I know this story hasn't been very well liked,but I don't care.I loved writing this,and believe it or not,wrote many drafts to it.I had thought about adding a new blog especially for this,but changed my mind.
Anyway,the version I thought up for this,was the character of Jennings,being taken prisoner by O'Rourke and Harris' forces,when he was only a child,before he turns into the tremendous,fighting soldier he becomes in later life.
In this section,Harris uses him as a hostage against his three sisters,who in turn,have to suffer the malicious attention of O'Rourke,who clearly wants to have them for his own sexual needs.
It was just a short part,and I decided to abandon it,thinking of another alternative plot.
Anyway,hope it's well liked,but I doubt it.None of my stories seem to get cool or interesting votes,but I don't write to please people.I write stuff that I enjoy writing.
The three trucks came to a stop outside O'Rourke's base,and instantly,his soldiers there came out to surround the three vehicles.All of them were armed to the teeth,and they levelled their weapons at each of the truck's rear.
Two soldiers stepped forward smartly,and lowered the tailgate on each of the trucks.
'Get out!'One shouted angrily into the rear.'Now!'
At first,there was no movement,but after one of the soldiers decided to fire off a warning shot,there was sudden movement detected,and people started to exit,from each of the trucks.
For the most part,there was a lot of scared,even terrified expressions amongst the new arrivals.Every one of them knew where they were,and it was the last place they wanted to be.The expressions they saw on the soldiers pointing their weapons at them,was more than enough to convince them they were in deep trouble.
'All right,'the first soldier who'd ordered them out spoke,now with menace,'let's go.Any trouble,and you're dead.'
Quickly,he and the rest of his armed colleagues moved in,to forcefully move the large contingent into O'Rourke's base.
Within the group,three teenage girls tightly held onto each other,and also kept a firm grip on the young boy with them too.The fear everybody else was showing,was also fully evident on them also.
The eldest of them was Sarah Jennings,and she'd just turned her eighteenth birthday.Like her two younger sisters,Sarah was regarded as very pretty.She had shoulder length raven hair,falling just onto her shoulders.Her eyes were a warm brown,and Sarah was also very warm hearted.A lot of people liked her.Indeed,many had been attracted to Sarah and her two sisters.
The same was for her younger sister,Louise,who was actually a bit taller than Sarah,and many had mistaken her for being the eldest.She was actually approaching her seventeenth birthday.Louise had long brunette hair,that fell past her shoulders.She too,was very well liked,and was also a very warm,caring young girl.Like her family,Louise always wanted to help people,and in these desperate times,she had.
Also willing to provide help,was Kelly,the youngest sister.She was sixteen,had short black hair,even her eyes were black;but just like her family,Kelly too,was a very likeable person.
All three girls were devoted to each other,but they were also devoted,and determined to protect their youngest sibling;John.
Their brother was only nine years old,and the girls knew he'd be at extreme risk here.Not only would they themselves face the threat from O'Rourke,but Harris would be interested in John.
Sarah was the most well aware of this grim fact,as she knew Harris was always on the lookout for new recruits.Sarah knew Harris to be an evil monstrous bitch,and she was utterly ruthless towards her enemies.She press-ganged so many to serve in her own personal army,and woe betide anyone who refused her wishes.All Sarah could do,was pray for a miracle they could escape this nightmare.
For the moment though,that was impossible.O'Rourke's men watched them all like hawks.They were roughly herded along,and forced to enter O'Rourke's base.
As they stumbled along,Sarah made sure she kept a tight hold on John's hand.She swore to herself she'd sacrifice herself to protect him.Louise and Kelly had also agreed,and had never let him out of their sight.
Even so,the fear was still paramount,as Kelly glanced at the rest of her fellow captives.
'What's happening,Sarah?'Kelly's fear was fully evident.'Why are they doing this?'
'It'll be okay,Kelly,'Sarah tried to reassure her sister,even though inside,she was just as scared.'Let's keep together.That's the most important thing.Don't let them split us up,and watch John.'
