Somewhere in the Burmese jungle,there was a small Allied listening post.It was only a small place,with a couple of wooden hut buildings,and two machine gun nests,provided for defence.Armed sentries,also patrolled,and they kept a sharp lookout.They needed too,for everyone who was here,knew important work was being carried out.
Nobody knew this better than Major Griffiths,who was in command here.Griffiths was a highly popular officer,very well respected by the people serving under him.Griffiths achieved this,by being respectful back,and a lot of people held him in high esteem.This was due to the fact,that Griffiths was one of the few lucky survivors,who fought the invading Japanese army,way back in 1942.
Griffiths had known how to survive in the jungle,whilst so many inexperienced people hadn't.It haunted Griffiths to this day,and he really wished he could have helped all those people.This grim fact however,had also made him a deadly opponent,to the Japanese soldier.Griffiths knew how to successfully ambush,and destroy their forces.This had proved priceless to the Allied command,when so much was going against them.People like Griffiths,were few and far between.
Griffiths always taught his men,on how to survive in the jungle.He showed them,that there was nothing to be frightened off.True,one had to be careful,especially with the deadly wildlife living here,but Griffiths told them food was plentiful,and there was drinking water here too.You just had to know where to look.
Of course,fighting and beating the Japanese invaders,was Griffiths' main aim.He taught his men the jungle terrain,and showed them potential hidden sniper posts,or cunningly disguised,Japanese ambush positions.Griffiths had the experience from these enemy traps,so he made damn sure his men listened to him.Griffiths knew what to expect,from fighting a fanatical enemy,and he didn't want to lose any of his own people to them.
He always remembered all the battles,when he fought the Japanese.Not one of them surrendered.Griffiths knew their undying loyalty to their Emperor,and to die for him in battle,was their greatest prize.To Griffiths and his men,dying in battle was an accepted risk,but to die uselessly and vainly,was something he'd never order his men to do.Griffiths made sure he never took foolish risks,and this tactic always worked for him.
Griffiths always remembered every battle,that he'd fought in.In doing so,he was well familiar,with Japanese military tactics.Every battle against them was hard,but Griffiths was well experienced,and he didn't frighten so easily.He made sure he always won.
Like the Allied soldiers fighting with him,these battles left a permanent memory in Griffiths.He would never forget the Japanese blood curdling screams of 'Banzai!',as they charged at their positions,waving their Samurai swords.It certainly wasn't a sight,for the weak minded.
However,Griffiths always responded aggressively to this challenge.He made sure he chose strong willed blokes,who wouldn't refuse a fight,and were confident enough to win it.This was emphasised,when Griffiths and his men blazed away at the oncoming mob.Their aim was always deadly accurate,as the attackers never got anywhere near their positions.
When the shooting had stopped and it was all over,Griffiths and his men,would walk amongst the many Japanese corpses.Griffiths in particular,simply shook his head in quiet disbelief.
What a waste.Griffiths thought.He never doubted the bravery of the enemy,but Griffiths was determined to exploit any advantage,as he wanted to win the war.
Like any decent commander in the field,Griffiths always appreciated good,first class intelligence.There had been some really good news on this,as Allied code breakers,had managed to crack the Japanese military codes.This was priceless for any Allied soldier fighting out here,and Griffiths especially welcomed it.Now,he could listen in on the enemy's plans.
This was the primary reason Griffiths was now out here.He'd been ordered to gather intelligence,and this listening post he commanded,was doing exactly that.As far as he was aware,Griffiths didn't think the Japanese suspected,that their communications,had now been fatally compromised.This was what Griffiths wanted,but although he knew the Japanese were retreating,he had read reports,that there were still pockets of them near this area.This made Griffiths determined to find them,and finish them off.
He always read every intelligence report,wanting to keep updated on the war's progress.From what he had read so far,Griffiths knew things were now favouring the Allies.They'd gradually recovered from their early disasters,when the Japanese had invaded Burma.At a huge cost in lives,they had succeeded in forcing the Japanese back.It was slow going,and every one of the Japanese fought fanatically,and to the death.
