The base General James Grant commanded,was throbbing with activity.Grant watched his people carry out their tasks,and was very pleased to see them doing so.
The base was after all,his own doing.Grant had built it up from nothing.Grant was born a soldier,and had constantly fought his enemies.The Sanna and their human allies,made him more determined than ever to beat them.
Grant however,knew it would be really tough.He'd been one of the lucky ones,to have studied the war history between them.Grant had known the Sanna race,had invaded the Earth hundreds of years ago,possibly even longer.
In that time,the Sanna had moreorless annihilated the human military,and all the survivors were now at their mercy.
Unfortunately,Sanna custom didn't know the meaning of that word.Instead,they enslaved millions of helpless people,and shipped them off the Earth,to other conquered words for slave labour.
As an added consequence,the Sanna had been able to set their custom on the Earth.Humans born long after the war,held no memory of it,and with the likes of O'Rourke,had been able to convince them,that the Sanna were their friends.Anybody who resisted,was quickly dealt with,and very severely.It was a system that worked very well.So well,that Grant found it impossible to convince people,that the Sanna were the bad guys.
Now however,things were slowly improving for him.The intelligence reports told him the likes of O'Rourke,combined with Sanna brutality,were now swinging in his favour.Over the years,a lot of people had come up to him,asking to join his fight.
Grant of course,always welcomed new recruits,but he was still wary of spies.He'd discovered several of them,and had made them all pay accordingly.
Still,most of his people had proved their loyalty,and he'd made damned good soldiers out of them.They couldn't wait,to take the fight to the Sanna.
Two of his people were Alan Finlay,and Paula Ann Mitchell.Grant knew these people very well.They'd come to him,when they were only children.He also knew of their strong friendship to each other.Both Finlay and Paula Ann,were really great mates.Many people here had wondered if they were lovers,which Grant had wondered too.
However,he did know they were two of his best people.Both held excellent battle records,and were a mean force to contend with.
At the present moment,Grant had a mission for them,having discovered some useful intelligence.He'd thought Finlay and Paula Ann,were perfect for this job.
He sent for them,and made his way back to his command desk,pulling out a map.The map was old,but it still showed all the major land features,and of course,where Grant was going to send Finlay and Paula Ann.
When Finlay and Paula Ann came to him,Grant gestured for them to come closer,as he spread the map out before him.They both helped him.
'I have a special assignment for you two.'Grant told them.He then pointed out a certain area on the map to them.
'This area is known as South Wales,and there's a mountain range called the Brecon Beacons.Not sure why,but this is where you're going.'
'What's the mission,sir?'Finlay asked him.
'Your first priority is to locate,an old military base,that's hidden somewhere in there.'Grant answered.'This base was very secret,and it has something which the Sanna can't detect.So of course,they're very keen to find it themselves.That's where I'm sending you two in.Find that base,and establish a fighting unit.The way things are going,you'll get help very soon,but there's definitely one thing I should warn you about this area.'
'What's that,sir?'Paula Ann asked this time.'A heavy Sanna presence?'
'The Sanna are there,alright.'Grant confirmed for her.'But it's the human enemy you have to watch out for.'He gazed directly at Paula Ann.'Especially you,young lady.That place has seen no resistance,for quite some time.I'm sure you'll have heard of O'Rourke and Harris?'
From the hardened faces they now both displayed,Grant could see they had.He too,had read of these two.Both were callous,cruel,and collaborated with the Sanna invaders.They'd made so many suffer,and every one of Grant's people,sincerely hoped they could bump these two enemies off.
Paula Ann couldn't help,but give an involuntary shiver.She'd heard of O'Rourke's antics.In fact,antics was too polite for it.He was a serial kidnapper of young women,and had raped every one he'd seized.O'Rourke liked to keep the abducted young women,as his own personal harem.Paula Ann had heard he was a bondage fanatic,always keeping his pretty female victims,tightly bound and gagged.There'd even been confirmed reports,that O'Rourke sold girls to the Sanna.Paula Ann sincerely hoped,that she'd never fall into this monster's clutches.
Grant then let Finlay and Paula Ann examine the map more closely,so they could be sure of their destination.They didn't need that long,having covered long distance missions before.They both then stood back,nodding their approval to Grant.
'Okay.'Grant nodded back.'Get your gear,and be careful.'
'We will,sir.'Finlay acknowledged that.Like everybody else here,he would sacrifice his life for Grant.This man had done so much for them all,protecting them,training them,and Finlay had always vowed to help him,whenever it needed to be.
'Good luck then.'Grant meant that.'I'm sure you'll be successful.'