Kelly heard the tone in Sarah's voice,and immediately switched her attention back to her brother.She was dreading what lay in store here,as she knew what O'Rourke was.It was a foregone conclusion he'd see them soon enough,and Kelly knew she,Louise and Sarah,were highly attractive girls.He'd definitely be interested in them,and this was making Kelly even more scared.
Suddenly,they heard a commotion behind,and quickly turned to see what was going on.They all noticed a group of people,which had suddenly decided to make a break for it.They could only watch helplessly,as one of O'Rourke's thugs shouted a warning,before he and one other coldly gunned the escapees all down.Not one of them moved afterwards.
'You murdering bastards!'Louise couldn't help herself,but scream that out.Her eyes were full of fury,seeing so many people killed without mercy.
However,Louise's outburst now drew the attention of their guards,and they closed in on the four of them menacingly.
One of the guards suddenly seized Louise,and jammed his gun under her neck.
'Want to say that again,my pretty?'The guard sneered in her face,as well admiring Louise's face.
Louise however,wasn't intimidated.Despite her own fears,she then spat with full venom,into the man's face.
The man was stunned for a moment,but he instantly recovered,as he tightened his grip on Louise,jamming the weapon harder under her chin.
'So you want to play rough,do you?'The man sneered.'Well,so do I.The boss will want to have you,but I'll have you first!'
He then made to drag Louise away,which enticed a scream of fear from her.Kelly and Sarah did likewise,seeing their sister being forced away from them.
'Let my sister go!'
The man dragging his prize away,suddenly stopped to turn and face the source of the protest.He clearly saw it was the young boy who'd shouted.He noticed he was still clinging to that girl,even though his eyes were defiant.
The man's eyes however,only had attention for Sarah and Kelly.He had no interest in the boy,and readied his weapon,aiming at him.
Horror stricken,Louise struggled frantically,desperate to help her family,but the man's hold on her was far too strong.She could only watch in despair,as the man prepared to fire.Sarah and Kelly had immediately thrown themselves around John,now waiting for death.
Suddenly,they got some unexpected help.
Two men,both of Asian origin,had then made their move on the man holding Louise.One managed to easily free her from the guard's grasp,and Louise raced to join her family,now tightly holding onto each other.
The two men who'd helped Louise,were Japanese,and they both worked well to bring the man down.
Held protectively by his sisters,John could still see the fight.He watched in fascination,as the two Japanese men used martial arts skills,on the bullying guard.He was almost entranced.
The guard was no match for his two assailants;he was simply hired muscle.True,he was well trained in using weapons,but he had no answer to the highly unarmed combat skills now being dished out to him.
Sarah was also watching,completely fascinated.Whoever these two men were,she was deeply grateful for them coming forward to help her family.Sarah noticed they were Japanese too,and watching their fighting style,wondered if they had Samurai origins.
The two men had easily dealt with the guard,when suddenly,more of O'Rourke's men came running forward.They levelled their weapons at Louise's rescuers,of whom,stood their ground,and placed themselves in front of the three girls and young boy.
The men were just about to fire,when they heard a woman's sharp voice came in.
'That's enough.'
Stunned,Sarah,Louise and Kelly,watched the woman slowly walk towards them.Like everybody else,they all recognised her.This was Harris,O'Rourke's second in command.
She could have been an attractive woman,but they all clearly saw the cold in her eyes.Sarah and her family had heard so many horror stories about this woman,but to meet her,was their worst nightmare,and her eyes were firmly focused on them all.
'What's the problem here?'Harris demanded,although she'd seen the entire thing from her office.
'Couple of them got smart,'the guard answered.'I was going to give her-'he gestured at Louise's cowering form,'-to the boss.Then these two came in.'
Harris gazed more intently at the two Japanese men;she could see they were father and son,and neither of them showed any fear.This impressed her,and she made a quick decision.
Harris then glanced at her guard's weapon,and noticed he had it set on kill.
'Switch to stun.'She ordered him curtly.
