Elisabeth Jackson had worked hard to achieve her goal,to assist in dentistry.All those long months at college and university where she had studied,must have seemed never ending.
However,Elisabeth wasn't one to give up that easy.She knew it was good money once you earned your place,and Elisabeth pursued her career choice with full vigour.She'd felt a real thrill,once she'd found out all her neccessary exams had been passed,all with flying colours.
It still had taken a while to secure a job though.Elisabeth knew things were tough,and there were hundreds of desperate people,also seeking out jobs,especially well paid ones like the one she had now.
Elisabeth had to admit she'd been lucky.The Dental Practicioner she was now employed,had come out of the blue.She'd seen the job vacancy reading a newspaper,and had no hesitation in applying.
The job was asking for two female assistants,and she'd immediately wrote a letter,applying for an interview.The response was quick,granting her one.
The interview had gone on well enough.Elisabeth was a warm,sincere young woman,and her smile had entranced many people.It was a nice feeling,seeing people respond positively back to her,although she blushed a lot,when some had told her she was really beautiful.
A bit pretty perhaps,Elisabeth thought,smiling to herself,but I'm not beautiful.
She'd stuck her tongue out so many times at herself,when getting prepared for something.Elisabeth usually had long brunette hair,but for her job,she'd cut it short to her shoulders.Her eyes and face were warm,as always to the patients coming on appointment here,and it had made her highly popular.
It wasn't just with the patients she was popular with.Elisabeth saw many young men visiting here,and as soon as they'd seen her,their eyes boggled at her.
Elisabeth merely smiled to herself again,knowing what they were thinking.
Boys will be boys,she knew that,but had to admit,that she had a really good figure,especially when Elisabeth wore her white overall for work.It was just like what biological teachers or scientists wore,but she'd also seen the gaping looks at her legs.Wearing her high heels and dark blue tights,Elisabeth looked gorgeous in her present attire.
Today had been very busy.There'd been so many appointments,and with her workmates,Elisabeth was now weary,and looking forward to going home.
The Dentist she worked for,wasn't a man.When she'd gone for the interview,Elisabeth was mildly surprised,to see another highly attractive young woman like herself.She'd found out this woman was the dental practictioner.
Her name was Suzanne Smith,a very stunning redhead,with another stunning body that a lot of female supermodels pocessed.Elisabeth got on well with Suzanne,she was a decent human being,and also a good boss.
As stated earlier,the job had asked for two females,and the remaining girl was a young Chinese,known as Ruby.She was of course,born in England,and just as English as Suzanne and Elisabeth.She too,was very pretty.Elisabeth and Suzanne had told her this repeatedly.Ruby had blushed at this,as she was a lot more shyer,but she had a warm heart,and was very popular here.Like her two workmates,they certainly attracted many pleasing,almost lustful gazes.
For the umpteenth time,Elisabeth checked her watch.There wasn't long to go,before they could all go home.The last appointment had been,and the three girls were now clearing the place up.
It was then,that they heard footsteps approaching.
Ruby was sitting in the main reception office,and saw a man enter.He was dressed smartly,and he was carrying a large sports holdall bag.
He gave the pretty Chinese girl a pleasant smile on entering.
'Good evening,Miss,'his voice was very well spoken.'I would like to ask you all a big favour,please.'
Thinking there was nothing amiss,Ruby returned his polite smile.
'I'm very sorry,but we're closing now.'Her own voice was very apologetic.'Could it wait,sir?'
'I'm afraid not,Miss,'the man was still smiling,but this time,there was something much more sinister about it.
The three young women watched him curiously,as he knelt to open the bag,and the curiousity vanished in an instant,as their eyes widened in alarm and fear.
The man had produced a handgun,and he held it unwaveringly at Ruby.
'Hands up,ladies,please.'The man ordered them politely,but his eyes now gleamed with menace.
Helpless,Elisabeth,Suzanne and Ruby,raised their hands in surrender,dreading what he was going to do next.In fact,Elisabeth had to ask it.
'What do you want?'Her voice shook slightly,as her still wide eyes never left the gun.
'Just your co-operation please.'The man's smile still hadn't left his face,of which,the three girls now hated.'As long as you do as you're told,you won't get hurt.'
'For the moment though,'his voice had now become more firmer,not threatening,but it was certainly making its presence felt.'I'd like you all to lie face down on the floor,and if you don't mind,please put your hands behind your backs.I'm afraid it will be necessary,to tie you all up.'
The man was pleased to hear one of the girl's defy him.
