HMS 'Princess' was the only ship in the Royal Navy,to have an all female crew serving on board.In command,was Louise Jennings,who was highly popular with the girls on board.Louise was a first class captain,who'd trained really well for this post.She'd always wanted to be a captain,and was thrilled to bits,when she was finally awarded the rank.
Louise was a highly attractive young woman.She had long dark,brunette hair,that fell past her shoulders,and had warm brown eyes.Louise had a gregarious personality,and she could be friends with anybody,but of course,could be severe,when the situation demanded.
Fortunately though,there hadn't been any situation demands,as the whole crew never gave her any problems.Louise was really proud of all the girls,who chose to serve under her.They all did a great job,and showed a really good example,of British goodwill,wherever they went.
There had been some minor concerns though.Louise had received orders for her ship,to patrol the modern day pirate infested waters,off the Somalian coast.Many unfortunate ships,had been boarded by Somalian pirates,and held the crews to ransom.Despite a lot of success in helping to free the crews,the threat was still there.Louise was getting frequent reports from her intelligence officer,Sarah,that the pirates observed the shipping that came through their waters,and they always chose unprotected vessels.
Seated in her command seat on the bridge,Louise glanced over at her crew present here.There was Jenny,her first officer,standing next to her,and was wearing a pair of binoculars around her neck.She was currently gazing through them,scanning for anything suspicious.Jenny was from India,and Louise couldn't sing her praises enough.Jenny got a lot done for them,especially Louise,as she made sure her captain wasn't bothered,by the least things.Louise was really glad she was here.
Manning the steering wheel on the bridge,was Carol.She could steer the ship anywhere Louise told her,and was highly skilled in manoeuvring the 'Princess',especially in stormy waters,or avoiding enemy fire.She'd scored top marks,in the training scenarios,but of course,you needed to experience the real thing.At the moment,Carol maintained her present course,keeping the ship well clear of any danger.
Assisting her first officer,was Helen.She too,was scanning the area around the 'Princess'.They needed to keep their eyes open,in this part of the world's oceans.Helen was determined not to let her crew down.Like everybody else here,she wanted to set a good example,and do a good job.
Still seated in her command chair,Louise was studying a map,of the Somalian coastline.There was a lot of information here she could use,and the main thing Louise was studying,was the pirate ship tracks.There were plenty of them.Her orders were to seek,and reveal any pirate vessel to Royal Navy command.Once she'd done so,there were other British warships patrolling nearby,and they'd come to assist her.For the moment though,no other ship was in sight.
Louise then became aware,of Jenny coming up to her.
'Nothing yet,Louise.'Jenny spoke Louise's first name,which her captain didn't mind.Louise only used formality,when the occasion demanded.It was a nice touch from her,and all her crew appreciated it.
'I really hope we can find these pirates.'Louise glanced up at her friend.Her tone of voice slightly worried.'The intelligence says this area,is pretty active.'
'Oh,I'm sure it won't be long,Louise.'Jenny nodded her agreement.'We all know how desperate some of the Somalians are.'
'Yes.'Louise nodded too.'I know these people do it,to try and escape the poverty,but we still have to protect the shipping traffic here.'
Louise then made a telephone call,to the radar room,and Jenny went back to scanning the sea.She made contact immediately,with the radar room.
'Karen,you picking up any contacts yet?'Louise asked.
The radar room was located a couple of decks down.It was a small room,but there was plenty of sophisticated electronic equipment in it.Two girls manned it.Karen was the main radar operator,whilst her assistant,was a girl named Joanna.Both girls enjoyed their jobs,but were well aware the radar,was a key component to their survival,especially in these waters.Whilst on duty,their eyes never left the radar screens,unless told too.
'Nothing,Louise.'Karen had answered immediately.'All clear at present.'
'Okay,stay alert.'
'Understood,Louise.'Karen acknowledged.'Don't worry,if there's something here,I'll see them,before they see us.'
Well out of Karen's radar range,another ship was leaving it's hidden harbour.The ship was now moving into the open sea,and whilst it wasn't as powerful as the 'Princess',the crew were still supremely confident in their vessel.
With one exception,all of the crew were native to Somalia.Every one of them,was tough looking,and all were armed,from carrying sheathed knifes,to sidearms and automatic weapons.They certainly gave the impression,not to be messed around with.
