Grimly,Harris rose from inspecting the dead men.She could tell all of them had been killed,by very accurate shooting.She also noticed the gruesome remains on some of the men.Whatever weapon had done damage like this,had to have been a very powerful one.This was bad news.Harris realised this,as she knew there were new enemies on scene.
However,Harris also relished a challenge,and appreciated a highly formidable opponent.She just had to found out who they were,and knew that wouldn't take long.Her spies were everywhere,and the next time they would strike,Harris would know about it.
She turned to one of her most trusted men,who had accompanied her here.His name was Sanders.Unlike the dead men lying here,who had been under O'Rourke's command,Sanders was a highly professional soldier,and was competent enough to win any battle on his own.
However,Harris didn't particularly some of the things Sanders did.Unlike O'Rourke and herself,Sanders showed their enemies some humanity.It didn't make him very popular with Harris and O'Rourke,and Sanders always ignored any cold blooded orders,the two of them demanded upon him.
'Get a clean up team here,Sanders.'Harris ordered him.'What kind of weapon do you think,was responsible here?'
Sanders had already had that answer ready for her.
'Definitely a Barratt sniper rifle.'Sanders had examined the bodies done by this.'Judging from the angle of the bullet strikes,they had O'Rourke's men caught in a crossfire.'
Harris nodded her agreement.She'd already examined the men's weapons,and wasn't surprised at what she'd found.All the weapons were still fully loaded.
'They didn't even get the chance to return fire.'She commented.
'They certainly played their ambush well,whoever they were.'Sanders responded.
'And we're going to find out who they are.'This time,Harris' voice was full of determination.'When we do,I'm going to make sure they'll not pose any more threats like this.' She gestured at the dead men below her.
Sanders looked at the corpses too,and he then looked straight into Harris' eyes.He clearly saw the icy coldness in them,but that didn't put him off.
'You know what these men were doing,don't you,Harris?'Sanders asked her,although of course,it was more of a statement.'O'Rourke ordered them to grab innocent young women,just for his own sick pleasures.'
'I am not interested in what O'Rourke does,Sanders.'Harris dismissed what she'd just heard coldly.'I am only interested in eliminating any threat here,and I fully intend to do so.'
'I don't doubt it.'Sanders reply matched her own tone,almost contemptuously.'I'm sure you and I fully understand each other,don't we,Harris?'
There was full challenge in his tone,which Harris noticed.For a moment,he thought she was going to keep up the fight,but she changed tact.
'Just get these dead fools out of here,Sanders.'Her voice was still curt though.'Once you've done that,we'll check up on the CCTV footage.That will show us,who our new enemies are.'
This time,Finlay had led the way back to the hidden base.He had a keen eye for detail,and had studied the way when Jennings and Montgomery had first led them here.
They all reached the cave entrance without being detected,and all safely entered their home.Louise of course,gave her warm,and utterly relieved welcome to Jennings and Montgomery.Hunt didn't show much emotion,but she was glad to be back,and gave Louise a nod.This didn't prevent Louise from giving Hunt one of her hugs.Hunt however,didn't respond to it,although she didn't reject it.
The reunion between Finch and Kelly was also good to see.Both father and daughter were overjoyed to see each other,having been denied for so long.It was nice to see,but Finlay noticed the two of them wanted some time alone,and he nodded silently to the rest of them.All understood,and gave Finch and Kelly their privacy.
They all moved back to the command room,where Reynolds was still keeping a sharp eye out on the screens.
'So far,so good.'he told them,hearing his friends enter.'No sign of pursuit.'
'Good.'Finlay was pleased to hear that,before he turned to Paula Ann.'You okay?'
'I'm fine.'She nodded,although was still somewhat shaken by her recent ordeal.However,Paula Ann would always recover,as Finlay knew she would.
'Must admit,it was good to get rid of that scumbag.'Finlay remarked,regarding the now deceased Turner.'I could see why him and O'Rourke,are in cahoots with each other.'
'Turner's dead?'Reynolds asked.
'Finch killed him.'Finlay nodded.'With my full approval of course.The swine was using Paula Ann as a hostage.It was a good job Finch was there.I didn't think he was going to help at first.'
'He always will.'Montgomery told him.'He's helped many other people,but all that time in that prison,has virtually killed him.'
Finlay hadn't forgotten that,and felt ashamed of himself,for having a go at Finch earlier.If it hadn't been for his timely intervention,Turner would have probably escaped with Paula Ann,and O'Rourke would have had another helpless girl in his clutches.He made a mental note to apologise later,but he still had his mind on the mission.
'What do you want to do now?'Montgomery then asked him.
