I enjoyed this French action offering.It showed me the parkour style of moving,and I had to admit,it looked very impressive.
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Basically,the film's set in Paris,and due to ever increasing crime rates,the authorities there decide to construct a wall around the notorious districts.
In one of these districts,is our hero,Leito,played by real life parkour expert David Belle.He runs afoul of the bad guys there,after destroying a drugs shipment,run by the big bad guy,Taha.
There's a brilliant opening chase at the beginning,where Taha's henchmen pursue Leito.It has a pretty scary climax,when you see(I'm not sure if it was David Belle,actually performing this dangerous stunt)Leito jumps from one tall building to the rooftop of another one.
Fortunately,he got away with it,but personally,I thought he was totally mad.
Anyway,Leito escapes,but of course,the bad guys know he has a sister,the very pretty Dany Verissimo,Lola.
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As you can see from the picture,the bad guys successfully kidnap her,and plan to use Lola as a hostage against her brother.
Just as Taha is starting to gloat,Leito jumps in,catching him completely by surprise,and using Taha as hostage this time,both brother and sister manage to escape,and bring Taha to a police station.
Unfortunately for them,the local police chief there,turns the tables on them,and Taha seizes Lola again.
Consequently,it takes Leito some time to get back to her(2 years,I think!)This time,he's aided by an undercover policeman,and not wanting to rant on,Leito sees his sister handcuffed to a nuclear missile,and in serious peril.
By this time,Taha's forced Lola to become a drug addict,and she plans to commit suicide,but fortunately,her brother saves her,just in the nick of time.
Action wise,it's really good,but I was gutted they didn't include a scene,where Taha seizes Lola once more in the police station,and promptly orders his henchman,K2,to tie Dany up.Sadly,it wasn't put in.
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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