Jennings led Finlay and Paula Ann back to the cave entrance.So far,they encountered no more opposition,but all of them still kept their eyes peeled though,as they knew it only took a careless moment,before a hidden enemy could strike.
As it was,they reached their objective safely,and Jennings headed straight over to the area,where the superbly hidden cover lay.The cover slowly opened,and they could now see the steel ladder,leading downwards into the base.
Jennings didn't hesitate,as he lowered himself onto the ladder rungs again.He then started his descent.Finlay and Paula Ann didn't hesitate either,as they too moved onto the ladder,and began climbing down after Jennings.Montgomery made a final check,to make sure they weren't being observed,before he joined them.
The four of them safely reached the bottom,and Jennings led the way into the base.The first thing he noticed,was Louise standing waiting for him.She instantly moved up,and gave him a joyful,warm embrace.He returned it.
'I'm glad you're okay,John.'Louise told him,and she meant it,giving him a warm kiss on his chhek.This was of course,noticed by Finlay and Paula Ann.Both thought the girl,was very pretty.Long dark brunette hair,that just fell past her shoulders,and she had warm friendly eyes.
Louise then looked at the two new arrivals,instantly hugging into Jennings more.Finlay tried to reassure her.
'Hello.'He gave Louise a friendly smile,and Paula Ann also did the same.Louise gave no reaction,but her eyes remained wary of them.She remained firmly hugging into Jennings.
'It's okay,Louise.'Jennings reassured her.'They're good guys.'
'And lucky ones at that.'Finlay was still smiling.'You saved mine and Paula Ann's necks.'
'No problem.'Jennings could see they were both weary,and then offered them to follow him.They both accepted.
He led them to the sleeping areas,and noticed the grateful look on Finlay and Paula Ann's expressions,as they saw a clean bed.
'You can sleep anywhere you wish.'Jennings gestured at the empty beds.'There's plenty spare.'
'Thanks.'Finlay nodded his gratitude.'We sure could use the sleep,especially after that trip.'
'I'll bring some food for you.'Jennings told them,and made to leave,when Finlay's voice stopped him.
'Thanks for helping us out there.I wasn't sure if we could get out of that one.'
Jennings just nodded,but his eyes showed his appreciation.Then,he left them.
Once he'd gone,Finlay chose a bed,and began to prepare for sleep.He hoped he could sleep a lot,as it had been so long since he and Paula Ann had.However,he did sense they were a bit more safer here.
You hope.Finlay grimly thought to himself,but he looked over at Paula Ann.
'What do you think?'
'They're the good guys.'She answered him confidently.'I can always tell if they're not.That Jennings' eyes.They showed humanity,and it was the same with Montgomery too.'
'Good to know we're amongst friends then.'Finlay was glad to say that.He still wasn't sure how they'd react,when he'd tell them he was assuming command here.Hopefully,it would be okay,but right now,Finlay needed rest.
Jennings didn't take long to return,as he handed out food cartons.Both Finlay and Paula Ann accepted gratefully,before he left them again.Both ate in silence,before sheer exhaustion overcame them,and they fell into a deep sleep.
It was Finlay who woke up first,and he saw Jennings standing there,calmly observing him.
'Good morning.'Jennings greeted him.'Sleep well?'
Finlay still felt exhausted,but he knew he had indeed,slept very well.
'How long?'he asked.
'Twelve hours.'Jennings answered.'You want to wake your friend up? We're going to have a council of war.'
He then left them,and Finlay moved over to wake Paula Ann.
When they both found their way to the command room,they could all see Reynolds examining the monitor screens,showing the outside terrain.So far,there was no sign of any hostile Sanna,or human.Montgomery was there too,whilst Louise was still by Jennings' side.
'Everything's clear.'Reynolds informed them all.'No hostiles.'
'That's a relief.'Montgomery nodded,before he turned his gaze to Finlay and Paula Ann.'So what brings you two here then?'
'Orders from General Grant.'Finlay knew it was time to tell them their mission.'He was very concerned,that there was no organised resistance here.He wants me to set up a well armed group,which will give the Sanna and their friends,some nasty surprises.'
'So you're assuming command,are you?'Reynolds asked him,with a trace of sarcasm.
'If you accept it.'Finlay responded quite reasonably.He glanced at Jennings,before continuing.'I'm sure Jennings knows my record.Myself and Paula Ann have inflicted some serious losses on the Sanna,but we can't do it alone.If we have more people,and people with the right skills,there's a good chance we can kick the Sanna off our planet.'
'You're not serious?'Montgomery asked.His own gaze,somewhat incredulous.
'Never more so.'This time,Paula Ann spoke.It had the desired effect,as they all glanced in her direction.'If you'll have read our intelligence reports,there's something big happening.More and more are joining our cause,and we've begun preparations for a massive assault,on several key Sanna targets.'
'Me and Monty have seen them.'Jennings confirmed that for her.
'What do you think of them?'Finlay asked this time.
Jennings and Montgomery glanced at each other,before the former answered.
'Personally,it is good news that our people are finally seeing the Sanna,for what they really are.However,I do think General Grant,is being a little over ambitious.'
'You've got to be careful,you know that.'Jennings explained.'Just because a lot of new people are now joining the fight,it doesn't necessarily mean they're on the same side.'