However,the Allies were determined to get the invaders out,and whilst they regretted their own losses,the Allied high command was fully prepared to accept them.Supply lines were kept open,and free from Japanese attack,so troop replacements were easily sent in to fight the dwindling Japanese.There was still much fighting going on,and every fight was savage.
However,with the supply lines fully functioning,and his people battle hardened,as well as jungle acclimatised,Griffiths never had any doubt,who would win the war.
Even so,he still knew that was a long way off.Griffiths had received reports,that the Japanese were still active in this area.He and his people here,had heard the gunfire from the engagement.It sounded very close,and Griffiths had made sure the post's defences,were kept fully alert.They knew the jungle,was perfect ambush territory.Whoever saw the enemy first,would win the battle.
Griffiths made a routine check on his people,and was pleased to see them all highly alert.The two machine gun crews,kept a sharp eye out,for any hostile movement,and aiming their deadly weapons at the surrounding jungle.As an added defence,Griffiths had sent out four of his best shots,to act on sniper duty.He'd experienced Japanese snipers before,and knew they were extremely difficult to deal with.
However,Griffiths had the answer to that.To deal with a deadly sniper,he sent out one of his own.The only difference was,that his sniper was much more deadlier.He knew two of the four men he'd sent out,were highly experienced snipers.They'd successfully eliminated many Japanese,and both of them had assured him,that they'd give the alarm,if needed.
Pleased that there was no sign of the enemy so far,Griffiths made his way to one of the wooden huts.He entered,and saw three young,and very pretty girls.All the girls were dressed in the same military uniform as he was,and the trio were sitting down in front of a radio set,placed on a large table.
All three girls wore a pair of headphones,and were listening to enemy radio signals.A notepad was also in front of them,and they were all writing down,what they were hearing.
Griffiths walked up to one of the girls.This was Corporal Kelly Scott.Kelly was the leader of the girls,and she was popular.Griffiths liked Kelly a lot.He knew she was very pretty.Kelly had short,dark hair,very warm eyes,and she also had a first class brain.Griffiths owed her a great deal,as Kelly had deciphered hundreds of Japanese military codes.Thanks to her,Griffiths had been able to act decisively,and spoilt the enemy plans.
The two other girls,were known as Helen Thomas,and Jane Lloyd.Helen was blonde and blue eyed,whilst Jane was a brunette.Both girls did their jobs very well,as they decoded the Japanese messages.
Griffiths was pleased to get the information,but on the other hand,he wasn't happy the three girls were here,right near the enemy.He wasn't being sexist or chauvinistic.Instead,Griffiths was deeply concerned for the girls welfare.He didn't want them working,this close to danger.He knew,if any of the girls were captured by the Japanese,then they'd find out,about their radio interceptions.
Knowing of the brutal interrogation techniques,that the Japanese used,Griffiths didn't doubt for a moment,that Kelly,Jane,and Helen,wouldn't last long under it.
The girls needed protecting,and he was going to do precisely that.
He moved up to Kelly,who was currently translating a coded message,writing it down on her notepad.Once she'd done so,Kelly tore off the sheet of paper,and handed it up to Griffiths.He read the message,and his face became concerned.
Kelly too,had read the message.It was worrying,as she'd read a small squad of Japanese soldiers,were heading towards here.Kelly tensed,hoping they wouldn't get anywhere near her.She'd hate to end up as their prisoner,especially if they found out what she was doing here.
Once he'd read the message,Griffiths had immediately ordered a battle alert.His men responded,and quickly prepared to repel the enemy.
Seeing all was ready,Griffiths then turned back to Kelly,who was just wiping the sweat from her face.Griffiths could see her khaki army shirt,was drenched in it.They all were.Not only did they have to survive the Japanese enemy,but this unbelievable heat.
'You okay,Kelly?'Griffiths asked her,concerned.He always used everybody's first name,which was well appreciated by his people.Griffiths had know many men,who were officers,lay the law into their troops.He didn't like that,knowing it was counter-productive.Griffiths always liked to earn the trust of his people,and he had done so.