In command of the boat,was a Chinese woman.She was very strong in build,and was armed too.Her favourite weapon,a sheathed sword,was attached to her side,whilst she also carried a pistol.This was carried in a shoulder holster,and she'd used both weapons in battle before.
The woman was known as Lyn Shen,and she carried great respect from her crew.None of them dared to question her,as she had a proven track record,especially in the piracy business.
Lyn Shen knew the Somalian people,who went after unprotected ships,to hold their crews for ransom.She'd done a few of these,but ransom wasn't her main aim.Instead,Lyn Shen was on the lookout,for highly attractive females,that were on board ship.If there was,Lin Shen ordered her crew,to seize the women.Then,she and her men,would make an excellent profit,but as mentioned before,Lyn Shen wasn't interested in ransom.On the contrary,she chased after women,who were not only gorgeous in appearance,but to also enjoy them herself.She'd ravished so many beauties,to her heart's content,and then,decided to sell the girls into a slavery racket.The money Lyn Shen earned from this,was phenomenal.It was something she really enjoyed doing.
As her ship moved out into the open sea,Lyn Shen checked that her lookouts were not being lazy,and after seeing they weren't,she headed into her own personal quarters.Here,a file was waiting for her,and Lyn Shen picked it up immediately.One of her men,had already left it there for her,although he hadn't obtained it.
The front of the file,was marked 'HMS Princess',and Lyn Shen opened it.There were several photographs enclosed,and the first one showed the actual ship itself.Lyn Shen studied the ship's configuration,and it's serial number,so she could confirm it's identity,once it came within her sight.
The other photos,were of the ship's crew.Lin Shen liked looking at them all.She'd read about HMS 'Princess',and to her,this was a dream target come true.Lyn Shen could see from the British girls pictures,that every one of them made her lust shoot up.She enjoyed the picture of the ship's captain especially,a very pretty,long haired brunette named Louise Jennings.This girl,she couldn't wait to seize.
After checking all the pictures,Lyn Shen headed up towards the bridge,and once she got there,her first mate stood respectfully waiting,for further orders.He was also a tough looking man,having lost one of his eyes in battle,and it was now replaced,with a glass eye.
'Have you pinpointed the 'Princess'' position?'Lyn Shen demanded from him.
'Aye,cap'n.'The first mate confirmed,as he led her to another bridge crewman.This man was sitting down in front,of what appeared to be some kind of radio set.Instantly,the man here,passed on a sheet of paper to him,and the first mate read it,before he informed his captain.
'Tracking device puts the 'Princess',about twenty nautical miles,from our current position,captain.'
'Very good.'Lyn Shen nodded.'Tell the men on lookout,to stay sharp.They're not going to get away from us.I want those girls on that ship,every one of them.'
'Understood,cap'n.'The first mate understood his orders,and went to carry them out.Once he'd done so,he returned to her side.
'We should have them within sight soon,cap'n.'He told her the good news.'What's your plan of attack?'
'Once we have them within sight,'she began to explain,'we'll wait until nightfall,before we move in.Don't worry,they won't even see us.Even their radar won't be able to help them.'
'In a manner of speaking,yes.'Lyn Shen now had a cunning smile,creeping into her face.'We've had some help on that area.'
'From who,cap'n?'
'That is not your concern.'Lyn Shen's cunning smile faded.She wasn't going to tell him her source on that.'Just make sure we get onto their boat,before they see us.'
There were no more questions,and Lyn Shen gave orders for her boat,to go in search of HMS 'Princess'.With her order promptly obeyed,her pirate vessel reached the open sea,and they were advancing through the calm sea.
Lyn Shen gazed upwards at the sky,and could see the night wasn't long in coming.Her cunning smile returned,as she knew that was always the time she chose to strike.She also ordered no talking,as she'd learned from past experience,that voices can come a long way.Surprise was a key factor for her,and Lin Shen always demanded it.
Soon,the night sky came,and this pleased her.Her crew were obeying the silence order,and the lookouts kept their eyes peeled.By word of mouth,the men had also learned details of their next target,and were more than eager to seize it.
After a short while,one of the men spotted something,through the binoculars he was using.He made sure that he wasn't seeing things,and once he was satisfied he wasn't,he hurried up to the bridge.
'I've found her,cap'n.'the man's voice was filled with pleasure,as he used his arm to indicate the direction.'The HMS 'Princess'.The only ship in the British Royal Navy,to have an all female crew.'