Both Finlay and Paula Ann knew what Jennings was saying.but Finlay responded first.
'Yes,you're right,Jennings.We have actually rooted out a lot of traitors.I still believe in Grant's plan.He's worked damn hard on it.'
'And no doubt I hope it is successful.'Jennings nodded,knowing Grant was also on their side.'What I'm saying to you,Finlay,is that this area is totally loyal to the Sanna cause.You will of course,have checked out the intelligence on their forces here,especially their human allies.'
'We have.'Finlay remembered Grant's briefing.'I understand there's quite a nasty piece of work here,called O'Rourke?'
'Not just him.'Reynolds interjected.'He has a vicious second in command,known as Harris.She's ten times worse than he is.I wouldn't be taken prisoner by them.'
'Yes,I know about her.'Finlay agreed with that.'It will be a pleasure,to bump her off.'
'Wouldn't we all?'Reynolds also agreed.'But first,you've got to get to her.She and O'Rourke have a strong,practically impregnable base.You'd be an idiot to attack them there.'
'Well,there's always a weak point.'Finlay knew that.He had plenty of practice,assaulting heavily defended bases.He would see what this one was like,and soon.
'You accept me,as your commanding officer then?'Finlay asked them,looking at them all intently.Much to his surprise,and relief,all three men nodded their approval to him.
'I'm glad you agreed.'Finlay's voice was full of relief.'I wasn't sure how you'd react.'
'Any enemy of the Sanna,or O'Rourke,is a friend of ours.'Montgomery told him.
'I'm sure glad you're on my side.'Finlay looked up at Montgomery.He just couldn't believe,how powerful this man looked.The war stories he'd heard about him and Jennings,were simply awesome.He and Paula Ann had listened to them all,and had been somewhat sceptical at first.Having seen them in action however recently,they now believed every word off it.
'What do you want to do first?'Reynolds asked Finlay.
'Find some things out first.For starters,what is the Sanna strength here? When myself and Paula Ann entered this territory,we didn't see any Sanna at all.'
'You won't either.'Reynolds answered.'They hardly ever come here,leaving it to O'Rourke.He and Harris do what they like.'
'Which is?'
'Well,they're both dangerous snakes,but Harris is the one you got to watch out for.She hunts down people like us,who can spread the word about what the Sanna are really like.O'Rourke just amuses himself in his base.He's known to have kidnapped quite a few young women.Rumour has it,that he enjoys himself,once he's got them secure.'
'No rumour,I assure you.'Finlay's response was firm.'How big is his force?'
'He's got enough.You couldn't take them on your own,that's for sure.'
'Okay.'Finlay had already made his mind up,on his next mission.'We'll watch his force,and see what they get up too.I take it there are still settlements here?'
'There are.'Louise spoke for the first time in ages.So much so,that Jennings glanced at her in surprise.'You won't find many people there though.O'Rourke has patrols there,and they look for girls to grab for him,and they beat up anybody who stands up to them,or even worse.'
'Where,Louise?'Jennings asked her gently.
'It was where they grabbed me.'Louise then moved up to a map,still holding onto Jennings' hand.She's not going to let go of him.Finlay thought.
Louise pointed at the place on the map.
'Here's where I was abducted.It's just a small town,but there are plenty of O'Rourke's thugs there.It was impossible to escape from them.'
'Why did they grab you?'Paula Ann didn't really want to ask that,but she did.
Louise glanced at Jennings,who answered Paula Ann's question.
'Not too long ago,myself and Monty were placing home made bombs,on a Sanna base.I got caught,and they brought Louise in,using her as a hostage.'He didn't reveal what the Sanna were going to do to her.'Fortunately,Monty managed to get back in,and help us out.'
'I'm glad to hear it.'Finlay would be interested to hear that full story,but right now,he'd chosen his plan of attack.
'You and me will go there.'Finlay looked at Jennings.'We'll see what O'Rourke's thugs get up too,and we'll teach them a lesson.'
'I'm going with Jennings.'Montgomery's voice made it clear,he wasn't going to take no for an answer.
'Of course.'Finlay nodded.He was actually glad Montgomery would be coming.He had heard this man terrified many enemies,by them simply looking at him.Only a complete and utter fool,would dream of taking him on,in an unarmed duel.
Finlay turned to Paula Ann.'You stay here,and make sure you help Louise,okay?'
'Of course.'Paula Ann was only too glad to help.She hoped she could strike up a good friendship with Louise,but sensed that would be tough.The girl hardly ever left Jennings' side,and when he had to leave her,it was a very tough thing to do.Added to that,Louise watched them all suspiciously.The only exemption,apart from Jennings,was Montgomery.Maybe in time.Paula Ann thought hopefully.
'You know anybody else,that might be interested in joining us?'Finlay asked.
'Hunt will.'Jennings answered.
'Who is that?'
'You definitely don't want her as an enemy,that's for sure.'Jennings explained.'She's an expert sniper,and a damned good soldier too.I trained her.She can cover our backs.'
'Okay,grab your gear,and let's go.'Finlay ordered briskly.
Jennings and Montgomery already had it ready,and the three of them raced out of the base.
Chapter Six to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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