With a desperate look on Kelly's face,glancing down at the counting down clock beside her legs,she continued to frantically struggle against the many,but tight ropes holding her to one of the labaratory's table legs.
Her wrists had been crossed behind her back,and the masked men who'd burst in here earlier,had done a thorough job of tying strong coils of white rope over them.
Not only that,but they'd also tied loops of ropes over her ankles,as well as her thighs and knees.Kelly was wearing light brown nylons,and her legs tied up this way,gave her,an almost sexy appearance.There were even many horizontal loops of ropes tied above and under her breasts.Wearing her buttoned up white lab coat,Kelly must have appeared very sexy indeed.
Kelly remembered the masked men who'd tied her up,had thoroughly enjoyed doing so.They'd caught her completely by surprise.She'd been studying through a microscope,when a hand had clamped hard over her mouth,with the unpleasant feeling of a pistol,also being jammed into her neck.
'Don't move or scream your pretty head,'It was a man's voice whispering into her ear.'You'll regret it,if you don't obey.Nod,if you're going to be sensible.'
Kelly had to nod.How on earth could she resist? It was then,that she was forced to sit on the floor,when she heard the man who'd grabbed her say:
'Right,tie her up and gag her,and don't forget what we came for.'
'Wh-what do you want?'She'd managed to stammer fearfully.
'Quiet!'The man's voice had been low,but sharp enough to deter Kelly from asking him more questions.
The men had bound her efficiently,securing her to the table leg,and had even wrapped the loops of rope around the furniture piece,firmly tying Kelly to it.
One of the men had then pushed Kelly's legs together,so that her ankles were right next to the table leg.The man then added another couple of loops around the girl's ankles,and tied the extra loops to the leg tightly.
Kelly was just making the first of her frantic struggles,when she felt her chin gripped firmly by one of the men.With her eyes bulging,she then saw the man stuff a balled up hankerchief into her mouth.A large rectangular piece of white tape,was then forced over her mouth.Kelly realised with more dismay,that she was now tightly bound and gagged.She was completely at the mercy of these men,whoever they were.
Once her captors had been satisfied their prisoner was secure,they then started to tear the labatory apart.
Kelly had no idea what they were looking for,as the men flung open draws,cupboards,and swept the tables,flinging a lot that was on there.
Suddenly,one of the men had found something,as he held a notebook.He then called one of his accomplices over,and handed it over to him.
Shocked,Kelly now realised what they were after.Those were her notes for an anti-virus,that would effectively stop any deadly chemical weapon.Still watching them with huge,frightened eyes,Kelly wondered if they were terrorists.
'Good,'she heard the man reading the notebook say.'Get on the phone to the boss.Tell her we have it.'
Their boss is a woman?Kelly was even more stunned.Whoever she was,then she had to be one of the bad guys,if she'd planned this.
One of the men had made a call on his mobile,and had immediately made contact.He then handed the mobile over.
'We got it,boss,'the man who'd ordered the call,now spoke positively.'I have it here in my hand.'
'Excellent!'A woman's voice responded,obviously very pleased.'I trust there were no problems?'
This made the man turn to face Kelly,and he smiled at his captive through the mask,which Kelly didn't like at all.
'Just one pretty girl we found working here,'the man informed.'She's tied up for the moment though.'
'I see,'the woman's voice suddenly became more menacing.'You'd better dispose of her.I don't want any problems.'
'You're certain?'the man had to admit he wasn't keen hearing his new orders.
'I don't want any witnesses,and alive,she may still pose a problem,'the woman's voice now held a hard edge.
'We can use her as a hostage.'The man made another attempt to save the girl.He had to admit,she was very pretty,admiring Kelly's shoulder length black hair.She had a magnificent chest.Not surprising,with the way the ropes tied above and below her chest were.
Unfortunately for Kelly,the woman's voice showed no mercy.
'Get rid off her,and don't leave any trace you were there.'
The woman then abruptly ended the call,leaving the man to slowly lower the mobile.He then turned to face the sitting,bound and gagged girl.
Kelly could see from the man's eyes what had just taken place,and her own eyes pleaded at him.She desperately tried to speak,but the gag kept her silent.
It was then Kelly's horrified suspicions were confirmed,as she watched a couple of the men kneel down beside her,and put something on the floor next to her.
Kelly could see it was some kind of steel box,but she clearly saw the digital clock display on it,and much to her dismay again,one of the men made some adjustments on it,before he then set it carefully down next to her.
Now terror stricken,Kelly could see the digital display had been set for thirty minutes.She only had half an hour to live!Her struggles against her bonds,were now more frantic.
Satisfied at that,the men then exited the lab,leaving the man who'd taken the call earlier.He then moved over,to kneel down beside her.
'Believe it or not,'he fingered Kelly's cheek gently.'I did want to bring you with us.You would have made a very pretty hostage,but orders are orders.We got what we came for,and now it's time to go.'
He then lifted Kelly's chin up,and gave her a kiss on her gagged mouth.Kelly closed her eyes,utterly revolted,but still helpless to his touch.
The man then stood up,chuckling,and now realising time was of the essence,quickly left the lab.
Kelly still kept on desperately trying to free herself,as she pulled like mad against the many tight ropes,but not one of them budged.
She tried to scream repeatedly for help,but again,she was gagged too tight.There wasn't a hope she could get somebody's attention,even if they were in the next room.
The digital clock continued to count down beside her,and Kelly's efforts grew more and more frantic.
Her time was running out...
The End?
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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