The guard did so instantly.He knew better than to argue with Harris.If you did,you were dead.
Once the guard had done so,Harris nodded,and the guard instantly opened fire,as did Harris,pulling out her own personal pistol.
They hit their targets,and both Japanese men went down without a sound.This made more screams heard from her new captives,but Harris wasn't interested.
She then made a surprising order.
'Make sure you put those four in one cell.'Harris pointed at Sarah's family.'I'll deal with them later.'
'What about these two?'The guard gestured at the two prone men on the ground.
'The same of course,'Harris' voice was sharp,'but make sure you don't harm them.I want them well treated,for the time being at least.I'll come and deal with them later.'
With that said,Harris looked with interest at the young boy the three pretty girls were obviously protecting,but she said no more,and then hurried away.
Sarah glared at the withdrawing woman's back.So that was Harris.She was definitely the enemy,despite demanding good treatment for them,and Sarah wasn't looking forward to seeing her again.
They were then forced along at gunpoint,and finally taken to a cell,whilst Sarah wished she could have thanked the two men who'd helped Louise,but the guards had already dragged them off to their own cells.
When they were finally locked in,the four of them still clung onto each other tightly,dreading when they'd see the cell door open again.
Harris made her way quickly back to her own office.She felt intrigued by seeing that boy.His defiant response was just what she wanted to hear.
She knew of course,that O'Rourke would be interested in ravishing the girls,but Harris didn't care about that.If that's all he was interested in,let him.Harris had more important things to worry about.
When she reached her office,Harris noticed O'Rourke was present.He was watching the monitor screens,which showed every section of his base.Harris didn't need to second guess,at what he was looking at.
Sure enough,she found him observing the detention area,where his guards were forcing the new,unwilling arrivals in.
'Anybody of interest,Harris?'He asked her,although of course,he was looking for something else.
'Possibly.'Harris responded carefully.She knew there would always be somebody.If not,there was always more people to collect,and they'd try again.
'I may have a couple more recruits,'Harris went on,'and I'm sure you'll have seen something that you liked.'
'How did you guess?'O'Rourke grinned.He was always after new,pretty stock to enjoy.This latest load certainly had plenty,and he was still scanning the cells,choosing.
It was then,that he came across the cell holding Sarah and her family.
'I like the look of these three,Harris,'O'Rourke did indeed,like what he was seeing.The three girls were very pretty,and he felt his lust increase.
Suddenly,he saw the young boy the three girls were covering.O'Rourke looked more closer at him,and then recognised them all as a family unit.
'You're going to take the boy in?'he queried.
'That's my plan,'Harris nodded,'of course,if his sisters get too defiant,I'll take care of them personally.'
'Well,don't harm them,Harris.'O'Rourke's voice spoke with a hard edge,'I want those girls.Do what you want with the boy,but those three beauties are mine.'
Harris shrugged indifferently,knowing O'Rourke's intentions.She'd seen him rape so many young women,and he held them always bound and gagged,so they had no chance of escaping him.Harris herself,didn't usually bother with that.She was far too devoted to her own needs,and that meant intimidating a lot of people,so she could keep the fear she was held in.To date,her methods were highly successful.
'Give them something to eat,'Harris ordered one of her aides standing close by.'I'll be down later to talk to them.'
The aide nodded,and moved off to obey.This made O'Rourke raise an amused eyebrow.
'Being the nice sort,Harris? That's not like you.'
'I'm not nice,O'Rourke,'Now,Harris' voice had a hard edge.'You should know that better than anybody.Now get out of my office,I've got work to do.'
O'Rourke still gave her an amused glance,but his face now showed contempt.
However,he wasn't interested in fighting it out with Harris,and left her office without any protest whatsoever.
Once he'd gone,Harris was glad he was.Good riddance,she thought.Now,she could start thinking.
Back in the cell where Sarah and her family were held,they were still clinging together.Sarah heard Kelly and Louise whimper fearfully,although they still held onto their brother.
'Why are they doing this,Sarah?'Kelly asked,her eyes were making anxious glances towards the cell door.
'I don't know,Kelly,'Sarah responded,but she gave her sister a comforting hug,hoping it would give her strength.'The most important thing right now,is that we stay together.'
'You really think they'll split us apart?'
Sarah didn't answer that;she didn't want too.All they could do now,was wait.A guard had brought them some food,but Sarah suspected a trap with it,and told her siblings to leave it.They had all obeyed her.
Time passed slowly,and the nerves were still fully evident,but they all held onto each other,waiting for the next development.
It was then the cell door opened,and Harris walked in,closely followed by two of her bodyguards.She glanced down at the untouched food,and raised an eyebrow at them.
'Not hungry? That was a pretty foolish thing to do.You'll never know when you'll get your next meal.'
There was no reply to that.Harris could see the three girls were still scared,but they were also glaring at her.This made her smirk.She'd see to that,as her gaze settled on their young brother they three of them were protecting.
'Who's the handsome boy?'Harris' gaze had never left John.This made Sarah,Kelly and Louise cling onto him more tightly.
Seeing the girls were still not responding,Harris then casually drew out her own sidearm.
'I'm sure you know all about my reputation,ladies,'Harris continued.'When I want something,I get it,and right now,I want your brother to come to me.'
She was amused to see his three sisters still not releasing him,but she was also interested in the boy's expression.True,his face showed apprenhension,but he didn't look scared.
Sarah had finally decided to respond to Harris,and her voice was full of venom.
'You keep your hands off him,you murdering bitch!'
Harris chuckled,pleased to hear a reply at last.
'That's much better,my pretty.'Her smile was malicious.'I knew you had spirit,Sarah.I like that.It's going to be very interesting,with you under my power.'
''Go f--k yourself,Harris!'This time,it was Louise who joined her elder sister's defiance.
Again,the insults didn't bother Harris in the slightest.On the contrary,she was even more pleased.
'You'll pay for that,my pretty Louise.'Harris changed her tone of voice,and it was now more menacing.'And you're going to pay right now.'
Quickly,Harris fired her sidearm.She hit her target with one shot,and was pleased to see the boy collapse.
His sisters screamed in outraged terror,and this time,Kelly came in.
'You've murdered him!'She shrieked at the top of her voice,desperately checking her brother over.
However,Harris had already signalled to her men,and easily,they grabbed the three girls,holding them off.Once this was done,Harris then leisurely made her way over to the boy's prone form.She made a check on him,and was pleased.He was still alive.
Harris then turned to face Kelly,struggling frantically in her hold.
'Don't be silly,my dear.Your brother's just stunned,that's all.I've got plans for him.'
Harris then called another one of her men in,and promptly ordered him to carry John out.The man did so,ignoring Sarah,Louise,and Kelly's frantic screams,calling out their brother's name.
However,Harris had become irritated by this,and then coldly ordered;'Gag them.'
Each man holding the three girls,instantly clamped their hands over their captives mouths,considerably muffling their cries.This satisfied Harris,as she walked up to each of them.
'Now listen to me,ladies,'Harris still spoke with the hard edge,'your brother will be perfectly safe,as long as you obey our instructions.Failure to do so,will result in him suffering a great deal.Do you understand?'
Neither Sarah,Kelly or Louise could answer,as they were still tightly handgagged.Their eyes were bulging at Harris,realising she had complete control over them.
'Well,we'll see how it goes,shall we,but in the meantime,its time to see if you will obey orders.'
Harris gazed at each man holding them.A cruel smile was fully evident,as she then gave an order,which filled Sarah,Kelly and Louise with horror.
'Tie them up.Gag them too.Once they're secure,take them to O'Rourke.'
Well,there I left it,before I decided to follow another path.Maybe I might add a bit more to it,giving it a bit more detail about the two Japanese male characters.These two have a strong influence on Jennings,as he learns how to fight,and becomes the feared,deadly soldier his enemies dread to face.
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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