Now in the early days,I used to love watching Steven Seagal films.He kicked the bad guys to pieces,and he too,rescued many pretty girls in his films.Bondage wise,it hasn't really impressed me,although the fight scenes did:Nobody could beat him.Even so,it was still disappointing not to see much,of a pretty actress bound and gagged.The only scenes I can remember,was in 'Exit Wounds',but unfortunately,the scene included a bloke too.Damn.
After that,there's not much to report.The only scenes I can recall,were in for 'Marked for Death',where he goes to save his sister,who is tied spreadeagled on the bed,and is about to be bumped off.Fortunately,the bad guy fails.
One of his most recent films,was 'Pistol Whipped',but that scene involved a young girl,so that didn't really interest me.It's a shame really,because when I've watched Seagal's fight scenes,the heroine is there,and in serious need of his help a lot.You would have thought the writers or the director,would have thought about this,but never mind:you win some,you lose some.:)
It's also a great shame Steven Seagal's films go straight to dvd on release,but when you see some of them,it's not surprising.Never mind again,at least I'll remember his early efforts fondly,like 'Under Siege',and of course,you never know what his next offering might be.Although I have to admit,I'm not expecting anything.
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Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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