'God,I'm so bored,'Louise Wilson sighed dejectedly,as she prepared to make another round on her job.
Louise's job was a security officer,being responsible for over-looking a private firm's offices.She didn't exactly know what the office did.Louise just assumed it was a normal office,and she never bothered asking any of the employees that worked here.To Louise,it was just a job that helped to keep a roof over her head,pay the bills and eat.
Louise's hours were on permanent nights,and she didn't mind.Night shift was always the better money,and she badly needed it.
Of course,being a security officer meant wearing a uniform,and Louise didn't mind wearing that also.She wore a light blue shirt with a matching knee length blue skirt.Her uniform was smartly ironed,as Louise knew it was always advisable to look ones best.
She looked down into her shoes,which were a pair of highly polished,black high heels.Louise could see her own reflection in them.She gazed at herself for a few moments,seeing her long,dark hair falling past her shoulders.She should have really tied her hair in a ponytail,but there had been no notifications from her superiors of any important visitors,so Louise stayed as she was.
Still sighing,she picked up her radio and torch,then went off to do another check,making sure there were no problems.
It wasn't a big area Louise had to check.There were only a few offices with a warehouse floor.She usually completed it within fifteen minutes,before going back to her seat.Once back there,Louise had full access on the CCTV,which showed her everything she needed to know regarding the security here.There were only a few monitor screens,but with a highly practised eye,Louise could see everything on all of them.
As expected,there was nothing amiss Louise could see.She could hear her high heeled footsteps on the floor as she walked around,but it was always a relief to sit back down.
Having completed that round,Louise made her way back to her seat,and glanced outside.
As was the norm,the entrance was only yards away from her desk,which was a glass,but locked door.
Still looking outside,Louise saw no sign of life,but knew there wouldn't be,not in the middle of the night anyway.
She sighed again,and settled her gaze on the monitor screens,waiting for the time to get back up again.
Louise didn't see the black van pull up a couple of streets away from the office.The CCTV cameras didn't cover this area,which was precisely why the occupants of the van chose it.
The occupants of the van were three men.All wore dark clothing,with balaclavas;but hadn't pulled them down.
'You sure there's only one girl to deal with here?'the driver asked the man sitting next to him.
He was pleased to see the man nod.
'Don't worry,'the man answered him.'I've been watching her.She always does the night shift,and always does it on her own.'
'Can't wait to use this on her,'the third man interjected with an ominous grin,as he held up several coils of white clothesline.
'She's going to be used a lot more,once they find out we've been there,'the second man went on.
'Yeah,'the driver agreed.'I've heard they've got some dodgy connections here,if anybody screws up.People disappear.'
'Which is what we need to do sharp,once our job's completed.Come on,let's do it.'
All three of them made a quick check to see if there were any passing police cars.It wasn't unknown,but the coast was clear.The trio then exited the van,and whilst the driver and the passenger headed to the front of the office,the third man quickly headed to the rear.
Both men walked into the street where the front entrance was,but they kept a low profile,as they knew there was a CCTV camera here,but its range of vision was limited.
The driver then checked his watch,and waited.If everything went according to plan,they should be within the building in a couple of minutes.
Both of them sneaked a bit further up the street,still keeping a careful eye,but they successfully made it to where they could both see Louise at her desk.
'Whoa,'the driver whispered admiringly,gazing at the girl.'She's a beauty.'
'Just keep your mind on the job,'his accomplice reminded him.She'll be more beautiful,once we've finished with her.'
Both of them grinned,highly unpleasant ones at that.
Still seated at her work desk,Louise was carefully monitoring all the screens in front of her.
As she expected,there was still nothing or nobody to be seen,and she was looking forward to a drink on her next break.
Suddenly,she spotted something on one of the monitor screens,and leaning forward to get a closer look,Louise couldn't believe her eyes.
She saw a single man,who appeared to be drunk,and he was staggering into the office's rear grounds.
For a few moments,Louise thought about calling the police,but decided to deal with it herself.She had a taser weapon,and was fully prepared to use it.
It was only then,that she watched the seemingly,drunken man crash headfirst into the wheelie bins at the back.
'Great.'she sighed again,'a drunk.'
Louise realised if she opened the door to that area,the alarms would activate,so she switched them off.With any luck,it would only be for a few minutes.She could then call the police,and the ambulance too.
She switched off the alarms from her work desk,and made her way to the rear of the building.
The driver and his accomplice watched Louise depart,and were pleased.So far,the first part of the plan was working.With the girl distracted,the two men were now free to concentrate on the lock of the door.
'She fell for it,'the driver's accomplice grinned.
'Let's get to it,'the driver quickly hurried to the door,carrying his bag of tools needed.
It didn't take him long,as he'd done this so many times.Within a few seconds,he successfully opened the door,and after pulling their balaclavas down to hide their faces,they both hurried inside.The driver making sure,he shut the door.
Both men then made their way to Louise's work desk,where they instantly saw her opening a door,to where their third accomplice was.
