It didn't take them long to reach their target.Still leading the way,Jennings gave a hand signal to his friends to duck.They did so.
He then gave another hand signal to his commander,Grant,who promptly did so.
Once Grant lay alongside him,both men had their binoculars out,and were studying Logov's home.They could see it was an impressive structure,and no doubt luxuries abounded in it.
However,none of them were interested in that,as Grant and Jennings now spotted the armed sentries,who were patrolling the building's grounds.They also spotted the water circling around the house.At the moment,nothing was seen in it,but they knew better.
Grant had already prepared his battle plan,and he immediately put it into practice.
He turned to Fraser and Thompson,and signalled them to go round to the back of the house.Both men nodded,and moved silently away.
With that done,Grant then turned to Jennings,who was watching the enemy on the building's roof.
'You and Montgomery watch for the sentry positions,'he ordered.'Know their watch patterns.Me and Hunt are meeting a contact.'
'Got it.'Jennings nodded,and Grant moved off.He didn't bother to admonish Jennings for not calling him 'sir'.Grant had little time for that.On the parade ground,perhaps,but he thought it would be a nice touch,and his team thought the same.
Grimly,Grant then nodded to Hunt,the only woman in his squad,to come with him.They both moved quickly,but silently away.
Montgomery had already crawled up to next to Jennings,and like his friend,had now brought out his weapon,and was peering at the enemy through the aiming scope.
Both of them could see plenty of armed opposition.Not only were there heavily armed patrols,but they also spotted fixed motar positions.Most of these were placed on the roof,and Jennings and Montgomery could see the crews of these were well alert.Like themselves,the motar crews were also using their own binoculars,to scan the surrounding terrain.
Grimly,Jennings knew these weapons were a deadly deterrent to a sniper,even if he was well hidden.It only took a lucky barrage to finish him,so Jennings had already decided to eliminate this threat first,if need be.
However,this wasn't going to be easy.In fact,as Jennings continued to watch the enemy,he noticed the motar crews were keeping a high alert,and they were also keeping each other in sight.If Jennings took one of them out,they'd all be alerted to his presence.
Hopefully though,they could get in unseen,get the girls out,and successfully escape and evade the enemy.
Hopefully.Jennings thought grimly,as he kept a sharp watch on the enemy.
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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