Still perfectly camoflagued,Jennings and Montgomery continued to observe their unsuspecting enemy.
There was nothing that was happening,but both men stayed fully alert.They still had their mission to complete,and kept their eyes sharp on the many,well armed patrolling men around the house.
So far,everything was proceeding normally.The enemy were still unaware of their presence,and there was a good chance they could pull this off.
Montgomery was scanning through his binoculars,when he spotted something.He could see a jeep with Andrea driving it,now pull up outside the mansion.
Armed men were waiting by the entrance,and both Jennings and Montgomery could see through their own scopes,that both men were eyeing Andrea up.She was after all,very pretty.
They watched Andrea enter the house,and disappear from their view,when suddenly,there was an incoming call on their radio.
'Jennings,Montgomery,'it was Grant's voice.'Has the girl returned yet?'
'Yes sir,'Montgomery reported back.'She's just arrived,and gone into the house.'
'Good.I've given her a tracking device.Make sure you don't lose sight of her.'
'Anything else to report?'Grant should have really admonished Montgomery,for forgetting to call him 'sir',but he didn't.He was very pleased to have these people under his command,and he certainly needed them on a mission like this.
It was then,that Jennings nudged his friend,nodding at another two vehicles now arriving outside the mansion.One was a large truck,whilst behind it,was another jeep,which carried two women.
'Two more enemy vehicles,'This time,it was Jennings who reported,and his face hardened,as he then watched Gustav's troops go round to the rear,and easily carry out the bound and gagged women Grant,Hunt and Andrea had seen earlier.
'They've seized more civilians.All women,'Jennings kept his eye on through the telescopic sight,and could do nothing,but only watch as the new prisoners were carried inside.'They've took them in,boss.'
'Okay,'Grant's voice sounded determined.'Hold your position and deal with any threat.Me and Hunt are going in.We'll call you when its time.Understood?'
The two women who had followed Andrea,now made their way back to Gustav.He hadn't left the swimming pool area,and watched as the two came up to him.
'Ah,Michelle,Daniella,'Gustav was pleased to see both his women smiling.Here were two of his loyal employees.They were both highly attractive women,tall too,and deadly.'Good news,I trust?'
'Yes,Mister Gustav,'The girl known as Daniella spoke first.'Andrea is definitely up to no good.She definitely met with somebody,but it was impossible to see who she talked to.'
'No matter,'Gustav was now smiling.'I'm certain we'll find out soon enough.Besides,'his smile turned ominous,'we still have Miss Lee secure,and I'm sure our pretty Andrea will be concerned for her friend's safety.'
Both Daniella and Michelle gave approving smiles.
'She certainly is pretty,'Michelle admitted.'I'd love to have some time with her,just like that Chinese girl tied up.'
'Indeed,Michelle?'Gustav raised an eyebrow at her.Seeing Michelle's confirming nod,he went on,'Well,why not? If you can discover her making the wrong move,I leave it at your discretion.'
'Thank you,sir,'Michelle replied gratefully.So grateful was she,that she leaned forward to give her master,a deep and loving kiss.
Gustav fully enjoyed her kiss,and would have liked to have it continue,but he then broke away,and smacked Michelle's rump.
'Business first,my dear.You and Daniella go and take care of our pretty spy,but remember,I want you to catch her in the act.Once you've done so,bring her to me.'
Scowling slightly,Michelle backed away,but her new orders pleased her.So quickly,she gave a curt nod to Daniella,and they both hurried away to find their prey.
Watching the two women go,Gustav smirked to himself.Both Daniella and Michelle were definitely his favourites.As well as being stunning beauties,he'd also seen them fight,and they were both highly skilled.He'd seen them over-power Angela Lee.The pretty Chinese girl had given a good account of herself,when she'd been forced to fight his two deadly females.Gustav had enjoyed watching the fight,and admitted to himself,that Angela had landed in several good blows,but of course,with Daniella and Michelle eager,and well experienced fighters,there was always going to be one outcome.
