The 'Space Empress' continued its cruise through space,and practically all of its passengers continued to enjoy the voyage.
Finlay however,wasn't enjoying this trip.He'd managed to check all the key areas vulnerable to attack,and knew he had too few people to put up an effective defence.
It hadn't all been bad news though.Hunt had managed to get him two new extra hands,from the security staff.They were two men,who identified themselves as Robson and Jenks.Both appeared honest and were willing to help.Hunt vouched for them,seeing Finlay's glance at her.Robson and Jenks didn't appear to be friends with Hunt,but at least they fought on the same side.
With the survey complete,Finlay then led the way back to his own cabin.They all made another check in it,scanning for any more listening devices that may have been added in their absence.Fortunately,there were none.
'I think we need to hear what our plan of attack is going to be.'Finlay told them.He then asked Hunt.'How big is the opposition?'
'They'll outnumber us.'Hunt responded grimly.'They have people on the inside too.We can't get to them though,as we've never been able to find out who they are.'
'I have that matter in hand.'Finlay reassured.'Hopefully,it won't be too long,before we do find out.'
'And then?'Reynolds asked him.
'Well,you're not going to like it,but I don't see any alternative.'Finlay admitted.'We let the pirates board,and let them think they've got control of this ship.'
'A bit risky,don't you think?'Robson interjected.'They could start shooting up the passengers.'
'No,I don't think so.'Finlay shook his head,positive at his opinion.'They won't risk shooting anybody.I've seen the fares for travelling on this ship,and it costs a fortune.Every passenger on here,will be quite well off.They won't want to lose that,by bumping these people off.If anything,its us we have to watch out.'
They all agreed with him on that one,and Finlay went on.
'Don't worry about the passengers.'He reassured them.'I've taken care of that.'
'That reminds me.'Reynolds told him.'Hadn't we better check on Jennings and Finch? I'd like to see how they're doing.'
'Why not?'Finlay also agreed on that.'Let's go find them.'
'Where will they be?'Hunt asked.
'At the casino tables.'Finlay answered.'I'm afraid one of them,has a compulsive order for gambling.'
There were many casino areas built into the 'Space Empress' As the ship was huge,these areas were always packed by passengers,hoping to strike it lucky.
Seated at one of the gambling tables,Jennings and Finch were playing poker,with a couple of other passengers,against one of the liner's staff.The man dealing out the cards to them,seemed to be scowling at Jennings and Finch.Before they'd seated themselves here,the dealer was always winning.It had been a good day for him,as he constantly racked in winnings,but now,the tables seemed to have turned on him,ever since Jennings and Finch had joined the game.
For their part,Jennings and Finch were expert poker players,and could always see the signs when a game was rigged.The dealer's movements sang out to them.
Nevertheless,neither man chose to complain,as they both decided to turn the tables.They worked very well together,and soon,their winnings were piling up.
Their game was also attracting a lot of attention,as a big crowd gathered around their table.Jennings and Finch could feel the excitement from them,but showed no pleasure at their winning streak.They were only determined to clean this dealer out.
One of the fellow players was a young woman,who sat next to Jennings.She found she couldn't really participate,in the now high stakes game,but that didn't bother her.Her attention was focused solely on Jennings.
She liked the look of him.He appeared in his late twenties,and had a good build,but she also noticed how sharp his eyes were.She suddenly got the suspicion the dealer,had been cheating on them all.
However,she too,did not complain.Like all the big crowd watching here,she was thrilled as these two men continued to beat the system.The winnings kept on increasing.
She found she could not keep silent any longer,and turned to Jennings.
'You play very well.'She gave him a friendly smile,as she said it.
'Thank you.'Jennings nodded to her,giving her a brief glance.'You played well too.'
'Not that well.'she grinned sheepishly.'I lost everything.'
He and Finch won another game,and then,the dealer suddenly excused himself.All could see the clear look of exasperation on the man's face,as he stormed out.
This made the crowd around them give Jennings and Finch,a hugely appreciative round of applause.The girl did too.Both men acknowledged it,and then saw Finlay gesture silently over to them.
Finch rose and took his winnings,whilst Jennings suddenly slid over his winnings over to the stunned girl.
'Looks like you played well after all.'Jennings gave her a faint smile,before he rose and started to follow Finch.
'Wait,please!'The girl's voice stopped him.He glanced at her curiously.
