The space station was packed with people,as they all went about their business.A few were the station's crew,who made sure the station ran efficiently,but most of the people who arrived here,were passengers.
There was indeed,many of them.The passenger waiting lounges were packed to full capacity,as they waited for their ship to arrive.One such ship was attracting most interest.This was the passenger cruiser,'Space Empress'. It was a titanic vessel,capable of cruising into deep space,and carrying hundreds of passengers to enjoy their flight.
In one of the passenger lounges,there were a few people eyeing the ship more keenly.These people had no intention of enjoying a holiday on the 'Space Empress'.Instead,they had a vitally important mission to perform.
They were very few in number,as there were two men waiting in one of the many queues to board the ship,whilst two more men were already on board.Added to this,the four men had a young female companion,who was also on board,but she wasn't acting as passenger.They also had somebody working,in the 'Space Empress' engine areas.
In command of the group,was Finlay.He was only of average height,but his eyes missed nothing.Like the rest of his friends with him,Finlay held considerable battle experience.He'd never lost any fight,and had always succeeded in any mission assigned to him.
This latest mission had been ordered to him by his superior,General Thomas.Finlay remembered the short,somewhat blunt briefing he'd received from the General.
'Pirates are intercepting and hijacking passenger liners.Find out who,and put a stop to it.Understood?'
Finlay had understood,and had promptly selected his most trusted friends to help him.Standing next to him,was Reynolds,a hardened battle fighter,who could always be relied on.Finlay knew that,as he always chose his people well.
They were both waiting in one of the queues to board the ship,but it wasn't one of the many passenger ones.Instead,Finlay and Reynolds were in the security staff,now going to board the 'Space Empress'.It was Reynolds who'd managed to get their papers,so they could join the staff on the ship.As they advanced towards the checkpoint,blocking their entrance to the 'Space Empress',neither of them felt any nerves.Finlay knew the ship's owners,always provided new staff on this station.All they had to do,was just show their papers.
As expected,there were no problems.The men operating the checkpoint,glanced briefly at their forged papers,and promptly waved them on.Finlay and Reynolds didn't hesitate,as they boarded the vessel.
Both men followed all the other security staff,and ended up in a large waiting area.The place was packed,so both of them stood together,and waited.
As they watched more people enter,Reynolds turned to Finlay.
'I hope everybody else is okay.'His voice was full of concern.
'I'll check.'Finlay responded,as he then took out a headset,fitted with a microphone.He then discreetly made contact,with the rest of his friends.The first was with Jennings and Finch.Two more of his team,who were also deadly,and highly formidable opponents.They were actually posing as passengers,and Finlay had assigned them to look after the proper passengers on the ship.Both Jennings and Finch had assured him they would.
Both his friends had responded instantly to his call,and had informed him they were checking for listening devices in their assigned cabins.They had actually found loads of them.
Finlay acknowledged that,and made a mental note to watch what he would say.He then made contact with Montgomery,who was the man working undercover in the ship's engine areas.Just like Jennings and Finch had done,Montgomery had responded immediately,and had also assured there were no problems.Finlay knew Montgomery's presence,wouldn't be questioned in the engine rooms.The man was a tower of strength,and he would fit in perfectly.
Finlay then made his last call to Paula Ann.She was the only woman in his group,and had volunteered to work undercover in the bridge area.Despite Paula Ann's reassurances to him,Finlay was very concerned for her safety.He'd read about the pirate boardings in this area,and he knew the crews were involved in it.Finlay didn't think this crew was any different,but he needed somebody on the bridge,and Paula Ann had immediately stepped forward.He reluctantly agreed,but Finlay promised he'd keep an eye on her.He'd already identified many of the crew,who held cunning,devious looks.Finlay and his friends could always tell that.
Paula Ann had responded immediately too,and she gave him a update through his headset.
'I'm moving up to the bridge now.'Paula Ann informed him.'Be careful.There's plenty of snakes here.'
'Yeah,I noticed.'Finlay told her,still watching the rest of the security staff enter the room.'Remember,any problems,get back in touch.'
'Don't worry.'Paula Ann's voice was confident.'I can handle it.'
She then signed off,and Finlay noticed more security men enter,but these were not new replacements.Instead,they were the senior officers,who ran the security for the 'Space Empress.'
