The Sun was a beautiful sight settling below the distant horizon over the sea,and for life-guard Louise Jennings,this sight always thrilled her.
Louise was now observing the massive Sun sinking slowly,and she could see the dark night sky now coming in.
Louise was a very young,beautiful woman.She had long,raven hair falling past her shoulders,a very pretty face with warm hazel eyes,and she had a really good body too.
Of course,this had a lot to do with her job,as Louise knew she had to keep fit,and her job certainly entailed plenty of swimming.
Louise was nearly always in the sea,as there were many calls for assistance from anybody that needed help,and Louise was there within seconds.
She could always remember the stunned,and lustful looks directed at her as she raced along the beach.Her tight fitting,red swimsuit certainly made her an eye catcher.
Of course,this didn't really bother Louise.What really mattered was getting to the people who needed help,and she was always pleased to give it.
Today had been a good day though,as there had been no alarms raised for Louise to attend too.There hadn't been that many people on the beach today,so she was glad she could keep everybody in sight.
Now,the beach was deserted,and Louise had just about finished her shift.She knew the night shift officer was on his way,and she decided to make a final check.
Walking by the incoming surf certainly relaxed Louise.She always believed sea air was good for you,and this was why she made her home by the beach.
She carried a pair of binoculars with her,and Louise raised them to her eyes,and made a thorough check around.
At first,Louise didn't see anything untoward.The beach was still empty,and there were no evident problems.
It was then that Louise spotted movement at the far end of the beach.
Still scanning through her binoculars at that area,Louise spotted five people;three women and two men.
Louise could see the three women had been tied up,clearly seeing their hands secured behind their backs.There was also a rope which had been tied around each of the women's necks,connecting them all,and the two men were obviously guarding them.One of the men was in front,holding the rope which tied the women together;he was clearly leading them away.
Stunned and shocked at what she was currently seeing,Louise watched the men herd the captive trio away.She could also see the three girls had been gagged tightly,clearly recognising a large,white strip cloth,that had been used to cleave gag the girls.Louise could tell how tight the cloths had been tied,and knew the three girls were unable to call for help.
Quickly,Louise lowered her binoculars,and hurried after the rapidly disappearing quintet,not seeing she too,was being observed.
There were two people observing Louise,and they were two women,hiding amongst the sand dunes.
Both women were very beautiful,but both pairs of eyes were cold,as they sharply watched the girl giving chase.
Both were determined to stop her.
Louise finally reached the area where she'd seen the three bound and gagged women being led off.There was now a small shed visible,with a small jeep parked nearby.Louise decided to check it out.
She then heard what was obviously a gagged woman's sound,and Louise could hear more than one of them.
Tensing,Louise then brought out a torch and after turning it on,shined it inside.
She was totally taken aback to discover another three tightly bound and gagged women.The girls were all wearing bikinis,and had obviously been grabbed on the beach.All their eyes were pleading at Louise,over another tightly tied cleave gag.
Louise was just about to take a step to untie them,when she felt herself seized roughly from behind,and a strong hand clamped hard over her mouth.Her own eyes bulged in shock.
'HMMMMFFFF!' Louise's scream was non-existent,as she felt the hand tighten over her mouth.
She knew instantly a woman had grabbed her,and the grip she was held in was inescapable,but she couldn't help,but start struggling frantically.
'Not a sound,my pretty,'Louise felt the woman's voice hiss into her ear,'and don't bother wasting your time.You're not going to escape!'
This made Louise mumble in fear behind the woman's tight handgag.She was now very frightened,and to make matters worse,Louise suddenly had a bad feeling what this was all about.
'Let's take her to the boss,'Louise then heard another woman's voice from behind her.'I'm sure she'll be pleased with our latest,pretty catch!'
Louise then saw one of the women come into her view.She was tall,blonde and very attractive.
However,Louise could see the blond woman's eyes were very cold,and they seemed to gaze right through her.She was bad news.
It was then Louise saw the gun held in the blonde's hand,and it was aimed unwaveringly at her.Louise's eyes bulged even more.
Seeing their prisoner's fear,both Louise's captors smiled maliciously.
'That's right,my pretty,'the blonde told Louise.'Just do as you're told,and I'll refrain from using this on you.'
The three bound and gagged girls were writhing on the shed floor in despair,seeing their chance of escape ruthlessly snatched away from them,and they could only mumble in despair.
'Better use the chloroform on these three,'the woman holding Louise curtly ordered.'The boys will be back soon.Should make it more easier for them to ship them out.'
Helpless,Louise could only watch as the blond woman brought out a small bottle,which was obviously the chloroform.She then produced a large,cotton wool pad,and applied some of the liquid onto the pad.