Finlay already had that answer figured out.
'We find out more about this O'Rourke and Harris,and try to find some weakness we can exploit.'He looked at them all expectantly,before he asked hopefully.'Any ideas?'
'With Harris,you probably won't find anything.'Reynolds answered.'The only sure way to beat her,is to kill her on the spot.'
'That is something I aim to do.'Hunt spoke for the first time in a while,surprising them,but all understood.
'I'd like to see you do it.'Finlay nodded to Hunt,meaning it.'What about O'Rourke?'
'That's easy.'Finch's voice came in from behind them,making them all turn to him.He and Kelly stood together.Kelly held onto her father's arm tightly,but affectionately.
'Kelly told me you rescued her,from one of O'Rourke's snatch squads.'Finch went on.'You get all the girls he's kidnapped,and you'll drive him mad.That way,you'll probably get him out into the open,when he comes with his thugs to try and get the girls back.'
'I see.'Finlay nodded thoughtfully.'I take it he brings all the girls,to his main base?'
'That's right.O'Rourke has plenty of his thugs out,looking to abduct any young woma,unfortunate to cross their path.'
'Then we'll put a stop to that.'Finlay's voice became more harder.He then turned back to Reynolds.
'Can you find out the patrol routes of O'Rourke's squads?'
Reynolds nodded,and typed out the necessary data,before he then showed Finlay and everybody else the answer.
They all studied it keenly,and after doing so,they knew where to go.
'Okay,here's the plan.'Finlay then began to explain.Once he'd finished,he was pleased to see them all accept what he had in mind.
'Sounds good to me.'Reynolds was also pleased.'I'd like to see the look on O'Rourke's face,once he finds out.'
'Wouldn't we all?'Finlay allowed himself a slight smile.'Okay,we'll set up sniper posts on three of these snatch squad routes.We'll snipe each of them,just when they think they can't be touched.'
He then told them the three teams.He would team up with Paula Ann,whilst Jennings and Montgomery would pair up,leaving Finch and Hunt to work together.Finlay hoped Hunt wouldn't show any objections to this,but much to his relief,she didn't.
'Okay then.Let's get moving.'
It didn't take them long to reach their designated positions.Once they'd all set up,and expertly camouflaged their hides,they tensely waited for their targets to arrive.
They were not long in coming.In each case,two heavy trucks drove into their view,and they all identified O'Rourke's armed force.Peering through his telescopic sight,Finlay could see eager expressions on all of them,fully knowing what they were hoping for.
Not if I can help it.Finlay thought determinedly.
Lying beside him,Paula Ann worked as his spotter.She was whispering the details on his approaching targets,giving him the wind speed and range.He could tell it was a clear day,and perfect shooting conditions.This made Finlay more determined than ever,to make his enemy pay.
He and Paula Ann had set up their sniper hide,just outside a remote settlement.There were a few people living here,and both had seen quite a number of pretty girls.They both knew O'Rourke's men would be coming here.
The two trucks stopped just outside the settlement,and quite a lot of heavily armed men,jumped out from the trucks,and began to advance towards the settlement.Already,Finlay could see the inhabitants scattering from these new,and unwelcome visitors.
'Target selected.'Finlay whispered,as he aimed at what was clearly the leader.He aimed at the man's head,and after satisfying himself,that he'd aimed correctly,Finlay gently depressed the trigger.
His shot was perfect,striking the back of the man's head,killing him instantly.This made the rest of the armed group turn round in surprise,gaping at their fallen colleague.However,Finlay seized the initiative,firing again,striking another in the throat.It was fatal shot,as the man's body tumbled backwards.
This made the rest of the men dive into cover.Some of them even tried to reach the settlement,hoping to get a hostage to use,but the rest of Finlay's team were well prepared for this.Neither Jennings or Hunt,acting as shooters,let them near the place.
They were inflicting a grievous toll on the enemy,but there were still a few survivors.However,these men had now realised it was far more sensible,to stay out of sight.Everybody still alive tensed.
Suddenly,Finlay got a radio message from Finch.The line was secure from any hostile listeners,as Finlay had seen to that,making adjustments on all their radio equipment.Grant had given him this earlier,and Finlay was glad to have it.It took quite some doing,not letting the enemy listen in.
'Pull out now,Finlay.'Finch's message was also brief.
'What's wrong?'Finlay's response was too.
'They've got radio.No doubt calling in reinforcements.We have to move.Now.'
Finlay clearly heard the impatience in the last word spoken by Finch,but he made no comment.He knew Finch was right.With the enemy still having radio contact,they'd be in an impossible position to fight back,once superior numbers arrived on scene.It was time to leave.
