Finlay and Paula Ann had now entered their assigned area.They could see it was a bleak,mountainous terrain.There wasn't a single soul in sight,but that's how they both wanted it.
It hadn't taken them long to arrive here,as they were well experienced on travelling through hostile territory.Nobody had challenged them,and they knew when to hide,when the enemy became suspicious.
Whilst Paula Ann covered the rear,Finlay checked the area.He had a keen eye for memory,and knew what to remember.He knew they weren't far off,from their target.
Despite not seeing anybody,both Finlay and Paula Ann were still concerned.They knew the answer to this,as the Sanna had taken away most of the people,who had desperately tried to escape.There still should have been signs of some people,but neither saw anything.
As they advanced deeper into the mountains,Paula Ann asked.'How far now?'
'About another four hours.'Finlay answered her immediately.'Keep an eye out though.There might be scavengers here.'
'You don't have to tell me.'Paula Ann's response was confident.Like Finlay,she too,was a professional soldier.She knew how to kill,armed and unarmed.
Still carefully moving towards the hidden base,neither Finlay or Paula Ann were aware,that they were being watched.
Jennings woke with a start.He always did this after sleeping.This was due to his survival instincts,as Jennings had never felt comfortable in any place.Ambush was always a constant threat,and he'd swore never to fall into that trap.
He glanced around him,realising that there was no immediate threat.He then noticed the girl,Louise,who was actually sleeping beside him.She even had her hands on him,and her head rested on his chest.This reassured him,and he then spotted Montgomery standing by him.Another reassuring sight.
'Sleep well?'
'Okay,I guess.'Jennings shrugged at his friend.'How long?'
'You've been out for twelve hours.'
This surprised Jennings,as he didn't sleep that long.If more sleep made the body feel better,he certainly didn't feel it.
Knowing he had to get back up,Jennings gently,but firmly moved Louise's sleeping form off him.He got up,and began to check his gear.
'Anything new?'he asked,as he began to clean his rifle.
'Not that I'm aware off.'Montgomery admitted.'I'll go and see if Reynolds has anything for us.'
He left the sleeping area,and Jennings then noticed Louise waking up.He moved beside her,not wanting to leave her.
She looked up at him,smiling faintly,but warmly.
Jennings liked her greeting,and gave her a friendly grin in return.
'Hello,Louise.How are you feeling?'
'Starving.Anything for breakfast?'
'You're in luck.'Jennings had seen the food supply area,and knew there'd be something there for her.He was hungry too.
'I'll get you something nice.'he told her,before making to leave.'Wait here.I won't be long.'
'No!'Louise's protest was violent,as she grabbed his arm,clearly indicating that she didn't want him to go.'Please,don't go.'
Louise spoke the last part gently,and Jennings nodded,as he then offered his hand to her.'Okay,let's choose together.'
Her smile widened,as she too,stood up.Her grip on his arm,remained tight,as they left the sleeping area.
Once they'd both chosen their food,and some for Montgomery and Reynolds,they both headed back to the command room.
When they got there,they noticed Reynolds and Montgomery looking at one of the monitor screens.Reynolds saw their entry first,and gestured for them to come over.They both did so,and they could now see the carefully advancing figures,of Finlay and Paula Ann.
'Who are they?'Louise asked,not recognising them.
'Whoever they are.'Reynolds had also spotted a small group of scavengers,who were now observing the two of them.'They're walking into trouble.'
'Then we'd better give them a hand,hadn't we?'
'You're not serious?'Reynolds was slightly disbelieving.
'Never more serious.'Jennings told him.'Don't you recognise them? That's Finlay and Paula Ann.Two of General Grant's best people.'
'General who?'
'Never mind.'Jennings knew every second counted.'I'll explain later.'
He then turned to Louise,resting a gentle hand on her shoulder.
'Stay here,Louise,okay? You'll be safe here.'
'No way,John.'Louise shook her head adamantly.'I'm not leaving your side.'
'Please,Louise.'Jennings insisted.'Do as I ask.'
He could see her eyes were still defiant,but much to his relief,Louise nodded reluctantly to him.Then,Jennings turned to Reynolds.
'Look after her,okay? Don't let her leave.'
'You got it.'Reynolds nodded.'Don't worry.She'll be fine with me.'He noticed Jennings' look at him,and nodded again to him.'You can trust me.'
Jennings glanced over at Montgomery,who nodded back.
'Okay.Keep watching the screens,and keep us posted on their movements.'Jennings knew from past experience,that scavengers did work for collaborators like O'Rourke and Harris.They were dangerous,and had to be avoided if possible.
'Let's go.'Jennings told his friend,as he and Montgomery raced out of the command room,and began to climb up the long ladder.
