Well,today's obviously very special,as it's Remembrance Day.It pains me to think I didn't put up anything last year on my blog,as I was too busy writing stories.
Anyway,today we honour the fallen men and women in past conflicts,and the present ones.Although,it still makes my blood boil,seeing the scum politicians laying wreaths at the Cenotaph.These scum abuse their position of power,just as their past colleagues did,sending so many brave,decent people to their deaths,simply for their own personal,and greedy goals.
It isn't just the fallen we should be remebering either.There are many that were crippled and mentally scarred,by the whole horrible thing.What really makes my blood boil again,is that when these survivors returned home,the politicians didn't give a damn.Can't believe we've got these kind of people in government.An utter,despicable and contemptible bunch.I hope you all suffer and rot in hell,for what you've done to those poor people.I pray for their full recovery.
No copyright infringment intended.
Rest in Peace,and God bless you all in Heaven.
PS.If any of the politically correct brigade are as usual,offended by today's proceedings,then kindly sling yer hook,and sod off to your own little island,and keep yourselves to yourselves.We've had enough of you bastards spoiling everything.These people died defending our freedom,and we can say what we want,but you lot have gone way over the top.Get off to your own,sad little habitat,and argue amongst yourselves.
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
Happy Remembrance Day. I was asking if you IM because I saw that on Girl Detectives in Trouble you have Yahoo and MSN. I wanted to find a way to talk to you because I'll need your ideas for my story. My ideas would be girls being kidnapped and the bad guys' slave operation.