The conference table was surrounded by several humanoid creatures,and each of their moods was grim.
All of the humanoids belonged to the warrior race,the Hachi,who were well renowned for their eager lust for battle,and more ominously,for sexual conquest.
They'd engaged in many battles merely for the thrill of battle,and had been declared a highly dangerous spieces by many of the known races they'd attacked.The Hachi's home solar system and all their craft,were given a well berth by everybody else.
It didn't really matter to the Hachi,as they kept on the hunt,using their deadly combat ships to intimidate and then conquer any unsuspecting unfortunates.
Usually,they were highly successful.The Hachi were fierce fighters with their powerfully built humanoid frames.As extra weapons,the Hachi were also blessed with four tentacles protruding from the back.Dark bony ridges crossed their foreheads,and they had red eyes,which frightened and even terrified a lot of people.
Now however,the Hachi had a serious problem,which was why the several humanoids were here.
'We must have more females!' one of them stated with firm conviction.'We need to ensure the survival of our race!'
'I completely agree,Janas,'another Hachi nodded his approval.'However,our scout ships have reported no new activity.'
'Then you must find new targets,Miol!'the humanoid known as Janas countered strongly,his four tentacles writhing from his back.A common sight,when a Hachi male grew irritated.
'We have not observed any foreign traffic for some time,'another Hachi interjected.'Those that we have sighted,are simply too well protected.'
'Those are your excuses,Rena?' Janas sneered in contempt at his fellow Hachi.'If I did not know any better,I'd say you were acting like a coward.'
Rena's expression snarled,as his own tentacles gestured violently at Janas.
'You dare accuse me of cowardice,Janas?'
'Enough!' Miol cut in,his own tentacles writhing in irritated fashion.'I have heard enough bickering.We must act quickly.'
The humanoids known as Rena and Jenas bowed to Miol;he was quite clearly their leader,and his look of disapproval at them silenced their arguing.
'Believe it or not,'Miol informed them,'I have new intelligence we may have new females to seize,from the humans.'
Miol was pleased to see this news had a positive reaction,and there were indeed,smiles visible all around.
'Human females?'Janas was also smiling.'I have only seen them from afar.It would be good news if we can acquire them.'
'We shall indeed,'Miol nodded.'In fact,one of their ships is approaching our territory.It seems they have heard about our exploits,and are investigating.'
'How many human females are there?' Rena asked.
'There are more than enough,my friends,'Miol smiled as he answered.His smile was now lustful.'I can show them to you.'
Seeing the interested reaction from his people,Miol activated a switch,and several holographic figures instantly showed up.
All of the holographic figures were human women,very young ones.Miol could see the lust now dominating all of his people,staring at the women.
Miol lit up one of the figures.A long,dark haired woman with an impressive chest.Miol could see and feel the sexual lust grabbing all of the Hachi humanoids here,as they stared up at the girl.
'This one,is the commander,'Miol informed.'As you can see,she is military,so there may be some resistance,but it will do them no good.They are ours to enjoy!'
All of the Hachi's tentacles writhed in pleased approval.
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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