Finlay was now starting to feel uneasy.He'd infiltrated many hostile environments,and knew when things weren't right.As of this present moment,Finlay felt things were not good at all.
As he led Paula Ann through the bleak terrain,Finlay sensed they were being watched.He had seen signs of this,and suspected scavengers.These people only looked after themselves,and didn't help anybody unfortunate enough,to come through their territory.Yet,they certainly helped themselves,once they'd disposed of the unfortunates.
He turned to Paula Ann,and gave her a warning sign,which she acknowledged.Finlay then checked out the rocky terrain for possible ambush points,and where they could take cover.There were plenty of possibilities,but Finlay felt confident he could pinpoint any attack on them.
They carried on,still confident,but remained tense.As they climbed up an embankment,Paula Ann suddenly lost her footing.She gave out a startled yelp,but fortunately,didn't crash onto the ground.
Finlay just managed to catch her.'You okay?'
'Yeah,sorry.'Paula Ann grinned back.'I hate this place.'
'Good job the Sanna do too.'Finlay though,agreed with her.This was perfect ambush territory.If they could find that underground base,they'd really have something to fight their enemies.
Suddenly,Finlay spotted two human figures,now running towards them.He could tell they were scavengers,by the way they were dressed.They were two men,armed with what appeared to be knifes.
Finlay could have easily gunned them down,but he didn't work that way.Instead,he gave a signal to Paula Ann to cover him,and he tensed,ready to tackle them.
The two scavengers,although appearing formidable,didn't really think out their attack.Both of them just ran straight at Finlay,who then made his move,once they lunged at him with their blades.
Quickly,Finlay used the butt of his rifle,smashing it into the first scavenger's midriff,causing the man to stop his attack.He instantly clutched his stomach area,and dropped to his knees in agony.
The second scavenger fared no better,as Finlay then grabbed his attacker's arm,and pulled it hard,straightening it,making the man scream out in more agony.A hard karate kick by Finlay,sent the second man reeling back.
The first scavenger was now trying to pick himself up,but Paula Ann reacted sharply to that.She had set her laser rifle to stun,and instantly shot the man.A quick second shot to his accomplice,also made both men stunned.
'Good shooting.'Finlay complimented,seeing the now two prone scavengers.
'Good moves.'Paula Ann returned it.
'We'd better move it.'Finlay kept his eyes open for any suspicious movements.'I bet there's more of them here.'
Paula Ann agreed,and they both quickened their pace.Finlay was actually getting anxious to find some shelter,seeing the night sky creeping in.He knew it would be bitterly cold,if they were both stupid enough to stay out here.
They hurried along,and hoped every step they took,got them nearer this hidden base.Both of them hoped it was worth it,but of course,they had Grant's word for it,so it was.
Grimly,Finlay and Paula Ann pressed on.They were still both determined,to reach their objective,when suddenly,from the corner of his eye,Finlay spotted something being thrown at them.
'Take cover!'he yelled instinctively,as he dived for the nearest cover himself.
Instantly,there was an explosion,which momentarily blinded Finlay and Paula Ann,and they didn't see two more scavengers,now eagerly racing towards them.More precisely,they headed towards Paula Ann's fallen figure.
One of the scavengers suddenly reached down,and yanked the still stunned girl up to her feet.He seized both her arms,pulling them tightly behind her,and clamped his hand over Paula Ann's mouth.His accomplice picked up her weapon,and aimed it at Finlay.
Finlay just heard his friend's muffled cry,and knew she was in trouble.He had to help her,but the blast from the grenade,was still affecting his eyesight.Finlay desperately tried to recover,and was actually doing so.
He'd just managed to regain his footing,with his sight slowly returning,when one of the scavengers struck him,by kicking him in his mid-riff this time,sending Finlay sprawling.
This however,had actually completed Finlay's recovery.He turned to face his assailant,standing slowly.His expression wasn't encouraging,as he saw the weapon aimed at him.His face also hardened,seeing Paula Ann being held and hand gagged.Her eyes were bulging at him.
'Looks like you're in the wrong place,at the wrong time.'The scavenger holding the rifle at him sneered.
'You'd better let her go.'Finlay's tone was hard too.
This only made the two scavengers laugh contemptuously at him.
'You don't understand,do you?'The man aiming the weapon at him,continued to sneer at Finlay.'You don't give the orders here.We do.'
'So what is it you want?'Finlay demanded,still desperately hoping for a chance,that these men may lower their guard.At the moment,they didn't,and Finlay didn't like hearing what the man said next.
'Turn around.'
'So you can shoot me in the back? No thanks.I'll see it coming.'
