Gustav sat in his study,well content,as he read the latest financial figures given to him.
It certainly made highly pleasant reading,as the figures were more than impressive.He was raking it in.
Of course,Gustav knew his wealth was not honestly earned.In fact,he didn't give a damn about that.
Instead,he preferred this way of life.He'd started with nothing of course,and Gustav was determined to earn his fortune,even if it meant at the expense of others.
True,he'd killed a lot of people.Indeed,he was still doing so,and inflicting a lot of suffering too.
This grim fact had made him a highly wanted man,and Gustav knew there was a large price on his head.
To combat this,Gustav had finally decided to settle down here,deep in the jungle,and have a highly guarded fortress at his disposal.Gustav was supremely confident nobody would come after him here.If they did,then the dangerous wildlife in the surrounding jungle,would take care of that.Although to the best of his knowledge,Gustav didn't think his enemies would be that stupid.
The jungle wildlife,was indeed dangerous to anybody unwise to this area.Gustav had made certain his fortress was well protected by it.He'd seen his loyal,private army place many jungle animals close by.There were pythons and crocidiles here.Both of which,could easily take care of any unwanted intruder.In fact,he'd thrown in many victims to them before.Nobody had survived.
Still feeling well in content,Gustav finally finished reading his more than healthy bank balance,and made himself a drink.
After swallowing several,generous doses,he heard women laughing.
He knew where it was coming from.His fortress was also well fitted,with luxuries beyond belief.He had a couple of swimming pools,one inside and out.A gym fitted with all the latest gear,and other rooms that he could live in like a king.
Gustav heard the women in his outdoor pool,and decided to go to them.
He made his way outside,walking past many of his well armed guards.He made a quick check on them,asking if there was anything to report,but they all assured him the area was clear.They hadn't seen anybody.
Pleased at that,Gustav then reached the swimming pool.It was a grand size,and of course,well fitted with sunbeds and sunshades,with a well stocked bar too.
At the moment though,having a drink wasn't on Gustav's mind.
Instead,his attention was fully on the women in the pool.They were all beauties,and Gustav was glad to have them.A couple lay sunbathing,and there was loud music playing too.
A lot of the girls in the pool waved to him,as they swam in the water.He waved back at them,returning their smiles.He could already feel his lust increasing,as he gazed down at these girls,wearing their bikinis.Their bodies were stunning,and Gustav promised himself,that he'd be enjoying himself with plenty of them soon.
However,he had noticed one of the girls not waving at him.
She was a pure Filipina,and was sitting up on one of the sunbeds.Her eyes were hidden,by a pair of dark sunglasses,but she still looked gorgeous.Long,jet black curly hair,that fell past her shoulders,and she had a very pretty face.Yet,she was also looking back at him,and there was no smile on her face.
This made Gustav interested.He knew her name of course.This was Andrea,a real beauty,but he hadn't talked to her yet.He'd only seen her being introduced,as one of new staff.
The girl intrigued him however,and Gustav wanted to find out more,so he walked over to sit next to her,not on the next sunbed,but on the same where Andrea lay.As he did so,he was pleased to see the girl flinch away from him.
Despite that,Gustav gave her a pleasant smile.
'Andrea,isn't it?'he asked her.
'Yes.'Andrea answered him warily,keeping her eyes sharp.This was also noticed by Gustav.
'You seem tense.'He still kept on smiling,as he then began to stroke one of Andrea's bare legs.'Let me help you relax,Andrea.'
Andrea couldn't help,but flinch again from his touch.Instantly,she felt her skin crawl,but kept calm,as she stood up.
'No thank you.I have something to do.'Andrea wanted to get away from him.'Will you excuse me,please?'
She then made to move off,but Gustav wasn't having any of that.He suddenly reached out,seizing Andrea's arm,pulling her back to him.He was pleased again,hearing the girl's startled yelp.
'Let me go!'
'When I've finished with you,my pretty,'Gustav reassured her,'I will,but first,I think it's time I got to know you a bit better.'
He then seized the back of Andrea's neck,kissing her fully on the mouth.Andrea just stopped herself from screaming,as she desperately tried to fight him off,but it was no good.The man was too strong.
Faintly amused,Gustav stopped kissing Andrea,but he still held onto her tightly.
'What's the matter,my dear Andrea?' He kept smiling at her.'Surely you should know,that you're allowed to be in my home,'his grip tightened,making Andrea gasp in pain,'as long as you obey me.'
'Please,'Andrea managed to say,'let me go.'
Much to her relief,he did,and Andrea gently rubbed the back of her neck.She glared at the other girls,who had watched the whole thing,but hadn't bothered to help her.Indeed,a lot of them were smirking at her.
Fuming inside,Andrea knew why.All this lot were more than happy to be with this evil man.He was after all,making them wealthy,and they were doing anything he wished.
Andrea however,wasn't having any of it.She swore quietly to herself,that she was going to make everyone here pay dearly.
She could see that one of Gustav's armed men had come up to him,handing him a mobile.As he took the call,she managed to sneak off,not seeing two of the women follow her.
Not far off from Gustav's luxurious palace,there was a small village.It was only a small place,and it certainly didn't have any luxuries on offer.In fact,there was a great deal of poverty.The people who lived here,were dressed in rags,and they showed a great deal of fear,especially when they had unwelcome visits from Gustav's men.From their earlier intelligence briefing,Grant knew these people suffered,when Gustav's men came to seize the young women from the village.He knew all the girls they'd abducted,were taken back to Gustav,so he could enjoy his own sick pleasures.
Not this time.Grant thought determinedly.
He and Hunt had managed to sneak into one of the village's outer buildings.Once inside,they both hid,and waited.
