This another spin-off from my Sanna Menace story.Here,we'll see the Sanna invaders enjoying themselves,looking down at their human captives.
Just as in ancient Rome,the Sanna force their prisoners to fight each other to the death,merely for their own amusement.
However,I decided to introduce two of my favourite characters,Jennings and Montgomery,who make their hated humanoid enemies pay dearly for this barbarism.It was actually another early draft I thought up,when I was considering which way to go,but I liked this,and I hope you do too.
The arena was filled with capacity.Sanna troopers lined up all over it,barging each other out of the way,so they could get a better view.
All of the Sanna eyes were filled with lust and excitement.This was something they adored.Not only did they love the thrill of battle,but they also loved to see their defeated victims here too,for obvious reasons.
Every Sanna trooper watching,was chanting for the show to commence.They wanted to see blood,and they all gazed on in the direction,at where their commanders were.
There was of course,a specially reserved area for their superiors.Like them,the Sanna officers loved being here too;but whilst their troops merely wanted to see death,their leaders were after something else.
At the moment,there were two Sanna officers,calmy observing the arena below them.So far,things were being prepared,but they knew it wouldn't be long for the show to begin.
They had the advantage of being offered luxury,and both were accepting it.Food of high quality was on offer,as well as favourite drinks.Both were seated,as they ate and drank.Standing behind them,were several troopers who were their personal aides.If either of the officers wanted something,the troopers made sure their superiors got it.
One of the Sanna relaxing,was the commander.He was well experienced in battle,and just like all his people here,he adored it.He had killed plenty of opponents,especially in unarmed combat.This was the main reason why he was here.He wanted to see how others fought.After all,it may prove useful in future campaigns.
So far,the human opponents he was fighting,had showed him fierce resistance in battle;but here,things were different.
They'd taken many human prisoners,and he'd received orders personally from the Sanna Emperor himself,to observe and report any interesting finds back to him.It was an order he gladly accepted.He too,enjoyed fighting these humans.Of course,the Sanna had never been beaten in unarmed combat,and he knew that was impossible.His people were simply far too strong.It was far more interesting to see these humans fight each other,and then who knows? He may offer the victor a reward,but it depended what he felt like.
As he sat back,still eating,his colleague looked around the full arena.His troopers were chanting the word kill repeatedly.This made him smile faintly,as he gazed back at his commander.
'They seem to be looking forward to it.'He commented.
'As are we,'his commander agreed.'I heard we have many prisoners down below.Make cetain we choose the worthy ones.Get rid off the rest.'
'There are many wounded humans,commander.Do you wish them eliminated too?'
'Of course,'the answer was firm,'we only want to see the able here.'
His colleague nodded,and passed on the order to one of the aides,who had heard everything.The Sanna aide though,did ask the commander's colleague something.In return,both gazed back at him.
'We also have captured human females,commander,'his subordinate informed.'What are your instructions for these prisoners?'
'Human females?'The commander looked back at him.'That's unusual.Are they part of the human military forces?'
'Indeed so,commander.We have two of them,that can understand our language.'
'An impressive skill,'the Sanna commander was indeed,impressed.'Bring those two to me,but make sure they are secure.'
His colleague smirked.'We already have the females bound and gagged,commander.'
'Excellent.See that they remain so.I'm interested to see them.'
His colleague then gestured at the aide again,and this time,the trooper hurried away.
It was then,that they received the news they all wanted to hear.Another Sanna aide came up to the two relaxing figures.
'We are ready to begin,commander.'
The Sanna commander nodded,and then stood up.It was customary to address his people,before they could enjoy the show.
The commander was cheered by his troopers as he came forward,and he acknowledged them gratefully.He let them go on for a few moments,before he waved them to silence.Every Sanna present obeyed immediately.
'Today is another glorious day for all your efforts in battle,my friends!'The commander had a powerful voice,and it echoed throughout the arena.'Our enemies are cunning,but they are not invincible,as we will see here!'
This brought more approving cheers,and the commander appreciated it,allowing some more time to savour the applause.After a few more moments,he waved for silence again.