Both Finlay and Paula Ann saluted him respectfully,which Grant returned,before both of them left him.
Grant watched them leave.He really hoped they'd both be okay.Of course,Finlay and Paula Ann were both,highly experienced soldiers,but he had a nasty feeling inside,that he had just sent them to the sharks.
He hoped he was wrong on that.
The small cell held just enough space,for one occupant,and at the present moment in time,it was.
A man lay curled up on the cell floor.He wasn't lying comfortably though.Instead,he was in agony.His whole body ached,and his face was bloody and bruised.Quite evidently,he'd been beaten up really effectively.
The man was known as Jennings,and he was now a Sanna prisoner.He'd been caught trying to sabotage some of the Sanna's military equipment.The humanoids didn't take too kindly to that,as they really laid into Jennings.Any lesser man,would have easily succumbed,but Jennings was tough,very tough.He'd refused to answer all Sanna demands,and had actually spat into his interrogator's humanoid face.
Of course,although it made him feel better,it had only lasted a second,before the Sanna beat him up again.They'd finally tired of it,and had promptly thrown him in here,and locked him up.
Jennings knew they'd be back for him,but he also knew he wasn't alone.His best friend,Montgomery was out there.They'd been doing the sabotage together,and had actually done some serious damage,before they were both seen.
Montgomery had managed to get away,but a stun shot from one of the Sanna,made Jennings their prisoner.As he lay in his cell recovering,Jennings' teeth clenched,hoping he'd get some payback on his captors.With Montgomery by his side,this had been done before.The Sanna held a rare fear at Montgomery.He was really tough,and was one of the very few humans,who could actually kill a Sanna,with his bare hands.
Jennings thought constantly of his friend,and he knew Montgomery wouldn't abandon him.They'd been best friends since childhood,whilst imprisoned in a Sanna detention camp.The harsh,brutal life that existed in the detention camp,had killed many people imprisoned with them.Both Jennings and Montgomery had even seen men,acting as their guards,and they were not kind ones.Witnessing so much suffering,had hardened them both,and they both plotted to escape.
Fortunately,they did,although the escape wasn't their own doing.Jennings and Montgomery would never forget the man,who made their freedom possible.He was known as Finch.A real tough nut to crack,and despite repeated attempts by their inhumane jailers to do so,Finch refused to surrender.This had given the survivors hope,and of course,they all got their freedom,as well as revenge.Jennings and Montgomery had helped,but Finch was also a superb soldier.Nobody knew how many he killed in their escape,but nobody was going to question him about it.
After the escape,Finch had teamed up with Jennings and Montgomery,and had shown them his soldiering skills.They were both eager to learn,and learned fast,before putting their new skills to test.Finch was pleased,seeing the huge successes his two new recruits inflicted on the enemy.
However,after a while,Finch disappeared.Both Jennings and Montgomery tried to look for him,but without success.They both knew he'd suffered a lot in prison,and had seen he was really ill.They got badly needed medicine for him,but it looked as if it was too late for Finch.Jennings and Montgomery really missed him,as he'd proved a priceless ally and friend.They both hoped they would see him again,and soon.
However,this seemed unlikely,as Jennings grimly fought to keep his mental strength up.He had no doubt the Sanna would be back for him,inflicting more torture on him.
This came sooner than expected,as Jennings heard Sanna footsteps outside his cell.The door was unlocked,and he could just make out two burly Sanna troopers,who strode up to him,and they both started to kick him,as he lay helpless on the floor.
They continued this briefly,before the humanoids then dragged him out of his cell.Through his blurred vision,Jennings noticed they'd taken him,to some sort of control room.There was a sinister looking glass tube,placed in the middle of the room,and it could clearly hold a person inside it.Jennings desperately began to get his strength back,as he realised this was where they were going to put him.
The two Sanna troopers holding him,threw him roughly onto the floor,and more Sanna humanoids entered.One of them,was a Sanna commander.He gazed down contemptuously at the battered,and blood stained human male.
'So you are Jennings.'The Sanna spoke to him in English,although it was translated through a device the Sanna wore.No human had ever been able to understand,or learn their language.It was a fact,which made the Sanna more in contempt,of their human enemy.
'You were caught attempting to sabotage one of our shuttles,were you not?'The Sanna commander didn't bother to wait for a response,and continued.'In fact,you have carried out several acts of sabotage,with another human male,known as Montgomery,I believe?'
Jennings didn't respond,and he had no intention too.He expected another beating for this,but surprisingly,there wasn't one.Instead,he heard the Sanna speak to one of his colleagues,and this humanoid promptly left the room.
Jennings still lay there,slowly recovering,when he suddenly heard a woman's voice,or more precisely,a woman's scream of fear.