They didn't have to wait long.It was only after a few minutes wait,that they saw a young woman enter.Both Grant and Hunt recognised her,from the photos of the two young women they'd been shown back at the briefing.It was the filipina girl,Andrea.
Andrea had made sure she hadn't been followed,and she hadn't seen anyone.Yet,she still wasn't sure,and knowing Gustav,Andrea's thoughts were ominous.She hoped she could get back undiscovered.
Andrea then moved further into the building,looking around for the military people she'd been told to meet.So far,she saw nobody.
'Major Grant?'Andrea called out quietly.
There was no response,and Andrea had made to move in more,when she suddenly sensed a presence behind her.
It was then,Andrea felt herself taken.An arm wrapped around her waist,and a hand closed gently over her mouth.Her eyes bulged.
She then heard her unseen captor ask her something,and it was a woman's voice.This surprised Andrea,recognising the woman's strength.She wasn't going anywhere,and even though the handgag was gentle,it was still highly effective at silencing her.
'Andrea,I take it?'The woman asked her.
Still handgagged,Andrea could only nod,before she then watched a man emerge out of the shadows.It was Major Grant.
'Right here.'Grant then showed himself to her,before he nodded to Hunt to release her.As Hunt did so,Andrea couldn't help,but to turn to look at her.She saw a highly formidable,looking woman,dressed in the same army clothing as Grant was.It made Andrea shiver.
'Are you okay?'Grant asked.'Sorry for grabbing you like that,but we didn't want to alert anybody.'
'I'm fine,Major,but I don't have much time,'Andrea then informed him.'There's a strong chance I may have been followed.'
'Don't worry about that,'Grant reassured her,before he asked about her fellow female colleague.
'Angela's disappeared,'Andrea's answer was grim.'I think they grabbed her last night.'
'If that's so,then we'd better move fast.'Grant nodded.'You'd better come with us,Andrea.'
'No,I'm sorry,'Andrea shook her head firmly.'Angela needs my help.Besides,you still need me to deactivate their alarms.'
Grant didn't want to send this pretty girl back into the lion's mouth,but he knew she was right.Without somebody on the inside,there was no way they could surprise the enemy.He had to concede.
'Okay,but take this,'Grant then handed her a steel bracelet.'I want you to wear that at all times.'
Andrea studied the bracelet curiously,although she did put it on her wrist.
'What is it?'she inquired.
'A homing device,'Grant answered her.'It's short range,but as long as you're close by,or still in Gustav's building,we'll be able to track your position.'
He was just about to ask her if Gustav was planning anything,when they all heard the sound of vehicles approaching.
The three of them were grim,as they then all saw two trucks carrying Gustav's soldiers,speed into the village.As soon as they screeched to a halt,all the heavily armed men jumped out,and quickly began to run through the village.From the screams of fear Andrea,Hunt and Grant heard,it was quite clear the men were after more of the villages young women.
Andrea felt helpless,seeing Gustav's men having success.They'd already grabbed three young girls,and had easily forced them onto one of the truck's rear.Grant and Hunt clenched their teeth,as the watched Gustav's thugs tie the girls up.They worked quickly,securing their prisoners hands behind their backs,before gagging the three girls over the mouth,with a large cloth.
'We've got to help them!'Andrea whispered urgently.
'We'll take care of it,'Grant nodded again.'You'd better get back.We'll be waiting on your signal,when you've deactivated the alarms.'
'I will,don't worry.But Major,'Andrea's voice was worried.'How are you going to beat all Gustav's men? His place is a fortress.'
'You'll see,Andrea.'Grant had faced this kind of enemy many times,and he was determined to keep his successful record against it.
'Major!'Hunt gestured quietly at her commanding officer,as she nodded at one of Gustav's men.The man was taking a phone call.
Seeing this,Andrea got more worried.Had they discovered her missing? Her heart started to race.
Fortunately,this didn't appear to be the case.The man then finished the phone call,and then sharply ordered all of his men back on the trucks.Within moments,they'd gone,taking their three new acquisitions with them.
'I'd better go,'Andrea made up her mind to head back.'I'll send you the signal,when their defences are down.'
'We'll be waiting,and Andrea,'Grant then placed his hand on the pretty filipina's shoulder.'Be careful.'
He was pleased to see Andrea gratefully return his warm gesture,by squeezing his hand,still on her shoulder.
'I will be fine,Major.Thank you.'With that said,Andrea then quickly left.
Watching her go,Grant said to Hunt:'That girl's got guts.'
Hunt just nodded her agreement.Grant knew Hunt wasn't the talkative type,so he then ordered.'Let's get back.'
Hunt and Grant then made a careful check,just to make sure they weren't being observed.They weren't,and the two of them silently headed back into the jungle.
If Hunt and Grant hadn't been seen,the same was not true for Andrea.From the moment she'd entered the village,the two women who'd followed her,had made sure they'd kept her in their sight.
True,they hadn't seen who Andrea had talked to,when she'd entered one of the village's buildings,and they'd only seen the girl leave after a while.
However,the two of them were determined to report their findings back to their master,and no doubt,be richly rewarded.
One of the women took out a mobile,and made the call.She wanted to personally speak to Gustav himself.
Next moment,Gustav's voice came on the line.'Yes?'
'Got some interesting news for you,boss,'the woman smirked as she said that.'I'm afraid you have another pretty spy to deal with.'
Back at Gustav's palace,he had been relaxing on the sunbed by the swimming pool.As soon as he heard that however,he sat up sharply.
'You're sure of this?'He asked.
'Positive,'the answer came back.'We watched her go into the village on her own.She met with someone there,but we couldn't see who.'
'This indeed,interesting.Thank you,my dear.We'll keep an extra eye on Andrea,and see what she gets up to.Then,she can join Miss Lee.'Gustav smirked this time.'I hope she likes to be bound and gagged.'
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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