Carefully,Finlay peered through his rifle's telescopic sight again,and checked how many of the enemy were still there.He noticed four of O'Rourke's men cowering behind a small brick wall,surrounded by thick bushes.He could see their movements,and was utterly confident that he could hit them,but he was still concerned about the people in the settlement.He then made a decision,as he spoke into his own radio.
'Jennings,Monty.You two stay behind and protect the settlement.'Finlay ordered them.'Report back to base,when the threat's eliminated.'
'Understood.'Montgomery's voice came back,confirming that.
Satisfied,Finlay turned to Paula Ann,and whispered.'Let's go.'
Both of them quietly disappeared,as did Hunt and Finch.Hunt at first,hadn't wanted to leave Jennings,but he'd given her a thumbs up,and she reluctantly moved away.
Still watching the four remaining men,Jennings and Montgomery had both decided not to eliminate them.They kept observing them calmly,and wanted to see what the four survivors would do.Jennings had already made several successful one shot kills on them,and like Finlay before him,he could have easily gunned them down.
However,he'd decided to wait,and this proved wise.Both men then heard the sound of a Sanna attack craft approaching.Also heard,was the sound of several trucks,and they were coming in at quite a speed.Both Jennings and Montgomery tensed,watching the alien ship.They knew the Sanna had infra-red scanners equipped.However,both men had anticipated this,and had made more than adequate precautions,to prevent their discovery.
Even so,they still watched the Sanna craft come in very close to their position.The ship hovered for a few moments,examining the area,before it then flew off.
The tension hadn't disappeared from Jennings and Montgomery's faces,as they saw several more trucks brake sharply to a halt.More armed men jumped out of these trucks,and they formed up into a sharp military formation.It was then,that Jennings and Montgomery recognised Harris and her second in command,Sanders,also exit from one of the trucks.
Harris had seen the dead bodies,long before she jumped out of the truck.As she did exit the truck though,she noticed there were a lot more bodies.
Sanders too,noticed,and he walked slowly to one of the corpses.He knelt down,examining the fatal hit on one of the men.Just as he expected,it was a single shot.Sniper.Sanders concluded correctly.
Harris had already set her eyes on the settlement,and she'd made her mind up to search it.She gestured sharply to her men to do so.
'Tear that place apart.'Harris coldly instructed them,and they all moved forward unquestioningly,determined to obey.
'Wait!'Sanders sharp tone halted them all in their tracks,and they all turned towards him.Not so Harris.Her face was like thunder,as she marched up to him.
'What the hell's wrong with you,Sanders?'Harris demanded.Her tone quite nasty.
Sanders didn't snarl back at her.Instead,he looked at the dead man he'd just examined,and then at the settlement.
'You won't find them in there,Harris.'His voice was quiet,but it had conviction,but it still didn't stop Harris,continuing to be nasty.
'What makes you say that,Sanders? They wouldn't have time to escape,so they'll be hiding nearby.The settlement makes it obvious.'
She gestured again at her men to proceed.Once they'd get into that place,Harris thought savagely,she was going to make sure everybody there suffered.
'I wouldn't do that,if I were you.'Sanders warned.He had a grim expectation what was coming.
'Save your breath,Sanders.'Harris sneered,before she turned to join her men,now running towards the settlement.
They had almost reached it,when there was the sound of a single shot echoing.Again,they all froze,except for the man standing next to Harris.Only he wasn't standing anymore.Harris watched his lifeless body fall.She just had time to see the man's forehead,now struck by the shot.
'Take cover!'Harris yelled instantly.
They all did,except Sanders.He'd remained where he was.Harris noticed him.
'Sanders! Get into cover,you fool!'She shouted angrily to him.Much to her ever increasing fury,Sanders ignored her.
Sanders had seen one of his men killed,but it didn't bother him.It was the shot he was interested in.That one he'd just heard,had been a very good one.He then moved over to the dead man,and knelt down beside the corpse.It didn't take him long to figure out the angle,where the shot had come from.This made him slowly stand,and he looked at a particular area.
Watching Sanders from his telescopic sight,Jennings studied him carefully.The man didn't look like one of O'Rourke's thugs,or one of Harris' cold blooded killers.Even so,he knew a threat once he saw one,but he held his fire,still watching Sanders.He then saw him exchange some words with Harris,which it seemed,that she didn't appreciate it.
'I said,let's pull out,Harris.'Sanders repeated himself,slightly irritated for doing so.
'You must be a fool,Sanders.'Harris sneered back.'The enemy is hiding in this place,and I'm going to make sure I find them.'