Lyn Shen's excitement increased,just as all the bridge crew did,and they all gazed intently,in the direction the man had told them.Sure enough,Lin Shen identified the silhouette of the British ship,just visible to them all.
'Excellent!'Lyn Shen's voice,was now dominant with sexual lust,as she remembered how gorgeous the British female crew looked.'Prepare the dinghies,and get a boarding party ready.'
The crewman hurried away,grinning,eagerly anticipating this latest raid.
'Get plenty of ropes ready,first mate.'Lyn Shen ordered him,as she continued to observe the 'Princess','We've got a lot of pretty slaves,to tie up and gag,and bring the chloroform too.These girls will never knew what hit them.'
Her first mate grinned also,and went to obey,leaving Lyn Shen with a very nasty,but eager smile on her face.
Back on board the HMS 'Princess',Louise was resting her chin thoughtfully on her hand,as she observed her own bridge crew at work.Night had now fallen,and they hadn't seen any trace,of any pirate ships.It had been a pretty dull day,but Louise still felt satisfied.As there were no sightings,or any pirate activity,then the shipping could traverse these waters unmolested.
There had been a minor problem reported to her,as Karen in the radar room,had informed her the thing was playing up.Curious at this,Louise had gone down herself,and was puzzled to see the radar screens jumping.She was puzzled at this,knowing the equipment was reliable.It shouldn't be acting this way.Louise thought,and it also made her slightly suspicious.
Louise was utterly convinced,that this was no fault of Karen and Joanna.Both girls were taking the malfunction pretty seriously.They needed the radar,as it was a vital warning tool,especially in these waters.
Both girls had assured Louise they'd get it fixed,and she trusted their word,so Louise left them to it.She'd then headed back to the bridge,and gave a tannoy announcement to the crew,informing them of the radar problem,and to stay alert.
Finally,it was time for her to come of duty,and Louise had to admit to herself,that she needed a break.She needed to sleep.
'Well,ladies.'Louise told her friends on the bridge,glancing at her watch.'Time for me,to get some sleep.Let me know if anything happens.'She then gazed over at Jenny.'You have the bridge,Jenny.'
'Yes,ma'am.'Jenny nodded,still keeping a sharp eye on the sea surrounding them.'I'll let you know.'
'Okay then.'Louise nodded in return.'Goodnight,ladies.'
Louise then left the bridge,and headed towards her own private quarters.When she reached there,she made herself a hot drink,and slumped gratefully into a comfortable chair.
She was still deep in thought,over the radar problem.Louise hoped that would be fixed,and soon.It was still bothering her.Louise then recalled the inspection they'd had,just before they departed from Portsmouth.A high ranking admiral,by the name of Hunter,had made a surprise visit to them,whilst they were in dock.
The visit had gone well,and Admiral Hunter had complimented them,on their first historic voyage together.She had however,Louise remembered,been very interested in the radar room.Was it possible,that the admiral had done something to it? She'd talked to Karen a bit,when she'd been in there.Maybe Karen had seen something?Added to this,Louise hadn't liked the admiral.There was something about her,and from one of the looks she'd received from her,she'd given Louise the creeps.
Louise then decided to make a secure,and personal telephone call.She wanted to speak to her brother,John.Like her,he was serving in the military,but he'd joined the army.Louise knew John's regiment,was the Royal Engineers.He was pretty good at fixing things,and Louise needed to hear him.
After dialling his number,Louise got through to him immediately.
'Hi John.'Her voice was warm to him,as she hadn't heard from him,for quite some time.
'Hello Louise.'His voice was warm too.'How are you?'
'I'm good,John.'Louise nodded,although she knew her brother didn't see it.'How about yourself?'
'Not bad.Just plodding on,as one does.Something wrong?'There was now concern in his voice.'You sound worried.'
'I am,John.'Louise confirmed it for him.'There's something wrong alright.I need your help.'
'Sure,just ask.You know that,Louise.'
She was so relieved to hear him say that,so she began to explain the problem.
'The radar equipment on my ship,isn't working properly,John.'She informed him,still very worried.'I think its been sabotaged.'
'Sabotaged?'There was disbelief in her brother's voice.'You're sure about that?'
'I'm positive,John.'Louise knew what she was saying.'Just before we left Portsmouth,we had a security check,and a surprise visit,from Admiral Hunter.'Louise paused for a moment.'You've heard of her?'