'I'm fine,sir.'Kelly smiled faintly up at him.She then went back to her duty,listening for any fresh enemy signals.
Griffiths however,could see that she wasn't.In fact,all of the girls looked knackered,and he saw to this.
'Take a break,ladies.'His voice was gentle,but firm.'That's an order.'
He noticed the grateful look each of the girls gave him,and they all stood up,and left the hut.Griffiths immediately ordered three of his men,to take over.He then went back,to help the defences.
Some way off,and approaching the listening post,a small squad of Japanese soldiers,were efficiently cutting their way through the jungle.
They were doing this,with razor sharp blades,and also keeping a sharp eye out.All of them knew,that they were in enemy territory now,but they were on a mission,and were determined to accomplish it.
In command of the squad,was Major Hamma.Like Griffiths,Hamma was well respected by his men.He too,had fought the Allies,since the war started.At first,Hamma was always on the winning side,as they swept aside,a disorganised,and badly affected enemy.Nothing could stop them for at least two years,and Hamma was very proud of his efforts.He and his men felt their soldiers work,did their Emperor proud.
However things had now dramatically changed.The Allies had slowly,but surely recovered,and with their excellent supply lines,were now pushing the Japanese out.Hamma knew things,were now getting desperate for his people.Their own supplies,had been ruthlessly destroyed or intercepted.The noose was now tightening,and despite the confidence spoken by his superiors,Hamma was now slowly accepting the grim reality,that Japan was facing the real possibility,of defeat.
Hamma angrily pushed those negative thoughts,to the back of his mind.He'd been given a job to do,and concentrated on it.His mission was important,and he hadn't forgotten his briefing on it with his superior,Colonel Sakai.
The briefing hadn't lasted very long,as Colonel Sakai didn't mess about.His manner was very brusque,as he started the briefing.He had a map of the nearby area,laid out in front of him on a small table.
'Our scouts have identified a small Allied listening post,near this position.'The colonel was holding a pencil,and marked the relevant area with it.
'We are not too sure of its function.'Colonel Sakai continued.'So I want you,Major,to take a group of your most trusted men,and find this out.You have a special task here,as the scouts reported Allied women,who were operating radio equipment.I want you to capture these women,and bring them back here for questioning.'
Hamma didn't like hearing the last part spoken,but he made no mention of it.He clearly heard the brusque manner,in which the colonel was addressing him.So instead,he smartly saluted him,and left,preparing for the mission.This was done soon enough,as Hamma chose six of his men,who had had plenty of jungle battle experience,and once their weapons and personal kit was sorted,Hamma led them,into the deep undergrowth.
They'd travelled for some time,constantly chopping their way through the jungle,and keeping a sharp eye out,for any lurking,and dangerous wildlife.Fortunately though,they encountered none of these,and finally,Hamma raised his arm in a silent signal,gesturing for his men to take cover.They did so.
Hamma then saw what they'd come for,as he clearly identified the Allied listening post.He pulled out his binoculars,and scanned the enemy defences.
The two machine gun posts,were well set,as they covered both approaches to the huts,and the patrolling sentries looked very sharp and alert.Hamma knew they were expecting trouble,and scanned the place once more.He then spotted his targets,as Kelly,Helen and Jane came into view.
Hamma could see they were British army personnel,and admitted to himself,that although the three girls were still the enemy,they were at least,very pretty.
However,Hamma kept his mind focused on his mission,and he silently gestured to his men,to make a complete circuit around the small British post.He then took out a small wooden blowpipe from his person,and nodded at his men with it.These weapons contained a dart,that would stun their enemy.Hamma had used lethal darts before,but supplies were now few and far between,and they just had to improvise.His men all understood,and took out their own blowpipes,before moving silently through the jungle,obeying their orders.
Hamma kept one of his men with him,so he could protect his back,whilst he sharply observed the enemy.He was silently hoping the British hadn't placed any snipers or booby traps here,but he had to admit,there hadn't been any sign of them.Maybe the British were overconfident here.Hamma sincerely hoped so,as he kept his binoculars on his targets.