And so it proved.After successfully knocking their opponent out,both had dragged Angela away,and on Gustav's orders,taken her to a room,and then bound and gagged her.She'd been left under guard ever since,until Gustav decided what to do with her.
At the moment,Gustav was thinking of something nasty,and it made him smile.If all went well,he'd have another two,very pretty additions to his collection.
With that in mind,Gustav decided to go down and check on the girl.He abruptly rose up,and told his admiring female crowd he'd be back soon.Then,he left the swimming pool area,and entered the house.
It didn't take him long to reach the room where the girl was held.When he opened the door,Gustav was so pleased to see Angela where he'd last left her.
She was still sitting on the hard backed wooden chair,where Daniella and Michelle had forced her onto.One of his men was also there,armed to the teeth,and keeping an eye on his prisoner.He was also pleased to see the girl still tightly tied up.Both his girls had done an excellent job at this,but Gustav still liked to inspect and make sure.
The girl had watched his entry with alarm,but of course,she couldn't say anything to him.A tight,white cleave gag,had been secured into Angela's mouth,and all she could do,was mumble faintly behind it.
Chuckling quietly,Gustav walked around to the back of the chair,and then inspected the strong,brown hemp ropes tied over Angela's wrists.It only took a second to satisfy him,that the girl was still secure.Added to Angela's discomfort,more of the ropes had been wound over her upper body,tightly lashing her to the chair.Her ankles had been forced to one of the chair's lower struts,and both were tied tightly together there.Gustav was pleased,knowing his prize wasn't going anywhere,until he decided otherwise.
He then walked back round to face Angela,and knelt down.Gustav then began to stroke her cheek.An action that Angela tried to jerk her head away,but he cruelly laughed,as he then seized her chin,forcing him to look at him.
'I have some good news for you,Miss Lee,'Gustav told her,still keeping his hold on her chin.'You might be having some company join you soon.'
He was pleased to see the girl's eyes widen,and knew who she was thinking about.
'That's right,my dear,'Gustav went on.'Andrea did a very good job avoiding my suspicions,but thanks to some priceless help,I'm afraid her spying days are almost up,but I'm sure you'll be glad to be back in each others company.'He grinned maliciously.'Tied up,of course.'
Angela could only stare helplessly.There was no way she could help or warn Andrea,that the bad guys were now closing in on her friend.Being in this monster's clutches left her feeling desperate,and all Angela could do was pray that help was on its way,and fast.
Still alarmed,Angela then watched Gustav lean forward,and surprisingly,he jerked her gag away.This made Angela spit out the balled up cloth,that had been forced into her mouth by those two horrible women.It was a huge relief for Angela,that she could breathe normally again.
Even so,Angela kept her eyes sharp on her captor,as she knew Gustav was a real nasty piece of work.
'Aren't you going to untie me?'Angela asked carefully.'I've been tied up here for ages!'
'Not just yet,my dear,'Gustav's reply disappointed her.'I like seeing you like that.However,I'm sure you'll agree,that one good turn deserves another.'
'Like what?'
'Well for a start,you're going to tell me who you're working for,and what you've told them,and any future plans that may be in operation against me.'
Angela now glared at him,still struggling against her tight bonds.
'I'm not going to tell you anything.You're a monster.'
'I agree I can be a monster,my pretty,'Gustav chuckled into Angela's face.He then started to stroke her tied legs,making the girl yelp in shock.'However,it's not something I want to do to you.You're very pretty,so I won't lay a hand on you:But you will tell me what I want to know,Miss Lee.'
He then glanced up at the guard,and nodded to him.In response,the guard then handed him,a small box.When Gustav opened it,Angela's fear increased,when she suddenly recognised,an ominous looking syringe.
'Truth serum,my dear,'Gustav informed her pleasantly,as he then filled the syringe from a small bottle,filled with what appeared to be clear water,but obviously,it wasn't.
