As I've been enjoying Larry's drawings for me,I thought I'd write a story on the illustrated pictures.
It's daft,but I enjoyed writing it out.Hope you do too....
Commander Louise Wilson strode purposefully towards her mission briefing,with Admiral Williams on the massive Earth space station,currently orbiting one of Earth's colonies near to their home solar system.
As Louise walked along the station's passageways,she could see the deep void of interstellar Space,which always thrilled her.This was what she always wanted,to explore this mysterious world,andshe'd fought damned hard to achieve it.
Seeing her reflection,Louise could see she was dressed as a commander of the Earth Rapid Response Battle command.She wore a neatly ironed white shirt,with a large square breast pocket either side.Black shoulder epaulettes with shiny gold markings showed her rank,and with a knee length black skirt and smartly polished high heels,Louise was very proud to wear her uniform,and to be a part of a good team keeping a lot of people safe in Earth's colonial territories.
She finally reached the airlock where her ship,the battle cruiser:'Princess' stood docked with the massive station,and Louise noticed Admiral Williams waiting for her.
Like Louise,Admiral Williams was also a woman.She wasn't as young as Louise,but like her subordinate,the admiral processed a first class brain,and was a very popular and highly valued officer.
Louise could see the admiral eyeing her up,but this didn't make her feel uncomfortable.Louise knew she was pretty,but made no fuss of herself.She knew the admiral was just checking that she was presentable in her uniform.
There was a reason for this,and it wasn't just for military protocol.Admiral Williams had briefed Louise to look her smartest,and report to her ship on the double.She had told her there were some important people on board she had to meet.
Louise quickly moved up to Admiral Williams,and saluted correctly to her.
'Reporting as ordered,ma'am,'Louise stated.
Admiral Williams glanced at her watch.'Two minutes early,commander,'she gave a faint smile.'I always know I can rely on you not to be late.'
The admiral then gestured politely to the waiting ship behind her.
'Shall we get on board?'
'My pleasure,ma'am,'Louise went into the connecting airlock tube first,with Admiral Williams following.
When they reached the 'Princess',Louise could see her second in command:Naomi Patterson waiting for her.Like Louise,Naomi was very pretty.Her hair was the same raven black colour as her captain's,only Naomi had shoulder length hair.Louise's hair was just that little bit longer,but both girls weren't just pretty faces.They were both highly capable officers.
Both Louise and Naomi recognised Space was the most hostile environment known to Man,and they needed to deal with any threat.This was why both girls enlisted willingly into the Earth military,as they both wanted to explore this dangerous,but still fascinating place.
Another female officer immediately piped Louise and the admiral on board.There was also a guard of honour from Louise's crew,standing stiffly to attention.Obviously to welcome Admiral Williams.All were dressed in the same type of uniform as Louise and Naomi.The gold markings on their black shoulder epaulettes always designated their rank
'Request permission to come abroad,sir,'the admiral asked Naomi,following the old,but still tradition of senior officers boarding ships.Even though Louise was the commanding officer,Naomi had been left in command during her absence.
'Permission granted,'Naomi smiled warmly.'Welcome abroad the 'Princess' Admiral.'
'Thank you,'Admiral Williams nodded curtly to Naomi,although that wasn't really in her manner.She had important matters to discuss with them both..
Louise knew this also,and asked Naomi:'Is everything ready,number one?'
'Yes captain,'Naomi nodded.'They're waiting for you.'
'Very good.Lead the way please.'
Naomi immediately obeyed,and Louise dismissed the crew present.She could see the relief on all the girls faces.Having to go through strict military protocol when a senior officer visited,wasn't very popular with the crew.It felt like having to put up with a highly unpopular politician.
However,Louise,Naomi and Admiral Williams knew this was an exciting time for the 'Princess' There had been a lot of secrecy involved,and Louise knew she had something very powerful in her ship's armoury.
The three women moved deeper into the 'Princess',and they finally reached their destination.They really were in the bowels of the ship,and this was exactly why Louise chose this area.It was very well protected,and no ship with hostile intent would be able to detect it.
Two armed security officers guarded the entrance.Both women were highly attractive,but they were doing their job,and seeing their captain approach,they both stood aside to let Louise,Naomi and the admiral in.
On entering the room,the three of them noticed the many,highly complicated machinery here.Two more young women,dressed in fastened up white labarotory coats were waiting for them.Both were from the tropical paradise of Hawaii.
Louise could see they were really beautiful;she'd visited Hawaii many times and loved the people there.They were so warm and friendly.
In fact,she had met these two women many times,and knew them to be Doctor Kina,the tallest of the two.Doctor Kina had shoulder length hair like Naomi,whilst her companion was known as Doctor Ria,and she had short hair.She was just a little smaller in stature than Kina,but was just as smart.
It was Kina who first approached them all.She was smiling warmly.
'Good to see you again,Commander Wilson,'Kina meant her warm greeting.'You too,Admiral Williams.Naomi here,has done more than enough for us.'
Seeing Naomi blush slightly made Louise smile faintly.
'That's why she's my second in command,Doctor,'Louise meant that too.'She's very capable.'
'So,'Admiral Williams asked,getting down to business.'Is it all working up to standard?'
'We just completed our final check up,'Kina nodded to her.'Everything is programmed in.The time system is ready for use.'
This pleased all of the women present.Now they knew the 'Princess' had a very powerful weapon within the ship,but Louise was determined to use it cautiously.She didn't want to do any serious damage,to the delicate fabric of Space and time.