'Thank you.'She meant that,extending her hand.'I'm Karen,Karen Thomas.'
Jennings accepted her hand.''I'm Jennings,Miss Thomas.Nice to meet you.'
'Please,call me Karen.'Her voice was insistent.'What about your first name?'
Jennings looked over to Finlay,who was glancing over concerned at him.He knew this would have to wait,but he did answer her question.
'John.'He politely nodded to her.'Please excuse me.'
He made to move away,when he suddenly felt the girl grab his arm.He didn't shake it off,seeing her face.
'I'd very much like to see you again,John.'
'You will,Miss Thomas.'Jennings assured.'I promise.Now,if you will excuse me?'
The girl nodded,and let go of his arm.She watched him walk over,to a small group of security staff.Karen didn't know who this man was,but she was intrigued on finding out.
Jennings reached where Finlay was waiting for him.He could see his commander looking over at the girl.
'Who was that?' Finlay asked him.
'Just somebody I helped.They've got a crooked system operating here.'Jennings answered.
'Doesn't really surprise me.'Finlay kept looking at the girl,and he could clearly see her interest in Jennings.'Looks like you gained an admirer,Jennings.'
Jennings didn't respond to that,so Finlay went on with his main business.
'Okay,here's the sit-rep.We've managed to find three security staff,willing to fight with us.Their names are Hunt,a woman,and two men,Robson and Jenks.I'll introduce you later,but right now,I just want to let you know,that when the pirates start their assault,we're going to let them.'
'Why's that?'Finch wanted to know.
'Well,for a start,it's not a good idea,to have a firefight in the middle of deep space,is it? Besides,I want to know who is involved.That could lead us some useful intel.'
Both Jennings and Finch agreed on not firing their weapons,at least not yet.
'Just look after the passengers.'Finlay reminded them of their original orders.'We'll strike back at them,when they're not looking.'
'Both men nodded,and Finlay dismissed them.He watched them move back to the same gambling table,and then,he suddenly spotted Captain Wight in the room.He had Paula Ann by his side,and they were heading right towards the table,where Jennings and Finch were.
Added to that,there was another security team accompanying the captain.They kept a respectful distance from him,but Finlay could see most of the group's attention,was focused on Paula Ann.
No doubt about it.He thought grimly.They're watching her like a hawk.Finlay also noticed Hunt come up to him.She too,was looking over at Captain Wight.Her eyes narrowed,and Finlay noticed it.
'I take it the captain's not very popular with you?'Finlay asked her.
'He's involved.You can be sure of that.'Hunt told him grimly.Her gaze then settled on Paula Ann.'Is that girl one of your friends?'Seeing Finlay's nod,she continued.'Well,you want to get her away from him asap.He's a deadly snake.'
'I don't doubt it.'Finlay agreed.'But I'm afraid Paula's very headstrong.She wanted to accept that role.That way,she could listen in on what their planning.'
'I admire your confidence.'Hunt responded,but her tone didn't suggest that at all.They then observed Captain Wight stop at the table,where Finch and Jennings were.
The dealer had also returned,and appeared to have a smirk on his face.Both men didn't need to guess why.
Captain Wight gave Finch and Jennings a curious look.According to what the dealer had just told him,these men had cheated on him.Wight could clearly see this table,had been utterly cleaned out.Oddly enough,he wasn't really annoyed at this.The takings his ship received from the casinos,were more more than enough to satisfy him.
Even so,Wight was interested in these two men,who were also returning his gaze.
'Good evening,gentlemen.'Wight greeted them politely,which Finch and Jennings returned also.
'Forgive my interruption,'Wight went on.'but I've received a complaint that your methods here,have proved to be-'Wight paused momentarily.'-shall we say,less than honest?'
'You mean we cheated.'Finch replied,making it a statement,and he gazed coldly at the dealer.
'We do have evidence implicating you doing this.'Wight continued.'I'm afraid it's something we can't allow,to go unpunished.'
'Well,I sincerely hope you will punish the guilty party.'Jennings came in.He too,was looking at the dealer,in a far from friendly expression.
'I'd advise you both,not to accuse my staff of such behaviour.'Wight defended his man.'That would be very unwise,I assure you.'
'Your threats are meaningless to us,captain.'Jennings now looked hard at Wight.'We too,have evidence implicating this man cheating us.He has also swindled many other people.If you wish,we can certainly prove it to you.'