He then got the silent signal from his men,that they were all in position,and awaiting orders.All of them held their blowpipes ready,waiting for his order.
Hamma then indicated the two machine gun crews,to be targeted first.After they were dealt with,the patrolling sentries would be next.Once they were incapicated,he and his men,could seize the women at their leisure.
He then spotted an opportunity.There was a smaller wooden building,which could only occupy one person,and Hamma guessed correctly,that this was their ablutions.There was a really good chance of grabbing the three girls undetected,if his men aimed accurately that is.
However,Hamma was totally confident in his men,and gesturing silently again to his comrade,both men moved through the undergrowth,heading towards that particular hut.
Once they'd both reached their new position,both men still kept low.Hamma was pleased to see,that the British hadn't spotted his people yet,and he fully intended to keep it that way.
Checking again that his men were ready to shoot their blowpipe weapons,Hamma gave another silent signal,and his men did so.Instantly,there was a reward,as the two machine gun crews,sagged limply to the ground.There was no movement from any of them,but Hamma was still aware of the patrolling sentries,and he then indicated his soldiers,at their next targets.
Again,every dart fired found its target.The British soldiers hit,just had a second to realise they'd been attacked,before they too fell forward,knocked unconcsious.
Pleased at that,Hamma then scanned the post for more targets,but only saw four men,in one of the huts.Three of them manned the radio equipment,and Hamma clearly identified their commander.An experienced soldier,Hamma always recognised another one,and he hoped to get one over this tough looking Englishman.
For the moment though,Hamma was grateful that the enemy hadn't spotted anything amiss,and it was then,that Hamma got the bonus he was hoping for.One of the girls,was now walking towards the hut where they were hiding.
Hamma slowly and carefully,produced a cloth from his person.He folded it over,into a rectangular block,and waited for the right moment to strike.The way he'd folded the cloth,would smother the girl's screams,but he had to be quick and decisive.There were still armed men there,so he'd have to eliminate that threat.
Both Japanese men crouched as low as they could,watching the English girl enter the hut.Hamma decided to seize her,when she came out of it.Hamma noticed the girl would face the machine gun crews,now knocked out.She would surely see them like that,and Hamma would have to move,not wanting the girl to raise the alarm.He waited patiently for her,to leave the hut.This wasn't long in coming,as he watched the girl exit the hut.The moment she turned her back to them,Hamma quickly pounced on her.
Kelly was enjoying her break.She had to admit her,Helen and Jane badly needed it.They spent so much time,listening in on the radio,and concentrated on their jobs,that they were all knackered at the end of their duty shift.
However,they all knew it was highly important work they were doing,and they were saving Allied lives.Kelly and her friends,would continue to do so.
Kelly now wanted to get back to that work,and was just about to head back,when she suddenly saw something wrong.
Much to her surprise and utter disbelief,Kelly noticed the men manning the machine gun nests,were now sprawled motionless in them.Kelly's eyes widened,realising the enemy were now here,and had already taken out their main line of defence.
I've got to warn Major Griffiths! Kelly thought frantically,and had just moved to run back to where he was,when a hand clamped something tight over her mouth.A powerful arm wrapped itself around her waist,and unable to utter a cry,Kelly was yanked back.
Hamma made sure he kept the cloth tight over the girl's mouth,and pleased her frantic mumbles were not heard by her friends,he quickly applied a pressure point on Kelly's neck.The girl immediately sagged in his grasp.
Hamma then silently ordered his man with him,to tie Kelly up.The man did so,quickly binding her wrists behind her.He then produced his own strip of cloth,and he folded it over several times,and tied it tightly over Kelly's mouth.
With Kelly now securely bound and gagged,Hamma turned his attention towards the next two girls.He'd already decided to eliminate the remaining men,not affected by the blowpipe darts.However,Hamma would wait until the two girls would come to him.He had no doubt they'd miss their female friend.As soon as they'd both come,then he would be free to finish the British enemy off.
Much to Hamma's delight,the two remaining girls did precisely what he was hoping for.Both Helen and Jane,now slightly concerned for Kelly,were now walking towards them.