'Hope he doesn't hurt her,'the driver said,as he began his second task for the night,by deactivating all the security systems.
'Don't worry,'the second man.'I told him if he hurt her,he'd answer to me.He'll bring her to us,then we can tie her up.'
Both men grinned again,obviously looking forward to that.
Louise unlocked the back door where the man was,and she saw him immediately.
He wasn't sleeping,but did seem to be drunk.
'Are you alright,sir?' Louise asked him,realising it was a stupid question.
'Please help,'she heard the man say.It was like a whisper.'Hurt.'
Louise then saw the man was holding his hand over his stomach,and it looked like he was bleeding.
'Oh my god,'she was instantly shocked by what she saw.'You really are hurt.'
She made the decision to help him inside,and did so,by putting her arm around the man's shoulder.Both of them then headed inside the building,and Louise failed to see the man's grin of triumph.
She wasn't getting anywhere by helping him though.The man was simply too big and powerful.
Louise seemed to help the man stagger onto a couch,and then knew she had to check his wound.
Her face grimaced at what she saw.It was quite clearly a mess,and Louise knew she'd better call for an ambulance.
'Stay there,okay,'she told the still moaning man.'I'm going to get help.'
Louise then hurried back to her desk,where she could make the call.
When she got back there,Louise picked up the phone,but was surprised to hear no dialling tone.
That was as far as she got,before she suddenly felt a presence behind her.
Before she could turn around,Louise felt herself seized from behind.A strong arm wrapped itself around her waist trapping both her arms,and a gloved hand clamped over her mouth,silencing her attempted scream.
Louise's eyes bulged in utter shock and fear,as she suddenly saw a masked man come up to her.His eyes through the balaclava mask,were full of menace.
'Don't make a sound,my pretty,'he warned her;his tone indicated that also.'Just do as you're told,and you won't get hurt.Understood?'
He could still see the fear in the girl's eyes,but quite clearly,saw her nod.
'Good,'he nodded back.'Now my friend's going to take his hand away from your mouth,but remember,be sensible.Agreed?'
Louise nodded again to him.The grip she was held in was inescapable,and so was the handgag.She knew she didn't have a choice here.
With much relief fully evident on her face,the hand covering her mouth was removed,but she was still held tight.
'Now I'm sure you know what's going to happen to you now,my dear,'the man griined,although it was invisible to her.'I'm afraid we're going to have to tie you up and gag you.So if you please,'the man gestured at the chair she'd been sitting on only minutes ago.
Louise felt the man holding her force her over to it,and he gently,but firmly pushed her down onto the chair.Instantly,Louise felt the man grab her wrists,forcing them behind the chair's back,and she then saw,much to her dismay,the other man throw over several lengths of white clothesline.She then felt the unseen man start to wind the line around her wrists.
Within moments,Louise's hands were tied tightly behind the chair,and she then saw more loops of the clothesline being wound tight over her.Both men worked together,making she was securely trussed up.
'Why are you doing this?'Louise asked them.'There's nothing here to steal.'
'Au contraire,my dear,'the man grinned in his response.'Yes,there's no money here to steal,but we are after something else.'
'Like what?'
Louise suddenly grunted,as the other man finished off tying her up.She could feel the tightness of the coils all over her body,and knew she stood hardly any chance of freeing herself.
'That does not concern you,my dear,'the man informed her.'In fact,it's better that you don't know.'
'I don't understand,'Louise was completely baffled by this,not seeing the driver man behind her,pull out two large strips of black cloth.He instantly balled one of them up.
'Gag her.'
'Before Louise could protest against this,she suddenly felt the man force the balled up cloth into her mouth.The cloth totally flattened her tongue down,and then she felt another strip of cloth being tied into her mouth.This second strip kept the balled up cloth in her mouth,keeping her tongue down.She grunted again,as the gag was pulled and tied tight.Her lips felt the cloth cut into the corners of her mouth,and it was a highly effective,tight gag.Louise couldn't make a sound.
Satisfied the girl was secure,both men then prepared for their main task,but not before the second man walked up to Louise,and lifted her chin up to him.
'You know,my dear,'he complimented her,'you really are very pretty,especially when you wear that uniform.I'm sorry we tricked you and bound and gagged you too,but at least,you've had some excitement tonight,haven't you? It hasn't been another boring night for you.'
Louise tried to speak to him,but found the gag totally impossible to get off,as she could only manage faint mumbles.
Both men smiled at this behind their masks,and the man still holding her chin,leaned forward to give Louise a gentle kiss on her forehead.He noticed the girl shut her eyes in distaste,but ignored that.
The men then left her.Louise never saw them leave,and despite her frantic struggles all night,could not free herself.She stayed bound and gagged on the chair all night,not getting free until the morning cleaners arrived for their shift.
Whoever the men were or what they were after,remained a mystery.They were still at large,and Louise never saw them again,and she sincerely hoped she never would.
Even so,despite her fear on that night,Louise had to admit,that it hadn't been a boring night at all.
The End.
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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