'I know exactly what you're going to do,Harris.'Sanders responded evenly.'But if you've got any sense,you won't go ahead with it.'
'What the hell are you talking about?'Harris was impatient to proceed,and rip the settlement apart,but she knew Sanders always gave sound advice.
'Let's just pull out.'Sanders spoke that for the third time.'Very quietly.'
One of the men refused to obey,as he suddenly made a dash for the settlement.He heard Sanders shout a warning to him,but it was too late.Another single shot was heard,and another body crumpled.
This made Harris finally realise what her opponents were doing.If she and her men were threatening the settlement,they'd be dealt with accordingly,and to make matters worse,they didn't have the capacity to retaliate.They had no snipers of their own,and no air support.The Sanna wouldn't come twice,not if they didn't see anything the first time.
Harris then slowly stood up,bracing herself for a possible shot,but there was none.She gestured to her men to fall back,and head back to the trucks.They did so,whilst Harris herself,moved up to Sanders.He was still looking in the same area he'd seen earlier.There was no sign of a glimmer of a telescopic sight,but Sanders knew he'd seen the enemy.However,he didn't reveal this to Harris.Instead,he gave an order to clear the dead,and load their bodies.Then,he silently headed back to the trucks.Harris too,looked in the direction Sanders had been observing,but of course,saw nothing.Even if she knew the enemy were there,there was nothing she could do.Fuming at this,Harris stalked back to the truck,but she couldn't resist a defiant shout.
'Whoever you are,you got lucky today,but I'll be waiting for you next time,and there is always a next time.You can bet your lives on that.'
If Harris hoped for a response,she was disappointed.There was nothing.She then angrily entered the truck,and they all drove off.
Jennings and Montgomery made sure they were well out of sight,before they made a final check on the area,just in case Harris had left anybody behind.Fortunately,she hadn't,and both men stood grimly up.
'Nasty piece of work,wasn't she?'Montgomery asked his friend.
'As expected.'Jennings nodded.
'Why didn't you shoot her? You had the chance.'
'I know.'Jennings admitted.'But that would have been to easy.When Harris dies,she's got to suffer.Anyway,if I had,that Sanders would have had no choice,but to take us out,but he didn't.'
'Why not?'
'When I looked at him through the scope,I could tell he wasn't like the rest of them.He stopped them from attacking the settlement.'
'That could have been a ploy to lure us out.'
'Possibly,but I don't think so.He got Harris to retreat from us.If he wanted to take us out,he would have done so.'
'Sounds like he should be fighting for us then.'Montgomery remarked,before turning to look at the settlement.There were a couple of people slowly coming out of hiding,and they were gazing at the two men.
'I hope these people will be okay,John.'Montgomery told him.There was full concern in his voice.
'Don't worry,Monty.'Jennings playfully punched his best friend's shoulder.'They'll be fine.I know it.'
'Okay.I hope you're right.'
Jennings then waved,at the now increasing amount of people now emerging.Much to his surprise,a few did wave back to him.He grinned at Montgomery,knowing it had been a successful mission.It had been close,but they'd defeated and driven a much superior enemy force off,threatening an innocent settlement,and without loss to themselves.
'I know I am,Monty.Trust me.'Jennings was totally confident there would be no reprisals by Harris or O'Rourke.He knew instantly Sanders,would put a stop to that barbaric practice.When it had happened,both he and Montgomery hunted them down,and dealt out their own reprisal.
'I still think Harris will try something.'Montgomery was now scanning the slowly disappearing trucks.
'No doubt,but it's us she's after.'Jennings told him.'She's cold and ruthless to everybody,so I'm pretty sure she'll leave this place alone.'
They kept watching the trucks,and although the vehicles did stop momentarily,nobody came out,and the trucks started up again.They then finally disappeared from view.
Satisfied at seeing that,Jennings then nodded to his friend.He then produced some more equipment from his battle pack,and started to place it on the ground,before covering it up.
'Monitor scanners.'Jennings explained.'If O'Rourke does come back here,we'll get to know that,before he does.'
'Good thinking.'Montgomery nodded,and then proceeded to help him.
After they'd done so,both men then moved into the settlement,and asked if anybody needed help.A couple of the inhabitants recognised them,and gratefully shook their hands.This pleased Jennings and Montgomery,knowing they were amongst friendly people.
After staying a while,and giving the people there some much needed reassurance,they both left the settlement.
There was no sign of any sudden attack from Harris,or even the Sanna returning.
Chapter 9 to follow...
NB.Well,I couldn't wait any longer to get this chapter up.Hope you enjoyed it.:)
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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