Hamma indicated to his colleague to grab the blonde woman,whilst he'd seize the brunette.Both men tensed,as their unsuspecting prey drew nearer.
Helen and Jane had noticed Kelly had been gone for a while.It was Helen who told Griffiths of their intentions,just to make sure Kelly was okay.He'd agreed,but told warned both girls to be careful,and report anything suspicious.Helen and Jane promised him they would.
The two girls had reached the wooden hut,where they'd last seen Kelly,but of their friend,there was no sign.Helen and Jane held puzzled looks.
'Where could she have gone?'Helen asked.'She certainly wouldn't have gone off,into the jungle on her own.'
Jane agreed.She and Helen knew Kelly wasn't stupid. Like her freind,Jane scanned their temporary base,and just like Kelly before her,she too,suddenly spotted the senseless men,lying by their weapons.She instantly grabbed Helen's arm.
'Oh my god! Look,Helen!'Jane's finger pointed towards the now defenceless machine gun posts.Helen's face was shocked too,as she then saw the sentries,also lying on the ground,and totally motionless.
'We're under attack!'Helen whispered urgently,and with Jane nodding her understanding,both girls made to run towards where Griffiths was,and warn their friends.Neither of them got the chance too.
In a flash,Hamma and his man sprang up once again,seizing Helen and Jane exactly the same way as Kelly had been.The two Japanese men enjoyed hearing the two girls frightened mumbles,as they were hand gagged.Helen and Jane were powerless to stop themselves,from being dragged away from their base,before they too,were knocked senseless by pressure point attack.
Hamma was pleased.He'd successfully captured all three female radio operators,and he quickly helped to bind and gag their latest two prisoners.Both Helen and Jane had their hands tied behind them,and were gagged with wide bands of green cloth,tied firmly over their mouths.
Satisfied at this,Hamma then made signals to his men,to take the three girls away.This was done,and now Hamma could finally concentrate on battle,as he scanned the enemy.
He still couldn't believe the British troops,were still unaware they'd lost most of their people here.Perhaps they were over confident.Hamma mused,but he wasn't going to be lenient.He'd finish the rest off here,and make sure his small group,wouldn't be pursued.
Carefully moving through the undergrowth,Hamma selected favourable positions,for his men to launch their assault.Hamma and a couple of his men,would throw anti-personnel grenades,whilst the rest of his group,would use their automatic weapons.Hamma sensed these British soldiers,would never know what hit them.
He pulled out a grenade,and nodded for one of his men to do the same.The Japanese soldier did so,and pulled the firing pin out,then he stood up,preparing to throw,whilst his comrades waited tensely to follow.
The next moment,there was the sound of a single shot,which sent the Japanese soldier flying backwards.His now lifeless grip on the grenade,sent it falling to the ground.
Instantly,the grenade shattered,which caused Hamma and his men to duck.However,not all escaped it's lethal blast.One more of his men was killed on the spot,and Hamma realised he'd lost the element of surprise.He could see the rest of the British soldiers,now springing into action.They had made sure their weapons were within arms reach,and every one of them grabbed them.They then sought and took cover,ready for battle.
Hamma cursed inwardly.So there had been a sniper here after all.Whoever it was,had certainly camoflagued himself superbly.Hamma hadn't seen anything remotely suspicious,indicating a sniper hide.However he did know,that this British sniper,had saved his comrades lives,from their intended ambush.It was also,a very good shot.
As much as he wanted to fight,Hamma knew his mission,and that was to get his three female prisoners back,so he ordered his men to carry the still knocked out forms,of Kelly,Helen,and Jane.
'Fall back.'Hamma quietly ordered.He certainly didn't want any of his men,to be that sniper's next victims,so he added firmly.'Do not return fire.'
His orders were promptly obeyed,and within moments,he and the rest of his group,vanished into the jungle with their three,bound and gagged female prisoners.