The blond woman then ruthlessly forced the chloroform soaked pad,onto the three bound and gagged girls one by one,as they all succumbed to the drug.
With that done,the blond woman then turned to face Louise.
'Right.Let's take her to the boss.'
Louise gasped in pain as she was roughly forced along.She was then dragged into the jeep,and forced into the back.The blond woman then drove off.
It was only a short drive,but Louise was frantically hoping somebody would spot her.She'd been forced to lie on the floor of the back,and she was still handgagged.If only somebody could see her! The alarm would be then raised.
Unfortunately for Louise,her two kidnappers had made sure nobody would spot them,and much to her dismay,Louise felt the jeep stop,and she was dragged out.
As she was held and still silenced,Louise then heard the woman holding her say:
'I'm going to take my hand away now.Don't bother screaming your pretty mouth off.There's nobody here to help you.'
With that said,Louise felt the woman take away her hand.She was so relieved to get her voice back,but she still struggled like mad in the woman's grasp.
'Let me go,you damned bitches!'Louise snarled,although her eyes were still full of fear.
'Dear me,'the woman holding her chuckled.'It's not nice to hear a pretty girl swear.We'll have to see to that,but first things first.'
Louise had noticed they'd arrived at a beach house.It was small,but it looked very expensive,and she was then forced into the house.
Her two abductors dragged her along to a living room,which looked like a five star hotel room for the rich.
However,there was someone there waiting for them.
Louise could see a very beautiful Chinese woman.She was dressed in a red silky robe,and looked gorgeous.
However,just like her two female kidnappers,Louise could clearly see a coldness in the Chinese woman's face,as she was forced down onto her knees in front of the woman.Her arms were held by each of the woman's accomplices.
The Chinese woman looked down at Louise with interest,as she put a finger to lift Louise's chin.
'And who might this pretty young girl be?'she asked.
'We caught her snooping around the shed,'the blond woman informed.'She saw the latest shipment.'
'Did she indeed?'the Chinese woman smiled,still keeping her finger under Louise's chin.She was enjoying the girl's frightened eyes.
'What do you want us to do with her?'the other woman asked.
'Tie her up and take her back to the shed,'she then ordered.'Make sure you gag her too.I'll be along shortly.I think we have some new,pretty merchandise to sell.'
'No!' Louise yelped,but she was easily forced up to her feet and dragged off.
Some time later,the Chinese woman made her way over to the shed,and was pleased to see the pretty lifeguard had been bound and gagged due to her instructions.
Louise was sitting on the shed floor,and she had her hands tied tightly behind her back.There were also four horizontal loops of rope,tied tightly above and below Louise's chest.
Her legs had been tied up too,with three more horizontal loops secured over her knees,and four more loops around her ankles.The Chinese woman could see how tight the ropes were,and she was very pleased.This method always stopped her pretty captives from attempting to escape.
Another thing that pleased her,was seeing Louise gagged.A wide strip of cloth was tied over her mouth,securely knotted at the base of her neck.The woman could see Louise's mouth was bulging,knowing her two accomplices had stuffed a big balled up cloth into it.The cloth tied tighly over her mouth kept the other cloth in,rendering Louise effectively gagged.
Still feeling pleased at seeing Louise trussed up,the Chinese woman knelt down beside her,and was highly amused to see the girl trying to squirm away from her.
She easily brought Louise back up to her,and repeated the same gesture,as she lifted the girl's chin up again with her finger.
'You know,my dear,'there was a sinister tone in her voice.'I'm so pleased you fell into our clutches.I know for a fact,that many of my clients will pay through the roof for a pretty prize like you.You're going to fetch an excellent price.'
Louise tried to scream again,but her gag kept her silent.Her eyes were still bulging,as the Chinese woman then forced herself on top of her,and started to grope her breasts.
'But that's all planned for later,my pretty.For now,I'm going to keep you and enjoy you.'
The woman then started to squeeze Louise's breasts more harder,as her eyes filled with dominant lust.She then forced Louise onto her belly,and then lay on top of the helpless girl,her hands continued to enjoy Louise's chest.
Louise could only pray for a miracle to get away from these monsters.
The End?
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
Dave I enjoy your stories but I am having a bit of troubale fineding the rest of some of your stories can you give an idea of hoe to find them? Thank You Greg
ReplyDeleteHi Greg,thanks for enjoying my stories.:)
ReplyDeleteHave you not seen my month list by the right hand side of the page? All the stuff I've written should be highlighted for you.Just click on what you'd like to read,or failing that,I'll try and provide one of the story links for you.
However,you should see my month list on the right of the page.All blogs have it.Let me know.:)