Jennings was the first to climb to the top of the ladder,and he waited for the cover to open.It did so immediately,and after a cautious peek,he climbed back out into the cave.Finlay followed him,then Montgomery.
The three of them waited to see the cover close back into place,before they moved to the cave's entrance.After a thorough check to see they were not being observed,they hurried out,and grimly made their way through the bleak wilderness.
Jennings led the way,as he and Montgomery knew this area so well.If they were seen by an enemy,they would make sure they held the advantage.Both men kept to the high ground,where they could get a good view.From these points,it was virtually guaranteed,that they'd spot the enemy first,and they always did.
Fortunately,there were no nasty surprises,and the three of them made it safely out of the mountains.Although of course,they still weren't safe,as they were now entering a more populated area.They knew the enemy were much more stronger here.
The three men found a good hiding spot,and waited.Finlay was tense,but he trusted Jennings and Montgomery.He felt they had a good chance of succeeding here.
In the distance,they could see their target.A small town,which appeared deserted,but Finlay knew they were quite some distance away.They'd get a better idea up closer.
One of the most critical things a soldier needed,was a good knowledge of the territory.In this case,they could scan for potential ambush sites,and also prepare their own.More precisely,Hunt could easily spot any hidden enemy,and she would be able to take them down.
This thought was currently dominating Jennings' mind,and he wanted to make sure Hunt was in position.Of course,he knew she would be.Hunt had never let him down,and he knew she never would.To Jennings and Montgomery,Hunt was a fierce,yet loyal fighter.To the Sanna and their human allies,she was a dangerous enemy.
Jennings took out a pair of binoculars,and scanned the area intently.Hunt hadn't told him where she would be,but had assured him she'd be there.That was all Jennings needed to know.He avoided making contact with her,well aware the enemy would be listening in.When the fight started,they wouldn't bother with that.
Finlay crawled up to Jennings,making sure he stayed low.His expression was slightly worried.
'Are you sure this Hunt will be here?'He asked Jennings.
'She'll be here.'Jennings confirmed it for him.
'How can you be so sure?'
'Because she's a friend.'Jennings then scanned the settlement once more.He could just about make faint human figures there,and looked at Montgomery.His best friend was readying his own weapon,a deadly powerful sniper rifle.Jennings knew Hunt used the same type of weapon.It was a Barratt .50 calibre.An old weapon,but it still did the job.This was one of the few,and highly effective weapons,that could easily penetrate Sanna battle armour.Jennings,Montgomery and Hunt,had used this weapon to deadly effect many times.
Finlay watched Jennings peering through his binoculars,and decided to do the same.He took out his own binoculars,and scanned the settlement up ahead.As far as he could see,Finlay saw nothing unusual,but he was well aware that this was his new friends turf.
He did however,see several groups of armed men,in the settlement.There were two large trucks,that had rear coverings.Neither Finlay or Jennings,could see what was in them,but they both wanted to find out.Both of them exchanged knowing glances,and nodded at each other.
Montgomery had already prepared his weapon,and peered through the telescopic sight on it.He saw no sign that the enemy were watching them,and he made a forward gesture with his arm,signalling for them to go.Jennings and Finlay didn't hesitate,as they both hurried towards the settlement,but still keeping themselves unseen.
When they got close enough,the two mens faces hardened,once they saw what was going on.They made sure they got close to the two trucks,but several of the armed men,were taunting anybody unfortunate to walk by them.Both Finlay and Jennings could see the men,were especially interested in any young woman,who happened to come into their sight.Instantly,the men went straight for her,and seized her.Finlay and Jennings watched with teeth clenched,as two very pretty girls,were roughly seized.The two unfortunate girls had their hands tied behind their backs,and were gagged with black tape.They were then carried struggling,and put into the truck's rear.It was then,that Jennings and Finlay noticed,what was in the two trucks.
'The next one they go for,'Jennings turned to Finlay,his tone deadly serious.'I'll help her,and create a diversion.Hunt and Monty will do the rest.We'll make sure these thugs,won't hurt anybody else again.'
'Got it.'Finlay agreed,and tensely waited,readying his weapon for firing.He didn't want a bloodbath here,and was anxious to avoid any civilian casualties,but he sensed Jennings and his friends,wouldn't let that happen.The place was practically deserted anyway,but people were still present.
It didn't take long for O'Rourke's men,to see their next target.A very pretty girl,with short jet black hair,now suddenly found herself facing a group of grinning,eagerly anticipating men.Her eyes widened in fear,seeing them advancing menacingly on her.She tried to flee,but one of the men blocked her escape attempt,and grabbed her.
'Let go of me!'The girl screamed it out,a lot in anger,but mostly fear.However,her protests were ignored by the men,as the man holding her,sniffed her hair.
'We sure got a pretty catch here,lads.'he smirked,keeping a tight hold on the girl.'I think O'Rourke will be pleased to have you,my dear.'
O'Rourke's name being mentioned,made the girl scream in more fear,and still grinning smugly,her captors parted way,as she was dragged towards the truck.
She was forced roughly to face the side of it,when the man gripping her,pulled her arms roughly behind her.He kept a tight hold on her wrists,as one of his colleagues threw him a long coil of rope.Within a minute,he'd securely tied the girl's hands behind her.She was then forced to face her captors again,and one of them applied,a large strip of black tape over the girl's mouth,ensuring her silence.
The man who gagged her,suddenly delved into her bag she was carrying.The girl's eyes were still bulging,when she saw the man smirking at her.