Apart from Paula Ann,Wight and his staff didn't want to hear that.They could also see the passengers surrounding Finch and Jennings,and they were clearly backing them up.Wight also noticed the girl who'd talked to Jennings earlier.She was standing close to him,and inwardly,he knew he'd found another pretty acquisition.
For the moment though,Wight knew it was better to back down.
'I shall of course,be interested to see your proof,gentlemen.'Wight smiled,somewhat cunningly.'Perhaps you would care to come along later,and show me this?'
Neither Finch or Jennings was stupid though,and their response disappointed him.
'You can see the proof,captain.'Jennings told him.'I'm sure your security staff,will be doing their jobs correctly.They'll have seen this dealer's methods on your security camera system.'
This was an excellent answer,and Wight knew it.To save face,he seemed to surrender.After all,he couldn't admit that he was actually cheating,on all his passengers.
'I will of course,investigate this more.'Wight nodded politely again.'In the meantime,please enjoy yourselves.'
He then moved away from the table,making sure Paula Ann went with him.Both Jennings and Finch gave her a concerned glance,but she managed a smile at them.Then,she was gone.Finlay too,was getting more worried for his friend's safety.He didn't doubt the guts Paula Ann had,placing herself deliberately in the bad guys clutches,and he knew the danger she was in.
Wight led Paula Ann away from the casino area.No doubt about it,he thought,those two are trouble.
However,he'd seen Paula Ann smile at them,and he instantly knew they were friends of hers.This would make the future more interesting.Wight grinned,thinking that.
'You know those two men,my dear?'He decided to put her on the spot,and was pleased to see the girl's face,now slightly alarmed.
'Oh,I met them before I came on board,captain.'Paula Ann's answer was truthful,but she wanted to get his attention away from her friends.
'Permission to check on the radio room,sir?'she asked him,wanting to talk to somebody there.She'd already met an ally there.
'Of course.'Wight nodded,and after thanking him,Paula Ann hurried away.
His security chief,Talbot,a tough,menacing looking individual,who hardly ever left his captain's side,had also recognised the danger signs from Finch and Jennings.Talbot always saw another soldier,knowing it was common knowledge.
He too,observed Paula Ann's departure,and came immediately to Wight,as his master beckoned.
'Let's give our new friends a little test,shall we,Talbot?'Wight was now grinning,but it was full of relish.'You have my permission,to put Miss Mitchell and her two pretty friends in the radio room,in harms way.'
'My pleasure,captain.'Talbot was pleased to hear those orders,and he gestured sharply at his squad,as they moved silently after Paula Ann.
The 'Space Empress' had several radio rooms,and all were constantly manned by the crew,doing shift rotations.Paula Ann felt incredibly lucky,as she'd found two new female friends here.
It didn't take her long to reach the radio room where the two girls were.The two girls had identified themselves,as Helen and Louise.As she entered,both girls looked up at her entrance,and each gave her a warm smile.Paula Ann returned it.Like herself,each girl was dressed in the uniform of the ship,a neatly pressed white shirt,with a black knee length skirt.Both girls were young,and very pretty.Helen had short blond hair with warm blue eyes,whilst Louise had shoulder length,dark hair and brown eyes.Both girls had received a lot of compliments,just as Paula Ann had.Yet,all were still determined to do their jobs.
'Anything happening out there?'Paula Ann inquired.She was hoping they might have picked up,one of the pirate ships transmissions.
'No,nothing.'Louise's answer disappointed her.'Everything's quiet.'
It won't be for much longer.Paula Ann thought grimly,fully knowing what was coming.
She sat down in her own chair,facing the high tech radio equipment,but Paula Ann was an expert,in understanding all of this.She put on a pair of headphones,and listened intently.All she heard,was some simple radio traffic,or just the normal phenomenon of space.
Helen and Louise could see she was searching for something,and both exchanged knowing glances.
'What's going on,Paula?'Louise asked,'You know something we don't?'
Paula Ann wondered if she should tell them.There was always the chance the two of them,might be in league with the pirates,but she sincerely doubted that.If they were,they certainly put on a convincing performance.
She took her headphones off,and decided to tell them.After she had,Paula Ann observed their reactions.She wasn't disappointed,seeing stunned looks on Helen and Louise's faces.
'How did you know about that?'Helen asked.
'It's common knowledge this ship's been attacked,by pirates from the Kavar system.'Paula Ann informed them.'I'm here to stop them.'
