Alarms were ringing inside the small bank,as three people came running out of it;two men and a young woman.
The men were very powerfully built and hooded.One was carrying a large holdall bag,which contained many dozens of banknotes.It had quite clearly been a robbery.
The second man also carried a holdall,but his was strapped onto his back as he was actually forcing the young woman into the waiting car parked next to the bank.
This man grinned as he did so.There was nothing better than kidnapping a pretty hostage,and he couldn't wait to get her back to the hideout.His thoughts were really lustful on that,still enjoying the moment when he tied her up and gagged her too.She was desperately trying to scream for help,but he'd made sure she couldn't.
'Don't bother trying,my pretty,'he hissed into her ear.'There's no escape!'
He enjoyed hearing her mumbles of fear,and liked the look of the girl too.She had shoulder length dark hair,and wore a white shirt with a black knee length skirt.Both men had enjoyed seizing her,catching her totally by surprise when they'd deceived her,luring her into their trap.
They headed towards a waiting car,where another hooded man was waiting behind the wheel.'
'Hurry up!'the driver snarled at his two accomplices.'The cops are coming!'
Next instant,the two men reached their getaway car,and after unceremoniously dumping the bound and gagged girl into the boot,both men dived into the car,which sped away instantly.
As soon as they left the scene,all three men snatched off their hoods,and the driver slowed to within the speed limit shown.All three kept a sharp eye out for any police cars.
Fortunately,luck was with them.They heard the police sirens,but no police car came into their view.This was due to good planning on the driver's part.He'd studied the roads covered by the CCTV and made sure they wouldn't be seen.
'Everything go okay?'the driver asked.
'Like clockwork,boss,'one of his accomplices answered with a grin.'No problems.'
'Did you have to bring the girl?'
'Why not?'the second accomplice responded evenly.'She may prove useful.I got some contacts that may be interested in her.'
'For sure,'the first accomplice kept his grin.'We can have some fun with her,before increasing our profits.Jesus,she's a real beauty.I had to keep a hold on myself,when I tied her up.'
'What's her name?'the driver asked.
'Well,we'll keep Kelly for the moment,'the driver was also grinning.'She sure is pretty.'
He then became more serious,asking:'Now are you sure she didn't raise the alarm to anybody?'
'Not a chance.We kept our eyes on her all the time,apart from when she went to the toilet.'
Suddenly,the driver's grin vanished,and both his accomplices noticed it.
'You mean to say you let her get out of your sight?'he asked,his tone of voice very slow and deliberate.
'She didn't call anyone,boss,'the first accomplice tried to reassure him.'If she had,we would have heard her.'
'And I don't suppose the possibility of sending a text message either occurred to you?' The driver still spoke in the same tone.
'She didn't have a mobile on her,boss,'the second man interjected.'We didn't see it on her,when we were tying her up.'
'And I suppose you didn't bother searching her for it either?
Neither of the two men replied to that.Their expressions from triumphant,had now rapidly changed to increasing concern.
Grimly,the driver kept his eyes open,repeatedly scanning his mirror.At the moment,everything seemed fine.No police were pursuing him,but he suddenly had an uneasy feeling.
It was then that he saw his fears confirmed.Looking into his rear view mirror,he suddenly spotted a car that had suddenly appeared behind him.The driver closely examined the possible threat,and he could only see one man driving the car.He also quite clearly identified the expression on the man's face behind them.He meant business..
Grimly,the driver made a couple of more circuits,checking to see if the man behind followed.
He did.
Just then,they were hit by another problem.A couple of loud thumps from the boot were heard,and before the men could warn their hostage to keep still,the boot flew open.
'Damn it,'the driver cursed,now knowing the girl was visible.She showed some guts doing that,but the driver was determined to get away with the money,and not to let her would be hero save his pretty bound,gagged damsel in distress.
'Get the guns,'he curtly ordered.'Shoot his tyres out.'
The wary expressions had now faded on both his accomplices,changing rapidly to eager grins,as they brought out their own pistols.They then leaned out,aiming their weapons at their pursuer.
Keeping close to the fleeing car,the driver suddenly noticed the rear of his target open.He instantly spotted the bound and gagged girl in the back.
So the info was right,he grimly thought.A robbery and kidnapping.Better make sure I stay with them.
He could see the girl stood no chance of escaping her bonds.Her hands had been tied behind her,with several tight horizontal loops of rope wrapped around her upper body.
The girl's legs were swinging in the air,but they too were tied just as tightly.He also noticed the girl had been gagged very tight too.A large white cloth,completely covered her mouth tied tightly behind her,and with her eyes were full of fear above her gag.In fact,her eyes were pleading at him to help her.
This was just what he was going to do;there was no way he was going to let them escape with an innocent,young woman's life at stake.
Suddenly,he spotted two men leaning out from the back,and he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw they were aiming pistols at him.
Bloody hell!He thought grimly,this just got more tricky.
Even so,at seeing the armed men,he then grabbed his own weapon,a 9mm Browning handgun,and kept up the pursuit.That girl desperately needed his help,and he wasn't going to let them get away.
The End?
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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