I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one,that I haven't seen hardly any stuff on the telly or films,that show a pretty stewardess bound and gagged.
I've had to admit I've drooled like mad,when searching for a scene.Sadly though,there's hardly been anything.All I can remember,is a a quick scene from a Charlie Sheen film-'Terminal Velocity' I personally hated this film.Charlie played a wimp,and of course,his co-star actress(can't remember who she was)must have been crowing with delight at her role.And of course,the main reason I hated the film,was that there was a quick scene showing the flight crew(sadly,there were 2 blokes too)bound and gagged,but they were all dead,murdered by the bad guys.I hate that.
No copyright infringment intended.
As you can see,there are different types of uniforms the girls can wear.I personally love the shirt with the smart neck scarf,and the sexy skirt and of course,the sexy nyloned legs.I've personally lusted at these girls when I've flown before.(Discreetly,of course!)
Anyway,I'd certainly like to hear if anybody else has seen any scenes.I've seen commercial ones from Harmony Concepts,and they were good,but it's on the telly and film I'd like to see.
I just wonder if it's flogging a dead horse....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
Dear David:
ReplyDeleteI AGREE with you!
I have SEVERAL D.V.D.'s from AES Productions
(in Illinois) featuring "flight attendants"
bound and gagged!
I have NEVER seen a "main-stream" motion picture
HOWEVER I DO remember a made for "telly" movie
entitled the "The Terror Among Us" in which some "stews" live together and a rapist breaks-in and rapes some of them. I recall scenes in which they are heavily crying and their mascara running down their cheeks--VERY "depressing" (for ME!)--I know that some of them (including a CUTE BLACK chick) wore their uniforms!
Anyway, I am commissioning two (2) well-known artists on the DeviantArt web-site to draw bound and gagged
stewardesses wearing white cotton button-front shirts open-at-the-neck in a DEEP "V" being chloroformed and breast-fondled
as they are carried-off!
I will forward them to you when done!
I can recommend two (2) mosaic-pixelated Japanese d.v.d.'s with uniformed Japanese
"stews" hand-gagged and "ravished" on-the-plane during flight by one of their passengers on the MC's Dark Territory web-site in Nevada!
"Stew" in white shirt (for ME) and neck-scarf
[for gag] (for YOU):
Dear David:
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't "over-dose" on bound-and-gagged uniformed "flight attendants"!
I went-over ALL of Ken Scott of AES Productions (in Illinois) D.V.D.'s and sent you EVERY one (1) that has a "stew" in it!
Some have my FAVORITE actresses in them:
large, VERY busty and exotic Cassidy Brewer,
petite Asian Kristi Lee, Lauryn Richards with the great breasts and pointy "pokies"!
[I HIGHLY recommend his works and have been a customer since soon after he started mail order!]
"The Terror Among Us"
ReplyDeletebound and gagged uniformed stewardesses
made-for-television movie
[featuring a (RARE)uniformed bound-and-gagged black beauty!)
It is DEPRESSING because the youngest one (1) of them is raped in the bedroom, while the uniformed ones are bound-and-gagged in the living room. They start to cry (especially the dusky doll) and their mascara runs down their cheeks!
"Sky High Molesters 2"
ReplyDeleteJapanese D.V.D. from Michael Cohen's web-site
MC's Dark Territory with hot Japanese uniformed flight attendant(s) being hand-gagged and ravished by passenger(s):
His web-site is loaded with hot uniformed Japanese women: schoolgirls, secretaries, teachers. White button front shirts open at the neck in a DEEP "V" feature prominently as do ravishings, lesbianism, etc..
D.V.D.'s are inexpensive and available via mail order!
HIGHLY recommend his web-site~fast service.
However the videos are mosaically-pixelated
(hiding the genitals of both sexes) but YOU get the IDEA WHAT is transpiring! Videos are in Japanese but WHO CARES?~There is VERY LITTLE taking in them anyway!
ReplyDeleteGerman woman police officer bullet resistant brassiere: "Polizei"!
Boy would I like to get my hands on this!
(In MORE ways than one!)
I had Reg of the "Mr. Stitch's Lab" web-site do this photo-manipulation for me of the beautious "Swankee" in her almost completely unbuttoned button-front white cotton shirt with matching white cotton gag outfit/ensemble:
Looking for someone to "RE-DO" these drawings for me (as the artist: "LessRuth" on the DeviantArt web-site, does "not" do "Commissions"!) with the goblins capturing
ReplyDeleteeither white-shirted stewardesses or white-shirted Catholic schoolgirls~SAME concept: over-powered, bound and chloroform-gagged and breast-fondled as they are being carried-off into captivity (with some BLACK beauties mixed-in)!
"How To Capture A Black Girl":
Grab her breast and as she draws-in a breath from the shock/surprise her lungs fill with the chloroform and she is "under-control"!
Wow,I never expected a response like that,BBL.A good one too.Yes,I did remember the 'Terror Among us' That's mentioned quite a lot on other sites,and the actresses who are bound and gagged in it,are very pretty.It was just a shame the rape content of one of the girls was included.Hopefully,the bad guy got his comeuppance,and all the girls survived.
ReplyDeleteI also recall a scene from the brilliant 'Walker,Texas Ranger' where there's a stewardess bound and gagged by Chuck Norris,but she's one of the bad guys.It was just a shame they didn't include the other pretty stewardess getting tied up.Aside from that,all I can recall,is watching Jon Woods 'Grounded Flight Attendants' I did enjoy it,but you could tell it wasn't quite right.It's always far better,to see it on the telly in an action show or film.
ReplyDeleteNOT a stewardess, however the image of this "Nubian delight" [a la: "Seized from School"~
THANK YOU for suggesting that story on the "KP Presents web-site] "cries-out-for" a tight, muffling, white cotton gag above her nicely-pressed and deeply-unbuttoned white cotton shirt!
Glad you liked the 'Seized from School' story,BBL/Actually,the dark content of the story was my idea,which I asked KP to do for me.It was myself that made a mistake with the girls characters ages.
ReplyDeleteOf course,I knew not everybody would like it,but I'm pleased with the story,and thought KP did a great job.It was after all,just a story.:)
I also had a look at the aes productions website too,and there's some great photos there.Sadly though,our customs are very stringent with imported dvds.You never know if they're going to be seized.
ReplyDeleteAnyway,please keep on enjoying the blog!:)
Dear Davey:
ReplyDeleteWell, I know that Ken Scott (of AES Productions)
would be HAPPY to sell you those videos as DOWN-LOADS!
ReplyDeleteDrawing of a U.S. Navy girl
Sadly,I couldn't find that one,BBL.Plenty of pictures there,but alas,that's one that got away.
ReplyDeleteOh well,might get lucky later!:)
ReplyDeleteDid THIS one (1) make it through?