The C-130 Hercules aircraft sped through the night sky,as its flight crew kept their eyes peeled.
They had too,as all of them knew they were now approaching dangerous airspace.
Flying the massive plane,was Squadron Leader James.He was a highly experienced pilot,having logged up thousands of hours.This was one of the reasons James was chosen for this type of mission.
He continued to keep his eyes sharp on the flight instrument panel,but James made sure he was kept well informed,of what was going on outside.
Doing this for him,was his co-pilot.This was Flight Lieutenant Jane Williams,the only woman serving with his flight crew.
James knew Jane was utterly reliable,and he trusted her.All of his flight crew did.She was a damned good looking woman,James knew that,but of course,that wasn't why he chose her.
He then asked her for an update.
'ETA to drop off point?'
'Four minutes.'Williams answer was instant.
'Anything else?'
'Nothing yet,'her answer was instant,'but let's hope we can get them in unseen.'
Williams had nodded towards the back of the plane saying that,and James also glanced back.
He could see the people he'd met earlier in the briefing,were now making checks on each others equipment.All the flight crew knew what these people were going to do,and they were all glad that they weren't going down with them.
James made another check on the flight panel,scanning their flight path.He could see they were almost there,and his hand went to activate a switch.
As he did so,James now knew he'd lowered the massive,rear ramp.Then,he moved his hand to activate another switch.This turned on a red light,just placed outside the Hercules' ramp.This was the signal for those in the back to stand by,but glancing back again,James could see they already were.
He then moved his hand to the next control.This would turn on the green light,placed under the red light,signalling the order to go.
However,James knew he still had to contact the leader back there,and he did so.
'Major Grant? Good hunting,and good luck.'
The man known as Major Grant instantly responded to him.
'Thank you.'
It was brief,but that's all James needed to hear,as he now saw they'd reached the drop off area.
Instantly,he pushed his hand onto the control,and back in the rear of the aircraft,the green light came on.
As soon as it did,all those in the back,moved forward quickly,and launched themselves out of the Hercules,freefalling down towards their target area
Chapter Two to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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