'This stuff never fails,'Gustav went on.'I have used,shall we say,other methods at interrogation,with varying degrees of success.But you,my dear,I don't want to mark your pretty face,so,'he then held the syringe up,'-are you going to be sensible?'
Despite the syringe's threat,and her ever increasing fear inside,Angela stood fast.She didn't say anything to him.
'A pity,'Gustav clearly recognised her silent,but defiant reply,and he then nodded again to the guard,who promptly wrapped his arms around Angela's chest,holding her still.
Gustav swabbed an area of Angela's arm,and despite the girl's grunts and vain struggles,he successfully injected into her.
Angela instantly felt the drug racing through her.It was telling her body to relax,but she desperately fought it.She could now feel her vision dimming,but she still saw Gustav,and he was grinning down maliciously at her.
'Just relax,Miss Lee,'Gustav told her,as he then walked behind her,and started to play his fingers through Angela's hair.'There's no way you can fight it,and you'll tell me everything I want to know.'
Come on,come on!Angela was still fighting the drug.Fight it,fight it,Angela!She wasn't going to give this monster the satisfaction of beating her,but gradually,her body relaxed,and even though she could still see,things didn't appear normal,or even sounded so.
'Now,my dear,'Angela heard Gustav's voice speak to her,but it sounded in slow motion.'What is your name?'
'Angela Lee.'She couldn't resist that one.
'Your age?'
'Twenty three.'
'An excellent age,'Gustav grinned.He couldn't wait to have this Chinese beauty.Once he'd done so,she would also fetch a good price on the slave markets.
'What is your occupation?'Gustav then asked her.
'Police officer,undercover.'Angela was filled with dismay,once she knew she'd answered that one,but what could she do? The drug inside her,was too powerful.She couldn't fight it anymore.
'What is your mission here,Miss Lee?'
'To gather intelligence on your drug operation,and arrest you.'
'I see,'Gustav smiled.This was going excellently.'And Andrea? Is she undercover too?'
This made Gustav glance up at the guard.
'Find out if she's been taken yet,'his voice meant business.'I want her brought to me.'
The guard nodded too,and hurried away.
'Now,my dear,'Gustav continued with the interrogation.He even started to stroke Angela's legs again.'Who is going to arrest me?'
'Army unit.'
This stopped Gustav fondling his prisoner.He suddenly realised he had to do something about this.
'Thank you,my dear,'Gustav then picked up the balled up cloth on the floor,and stuffed it back into Angela's mouth.He then retied the white cloth into the same cleave gag,but he made sure it was tighter this time,enjoying tying the last knot at the back of Angela's head.
With that done,Gustav left the room.He glanced back at his prize,and saw she was slowly recovering from the drug,but still bound and gagged securely,he knew the girl wasn't going anywhere.
Quickly,he picked up his own radio unit,and called for all his patrol leaders to report in.As he expected,all of them did so,and when he asked them all if they'd seen anything suspicious,all their answers were negative.
Even so,Gustav wasn't fooled.He knew there was a dangerous enemy lurking nearby,and he wanted to be ready for them.With that thought in mind,Gustav turned his gaze back towards the girl,and his expression wasn't friendly.
'Stay alert,'Gustav ordered,still keeping his unfriendly eyes on Angela.'We may have some company watching us.'
Angela had now just about recovered,but inside,she was full of dismay,realising she'd been forced to reveal the planned ambush on Gustav and his men.Angela could also feel she'd been tightly gagged again,and from the way Gustav was looking at her,she sensed this wasn't good news.
'So,my dear,'Gustav's voice was calm,but clearly full of menace.'I think I'd better go and see where your friends are.I'm quite sure they'll be most anxious for your safety,as well as Andrea's.'His smile wasn't nice either.'Don't worry your pretty head though.Once I've dealt with them,you and Andrea will be personally given special treatment by myself.'
After making another check on her bonds and gag,Gustav then left Angela alone,who now desperately began to try and free herself.
More to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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