With a lustful sneer written across his face,Gustav watched Andrea and Hunt being forced out into the rear grounds of his luxury mansion.
He was pleased to see the terror on Andrea's face,but could see the Hunt woman glaring at him,as well as Daniella and Michelle,who held onto their hostages tightly.
Gustav then looked back at the surrounding jungle,but still saw no sign of the girls hidden friends.
No matter,he thought with a satisfied smirk,they'll have to come out sooner rather than later.
Still smirking,Gustav then put the loudhailer to his lips,and proceeded to call out his ultimatum.
'I don't know who or where you are,'he spoke clearly in a warning tone through the device,'but I know you are here.'
He then gestured with his arm at Andrea and Hunt's bound and gagged forms.
'As you can see,'he continued to speak through the loudhailer,'I've got your two pretty friends here.If you don't surrender within five minutes,they might not look so pretty anymore.'
Totally confident his unseen enemies would have no choice to yield to him,Gustav glanced at his watch and waited.
Snarling quietly to himself,Montgomery kept his eye on Gustav's smirking face through the telescopic sight.The scumbag was threatening Andrea and Hunt.He hoped Jennings would get to them quick.
Montgomery had also used the infra-red device on the sniper rifle,scanning the moat's interior.He'd seen the deadly outlines of the crocodiles underneath the surface,and thought Jennings' plan to go in there with them was utterly foolhardy.
He could only wait and see,and pray.
If Montgomery had seen Jennings' current position,he need not have worried.Jennings had skirted around the moat,sneaking from cover to cover,but he made no attempt to enter the water.He knew he had to keep his eyes peeled,knowing all of these dangerous reptiles were the only things to worry about.
Jennings so far,was lucky.He avoided detection by the remaining sentries,and was now getting closer and closer to where Gustav held Andrea and Hunt.He could see both of the young women who held his two friends,and shook his head sadly.
What a waste,he thought regretfully.
Not bothering any more thoughts on them,Jennings then added a couple of charges of his own,and then,rose up,and walked slowly towards Andrea and Hunt.As yet,nobody had spotted him,but he kept on slowly walking towards them.
He wasn't that far away from them,when he watched with faint amusement Gustav lift the loudhailer again,and start to call out more threats.
'Time's running out,'Gustav made his voice more menacing,not seeing Jennings now standing very close,and was observing him thoughtfully.'You've got one minute left!'
'I'm here,'Jennings calmly announced.
His voice achieved total surprise,as he watched everybody spin around in shock to face him.Jennings smiled politely at them,giving Hunt and Andrea a reassuring wink.
Like everybody else under his command here,Gustav was stunned by Jennings' mysterious appearance.How the hell had this man managed to get close to him without being detected? It made him really nervous inside.
He studied the man,seeing like Hunt,he too,was a soldier.Very tall,but also very powerfully built.Gustav could see no fear at all in the man's eyes,and clearly noticed the wink he gave to his two bound,gagged hostages.Again,the nervousness increased inside.
Despite his unease,Gustav gave the impression he was still in command of the situation.
'So you're the dashing white knight in armour,are you?' he asked Jennings,still smirking,but he'd lost some of it.
'I'm here to help my friends you're holding,Gustav,'Jennings responded politely to him.'I hope you will let them go?' he raised an expectant eyebrow asking that,but knew what the answer was going to be.
As if to confirm his suspicions,Jennings watched Gustav move up to Hunt,and lifted her chin,ignoring the young woman's defiant gaze.
'Your lady friend here has got some guts,'Gustav conceded.'She even beat two of my best fighters here,'he didn't mention Daniella or Michelle's name,but Jennings already knew this.He could see the hate in the two young women holding Andrea and Hunt.
'Yes,'Jennings nodded.'I think I know who you're referring too,but now,please release the two ladies,and Miss Lee too.'
This only released a cruel smile to Gustav's face.
'Sorry,'he clearly wasn't sorry,'letting them go wasn't part of the bargain.Now,'the menace increased in his voice,'get down on your knees,and put your hands on top of your head.'
It was then,that several explosions suddenly sounded close by,knocking everybody off their feet.
Jennings didn't hesitate,as he raced forward to help Andrea and Hunt.The explosions had forced both girls captors to release their tight hold on them,as they were still on the ground.
Quickly,he pulled out one of his combat knives,and hurried over to Hunt,where he quickly cut her loose,then did the same for Andrea.
Hunt angrily jerked off her gag,but knew she still had a job to do,as she saw Jennings gesture for her to get Andrea out.She could see the Filipino girl was clinging to her rescuer.
Hunt hadn't hesitated either;She raced over to them both,just as Grant came into their sight.He was firing his weapon,sending Gustav and his people scattering into cover.Jennings and Hunt did the same
'Get Andrea out of here,Hunt,'Grant ordered her.'Jennings,you're with me.'
Both men kept firing their weapons,covering Hunt and Andrea.Their shooting barrage was highly effective,as not one of Gustav or his people could return fire.Both men were satisfied to see both girls escape unharmed.
Grimly,Jennings and Grant raced back inside,heading to help Angela.
Gustav saw them,and furiously gestured at his soldiers to get after them.His orders were obeyed immediately,and he then noticed Daniella and Michelle slowly get to their feet.The explosion had knocked the stuffing out of them,and they were both still groggy.
'Don't just stand there,you two!'Gustav shouted angrily at them.'Get after the girl!'
His words seemed to do the trick,as both his women seemed to make a remarkable recovery.They immediately set off in pursuit of Hunt and Andrea.
Gustav then checked his own weapon,which was a .45 handgun.Satisfied it was still ready to fire,he too,headed back into his own mansion.He wasn't going to let these people take his pretty hostage away from him.
Grant led the way,trusting Jennings implicitly to watch his back,and his faith was rewarded.Several times,a couple of Gustav's men appeared out of nowhere,trying to stop them.All their efforts were wasted however.
Grant finally led Jennings to where they both saw Angela being held.The pretty Chinese girl was still seated bound and gagged,but her eyes showed tremendous relief,clearly recognising Grant.
Both men had her free from her tight ropes within seconds,and Grant gently removed her gag.Angela was more than happy to get her voice back.
'Are you okay,Miss Lee?'Grant asked her concernedly.
He was pleased to see her smile warmly back at him.
'Thank you,'she nodded,still smiling her gratitude.'I'm fine.'
'Let's get you out of here,'Grant then helped her up,and they then moved away,heading towards the exit.
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago