The private plane flew through the clear,blue crystal sky,as it headed towards its destination.
The plane's destination was the Middle East,in fact,it was Kuwait.A land where there was a lot of wealth displayed.
The plane was the personal property of Sheik Goma,and he was certainly one of the wealthiest men in Kuwait.
He'd worked hard to achieve his goals,and it also helped that he had a first class brain,which helped him to think of solutions.
He was past his thirtieth birthday,but Goma was still regarded as handsome,and he seemed to display a charming,warm personality.
Added to this,Goma had excellent help.Not only was he well protected by his bodyguards,who had sworn to sacrifice their own lives to do so,but Goma had many brilliant advisors.This of course,had helped to increase his fortune.He was well involved in the banking industry,and appeared to be one of the lucky ones,not affected by the threatening economic crisis.
Goma of course,was well aware of this,and he was very generous,handing out help when people asked him for it.All those who had received a gift from him,were more than willing to return the favour.This had made him incredibly popular.A very wealthy man,who was prepared to help those less fortunate.
However,if those that liked Goma had seen what was going on,as he sat comfortably in his seat on the plane,they would have deeply shocked.
At present,Goma sat relaxed in his own seat.He had a glass of champagne in his hand,with the bottle resting in an iced bucket beside him.
He also enjoyed cigars,and was currently smoking one.These were of course,Havana ones.Goma would have nothing,but the best.
He took another deep,appreciative puff from the cigar,and settled his gaze on the two stewardesses,who were sitting in front of him.
Both women were young,and extremely attractive.Goma had made sure he'd chosen them for his flight back home.He always liked to choose the cabin crew,and always made sure the girls were very pretty.But of course,he didn't do this,merely to admire them.
The two stewardesses were known as Michelle and Amanda.Both girls had long hair,but they had different origins.Michelle was Chinese,whilst Amanda was English.
Goma had personally interviwed them,before the two girls had agreed to fly out with him.It hadn't been difficult at all for Goma to persuade them.Flying freelance certainly earned very good wages,and he'd promised them huge rewards.
Both Amanda and Michelle were now regretting this,as they sat bound and gagged opposite their kidnapper.The girls could see he was admiring them in their uniforms.The two young women wore a white shirt,with a blue neck scarf,and matching knee length blue skirts.They had both worn smart blue blazers,when they'd first boarded the aircraft,but had taken them off,once they could start work.
Goma however,had watched the two girls carefully,preparing the right moment to grab them.This hadn't been long in coming.He'd made sure the girls had settled in,and felt comfortable with him.It was then,that he'd nodded to his bodyguards to grab Amanda and Michelle.
The two girls were taken completely by surprise,as two of Goma's men pounced on them unaware,ruthlessly clamping chloroform soaked cotton wool pads over Amanda and Michelle's mouths.True,Goma knew even if the girls had even attempted to scream,nobody would have been there to help them.This was something he enjoyed doing,as he'd done it so many times before.
Once Amanda and Michelle were knocked out by the chloroform,Goma ordered his bodyguards to tie them up.His men had done an efficient job,securing the two women's hands behind the back of their chairs.They'd also secured their ankles together,firmly immobilising their two captives.
However,they hadn't finished,as Goma ordered more rope to be wound over them,and now Amanda and Michelle were tightly secured to their chairs because of this.Each girl had four loops of horizontal rope wound above and below their breasts,and there were even four more horizontal loops tied around their waists.Goma was pleased to see his instructions obeyed to the letter.He knew his two new pretty sex slaves,weren't going anywhere.
He'd delayed the order to gag them,as he was always interested to see how the girls would react.
It had been Michelle,who was the first to recover from the chloroform.She felt so groggy,and was wondering what was going on,before she found herself sitting down,and much to her dismay,tightly tied up.
Her shocked gaze went straight to Sheik Goma,as she made a frantic,but vain attempt to free herself.
'Wh-what the hell's going on here?'Michelle somehow managed to demand,although she couldn't disguise the fear in her voice,which her captor fully recognised.
'Quite simple,my pretty,'Goma's own voice was very pleasant as he responded.'I'm kidnapping you and your friend.'
Still shocked,Michelle was still struggling against her bonds.'Wh-why are you doing this?'
'Because,my dear,you and your friend here,are going to serve me,once I have you back in my royal palace.'Goma raised an expectant eyebrow at her.'I'm sure you'll know what that will entail.I have plenty of pretty girls serving me there,and you're going to join them.'
Michelle was still shocked,and she now had a nasty idea what lay in store for her.She'd heard rumours about Sheik Goma,about having his own personal harem,but Michelle never dreamed she'd be forced into it.
'You'll never get away with this!'Despite her rapidly climbing terror,Michelle still found a bit of courage.'I'll be missed.People will start looking for us.'
'That's highly unlikely,my pretty,'Goma sneered this time at her.'I personally checked your background.You're single,you have no family that will look for you.'He smirked.'There's no escape,I assure you.'
'That's what you think!'Michelle could see her captor was fully enjoying watching her struggles.'You've just made a big mistake kidnapping me!'
'On the contrary,my dear,'Goma still kept his sneer.'I've just added two new,pretty slaves for my enjoyment.I'll be very surprised,if anybody comes for you at all.'
'You're a monster!'Michelle practically screamed that out,which made her friend Amanda,now slowly regain her senses.
'No,my pretty,'Goma was now smiling at her.'I'm you master,and you will regret your defiance to me.I shall personally enjoy ravishing you,until your spirit is broke,but for now,it's time for you to be quiet.'
He nodded to two of his bodyguards,who had stood silently behind the two bound girls.His men understood,as they held balled up cloths in their hands.
Instantly,both men grabbed Amanda and Michelle's chin,and then roughly stuffed the cloth into each of the girl's mouth.Once they'd done so,the two men then placed a large rectangular,white strip of medical tape over Amanda and Michelle's mouth.The two girls were now tightly gagged.
Delighted his two pretty captives were secure and silenced,Goma then stood up,and stood right in front of Amanda.He could see the English girl looking up at him fearfully.
Goma relished that.He always savoured the fear his captives displayed.Of course,there were always exceptions,but Goma made sure that didn't last.He had so many young women he'd seized,and he always enjoyed breaking the defiant ones.This Michelle would certainly be enjoyable,but Goma also enjoyed the gentler,more frightened girls.This made him feel the power he held over them.
Goma could see Amanda's breasts were impressive.A Western woman always had that edge over their Oriental counterparts.This also added to possible future sales.Goma knew western women were high in demand on the slave market,as these girls were rarely seen on offer.
Goma knelt before Amanda's trembling figure,and with an evil smile,used both his hands to grope her breasts,making Amanda squeal into her gag.Michelle too:but the gags were tight,and the two girls could only mumble faintly.
Goma groped and squeezed Amanda's chest repeatedly,fully enjoying himself,as he watched the girl squirm at his touch.He was delighted to have her.
He then stopped indecently assaulting her,much to Amanda's relief,but he then gripped her chin,lifting it.
'I can see you are not as defiant,as your pretty Chinese friend,my dear,'Goma told her.He then looked menacingly at Michelle.'Perhaps she will learn a valuable lesson here.I shall have you first,and she can watch,before her turn.'
Both girls' eyes bulged up at him,knowing he was going to rape them,and much to their despair,both Amanda and Michelle knew they could do nothing to stop them.
Goma couldn't help himself,as he bent forward to give Amanda an unwanted kiss on her forehead.He merely chuckled.
'All that is in the future,my two pretty ones,'Goma told them,as he then stood behind Michelle,and began to play with her jet black hair.Goma fully enjoyed doing so.The Chinese girl's hair felt so smooth and silky.He couldn't wait to land,and get them back to his royal palace.
Michelle had to freeze,feeling his fingers stroke her hair.She was glad he wasn't seeing her eyes,as they were rolling in fear.She sincerely hoped for a miracle,that there might be a chance of escape,or better still,rescue.
Michelle suddenly remembered she'd spoken to a young man,before she'd gone off for the interview with Sheik Goma.Of course it had all been a trap,but she had told this man where she was going,and they had exchanged phone numbers.So maybe,just maybe,there was a chance.
For the moment though,she and Amanda were still tightly bound,gagged captives,and they were both firmly in Sheik Goma's clutches.
Goma then stopped playing with Michelle's hair,and went back to his seat.He lit himself another cigar,whilst one of his aides poured him another glass of champagne.He then turned to that particular aide.
'How long till we land?'
'One hour precisely,your eminence.'The aide answered instantly,and respectfully.
'Very good,'Goma nodded,very pleased.'Prepare the cases for our two new pretty slaves,and prepare the usual drugs.'
'My pleasure,your eminence.'
Stunned,both Amanda and Michelle watched wide eyed,as the aide moved to a compartment,and then took out a small black bag.He then opened it,and with more fear mounting in them,the two girls clearly recognised a syringe pack.
Goma watched the aide prepare the syringe,attaching a small bottle to the needle.There was a clear liquid in it,and the aide skillfully filled the syringe.Once he'd done so,he gazed respectfully at his master.
'Do you wish them to be drugged now,your eminence?'
Goma thought for a few moments,seeing the anxious,frightened expressions Amanda and Michelle were giving him.
'No,not yet,my friend,'Goma finally decided.'Let's wait a bit.After all,it's much more pleasureable to observe our two latest acquisitions,when they're like this,is it not?'
'Your eminence is too kind,'the aide bowed his head obediently.'I hope your eminence will grant me some time with them.'The aide's gaze,was just as ominous.'They are indeed,very pretty.'
'Of course you can,my friend,'Goma agreed whole-heartedly.He was sensible to reward his loyal men.'I will let you know,when the time is right.'
'A thousand thanks.Your eminence deserves the best.'
Goma then waved the aide away,which was obeyed instantly.He sat there,still smoking his cigar well content,gazing admiringly and lustfully at Amanda and Michelle's bound,gagged,helpless bodies.
He couldn't wait to land,and enjoy this latest private catch.
The End?
Glad you liked it DID Girls.:)
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
I like this story. I am thinking of making a story of Urblake and Rebecca where the girls are kidnapped by the bad guys and held as slaves. It will be similar to this, Your stories and pictures have inspired me.