'Earlier,you fought the humans in battle,and you showed them who was the superior warrior;but we shall still let them fight,but only each other.You wish to see death,my friends,so you shall!'
This brought more cheers,and they were the loudest yet.The Sanna commander then sat back onto his chair,just as he noticed his two of his troopers frog-marching two wide eyed,and obviously terrified young women towards him.
He could see they were part of the human military.Both girls wore the uniform of their naval services.The Sanna recognised their uniform,as being members of the human kingdom,known as the British Isles.
He liked what he was seeing.The two girls were wearing white,short sleeved shirts witn a breast pocket either side.He clearly recognised the military rank,that was visible on the girls shoulders,black shoulder epaulettes with gold markings.
The Sanna commander also liked the look of their legs.He could see both women wearing a knee length,black skirt,and of course,both also wore some kind of clothing on their legs.It was off a dark,blue colour,and the uniforms made the two of them very smart.
However,the Sanna commander was also pleased to see his two female prisoners,tightly bound and gagged.Their hands had been tied behind their backs,with several loops of horizontal,white rope wound above and below their chests.Both girls had been gagged with a large strip of black cloth,completely covering theit mouths,and it had also been tied tightly to silence them.
The Sanna commander gazed at the two of them,admiring them.He was well aware the two races could inter-breed,and he still remembered another of the Emperor's personal wishes;to bring young,highly desirable human female captives back to the Sanna system.
It was an order he was determined to obey.
He was watching the two young human females with interest.They were both held tight by two of his troopers,and they were mumbling fearfully behind their gags.
'Do they have names?'The commander inquired.
'His subordinate nodded.'They are known as Sarah Jennings and Kelly Finch,commander.'
The commander could see they both looked different.One of the human females was a little taller than her friend.She had long,curly brunette hair falling past her shoulders,whilst the other girl had short jet black hair.Yet both of them had impressive breasts,and the commander liked looking at that part of their bodies.
'Which is which?'He demanded.
The subordinate grabbed the taller girl by the back of her neck,and forced her forward,before he answered his superior's question.
'This is the one known as Sarah.We captured her,just after destroying a human refuge camp.'
'Bring her.'
The order was promptly obeyed,and the trooper holding Sarah propelled her forward,forcing the girl onto her knees,right in front of the Sanna commander.
'She is indeed,a worthy prize of war,'the commander remarked,gripping Sarah's chin.Gagged,Sarah couldn't respond,but was still staring wildly up at her captor.What he said next,filled her fear into overdrive.
'I will take this one,as a personal gift for our glorious emperor.'He suddenly became aware that the first human captives,had now been forced into the arena.
Still keeping a grip on the girl,the Sanna commander then rose,and forced her to accompany him to the baying for blood audience.
He tightened his arm around Sarah's waist,as he then inspected this latest selection of human prisoners.
He could see they were all male,and clearly noticed some of them were not suitable for fighting,but the commander coldly ignored that.
Too bad,he mused.They'll have to learn quick,or pay for it.
He then addressed the small group of prisoners,now staring up at him.
'We have given you a rare honour,humans,'his voice boomed down at them,clearly to intimidate.He was pleased to see it worked on a couple of them.
'We have spared your miserable lives,to see if you are indeed,worthy for our cause.Any of you that refuses,will be made to suffer dearly.So you had all better put on a good show for myself,and the superior Sanna race!We are your masters!'
This made the audience cheer madly in more approval,and pleased,the Sanna still firmly held onto the girl.
With the cheers still echoing,he easily dragged the girl back with him,and forced her to kneel at his chair.He began stroking Sarah's hair gently,as he began to watch was happening below.
'Let's see if there are any worthy men,my dear.'The commander chuckled.'Who knows? Perhaps one of them could be your hero.'
Helpless in his grip,Sarah's eyes were also looking down at the group of men.They were staying together as a group,and it was a good defensive move.Although none of them were armed.
However,the commander then signalled,and much to her and Kelly's horror,more Sanna troopers then entered the arena.All of these,were armed to the teeth,and they began to move in on the men.
Grimly,Jennings and Montgomery scanned around the arena.Things didn't look good.They were unarmed,and trapped here.There seemed no way of escape.