'I think so.'Jennings responded.'She's the Naval Middle East attache,isn't she?'
'Yes.'Louise answered.'She came on board,and was really interested in the radar room.I think she spent a lot of time there,so I'm pretty certain she did something then.'
'If she did,Louise,you know you'll have to prove it.'
'I will,John.'Louise was determined to do that.'Don't worry about that.If she did sabotage my ship,she's going to pay.'
She then softened her voice to him.
'I'm sorry,John.I didn't mean to bother you with this.'
'Hey,it's okay.'Jennings' voice went back to being warm.'I'll look into it.You just be careful,okay?'
'I will,John.I miss you.'She actually put her legs up,onto the chair saying that.Louise realised it had indeed,been quite a while,since they'd both been together.
'I miss you too,Louise.'Jennings told her affectionately.'Don't worry,if you need me,I'll be there.'
'Thank you,John.'She then bade him farewell over the phone,and hung up.She hoped the radar problem would be fixed,but at the same time,Louise was sincerely hoping John,would get here as soon as he could.She needed him.
Back home in the UK,Jennings' face was very concerned.He knew Louise was asking him for help,and he wasn't going to let her down.
As soon as Louise had finished the call,Jennings dialled another number.He wanted to talk to his best friend.He got through straight away to him.
'Monty,John here.'Jennings made the call brief,and urgent.'Louise is in trouble.Better get everybody ready.'
The two rubber dinghies were lowered quickly,and efficiently from the pirates boat.The selected two small groups of men,clambered down into them both.Each man still wore their personal weapons,but they also carried several coils of strong rope.These were slung over their shoulders,and Lyn Shen was too,as she entered one of the dinghies.She felt very pleased,that they were now going to seize more,and highly desirable,pretty females.Lyn Shen couldn't wait to do this.
After making sure the chloroform bottles were secure,with plenty of cotton wool padding,Lyn Shen then gave the order,for her men to start paddling.Both dinghies were equipped with motor power,but she didn't want to use that.Surprise was still her main aim.
Both dinghies were then paddled quietly away from their boat,and with Lyn Shen still enforcing the silence,the men rowed towards the HMS 'Princess.'
As they neared the ship,all of them tensed,as they spotted two armed female sentries,patrolling the deck.Lyn Shen indicated silently,to two of her men,to use the chloroform on them.
Their dinghies finally reached the hull of the 'Princess',and silently,but expertly,two of the chosen men,began to climb up towards the deck.Their crew mates waited for the signal,to climb up and join them.
The first two men who climbed up the ship's hull,now reached the top deck.They'd watched the two girls on sentry duty,carefully observing their moments.They then waited patiently,for the right moment to strike.The men liked the look of the girls,dressed in the all white naval uniform.Both girls chests,stood out impressively,behind their shirts.
It didn't take long for them,to make their move.Both men waited,until the two girls were walking away from each other,and they then made their move.
It worked brilliantly.Both men ruthlessly clamped the chloroform soaked cotton wool pads,tight over each girl's mouth.Neither girl could manage to raise an alarmed shout,and after a few seconds of helpless mumbling,both women collapsed.
Quickly,both men dragged the two senseless girls out of sight,and one of the men leaned over the side,gesturing silently to Lyn Shen to come up.She and the rest of her party,now began to scale the 'Princess' hull.
When they'd all cleared the railings,they all sneaked into cover,and Lyn Shen noticed the two unconscious girls lying close by.
'Tie them up,and gag them.'She whispered.'Make certain they're tied tight.I don't want any of them,raising the alarm.'
Two of her crew moved to obey,as they then started,to tie each girls wrists behind them.
'Once you've done that,lock them up,but one of you stay on guard with them.'Lyn Shen still whispered,but her order was curt.Both men nodded,as they continued to secure more ropes,over their helpless,and senseless prisoners.
'Let's go.'She gestured sharply to the rest of her men.'We'll need to get the radio room.Stay low,but remember,I don't want any of these girls harmed.If anybody disobeys,they'll answer to me.'
Without waiting for an acknowledgment from them,Lin Shen checked for any more of the crew,but there was no other girl in sight.At least she knew there wouldn't be,on this side of the ship.There were still two more sentries to deal with,on the other side.She then silently gestured,for another two of her men to do the same as before.Within a couple of minutes,these two men came back,indicating they'd successfully used the chloroform again.Lyn Shen believed them.She'd heard the girls surprised,but muffled cries.
She didn't have to repeat the same order to them,as both men were now already tying both girls up.Pleased,Lyn Shen then opened a door on the top deck,and after checking the coast was clear,she headed into the ship's interior.
Carefully keeping an eye out for any passing crew member,Lyn Shen and her team,were quietly making their way to the radio room.Their luck was in,as they didn't see anybody discover their presence,which was exactly what Lyn Shen wanted.It was immediate priority,to stop the 'Princess' crew,from calling out for help.
When they reached the radio room,Lyn Shen was pleased to see another two girls,who were sitting quietly,and manning the equipment.She silently gestured for another two of her party,to sneak in with her.She smirked,seeing the two girls totally unaware of her presence.She recognised them though,from the photos she'd studied earlier.These two were known as Danielle and Zara.Danielle was English,with very long brown hair,whilst Zara was dark skinned,and had African origins,but both girls were stunning in looks.Lin Shen was pleased.Two more beauties to secure.She grinned to herself.
'Hands up,ladies.'She told them calmly,making both girls jump and gasp in shock,seeing pointed weapons aimed unwaveringly at them.'Don't make a sound,or else we'll take severe action against you.'
She was pleased to see both girls obey,as they raised their hands in surrender,although their faces were still shocked.
'Who are you?'The girl known as Danielle asked.'What do you want?'
'Oh dear.'Lyn Shen gave her a cruel smile.'You obviously didn't get my message.Did you,my pretty?'
With lightning speed,Lyn Shen stepped forward,and seized Danielle.She wrapped a strong arm around her waist,and pointed her weapon into her neck.She then ordered her male accomplice,gesturing at Zara.
'You tie her up and gag her.'
As the man stepped towards Zara,she couldn't help,but back fearfully away from him,but there was nowhere she could run to,and he easily seized her,forcing her down onto the chair.
'Just obey,my dear.'Lyn Shen smirked,as she fully enjoyed watching her man,now forcing Zara's wrists behind the back of the chair.He then started,to wind ropes over the girl's wrists.'We certainly don't want to hurt two beauties,such as yourselves now,do we?'
Neither Danielle or Zara could reply to that.They were both now,trembling in fear.Both of them were frantically trying to think,of sending a warning message to their friends,but their captors made sure they did no such thing.Soon,Zara and Danielle,were effectively bound and gagged tightly on their chairs.Many horizontal loops of rope,were secured effectively around their shirts,and also on their ankles.A large strip of rectangular black tape,was sealed over their mouths.Lyn Shen made a stringent check on each girls ropes,and was satisfied.These two weren't going anywhere.She smiled to herself.Except with me.
She then advanced on Danielle,who watched her approach with bulging eyes,especially when Lyn Shen used her gun,to tilt the girl's chin.
'You want to know what we want,my pretty? I'll tell you what we want.We want you.In fact,we're here for everyone of your pretty shipmates,but I'll save the reason for your beautiful captain,Louise.She's a main prize,and I can't wait to tell her myself.'
Danielle mumbled in fear behind her gag,as the Chinese woman now made an inspection of the radio gear.She knew what to do,and instead of destroying the equipment,she simply turned the machine off.Then,she turned to the man,who'd tied Zara up.
'I'm heading for the bridge.You stay here,and keep an eye on them.Any problems,use the chloroform on them.'
Just before she left,Lyn Shen looked back at her two new prisoners.
'Don't be alarmed,ladies.I'll be back for you,but please,don't even think about causing us any trouble.Believe me,'her voice changed from being charming,to one of utter menace,'you will regret it.'
Lyn Shen then left the radio room.Danielle and Zara mumbled fearfully behind the tape gags.They knew there was nothing they could do,to warn their friends of this invasion.Both girls could only look at each other in overwhelming despair.
Pleased things were going well,Lyn Shen then made her way up to the bridge.There were a couple of girls,who had the misfortune to be seized by her men,but this was what she wanted.The 'Princess'' crew,wasn't that big,and Lyn Shen had checked,on how many of them there were.It was twenty girls,and they now had eight of them captured.The bridge was her next priority,and Lin Shen was supremely confident,that she would seize control of this.
Still sneaking through the ship's passageways,the pirates made it to the bridge structure,and keeping low,Lyn Shen peered in.As expected,there were only three girls manning the bridge,and silently,Lin Shen ordered her men,to surround the bridge.She would then give a signal to them,on storming the bridge.