Finlay and Reynolds watched them carefully,studying their possible opponents.The men looked efficient,and were now going through the names of everybody here,and assigning them into groups.
It took quite a while,but Finlay and Reynolds found themselves teamed up,with a young woman.Her name was Hunt,and her face didn't appear friendly.
However,she showed no hostility towards them,and introduced herself,as did Finlay and Reynolds.Finlay was interested in her.He could see from her eyes,that she was also battle experienced.She was very well muscled too.
'I hear there's been some trouble here.'Finlay started the conversation,hoping she could help them.Fortunately,Hunt did.
'That's right.'Her voice was careful,as she eyed her new colleagues.'The ship traverses through a system,riddled with pirate activity.'
'Bit odd for a passenger liner to go through,don't you think?'Finlay asked her,and was pleased to see Hunt nod.
'Rumour has it,that some of the crew here are involved.'She told him,confirming Finlay's suspicions.'But it's never been proved.'
'As we expected.'Finlay nodded.'However,we aim to change that.'He then glanced more directly at her.'We're the good guys here,and we're here to stop these pirates.Will you help us?'
'Just the two of you?'Hunt asked,raising an eyebrow.
'We have some more help.'Finlay nodded again.'I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.'
'Well,that remains to be seen,doesn't it?'
Despite saying that,Hunt was interested.The three of them now noticed,that everybody was moving out of the room.Finlay decided to follow their example,as he turned to Reynolds and Hunt.
'Let's go.'His voice was polite,but firm.'I think we'd better check out this ship,and see if we can get any more to join us.'
'I doubt that.'Hunt's reply disappointed them both.'I'll be pleasantly surprised,if you do find anybody.'
'You're saying out of all these people,we won't find anybody with a sense of decency?'Reynolds asked her.He saw her shake her head in response,and he was a little stunned to see that.
'We'll see.'Finlay told them.'Let's get out of here.I want to know this ship's layout.'
Finlay led the two of them out,and he headed towards his own assigned quarters.There was much to do,but Finlay still felt confident.Even so,he was still concerned for Paula Ann.He hoped she could deceive the bridge crew,especially the captain and his first officer.The evidence clearly pointed to these two,that they were prime suspects in the pirate raids.
For the moment though,Finlay had to wait and see how Paula Ann did.He kept his fingers crossed for her.
Paula Ann Mitchell was young,and many who looked at her,immediately thought she was very pretty.Paula Ann had accepted that,but she certainly wasn't big headed over it.Being a soldier and helping to protect people,was what she always wanted to do.
Paula Ann had to admit she'd been very lucky,to find herself fighting alongside Finlay and his team.She was in awe of all of them,having read all their previous battle and campaign records.They were all highly formidable,and a really good team to be a part of.
She was determined to contribute on this latest mission,as Paula Ann headed up to the bridge.It was up to her,to convince the captain of the 'Space Empress' that she had been properly assigned here,and Paula Ann felt confident of doing so.
After a lot of walking,Paula Ann finally entered the bridge.The first thing she noticed,was the impressive view from the bridge.There was the massive space station the 'Space Empress' was docked onto,and there was also a fantastic sight of a planet the station was orbiting.
However,Paula Ann knew she wasn't here as a tourist.She turned to face the bridge crew,searching for the captain.It was only then,that she realised the whole bridge crew was looking at her.She could see many leering looks at her.Paula Ann faintly blushed,but she managed to ignore it,as she then recognised the first officer.He in turn,advanced up to her,but made no hostile move against her.In fact,he was quite courteous.
'Good morning.'The first officer even smiled at her.'May I help you,please?'
'Yes,you may.'Paula Ann answered him politely back.She then handed her papers over to him.'I'm Lieutenant Mitchell,assigned to your bridge crew.'
'Pleased to meet you,Miss Mitchell.'The first officer offered his hand to her,and Paula Ann accepted.'I'm Commander Green,first officer on board 'Space Empress.'
Green took the papers she offered him,and he examined them for a few moments.He seemed to take a bit long in doing so,Paula Ann thought,slightly worried,but then,he gestured for her to accompany him.
'This way please,Miss Mitchell.'Green was still polite to her.'The captain's expecting you.'