'We'll have to guard it very well,'Naomi admitted.'I really hope the bad guys don't find out about it.'
'I've complete faith in you and all your crew here,'Admiral Williams replied to her.'I know your captain and yourself will use it wisely.'
'Thank you,Admiral.'
'If you will come with me please,'the admiral ordered Louise and Naomi,before thanking the two scientists.'Excellent work,ladies.I hope you will enjoy your stay here,on the 'Princess''
The two beautiful Hawaiin girls nodded their gratitude,before going on a much needed break.Louise and Naomi didn't object to their presence.It had all been agreed earlier they would stay on the 'Princess' It was vital that they did,as they were the only ones who fully understood how the system worked.
Louise led the admiral and Naomi back to her own personal ready room.This was where she could discuss any matters in confidence with her officers,or to have some privacy.
Louise sat down behind her desk in her ready room,whilst Naomi stood next to her,hands clasped respectfully behind her back.
Admiral Williams sat down facing the two girls,and she started the mission briefing.
'Right ladies,'her tone was brisk.'I'm very pleased you've got your new toy,and I know you're going to use it for this mission.
'We've recently discovered two new systems.They're very far away,almost on the outer edge you might say,but we have established a first contact.'
'Friendly contact,admiral?'Louise asked.
'There is at least,good news there,'Admiral Williams confirmed.'Two class M worlds,and I've actually met one of them.Their planet is known as Sirrus 6,with humans like us,but there are some differences.'
'In what way,ma'am?' It was Naomi's turn to ask.
'You'll see,'Admiral Williams felt it would take too long to explain.'I can tell you they're going to be really good friends,and I'm glad they are.One of their warships will meet you.'
'Doesn't sound very friendly to me,if they're sending a warship,admiral,'Naomi responded,then realising she might have spoken out of turn.'Begging the admiral's pardon of course.'
Fortunately for Naomi,Admiral Williams let it go.
'As I said before,you'll see for yourself.I've managed to make a deal with them.They're going to assist us,or more precisely,yourselves.'
'We can handle ourselves fine,ma'am,'Louise politely told her.'The 'Princess' isn't a weak ship.'
'I never said your ship was,captain.But I do know you're going to need help,and the Sirrun people will do that.'She smiled faintly.'In fact,I've seen it.'
'I don't understand,ma'am.'
'You will,but for now,here's the main mission for you.'
The admiral then handed over a small disc to Louise.
'What is it?'
'This is a collection of flight logs from a lot of traffic.It's not nice viewing,but you'll see every ship on it,was suddenly attacked by an unknown assailant.There have been people missing,possibly abducted,and all of the missing are women.'
'So you're sending in my ship as bait,'Louise stated flatly.
'That decision was mine alone,Captain Wilson,'Admiral Williams told her curtly.'If however,you are not happy with this,I can easily ask somebody else to do this.'
Both Louise and Naomi knew they wouldn't refuse the admiral,but it was a mission,and if the admiral had told them they would make new friends,then both girls would quite happily accept.
'When do we leave,ma'am?' Louise asked.
'You leave here tomorrow morning.Make sure you watch that disc.There might be some clues to the attackers,but I do know they are a pretty ruthless bunch.'
Admiral Williams then stood up.
'Well,good luck then,ladies,'she offered her hand to Louise and Naomi,which they both accepted of course.'I'll see you after you have achieved your mission successfully.'
The admiral then left,heading back to the station.
'Prepare the ship to leave on my order please,Naomi,'Louise told her friend.'I'm going to check this out first.'
Naomi then left Louise,who immediately put the disc into a drive,and then started to watch the footage on it.
It didn't take her long to watch everything,but Louise realised the admiral had been right.It was shocking viewing.There were scenes of mass panic,plenty of blood curdling screams,especially from the women,but of the identity of the attackers,Louise saw no sign.
I'll ask Kelly to analyse it,she thought.Kelly was the communications officer on the 'Princess' but she was also skilled in IT.If there was something hiding on this disc,Louise knew Kelly would find it.
Grimly,she got in touch with Naomi,asking her to bring Kelly to her.
It only took a couple of minutes,as Kelly was one of her bridge officers.She was very pretty too,had a lovely,gentle,feminine personality,but Louise knew she hadn't always been like this.Indeed,Kelly had been a convicted hacker.She could easily type into any computer programme system,and she'd done quite well with it too,before she was caught.
Fortunately for Kelly,Louise had seen something in her,and got her released from her lengthy prison cell,but only on condition she obeyed Louise's commands.
So far,it seemed to be working,and Louise hoped it would continue.
Kelly had knocked politely on the ready room door,and Louise had allowed her in.She then explained the problem.
'Leave it to me,captain,'Kelly reassured.'I'll find them for you.'
'I know you will,'Louise smiled.'Go get 'em.'
Kelly nodded and left,leaving Louise to suddenly realise what they might be letting themselves in for.She could feel the terror from hearing all those people's screams on the disc.Whoever or whatever was attacking those people,certainly caused real fear amongst them.
She sincerely hoped she and her crew wouldn't fall victim to them either.
I'll leave it there for the moment,as I'm knackered thinking that out.Although it was great fun of course.:)
I'm definitely looking forward to adding more onto it,and page 8,whilst delayed,is on it's way from Larry.:)
I was also very pleased to find a couple of people,who kindly accepted my request to write me a couple of stories,which of course,helped to inspire me to keep going.
They were all great stories(far better than mine)and that's all I was asking for.:)
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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