The Kavar system was huge,and many planets orbited the Kavar sun.Three of these worlds could support life,and there was a lot of activity on the Kavar home planet.
Most of the activity was military,as the Kavar people loved to fight.They also liked to steal too.It was a well known fact,that the Kavar system was infected with pirate activity.The rewards were superb,and many of the Kavar people chose to go into the pirate trade,all quite willingly.They also had the added benefit,of a very powerful battle fleet.Not surprisingly,most outsiders avoided the Kavar system,which was precisely what they wanted.Those that did challenge them,were sent packing.It was the message they wanted to send out,and it seemed to be working.
On the Kavar home world,a small group of men were preparing for their latest mission.There were six of them,and all at present,were checking weapons.They did it efficiently due to long practice,and were also deadly using them.
In command of the group,was Colonel Lilley.He was tall,tough,and had plenty of combat experience.From his occupation,Lilley certainly needed this.He too,was a pirate,and he loved it.To Lilley,there was nothing better than taking on,a determined opponent and beating him.The spoils of war,had certainly provided well for Lilley and his crew.They'd forcibly boarded ships,and had battled their way to the valuable cargo.Lilley loved this kind of life.It paid handsome rewards,and he had no intention of giving it up.
All of his comrades in arms thought the same.His second in command,Grimes,was also battle hardened.He'd accompanied Lilley many times on these raiding missions,and like his boss,Grimes loved this life.He,Lilley,and all the others,were wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.They could easily give this up,and live more than comfortably like the obscenely paid politicians on their planet,but none of them had no such intention of doing that.
All of them were preparing their equipment,at one of the many spaceports littered throughout the planet.Lilley knew his crew wasn't the only pirate raid being planned.He'd already watched numerous take-offs and landings,as other crews made their ventures.Now,it was his turn,and Lilley already had his next target planned.
Lilley knew many of the Kavar pirates only went after smaller prey,which would offer no resistance,but he didn't think that way.Instead,Lilley always pursued bigger,more challenging targets.The rewards on these,were far more worthy.
He finally finished checking his equipment before he nodded to Grimes.
'Okay,Grimes,give me an update from our friends on board the 'Space Empress.'
Grimes nodded back,and promptly took out his radio.He made instant contact with the 'Space Empress.' and listened intently.The rest of his group finished packing their stuff,and now waited for the order to board their ship.
Grimes listened for a few moments.It was the first officer,Green,and he updated Grimes.
When Green had finished,Grimes ended the radio call,and strode back over to Lilley.His superior saw his smile.
'Good news,I take it?'Lilley asked him.
'You'll love this.'Grimes nodded,still smiling.'Green's just told me they've got a pretty spy on board with them.'
'Really?'It was Lilley's turn to smile.'Now I wonder who she's working for?'
'Captain Wight's checking her out,but he strongly suspects she'll have friends with her.'
'In that case,he'd be right.'Wight confirmed.'What's the girl's name?'
'Green didn't say.'
'No matter.We'll find out soon enough.Besides,'Lilley's smile,was much more nastier now.'she'll fetch an excellent price,once we bring her back here.That's something to look forward to,isn't it,my friend?'
Green nodded,although he asked.'Plenty of others too,I hope,Colonel? I've heard there's so many beauties,travelling on that liner.'
'You won't be disappointed.'Lilley assured him.'Our spies say it's the best yet.'
He then ordered his squad onto his waiting ship.It was only a small vessel,but it was fast,and could travel huge distances quickly,and this suited Lilley perfectly.He would go after any worthwhile target,no matter how far away it was.
Quickly,they all boarded their ship,and within moments,the ship lifted off,and blasted into space.Their target,the 'Space Empress.'
Chapter 4 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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