Not that either of them had any interest in escaping.Both knew the Sanna,and utterly despised the humanoid invaders.They'd promised each other,to make them all pay.
The two men had also noticed not everybody in the group,was not as mentally prepared.A couple of them were sobbing,clearly expecting the worst.
Grimly,Jennings called out to the group,knowing they all needed a morale boost.
'Everybody! Stay calm,and stay together.'His voice was confident,as he went on.'We're not dead yet.'
'What the hell are you talking about?'One of the men responded angrily.'We haven't got a hope of surviving this!'
Jennings turned to give an angry response,but his friend,Montgomery had already beaten him to it.
'If you're so convinced you're going to die,'Montgomery's voice was gentle,but the man clearly saw the ice in the giant's eyes.'Then you can leave the group now.'
'Easy,Monty,'Jennings told him.'We need every man we can get.'
He then looked at the man who'd spoke,and nodded at him.He was pleased to see after a moment,the nod was returned.A good start,but it had to be done with everybody.
Fortunately though,Jennings' words managed to pull the men together.They backed into each other,just as they saw the heavily armed Sanna troopers enter the arena.
It took him a few moments to realise the humanoids,were now armed with lethal blade weapons.Both Jennings and Montgomery recognised some nasty stuff their enemies were carrying.
'Bastards!'One of the men shouted defiantly to the approaching Sanna,although he realised he had nothing to retaliate against it.
'How the hell are we going to beat them?'It was the first man speaking.'We've got no weapons!'
'You're wrong,'Jennings responded mildly.'We've got our brains.'He watched the Sanna getting closer,and then told him.'Protect the blokes who can't look after themselves.Remember,use your head.The Sanna will have the guard down here.'
'What makes you say that?'
'It's easy,'Jennings answered.'They think we're goners.We're totally surrounded,and they're just looking at us for their own amusement.All we need is a moment,when they're not looking.We'll make our move then.'
'I hope you're right,mate.'
'Trust me.'Jennings managed to grin,offering his hand.The man accepted,and then,they turned to the still approaching Sanna.They could see the humanoids expressions,were of supreme confidence.Jennings prepared himself mentally,just as Montgomery and a few others did.
As the humanoids came within striking distance,Jennings called out more advice.
'Rememember,use your head,and lure them in.Get them on the ground,and make it count.'
Jennings wasn't sure if everybody in the group would follow,but he sincerely hoped so.Despite his own confident words earlier,Jennings fully realised their predicament here.They needed a miracle to get out of here.Taking on a Sanna humanoid in unarmed combat,you needed to be really strong,physically and mentally.He just knew some of the men here,were not up to it.They needed a miracle to get out of here.
He couldn't resist looking up at where the Sanna officers were,and he gave a fierce,defiant gaze up at them.If he could get up there,he'd make them suffer.
Suddenly,Jennings froze in horror,as he recognised one of the humanoids was holding his sister.
'The bastards have got Sarah!'Jennings practically screamed it out in rage.His outburst was easily shouted down by the massive Sanna audience,but all the men with him heard it.They too,glanced up,and clearly saw 2 pretty girls,bound and gagged,and held by the Sanna.
It was then,the advancing Sanna in the arena made their move.
Sanna troopers were very tall:they were even a bit more taller than Montgomery,and held tremendous strength.This of course,gave them tremendous advantages in battle.A lot of their blade technology,was long,heavy,but still incredibly lethal.
Two Sanna troopers carried what appeared to be spears,but the blade attached on the end of their weapons proved otherwise.Jennings knew this type.The Sanna could merely stand off,and pick them off one by one with it.
With a sickening fear,Jennings knew one of the humanoids had targeted him,and was now thrusting the deadly blade towards him.He realised he was a goner,and there'd be no way he could save Sarah and her friend.
The Sanna had indeed,targeted Jennings,and had aimed his weapon at the human's torso.There,it would slice him in two.
However,as the Sanna thrust the weapon forward,Jennings got a lucky break.Just like he'd done so many times before,Montgomery came in,and saved his neck.