Within seconds,her men had taken up position,and satisfied at that,Lyn Shen gave the signal.They all stood up,and burst into the bridge,totally catching the three girls by surprise.A couple of them even screamed in fear,as they now faced a group of armed,menacing looking men.All their guns,were aimed at the three of them.
'Stay right where you,ladies,and get your hands up.All of you.'Lyn Shen smiled pleasantly at her latest captives,as the girls obeyed,before continuing.'I would advise you,to do exactly what we tell you.Now,who is in command here,please?'
She knew who it was of course,having recognised the girl's shoulder rank insignia.This was the girl,known as Jenny,but Lyn Shen was interested,in seeing the girl's reaction.
She was pleased to see Jenny step forward.'I am.'
There was a hint of alarm noticeable,but overall,Jenny remained calm,knowing she had too,keeping her crew safe,was her main aim here.
'So you are the first officer,I believe?'Lyn Shen was again pleased,to see a look of utter disbelief on Jenny's face.
'How do you know that?'Jenny asked the Chinese woman.
'Give me a little credit,my dear.I've been studying you,and everybody on this ship.I know who you all are,and you're going to do exactly as I say.'
'And if I refuse?'Jenny somehow managed,a defiant response to her captors.
'Oh,come now,my dear.'Lyn Shen was now smirking again,and her tone became sinister.'You really want us,to hurt any of these pretty girls?'
Her gaze swept on all the other girls on the bridge,and was delighted to see them all tremble,at what she'd just said.She had no intention of hurting these girls.A very pretty girl unharmed,would always sell well.Lyn Shen knew that for certain.
Jenny had to concede.This Chinese woman was dangerous,so it was best to accept her terms.She certainly didn't want any of her friends harmed here.
'What do you want?'Jenny finally managed to ask,hoping there'd be no repercussions for them.
'Tie them up.'The Chinese woman's answer,filled them all with dismay,as the Somalian men stepped eagerly forward,and seized Jenn.All three of them,had their hands yanked behind them,and their wrists were tied together.The pirates then wound more and more loops of rope,over their prisoners,and under Lyn Shen's careful eye,the three girls were soon,tightly bound.The men enjoyed gagging the girls,forcing more rectangular strips of black tape,over each girl's mouth.
Once they were all bound and gagged,Lyn Shen ordered another one of her men,to remain on guard,whilst she suddenly seized Jenny,in a tight,inescapable hold.
'Now,my dear.'She whispered lovingly into the girl's ear.'You're going to take me to your captain.Don't get any funny ideas though.If you try to run off,I'll give one of your girls,to my men for breakfast.You wouldn't want that now,would you?'
Jenny could only vaguely mumble into her tape gag,but she was shaking her head frantically.She'd seen the lust dominating all the mens eyes,and fully realised what they were being kidnapped for.It was a slavery ring.Jenny recalled Louise briefing her,just before they left Portsmouth.A lot of Somalians held crews for ransom,but there was also modern day slavery rackets operating,especially this close to the Middle East.Jenny never imagined in her worst nightmares,that she'd be abducted for a life,as a sex slave.The worst part was,that she could do nothing to resist.
Lyn Shen kept a tight hold on her prisoner,as she propelled Jenny along.She knew where the captain's quarters were,and was eagerly looking forward,to her main catch.She chuckled,as she kept up her pressure on Jenny.She was going to use this one as hostage,forcing Louise to surrender herself.If she didn't,Lyn Shen was more than willing,to give her men,a very pretty girl to enjoy.
They finally reached Louise's quarters,and Jenny couldn't help,but try to scream out a warning for Louise,but her gag was tight enough to prevent her.
'Nothing you can do,my pretty.'Lyn Shen sneered into her captive's ear,hearing what Jenny just tried to do.'I'm going to have Louise.Rest assured,and you're going to help me get her.'
Lyn Shen then knocked on the door,still keeping a tight hold on Jenny,and eagerly waited for her next prisoner,to walk right into her clutches.
Louise was still sitting in her chair,reading a favourite book.She was still in her uniform,having wanted to stay in the chair.Her next shift wasn't due to start for another eight hours,and she'd made the decision to go to sleep later.
It was then,that Louise heard a polite knock on the door.
'Yes?'she called.
'Surprise,Louise.'A female voice responded from outside.
