For the umpteenth time,Kelly glanced at her watch,desperately hoping her working day would come to an end.
It wasn't that Kelly enjoyed her job.In fact,she'd worked really hard to get it,and she was pleased to have it.
Kelly worked as an assistant secretary in a well known law firm.It was indeed,a long and well established firm.It was very popular with a lot of well known people,and Kelly had sometimes read her workplace,had actually successfully defended a lot of people,from certain unwanted attention.
Kelly was well aware of some people giving her,a lot of unwanted attention also.
When customers came in to enquire about their services,they all looked at a very pretty,dark haired girl,who always smiled pleasantly back at them.Kelly knew her smile helped to attract the custom,which her boss appreciated.
Thinking that,Kelly glanced over at Mr Hills office.The door was shut,but Kelly knew he was there,seeing his figure through the stained glass on the door.
Mr Hills did appear to be a good boss,and he treat Kelly very well.She got a lot of generosity from him,giving her plenty of breaks,and didn't act like a jerk.Kelly appreciated it.
However,she always knew there was something else about Mr Hills.He seemed to have a mysterious,almost sinister side.Kelly had recognised the same visitors,who'd come to see him.They were all men,and smartly dressed.If Kelly had always suspected they looked,almost like mafia types.
She'd heard some nasty rumours about this place before she joined,and they weren't nice.
Evidently,a lot of women who'd took previously occupied Kelly's job,had mysteriously vanished.There'd been no trace of them at all.
When Kelly had mentioned this to Mr Hills,he had simply told her all of his previous female employees,had moved on.He never mentioned anything more after that,and whilst Kelly wanted to find out more,she was sensible to drop the subject.
Even so,it was still in the back of her mind,but right now,going home was well in front of it.She'd come back later,and see if there was anything of interest,to confirm her suspicions.
She finally finished off a last round of paperwork,and after checking everything was in order,she rose from her seat,and knocked on Mr Hills' door.
'Come in,Kelly,'Mr Hills called out politely to her,and Kelly entered.
Mr Hills was a middle aged man,and he held a first class brain.Kelly knew he'd worked in law all his working life.As far as she knew,he'd never been beaten in the courts.All his legal victories,had earned him rich rewards.Kelly knew it was expensive to hire the services offered here,but with the high success rate,there was no shortage of customers.
Kelly walked up to his desk,and handed him over several papers she'd worked on.
'That's the latest update,Mr Hills,'Kelly informed him.'You'll find everything you need there.'
He took and then began to flick through the papers,and after a few seconds,he nodded.He then glanced back up at Kelly,pleased to see what she was wearing.A long sleeved white shirt,with a black knee length skirt.The girl was wearing dark blue nylons,with richly polished black high heels.Hills had to admit,that Kelly looked gorgeous.
I've certainly chosen well again,he smirked to himself.This pretty thing,was soon in for a nasty surprise.
For now though,Hills kept up the charade.After all,he didn't want to alarm the girl.
'Excellent work,as always,Kelly.'Hills nodded his appreciation,knowing his female employee was very smart too.
'Thank you,sir,'Kelly responded gratefully.'Can I go now,please?'
'Of course,my dear,'Hills nodded again.This time,he smiled at her,but he couldn't help but show a touch of lust into it.'I'll see you tomorrow then.'
'Goodnight,sir.'Kelly then,left his office,somewhat hurriedly.She'd seen the faint,but still visible lust in Hills' face,although she hadn't seen him admire her rear,as she withdrew.Kellycouldn't wait to get away from him.
Once Hills knew Kelly had left,he picked up the phone,still wearing the same smile.
He dialled a familiar number,and it was instantly answered.
'Peters?'Hills spoke seriously now.'Get Thompson,and come over here.We may need to send over another pretty shipment.'
'Problem,boss?'Peters asked.
'No,I don't think so,but just in case,let's prepare for such a moment.'
'Understood.I'll get Thompson.We're coming now.'
With that,Hills ended the call.He then leaned back into his chair,idly wondering what Kelly was planning right now.If his own suspicions were correct,then Hills knew he wouldn't have to wait till tomorrow,to see pretty Kelly again.
Kelly was glad to get back home,even though she was still deep in thought about those girls who had worked here before her.No matter how hard she tried,Kelly couldn't get it out of her mind.
She sat down in her living room,and wondered what she should do next.There was the possibility of calling the police,but Kelly dismissed that instantly.The police would want evidence,and besides,Kelly hadn't heard of no alarm raised for these girls disappearance.
The evidence has to got to be there,Kelly thought determinedly.In fact,she was certain of it.All she had to do,was try and obtain some.
She made herself a hot mug of tea,and tried to think out a plan.She knew her boss,Hills,sometimes stayed late at his office:but hopefully,tonight might prove an exception.
I'll go really late,Kelly decided.About nine tonight.He should be gone by then.
This made her glance at her watch,and much to her surprise,found she only had half an hour to go,before it was nine o'clock.
No matter,she thought.I don't think he'll be there by that time.
Kelly finished her drink,and after making some supper for herself,she then realised something else.
I'd better phone John.Kelly instantly reached for the phone,and quickly dialled her brother's number.She knew he would be in,and his voice answered immediately.
'Hello Kelly,'his voice was warm,which Kelly liked.She really adored her younger brother.'How's life?'
'Not too bad,John,'Kelly responded.'I'm tired from work though,but have to go back there.I want to check up on something.'
'Oh?'John's voice was curious.'Something important,Kelly?'
'It might be,John.I just wanted to tell you where I'll be.Will you give me a call later?'
'Yes,of course,'Kelly fully recognised the concern in her brother's voice.'What's going on though?'
'I'm not sure yet,John,'Kelly admitted that.'I'll talk to you later,when you ring me here later.'
There was a pause,before she heard her brother respond.
'Maybe I'd better come over.'
'No,don't do that,John,'Kelly insisted.'Just ring me later,okay? Love you,little brother.'
'I love you loads,big sister.'
Kelly then said goodbye,and hung up the phone.She could see she was still wearing the clothes she'd worn at work today,but decided not to change.Hopefully,it wouldn't be too long to get what she needed.Then,she could enjoy a relaxing hot bath.
Quickly,Kelly grabbed her car keys,and after locking up her house,headed back into her car.She drove back out within seconds.
Unseen by Kelly,two men had watched her leave the house.These were Thompson and Peters.Both men were powerfully built,and were wearing dark clothing.Each wore a pair of black gloves,and were at present,sitting in their own car,observing the girl leaving.
This made Thompson start up the engine,and he then proceeded to follow Kelly's car.
The man known as Peters,then produced his mobile,and dialled his superior's number.
'Yes?'It was Hills' voice.
'The girl's just left,boss,'Peters reported.'We're following her now.'
'Very good,'there was pleasure in Hills' voice.'Is she alone?'
'Excellent.Make certain you don't lose sight of her.Although of course,I'm sure we all know where she's heading.'
Peters was looking at the roads they were driving on,and he could tell they were heading the right way back to the office.
'Looks like you're right boss,'Peters informed.'I think she's coming back.'
'Good.We'll let her have a little snoop.Then,we'll grab her.'
'You got it,boss.'
Hills then ended the call,and both his henchman kept a sharp eye on their unsuspecting prey.
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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