Montgomery's physique,was huge.His whole body was full of muscle,and Jennings was glad he was on his side.Stepping in quickly,his friend had managed to grab the spear shaft,and throw the Sanna off-balance.As the humanoid went down,caught totally by surprise,Montgomery didn't waste a second.
Instantly,he turned the Sanna's weapon on him,ruthlessly striking the humanoid's throat.The Sanna gurgled,as he began to choke on his blood spurting out,before he finally went limp.
'Quickly!'Montgomery urged his friends.They didn't need reminding,as they could see on the Sanna's body,a lot of weapons to be had.
Jennings and everybody else grabbed what they could,before they faced more of their opponents rapidly moving in.
The Sanna commander still maintained his tight grip on Sarah,and had watched his human enemy strike the first fatal blow.This annoyed his subordinate.
'Impossible!'The Sanna officer couldn't believe what he'd just seen.'I never would have thought it so.'
Unlike his subordinate,the Sanna commander did believe it.It was rare to see,but there were a few worthy humans,who had the strength to defeat Sanna troopers,and this was exactly what he was looking for.
He had noticed one of the humans look up at his position,and had clearly recognised the stunned expression on his face.He knew the human female he held captive.
Interested,he kept his eye on that human,and watched him perform a highly successful defence.It was so successful,that he witnessed a couple more of his troopers pay the ultimate price.It didn't bother him of course.His own troops should have known much better,but it was still an interesting spectacle to watch.
He could also see the human,and his giant friend,were more than a match for any threat being directed at them.The Sanna commander's interest grew,and he gestured for one of his aides to come forward.
When one of them did so,he then said:'Find out who those two humans are.I want to know everything about them.'
The aide nodded,and hurried away to obey.Then,the Sanna commander turned his attention to his bound and gagged captive.
'And if I don't find anything then,'he started to stroke Sarah's hair.'I'm sure you'll tell me everything I want to know.Won't you,my pretty?'
Sarah clenched her eyes shut,still full of despair.It was at least good to see her brother,skillfully eliminating these Sanna thugs,but she was held up here.He was down there.How was he going to reach her?
As Sarah and Kelly were held and being savoured by their captors,both girls could only pray.,as their eyes were riveted to the fight going on below.
Back down in the arena,Jennings,Montgomery and the rest of the men had managed to snatch a weapon of the first Sanna corpse.They could all now see more determination in their humanoid opponents,as they advanced towards them,brandishing their own lethal blades.
Despite Jennings not being able to defend himself against the first attack,he had managed to recover,thanks to Montgomery.Even though he'd done the same for his friend in earlier battles,Jennings knew it would take a lot to bring his best friend down.
He then saw one of the Sanna troopers advancing on a man in the group.The man did try to defend himself,desperately lunging out with the weapon he held.Unfortunately,the Sanna merely gave a sneering laugh,as he easily blocked the attempt,and gave the man a savage blow,sending him crashing to the arena floor.The humanoid then moved in for the kill.
Furious,Jennings raced over,and threw himself at the trooper,crashing his legs into the Sanna.The impact was successful,as he caught his target by surprise.The humanoid's expression was even the same.
As he felled the trooper,Jennings knew he had to act fast.His own physique was more than a match for them,and he'd beaten several Sanna in unarmed combat.Yet he knew they didn't have many weak spots,and getting them on the ground was priority.
He noticed Montgomery covering him as he grabbed his arm around the humanoid's neck,and then skillfully broke it.The Sanna went limp.
However,as Jennings,Montgomery,and the rest of the group grabbed more weapons,they didn't have it all their own way.
The Sanna had realised Jennings and Montgomery,were the most skilled human opponents,and still watching with interest in the balcony,the Sanna commander also secretly admired them for it.
Even so,he had then given the signal to eliminate some of the humans at long range.This had been done successfully.Four of the group had been picked off,therefore reducing the group's defences seriously.
One of the aides had returned with the information he'd asked for,and the aide handed over a small,handheld device.The Sanna commander activated it,and read the contents displayed on it.What he read,made interesting reading.