'Look,we're all tired,'it was Elisabeth speaking,and her voice indicated her weariness.'We've no money here,and I can't imagine why you'd come and rob a dentist.'
''Robbery,my dear?'The man was still smiling.'On the contrary,there is something here that I wish to take,and I'm looking at it right now.'
The three young women were stunned to hear that,as they now realised they were what this man wanted.
'You're going to kidnap us?'Ruby spoke fearfully.'Why?'
'All will be revealed,I promise you that.'The man's voice was still calm,but firm.'However,I believed I asked you all to lie down on the floor,so here's an extra incentive for you to obey.'
With lightning speed,the man suddenly reached out to seize Ruby.The girl gasped in fright as she felt his arm tighten around her waist,trapping her arms to her sides.The gun was also then placed firmly into her neck.
'I have no wish to harm any of you,'the man continued,'but be assured,your pretty Chinese friend will suffer,if you refuse to obey my instructions.'
Shocked to see their friend held hostage,Elisabeth and Suzanne had no choice,as they lay face down on the floor,and placed their hands behind their backs,accepting the inevitable.
'Very good,ladies,'the man's voice was pleased.'I knew you'd be sensible.Just stay like that for the moment.'
He made sure he kept a tight grip on Ruby,as he then made a call behind him.
'Okay,you can come up now.I have them.'
Lying on the floor,both Sarah and Suzanne clearly heard mens footsteps approaching them,and neither could help,but look towards the source.
They both saw two more men,and they looked very stocky,as well as wearing menacing expressions.Both of them however,seemed to be pleased,as they looked down at the two beautiful women,obviously waiting for them to be tied up.
'All right,'the first man commanded his two accomplices curtly,'get them bound and gagged.I'll take care of this beauty.'
He was pleased to hear Ruby whimper,but he wasted no time,as he too,forced the girl onto the floor,pulling her arms behind her.
'Just remember,ladies,'his menace was still present,'do as you're told,and you won't get hurt.'
One of the men had already opened up the holdall bag,and with much dismay,all three girls could see plenty of coils of white rope.The man who'd opened the holdall bag,was now dividing it amongst his two accomplices,and after choosing many lengths of it,they then started to wind the ropes over each girl's wrists.
It didn't take them long to complete,as they made sure the knots were tied tight,firmly locking Sarah's,Suzanne's and Ruby's wrists behind their backs.Each girl grunted in pain,as their hands were secured.The men then did the same with their ankles,effectively binding their three captives hand and foot.
All three girls were feeling really frightened,as they knew they were at the mercy of these men.There was no way they could resist,and despite being secured,the men still hadn't finished tying them up.
The men then wound more horizontal loops of ropes,over their white uniforms,pulling each loop tight.So much so,that the ropes actually made each girls chest much more impressive.
Finally,the men then turned each girl onto her back,and quickly,they stuffed a cloth into Sarah,Suzanne,and Ruby's mouth.They enjoyed listening to the girls mumbling,as they did so.
Like her two friends,Sarah almost retched,as the cloth was forced into her mouth.It was done roughly by the man who'd tied her up.She couldn't help,but try to immediately expel it,but the man had other ideas,as he clamped his hand hard over her mouth.
'Don't get smart,my pretty,'the man warned Sarah menacingly,enjoying her frightened eyes bulging up at him.
He then used his hand to force Sarah's lips together,still keeping her handgagged,but his free hand had now brought out a large roll of black duct tape.
Quickly,he removed a suitable sized portion of the tape with his teeth,and after doing so,he then firmly placed it over Sarah's mouth,smoothing it over.His two accomplices repeated the process with Suzanne and Ruby.
With that done,the first man was satisfied,as he then ordered one of the men.'Get them in the van.The boss wants them delivered on time.'
Still scared to death,but also baffled,Sarah wondered who had ordered their abduction.It would be interesting to find out,that is,if the police could catch them.
For the moment though,rescue didn't appear likely.There wasn't anyone else around,and she was dreading rape.When she was at work here,Sarah clearly remembered the lustful looks she'd been given,and she was desperately trying to think back,but nothing was revealing itself.
Suddenly,her thoughts were interrupted,as she felt herself being lifted from the floor,and over the man's shoulder.Ruby and Suzanne,were also lifted the same way.
Quickly,the three man carried their prisoners out into a back alley.A large,white van stood patiently outside,and after checking the coast was clear,the three men then entered the vehicle,gently placing the three,tightly bound and gagged women inside.The van was then started,and it left the still deserted alley way behind.
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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