'Now,let's find out who the pretty lady's name,shall we?'the man found her ID card,and whistled appreciatively,seeing the girl's photograph.'Miss Kelly Finch,and you have a military family background.Well now,isn't that interesting?I'm sure Harris and O'Rourke,would just love to have a chat with you on that.'
Kelly could only stare at him,totally shocked.She was fully aware of Harris and O'Rourke's reputations.Being held by them,and to make it worse,being interrogated,was the last thing you wanted.Yet,what could she do? Kelly felt helpless,and her despair increased dramatically,when she heard the same man order.
'Get her on the truck,and put her with the others.Let's take them back.'
Kelly mumbled fearfully into her tape gag,as the man seized her,preparing to lift her into the back of the truck.Kelly could hear more gagged noises,and knew there was plenty of other girls they'd taken.She was now these mens latest captive,and her screams for help,appeared to go unheeded.That is,until she heard a man's sharp voice come in.
'Hold it right there.'
All the armed men spun around in total surprise,to face a single,tall man,who stood still,but his expression wasn't friendly,neither had been the tone in his voice.
'Let her go.'Jennings ordered them curtly.
The surprise soon vanished from his opponents faces,as the confident,smug looks returned.The man holding Kelly,stood staring at Jennings for a few moments.The man didn't appeared armed.This didn't bother him,or any of his colleagues at all.
'Going to stop us,are you?'The man sneered,tightening his grip on the girl.
'Yes,I am.'Jennings replied,still not smiling at them.'However,if you let the young lady go,and all the others you've wrongly taken,you've got a chance to live.'
There was only sneering laughter as Jennings said that,but that was what he hoped to hear.This time,he did give the men a smile,but it wasn't a pleasant one,and his opponents knew it.They stopped laughing,and began to circle Jennings,readying their own weapons to fire at him.
'I wouldn't do that,if I were you.'Jennings warned them.
'Or else,what?'The same man had stopped laughing,although his sneer hadn't.'What are you going to do about it? Take us all on,by yourself? You'd be dead within a second.'
'On the contrary.'Jennings was still giving them his meaningful smile.'it's you lot,who are dead.'
With lightning speed,Jennings suddenly threw out a deadly blade,which struck the man holding Kelly,right into his temple.There was a look of complete,and utter astonishment on the man's face,as he crumpled to the ground,releasing Kelly's bound and gagged form.
Jennings reacted quickly,springing forward to catch her,and he instantly raced away with her.The rest of O'Rourke's men were totally stunned for a few moments,unable to move at what they'd just seen.By the time they did react,Jennings had disappeared,carrying the girl with him.
They'd just decided to pursue,when there was a booming shot.It caused one of O'Rourke's men,to disintergrate completely.There was hardly anything left of his corpse.Shocked,the rest of O'Rourke's group suddenly realised they were under sniper attack,and desperately scrambled for cover.There was another booming shot,which hit it's target,killing another one of O'Rourke's men,with the same shattering result.This made the rest of O'Rourke's men cower even more,dreading if they were going to be next.They all froze.
Quickly,Jennings carried Kelly back to where Finlay was observing.He gently laid Kelly on the ground,and released her from her bonds and gag.He then put his hand on her shoulder.
'You okay,Miss?'
Kelly nodded.'Thanks,but who are you?'
'Friends.'Jennings responded truthfully.'Stay down,okay?Don't run.'
He was pleased to see her nod again,and Jennings then bought his own weapon into play.He knew he had to be careful,knowing there were still innocent civilians held captive,in the back of those trucks.He looked over to Finlay,who nodded his approval,and together,they began to advance on the stunned enemy.
None of O'Rourke's men stood up to challenge them,but Jennings and Finlay knew they had to be quick.There was always the strong chance,that they could have radioed O'Rourke for reinforcements.They just hoped they hadn't.
Both men fired several short,but deadly accurate bursts,hitting and killing each target they aimed at.Added to their own guns,Hunt and Montgomery,also made short work of their own targets.Within a minute,the shooting stopped,and the ground was littered with the blood strewn corpses,of O'Rourke's men.
Grimly,Jennings and Finlay moved to the rear of the trucks.Whilst Finlay covered him,Jennings climbed into each one,and couldn't believe the sight he was seeing.
The whole truck was filled with several,really drop dead gorgeous girls,but Jennings could see their predicament.All had been tightly bound and gagged,and they were all mumbling fearfully,behind their tape gags at him.
'It's okay,ladies.'Jennings reassured them all.'You're free.'
He pulled out one of his combat knifes,which made the girls cringe fearfully,but they had no need to worry.Jennings used the blade,to cut them all free,and he gently removed all their tape gags.With that done,the girls all began to hug him gratefully.A couple of them sobbed in utter relief.Jennings tried to comfort,and reassure them all,but knew he had to get them out of here,and fast.He moved to the rear of the truck,calling over Finlay to watch over them.As Finlay came over,Jennings jumped out of the truck,and jumped into the second truck.The same sight greeted him as before.Many young,and highly attractive girls,sat tightly bound and gagged too,but Jennings didn't hesitate this time.He quickly moved forward to free them all.
Once he'd done so,and managed to calm the slightly hysterical girls down,Jennings then jumped back down,and after nodding to Finlay,he hurried into the drivers seat.Finlay did the same,and within moments,both men had driven the trucks out of the settlement,and left the corpse strewn scene.
Still peering through their telescopic sights,Hunt and Montgomery scanned intently,for any enemy they could spot.However,they saw nothing,but only their victims.Grimly,they both knew they couldn't hang around,and after gathering their gear,they both quietly slipped away.
Chapter Seven to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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