For a second,Louise didn't recognise that voice.She knew all her crew,and that definitely wasn't one of them.This made her stare at the door,in faint suspicion.
However,she knew she was tired,and accepted that she hadn't heard right.Wearily,Louise put her book down,and rose from her chair,heading towards the door.Whoever it was,she'd make it brief,unless it was something important.
When Louise opened the door,she was promptly sent reeling backwards,as Jenny's bound and gagged figure slammed into her.Both girls collapsed to the ground,emitting surprised yelps.Jenny's of course,was considerably muffled.
Quickly,Lyn Shen had thrown Jenny into Louise,as soon as she'd opened the door.She was pleased to send both girls tumbling,and then,she and her male colleague raced into the room.The man reached down for Louise,and yanked her up,holding her tight.Her shocked face stared disbelievingly at them both.Jenny remained on the floor,but the man was observing her closely.
'Good evening,Louise,my dear.'Lyn Shen greeted her favourite prize politely.'I'm so pleased,to finally meet you.I've heard so much about you.'
'Who the hell are you people?'Louise struggled vainly,in the tough Somalian's grip.'Why have you invaded my ship?'
Lyn Shen chuckled menacingly,as she stepped up to her,and she gripped Louise's chin.
'It's perfectly obvious,my dear.'She informed her prisoner.'I want your crew.All your pretty friends,are going to be sold into slavery.I'm going to keep you for somebody else.'
Louise's eyes widened in horror,recognising the threat now looming over her.The intelligence was pretty reliable,in this part of the world.Slavery still existed,and Louise had also read reports,of many Western women abducted for this.It was now filling her with dread,that she was now a helpless captive,and soon to be dragged into a slavery auction.
'What do you mean,somebody wants me?'Louise then remembered,what the Chinese woman had just told her.
'You'll see,my pretty.'Lyn Shen smiled menacingly into her face.'But right now,it's time we took you,and all your pretty crew away from here.'
Lyn Shen then reached down,and forced Jenny up to her feet.She then promptly threw the girl,into the waiting man's grasp,whilst she suddenly seized Louise in exchange.She then forced her onto the floor,grabbing her wrists behind her,before the man threw her the ropes.Instantly,Lyn Shen got to work,tying Louise's wrists behind her.She fully enjoyed doing so,hearing Louise's grunts,as she pulled the ropes tight.
Once the girl's wrists had been secured,Lyn Shen turned to her male accomplice,who was still holding Jenny.
'Take her,and put her with the other girls.Get to the radio room,and send a message to the boat.Tell them to get here quick.We'll need to get these girls off,before their friends start to miss them.'
The man nodded,and easily forced Jenny out,who could only mumble fearfully,as she recognised a gleam in the Chinese woman's eyes.Once they'd both gone,Lyn Shen turned back to leer down at Louise,who glared defiantly back.
'You really think you'll get away with this?'Louise almost spat into Lyn Shen's face.'You've just made the biggest mistake of your life,by kidnapping me.'
'Well,we'll see,my pretty.'Lyn Shen wasn't the slightest bit bothered,by the girl's defiance.It did please her though.'For the moment,let's have some fun,shall we?
Louise then saw the Chinese woman,produce a roll of black duct tape.She gulped inwardly,knowing what this was for.
Sure enough,Lyn Shen tore off a large strip,and with relish,firmly sealed it over Louise's mouth.She enjoyed hearing Louise's gagged mumbles,and much to her prisoner's alarm,Lyn Shen then lay down on top of her.
Louise felt the woman's chest squash her own,and she was also trapped underneath.Her eyes bulged in horror,as she then felt Lyn Shen start to stroke her hair.
'I always liked the look of you,Louise.I loved your picture.'Lyn Shen's voice,was full of sexual lust,now frightening her bound and gagged captive even more.'So I think I'll test the goods,to see if you really are worth taking.Then if you are,I'll give you a gleaming report,but first,let's see for ourselves,shall we,Louise?'
Louise's eyes were still bulging up at her kidnapper,and then Lyn Shen pounced on top of her.She started kissing her prize fiercely,and loved groping the girl's impressive breasts.She would add more rope over them later,but for now,Lyn Shen continued to enjoy her new slave,and relished hearing Louise's terror stricken,but barely inaudible gagged mumbles.
To be continued?
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
Pretty cool, thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteFinally! A bound black beauty ("Zara") bound and gagged in her white cotton uniform! Love the CONTRAST!