'Please yourself.'The scavenger gave him an evil grin.'I don't think your pretty lady friend here,isn't going to be too impressed by your efforts to rescue her.'
'Oh,you know the answer to why I can't.'Finlay just stopped clenching his fists.He still hadn't seen any weak spot yet.
'You're damn right!'The man was still sneering at him,before he jerked his head back,indicating Paula Ann.'We'll give the pretty young lady to O'Rourke.I'm sure she'll fetch an excellent price,and he'll enjoy ravishing her.'The scavenger was now smirking at Finlay.'You of course,won't be able to help her.'
With that said,the man raised his rifle,clearly going to shoot Finlay,and he kept smirking,enjoying hearing the girl's frantic,but muffled protests.
Finlay tensed,realising he needed a miracle to get out of this.This was a nightmare scenario,as he couldn't see a way out of this.True,he still had concealed weapons,including deadly knifes,but the moment he attempted to use one,the scavenger would simply shoot him down.For the first time in ages,Finlay was unsure of what to do.
Suddenly,there was the sound of a single shot,and Finlay instinctively dove down to the ground.He wasn't hit,but the scavenger previously aiming the gun at him,was now slowly crumpling to the ground.Finlay could see the man was dead,as his accomplice did.This made the second scavenger grip Paula Ann more tightly,and he started shouting furiously,although there was now fear evident in his tone.
'I'll kill her! I'll kill her!'The second man was desperately turning too,trying to figure out where the shot had come from.'Show yourself,or I'll break her neck!'
After a moment,somebody did show,as the three of them saw a tall,well built man stand up.He was dressed in combat clothing,and carrying a rifle.It was then,that Finlay suddenly recognised him.This was Jennings.
Finlay and Paula Ann had heard a lot about him.He was well experienced in battle,and he held many skills.They also knew he always fought with his best friend,Montgomery.A giant of a man,and like Jennings,was one of the few people,who could take on a Sanna trooper in unarmed combat,and still win.He and Paula Ann,had always wanted to meet these two men.They were both regarded in awe,by a lot of their people.Now,it looked as if they would get that chance,but Finlay was still puzzled how Jennings was going to save Paula Ann.
Jennings had successfully eliminated the scavenger threatening Finlay,with a well placed single sniper shot.He'd already agreed the plan of attack with Montgomery,to help the girl.He just had to wait for the right moment.
He continued to walk towards the man holding Paula Ann,still keeping his hand tightly over her mouth,and he tried to reason with him.
'Let her go.'Jennings told him calmly.
'Who the hell are you?'the scavenger was baffled by Jennings' sudden presence,but his eyes then settled on the rifle Jennings held.'Give me your weapon.'
His voice was curt,and there seemed to be some confidence returning,as he realised he still had the girl.However,Jennings wasn't having any of it.
'Look at me.'he told him,still calmly.
The man looked around frantically for a few moments,but he then did.This was what Jennings needed.The scavenger stopped moving his head to look at him,and suddenly,another single shot echoed.The second scavenger's head blew apart,and his lifeless body released Paula Ann,before joining his already dead accomplice.
'You okay?'Jennings asked Paula Ann.
Like Finlay,who was no walking towards them,Paula Ann clearly recognised Jennings.She then saw him wave at somebody behind her,and her eyes widened even more,as she and Finlay saw Montgomery heading down to them.Montgomery too,was carrying a rifle,that had finished the scavengers off.He had also returned his friend's wave.
'Thank you.'Paula Ann smiled gratefully to Jennings.'I owe you one.'
Jennings nodded politely to her,before he turned to Finlay.
'Are you hurt?'
'No,I'm okay.'Finlay then offered his hand to Jennings.'Thanks.We needed some help there,and I'm glad you were here.'
Jennings accepted Finlay's hand,and gave a polite smile to them.
'No problem.We picked you up a while ago,but saw these scavengers preparing to ambush you.I'm glad we could help.'
Jennings then made a thorough scan,on the nearby area.He wanted to get back into the base.
'Follow me.'He simply said,and promptly ran back towards it.Finlay and Paula Ann followed,as Montgomery covered their rear.Soon,there was only the empty,desolate terrain with the two scavenger corpses visible.Looking back at the two dead men,Jennings now knew their bodies would soon be set upon,by the same type of people.
No doubt they're already on their way here.Jennings grimly thought.He and Montgomery knew this area very well,and also knew it wasn't a place to stand around in.Jennings had heard one of the scavengers,mentioning O'Rourke's name.This was bad news,but both he and Montgomery fully expected it.It was common knowledge,that O'Rourke and Harris,had these type of people employed as their spies.
Grimly,Jennings quickened his pace,as Montgomery,Finlay and Paula Ann did too.
Chapter Five to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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