'By yourself?'Louise was incredulous.
'Don't worry.'Paula Ann grinned.'I've got that in hand.'
There was another exchange of looks between Helen and Louise,but Paula Ann wasn't worried.She knew she had some powerful back up.
'Keep your ears peeled for any signals emitting,especially from the Kavar system.'Paula Ann said.'We're not to far from it.'
Both Helen and Louise nodded,and went back to their duty.
The three of them continued to keep their ears sharp,but as time passed,none of them heard any new developments.Finally,Louise took her headphones off,grateful it was now her rest period.
'Well,good luck.'She told them.'I'm going to enjoy a rest.'
'See you later.' Paula Ann waved at her.
Louise grinned and waved back,and then made to leave the room.Just as she stepped out,a black gloved hand,suddenly clamped over her mouth.The girl's eyes bulged in total shock,and her scream never got past the handgag.A strong arm seized her waist,and she was held tight,totally unable to escape.
It was then,that Louise suddenly saw who was kidnapping her.The sinister figure of Talbot,stepped forward into her view.Her eyes were still bulging,and she was still mumbling frantically,as a smirking Talbot put his finger to his lips to her.Louise was more alarmed,to see Talbot and his group carrying weapons,and also plenty of ropes.
Quickly,Talbot and his men barged their way into the radio room,catching Helen and Paula Ann by surprise.They were even more shocked,when one of Talbot's men dragged Louise in.
'Don't do nothing stupid,ladies.'Talbot was still smirking,as he warned them.'Get your hands up,and step away from the radio,if you please.'
Helpless,both Paula Ann and Helen had to obey.This pleased Talbot even more,as the girls raised their arms in surrender.Paula Ann gulped,seeing the many ropes the men were carrying.She knew what they were for.Talbot confirmed it for her.
'Very good,ladies.Now please lie face down,and put your hands behind your backs.I'm afraid it's necessary,to tie you all up.'
Again,they obeyed,and no sooner had they put their hands behind them,the men moved forward and started to lash the ropes over each girl's wrists.It didn't take them long,and soon,both Paula Ann and Helen were immobile,as their ankles followed suit.
As more ropes were tied around the girls upper bodies,Talbot turned to Louise,who was still held tight.He then gestured for her,to be bound too.Louise was then forced to lie alongside her two friends,and the ropes were then wound over her wrists too.The handgag had been removed,but Louise knew it would be a waste of time,screaming her head off for help.Their captors weren't being violent,but none of the girls was going to take that chance.
'Tie the ropes as tight as you can get them.'Talbot ordered.He was now assisting,winding more loops of rope over Louise's chest.
'You'll never get away with this.'Paula Ann snapped at them.'I know what you're planning here.'
'Quite true,my dear.'Talbot nodded to her.'However,I assure you,that we will get away with this.We've done so before.What makes you think this will be any different?'
'You'll find out.'Paula Ann's tone was still brusque.'and when you do,you'll regret it.'
'You've a very pretty mouth,my dear.'Talbot grinned maliciously down at her.'I like your fiesty attitude,but rest assured,that will be taken care off.'
He then took out a roll of black tape,and he tore of three,large rectangular strips,and after being satisfied each of the girls was secure,he then in turn,placed a strip over Paula Ann's,Helen's,and Louise's mouth.
Smoothing each tape to make sure the gags were tight and secure,Talbot was pleased.
'Have you ever seen such a lovely sight,boys?'Talbot asked his men.'Three beauties bound and gagged,and completely in our clutches.'
His men smiled,agreeing,before Talbot then ordered.'Right,get these two prepared for transport.'He indicated Helen and Louise,who mumbled fearfully behind their gags.It didn't stop his men from obeying,as two of them bent down,and easily lifted Helen and Louise into a firemans carry.They then carried the girls out.
Still pleased,Talbot then knelt down beside Paula Ann's bound and gagged form.He lifted her chin,and smiled menacingly down at her,noticing her frantic eyes following Helen and Louise being carried out.
'Don't worry about your two pretty friends,my dear.'Talbot's voice was now full of lust.'There may be a chance you'll be joining them at the auction block,but first,we've decided to play a little game first,and see how your friends react to rescue you.That is,to see if they can rescue you.'
Talbot then lifted Paula Ann's trussed up form,and easily carried his prize out.Paula Ann was praying her friends would get her out of this,and fast.
Chapter 5 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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