Grimly,the man who made the successful sniper shot,studied the surrounding terrain,where he'd last seen the enemy.He'd just spotted the single Japanese soldier,who was getting ready to throw a grenade.After he'd dealt with him however,there were no more targets,and after a tense study,he finally knew the Japanese had gone.
He then received orders from Griffiths to report in,and he obeyed.At first glance,his hide was nothing but a mass of jungle coverings,but then,the figure of a man loomed up.He was dressed in jungle battle kit,and armed with two holstered handguns.A sheathed knife was there too,and his whole powerful frame,was cunningly disguised in jungle camoflague.Hamma had been right.There was no way he or his men,would have spotted him.
The British sniper then hurried back to the listening post.Here,the men in the machine gun posts,as well as the prone sentries,were anxiously being checked over,seeing the small darts embedded into their necks.
Much to their relief though,they found the darts weren't lethal,and knew the affected men would recover.
Even so,it didn't take them long to realise,that Kelly,Helen and Jane were now missing.Griffiths was infuriated at this,having three of his best code breakers kidnapped,right under his nose.From the damage assessment,he knew he'd been damn lucky,not to have suffered any fatalities,but his heart was anxious for the girls.It certainly didn't take a genuis,to know that was what the Japanese raiding party had come for,and Griffiths was already making plans,to rescue the girls.
He then saw who he needed for the job,as one of his snipers reported in.The sniper didn't salute him,and Griffiths was pleased he didn't.Anybody who saluted an officer out here,marked him as a target.
'Private Jennings,reporting in,as ordered,sir.'The sniper known as Jennings told him.
'Good work,Jennings.'Griffiths meant that.'You saved our necks,and you shot good.'
'Thank you,sir.'
'I'm sure you know the enemy has abducted Kelly,Helen and Jane.'Griffiths sighed.'They must have got wind,of our radio operations against them.They'll have wanted the girls to question them,which I'm sure you know,isn't in our best interests.'
'Yes,sir.'Jennings nodded.'What do you need from me?'
'Find out where they've taken the girls,and free them from the enemy,before they force them to talk.'
'Can I bring Monty,sir?'Jennings asked.'He can watch my back,when I go in.'
'Of course.'Griffiths nodded his approval,knowing these two men were great mates,and also two of his deadliest fighters.'I'll get onto HQ,and get them to tell us the most likliest place,the Japs are holed up.'
Griffiths then offered his hand to Jennings,who took it.
'Good luck,Jennings.I know you'll succeed.'He knew this man did,but still had to warn him regardless.'Just remember,Jennings.We can't allow the Japs to break the girls.I don't need to remind you,should that possibility occur.'
Jennings knew what Griffiths was saying.It was an elimination order,and something that he didn't want to do,but he nodded his understanding to his commanding officer.
'You can trust me,sir.You know you can.'Jennings told him.
Griffiths fully believed him.He too,didn't want the girls killed,to deny the Japanese their secrets,but he had to say that,for military purposes.
However,he knew Jennings very well,and he was pleased to see him respond back positively.
'I'll get them back,sir.Me and Monty will.The Japs won't find out anything.'
'Very good.'Griffiths was pleased to hear him say that.'Pack what you need.I'll call you over,when I've got the location of the Japs hideout.'
Jennings nodded,and without saluting,hurried off to prepare.
Griffiths got on the radio to army HQ,and got the information he needed.He then marked the enemy position on a map,and then called Jennings back.This time,he was accompanied by his best friend,Montgomery.Just like Jennings,he was a deadly sniper,and held an impressive amount of kills.Nobody asked him how many,but everybody believed him.Both he and Jennings,had saved many Allied lives,shooting down fanatical Japanese soldiers.
'Here's the target's position.'Griffiths handed Jennings the map.'Bring them back,Jennings.'His tone was half serious,half worried,knowing full well the girls predicament.
'Understood,sir.'Jennings then nodded to Montgomery,and together,they both disappeared into the jungle.
Griffiths hoped to see them all again.He badly needed them,knowing how good and important his people were.Although he knew Jennings and Montgomery had never failed him,he still worried.In the end,all Griffiths could do now,was to wait and pray.
To be continued?
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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