He turned and led her through the bridge.As he did so,Paula Ann could still see the leering,almost lustful looks she was still receiving.Fortunately,she showed no sign that it was bothering her,but inside,she was starting to feel nervous.
Green led her to a single door,and he knocked politely on it,before they both heard a man's voice allowing them to enter.
As Green opened the door,he politely indicated for Paula Ann to precede him,which she did.She made sure she gave him a warm,thankful smile,before she stood in front of the captain.She stood to attention,respectfully clasping her hands behind her back.
'This is Miss Mitchell,Captain.'Green announced her.'Our latest addition.'He actually smirked saying that,as both he and the captain knew,but was also pleased to see the girl failing to understand what he'd just said.
Green had immediately had immediately handed Paula Ann's papers over,and the captain began to examine them.Again,just as Green had done,the captain made a very thorough examination of them.
'My name is Captain Wight,Miss Mitchell.'The captain spoke to her,although he wasn't looking at her.Paula Ann could see that.'I must say,that your presence on board my ship,is quite unexpected.'
'I'm sorry,sir?'Paula Ann asked him respectfully,still keeping her hands clasped behind her back.
Captain Wight finished reading her forged papers,and he put them down.A sinister smile was crossing his face.Paula Ann's nerves increased.She was starting to feel,more than uncomfortable here.
'Well,let me put it this way,my dear.'Wight was now gazing hard at her.Despite his intense look he was giving the girl,he liked what he saw.The girl was pretty,more than pretty,and her figure was impressive,especially her chest.The girl's breasts stood out,from behind her uniformed shirt.No doubt about it.Wight thought,his lust rapidly increasing.She's a beauty.
He made a mental note to deal with her later,as Wight fully knew who she was,but he played along.
'You see,'Wight hadn't stopped speaking to her.'I'm very particular on choosing my crews.The route we'll be travelling,can lead to,shall we say,unexpected dangers.So I make sure I choose highly capable people,who can deal with that situation.'
'You don't believe I'm capable,because I'm a woman,captain?'Paula Ann made sure she asked that,without any contempt.Although she felt differently inside.
Unfortunately for her,Wight noticed it.
'Did I say that,Miss Mitchell?'He snapped,although he was pleased to see the girl stiffen at his outburst.However,he calmed himself down.
'Well,I've no doubt there will be a moment,when you will prove yourself.'Wight told her.'So we shall see.I will accept these orders,so you may stay.'
'Thank you,captain.'Paula Ann's relief was fully written all over her face,which both Green and Wight noticed,but neither made any comment on it.Instead,Wight turned to his first officer.
'Show Miss Mitchell to her assigned quarters please,number one.'Wight ordered him.
'Aye sir.'Green nodded,and instantly called in one of the bridge crew in.One did,and he then issued the order,and he promptly told Paula Ann to follow the crewman.She did so.The relief was still visible on her face,as she left.
When Paula Ann had gone,Green sat down opposite his captain,who was now reading the girl's papers again.
'What do you think,sir?'Green asked him.'You think she could be trouble?'
'I know she is,my friend.'Wight nodded to him.'We'll have to find out if anybody is with her.She's very pretty,so I don't imagine she'll be travelling alone.'
'I agree,sir.I'll get onto it.'
Wight then held up Paula Ann's papers.'You know,whoever did this,was damned clever.They really do look like the genuine article.We all know it's impossible,to duplicate our stuff.'
'So she could have some dangerous friends then?'
'I'd say its a certainty.Have the security teams checked,and see who she talks to.I don't want anybody stopping us.Once we've made sure there's no problems,I think I'll keep the girl as a bonus.'
'I wouldn't mind having her to play with myself.'Green admitted.He too,had been strongly impressed by Paula Ann's looks and figure.
'Relax,my friend.'Wight reassured him.'I'll keep her for you.She'll be our latest pretty slave to enjoy.'
Green smiled his approval,as he then politely excused himself,to carry out his orders.
When he too,had gone,Wight picked up Paula Ann's forged papers.Seeing this,really bothered him.Who had done this,and how had they managed to find out,what was going on here? Whoever they were,Wight was going to find out,and he was damned if they were going to stop him.
Chapter 2 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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