He then pulled Sarah's trussed up form closer to him,and gripped her chin again.This time,he ignored the girl's wide,terrified eyes over her tight gag.He was studying her face.It only took a moment to confirm what he thought.
'So you are a family relation to one of the human males down there,my dear?'the commander asked her,but fully expected no response,knowing his prize was gagged.'Well,let's see how good he really is,shall we?'
Rising up from his couch,the Sanna commander then easily dragged Sarah along with him,and after reaching the edge of the balcony,he pulled the girl in front of him,still maintaining his tight grip on her.
He held a nasty smile on his face,as he produced his sidearm,and then fired a single shot into the air.
This stopped the furious,individual battles going on below in the arena,and all of them;human and Sanna looked up at the source.The arena almost fell into silence immediately.
Jennings' teeth clenched,seeing his sister being held hostage,and he started to advance menacingly towards the humanoid,but he had to stop quickly,seeing the Sanna point the weapon,firmly into Sarah's neck.
'A wise decision,human filth,'the Sanna commander sneered down at him.'You will do as I say,if you value your sister's life.'
'What do you want?'Jennings angrily shouted up at the humanoid.
'To see you fight of course,'the Sanna laughed this time.'I have enjoyed watching your performance.You have excellent skills.So I'd like to see you battle our most worthy warriors.'
Before Jennings could respond,he and his surviving friends suddenly saw the Sanna commander,shout out sharp orders in the humanoids own language.
This produced a sharp exit from the present Sanna,who'd they'd been fighting with,and within moments,there was only Jennings,Montgomery,and only a couple of other men standing on their own.
They weren't on their own for very long.Jennings then noticed the Sanna commander gesture sharply behind Jennings.
Grimly,Jennings turned to see a Sanna humanoid enter the arena,and was now advancing on him.
As the Sanna came closer,Jennings recognised this type.These humanoids were highly skilled fighters,unlike the usual regular Sanna troopers.They were the ones who used their heads,and studied their enemies,and that made them highly dangerous opponents.
Jennings moved away slightly from Montgomery.His friend's face was full of concern,watching Jennings accept the challenge.
Seeing the human holding one of their own weapons,the Sanna stood still,waiting for Jennings to make the first move.
As he'd fought these type of humanoids before,Jennings knew this one wouldn't be carrying any firearms.They prefered to win by,sheer brute strength,but Jennings could still see the various,yet potentially lethal blades the Sanna carried on his body.
Even so,Jennings wanted to make sure,and he started to slowly walk around his opponent,who did likewise.
Jennings could see there was no contempt visible on this Sanna's face,and he knew he'd have his work cut out here.
However,he did notice the eagerness on the Sanna,and there was almost a thin smile visible.Jennings did not return it.
Instead,he had seen the many lethal blades,now scattered across the arena floor,and he knew he'd better get one.
Grimly,Jennings chose one.It was a Japanese samurai sword,and after stopping his slow walk around the Sanna,Jennings slowly knelt down to pick it up.His eyes never left the now still standing humanoid.
'I know your name,human,'the Sanna spoke to him,the tone not threatening,but sinister.'You are Jennings.Many of us have dreamt to face you,in unarmed combat.I am very pleased I now have that granted.'
Jennings didn't respond to the humanoid.He was still desperate to rescue Sarah and Kelly.Out of the corner of his eye,Jennings could still see the two girls,still frantically struggling in their captors grip.
'Well,let's get to it,shall we?'Jennings' voice was cold,and his eyes were the same.
The Sanna then began to advance on him,and both human and humanoid began their fight.
They's only exchanged a couple of parrying blows to each other,when suddenly,there was a screaming sound from the air,making all activity in the arena cease.
Next moment,there was a blinding flash,followed by a huge fireball.More screaming sounds erupted,from Sanna mouths,as many were incinerated by the fireball.
'AIR RAID! HUMAN AIR RAID!' It was one of the Sanna shouting,but Jennings and Montgomery didn't hesitate for a moment,as they charged up towards where Sarah and Kelly were being held.
As more bomb bursts exploded all over the arena,the Sanna humanoids scattered.They had no defences here,and their human enemies fully exploited this weakness.
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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