached Sarah's street.It was time to part.
'Thanks for today,Sarah,'I told her,fully meaning it.'You were a great help.'
Sarah gave me a lovely smile,which actually rocked me.
'David,it was no problem,but I know you can do so much better.Just try to give it a little more thought.'
I didn't surrender easily to that.
'All I want to be,Sarah,is a soldier.'I'd made up my mind already,to join the British army.'Nothing else.'
'Then study more,'Sarah didn't concede easily either.'If you have good grades,then your prospects are a bit more brighter.'
She was right of course,but I made no further comment.Instead,I bade her goodbye,and said I would see her tomorrow.
Much to my surprise,Sarah suddenly put her hand on my shoulder,and kissed me on the cheek.
She saw my pleased,but still stunned expression,and kept her smile.It thrilled me.
'See you tomorrow,David.'
'What was the kiss for?'I asked,somewhat sheepishly.
'Because you're a good friend,'Sarah's answer was honest.'And I'm glad you're my friend too.'
With that,Sarah then said goodbye,and moved up to her home.I made sure she got in okay,and she did.We both waved at each other,then after Sarah closed her front door,I headed back home too.
As I did however,I suddenly noticed a white transit van,now driving into Sarah's street.I could see two occupants sitting in the front;one was a man,the other,a woman.Both of them looked quite sinister.I personally despised white vans.When I'd gone out with my three elder sisters in the car,I'd seen these morons at work.They simply bullied everybody,to get out of their way.What a bunch of tossers.
Anyway,I gave it no more though,as I hurried back home.
Looking back though,I wished I'd stayed.
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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