Twelve hours earlier:RAF Singapore base.
The briefing room was filled with people.Some stood,whilst a few others sat in chairs.All of the people here,felt the tension.This was always the case,when there was a new mission to complete.
In front of them all,was a mounted television.The screen on it was huge,and it was popular here,as the base's staff could enjoy watching their favourite shows on it,or watch the latest developing news.
Now however,it was going to be used for military purposes.
Standing in front of it,was Group Captain Davis.He was in command of the base,and whilst he was a tough taskmaster,Davis was firm,but fair.Although,he wasn't popular with a lot of people,Davis always believed in fighting for the right cause.His briefing here now,was just that.
Davis made a check to see if everyone who should be was,and they were.He could see Squadron leader James with his flight crew,and he gazed over at Major Grant,standing close by with his own combat unit.All of them gazed back at him expectantly,waiting for Davis to begin.He did so.
'Okay,people,here is our next assignment.'Davis then nodded to one of his aides to turn the television on,who did so.He then moved to a small table,where a dvd player was placed.This was connected to the television,and the man turned this on too.
The first images the television showed,were of two pretty girls.Everybody in the room could see they were of Oriental descent.
'These two young ladies are from the Manila police department,'Davis started the briefing,'the first lady is Andrea Lin.She's actually the daughter of the Manila police chief.'
Everybody stared with interest at the photo of Andrea,especially one of Grant's soldiers.They noticed Andrea was indeed,very young,and of course,extremely attractive.The girl had the customary,jet black hair of all the Oriental people.Her hair was long,falling past her shoulders,and it was slightly curled.She was also smiling at the camera,and this had more influence on the same individual on Grant's team.
'The second young lady,is Jane Lee,'Davis continued.This time,he stared at the man in Grant's squad,before continuing.'Miss Lee is from the Hong Kong police.She and Miss Lin are really good friends,and I believed she volunteered to be with Miss Lin,which of course,was accepted.'
'What's the mission,sir?'Somebody in the room asked him.
'Both these young ladies need our help,'Davis responded,'and we're going to give it to them.'
He was pleased to see a lot of his people nod their approval.Davis firmly believed a soldier's job,was to protect innocent people from harm.He'd done so many times himself.
He nodded to the same aide again,who then used a remote control dvd player,and this time,a man's face showed itself on the television.Everybody in the room agreed,that this man didn't look very friendly.
'This is Gustav Logov,'Davis continued,'as you'll have probably guessed,he's Russian.In fact,he's Russian Mafia.He owns a pretty big empire,all created from intimidation and selling the wrong kind of things.Our intelligence,with the help of some of our Russian counterparts,have confirmed Logov is involved in weapons smuggling,hard drugs,even slavery rings.'
This time,Davis noticed the anger and distaste on everybody's faces.This pleased him too,as he always knew his people would fight these sort of things.
'Both Miss Lee and Miss Lin,were sent in undercover to Logov's gang.He owns a large property,hidden in the jungle,and it's a fortress.He's got his own private army with him,and the two girls are now in trouble.Intelligence has confirmed,that their covers will soon be discovered.It's going to be our job,to get them out safely.'
Davis then ordered photos of the target's house to be displayed,and once it was,he went on to explain the defences around it.
'This isn't going to be easy,'Davis meant that,'the whole area is well patrolled,and there are some nasty defences to overcome.Logov doesn't just have his own force to protect him.He also uses the jungle habitat.'
Davis then pointed at an area near the house,where water could be seen.
'Magnify.' he ordered.
This was done for him,and when the image on the screen became more visible,Davis and everybody else,could now see something else.More precisely,several more somethings.
'As you can see,'Davis pointed at the ominous shapes,'this Logov has his own deadly zoo.Those are crocidiles there,man eating ones.' He paused,watching the reaction on his people.Some looked horrified,most looked grim.Looking over at Grant's squad,Davis saw no reaction at all from them.It didn't surprise him,knowing Grant had an excellent record in battle.He always came through,no matter what obstacle was thrown at him,be it man or beast.
'I've detailed your squad,Major Grant,to get in there,and get those two girls out of there.Alive and unharmed,is that understood?'Davis had looked at Grant fully saying that.
'Undertstood,sir.'Grant nodded.
'Good,now your insertion plan will follow..'Davis then went on to explain the flight plan they'd be using.Once he'd explained that,Davis then asked if there were any questions.
'We have full authority to deal with any opposition,sir?'One of Grant's men asked,and Davis recognised him.
'You do indeed,Jennings.'Davis nodded.'You're coming up against some,very nasty players.This Logov,has murdered quite a few people,with help from his thugs.Deal with them,in any way you wish.Recovering those two girls is of top priority.They have vital intel on Logov's operations,so the sooner the better.'
He saw Jennings nod his understanding,and Davis was actually pleased to see him here.He'd read so much about this man,and Davis was glad to have him on his side.
'Any more questions?'he asked the rest of the room,but there were none.
'Okay,'Davis nodded,'let's get to work.Good luck to you all.Dismissed.'
They all stood respectfully to attention as Davis walked out.Once he'd gone,everybody went to prepare their gear for the mission.
Plummeting towards the ground,Grant checked his altimeter watch.It wasn't time to deploy his parachute yet,knowing he'd do it much more closer to the ground.This was a standard high altitude,low opening procedure.Grant and his team had done this so many times,but he was wise enough to keep his eyes open.After all,they were heading into hostile territory.In fact,Grant could see the target building way down below him,although their landing area they'd selected,would put them some distance from it.
Grant then made a check on his team,and was satisfied to see them close to him,falling in perfect formation.He sincerely hoped none of them would receive any injuries on landing.If that happened,they were already at a serious disadvantage.
Grant then checked his altimeter again,and it was now time to deploy.He did so,pulling on the ripcord.There was the customary jerk as the parachute opened up,before he then looked up to check the canopy.It had opened successfully.
As he drifted down,Grant could see the jungle looming up to him,or rather,it's dense treetops.He could see the landing area,and aimed towards there,still checking if all his squad's parachutes had worked.They had.
Luck was with them,as they all steered towards the small clearing,and miraculously,every one of them made it.
Quickly,after landing,Grant shrugged off his harness,and dragged his parachute in.The rest of his squad followed his example,once they'd landed without injury.
With that done,they all took cover,and readied their weapons,checking to see if any opposition had seen them.There were none.
Grimly,Grant stood up,and issued fresh orders.
'Fraser,Thompson,get up ahead and fix our position.'
Both men nodded,and moved silently away,as the rest of their colleagues tensely waited for their return.
They didn't have to wait long.Both Fraser and Thompson successfully made it back without incident,and it was Fraser,a tough Scot from Glasgow,who gave Grant his update.
'We're three clicks from the target,sir.'Fraser then pointed in the direction.'That way.'
'Let's move,'Grant ordered sharply,before he glanced at another of his squad.'Jennings,you take lead.'
Jennings nodded,and after preparing his own weapon of choice,a shotgun,he moved to take the lead.The rest of his team followed him,as they headed towards the target.
Chapter 3 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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