He jerked his head up,seeing a Sanna humanoid drag in a young woman.The woman's eyes were terror stricken,as the Sanna easily forced her into the glass tube.
The humanoid then promptly bound the girl's wrists behind her,and stepped out of the tube,before sealing the girl inside it.
Jennings's eyes blazed in fury,as all the Sanna turned to observe his reaction.In particular,the Sanna commander.
'We have been on your miserable planet,for quite some time.'The commander told him.'You are a contemptible,cruel race,but there are certain redeeming features in you,that we find interesting.'
The Sanna commander turned back to the bound girl,continuing.'One thing we have seen from you,is that you help each other,even when you don't know them.This human female,for instance.You have never met her before,but I sense that you will assist her,given the opportunity.'
'Let her go,damn you.'Jennings snarled.
'If you co-operate,then perhaps I will.'The Sanna walked right up to the glass tube,calmly observing the woman.He was somewhat amused,by the woman's fear,but he did see her eyes pleading at Jennings.
Jennings saw it too,and he was going too,but his strength still hadn't recovered.
To his horror,and to the girl's,the Sanna commander nodded at one of his troopers,to start the machine,where the girl was imprisoned.Instantly,the tube's interior darkened,and Jennings found he couldn't see her at times,but he still heard her screams.
'An interesting device,is it not,Jennings?'The Sanna commander spoke,as if he was having some idle chit chat.'We are at present,invading the human female's brain.I'm very interested,in seeing her reaction,and yours.'
Jennings watched appalled and aghast.The girl was screaming like mad.So much so,that the Sanna commander ordered the girl to be gagged.One of his troopers obeyed,tying a strip of black cloth,over the girl's mouth.
This didn't stop the torture though,as the Sanna commander ordered.'Raise to level two.'
The bound and gagged girl,was now struggling frantically,and Jennings realised he had to do something to help her.But what in God's name could he do? He was certain the Sanna would want to know,the whereabouts of Montgomery,as well as other people he knew,still fighting these invaders.
'Stop it,you bastards!'Jennings swore venomously at them.'Leave her alone!'
The Sanna commander ignored him.
'Proceed to maximum scan.'he ordered.
'The human female may die,commander.'the trooper operating the machine warned him.
'I am well aware of that.'
The Sanna trooper obeyed,and promptly raised the required level.By now,Jennings could see the girl shaking in fear uncontrollably,and he snapped,not wanting to see her suffer any more.
He was just about to strike one of his Sanna guards,when something was thrown into the room.This made all the Sanna turn to gaze down,in astonishment at it,before there was a blinding flash,and all the humanoids in the room,were now on their knees,covering their eyes.
A man suddenly entered the room.He was tall and very strong,just like Jennings,and his eyes were mean.Dark skinned,and carrying a Sanna laser rifle,the new man instantly began gunning the Sanna down.
None of the humanoids had a chance to fight back.The flash bang grenade he'd thrown in,had proved highly effective.Jennings seeing this,seized the advantage,as he suddenly got his strength back.
He smashed his fist into each of his two Sanna guards,before easily disarming one of them.Jennings didn't hesitate,as he too,used the weapon on their former owners.
Although both men had managed to shoot most of the Sanna troopers,the Sanna commander was still alive,and he faced the new man,who'd proved so deadly.The humanoid actually recognised him.
'So you are Montgomery.'There was a faint hint of a smile,on the Sanna's face.'The reports on you and Jennings,were indeed,very accurate.It shall be an honour to kill you.'
Montgomery didn't respond to that,as he pulled out one of his deadly blades.The Sanna commander did the same,as he accepted the challenge.They then began to fight.
As they did so,Jennings quickly ran up to the glass tube,where the girl was still held.Her eyes were still open,and he was so relieved she was still alive.
He managed to open the entrance port on it,and hurriedly freed her.She collapsed into his arms immediately.
As Jennings exited with her,he was just in time to see his friend,slam his knife into the Sanna commander's neck.The humanoids expression was full of shocked surprise,as Montgomery stabbed him again,inflicting another fatal wound on his enemy.As the Sanna sank slowly to his knees,Montgomery suddenly lashed out with his foot,sending the humanoid sprawling back.He went over to make sure the Sanna was dead,but there was no need.
Montgomery turned away satisfied,that he'd added another Sanna kill to his combat record.He could see Jennings carrying the girl,and was relieved to see his friend.
'Are you okay?'Montgomery asked him.
Jennings didn't feel okay,but he nodded.
'Let's get her out of here.'he told his friend,feeling the girl wrap her arms more tightly around him.
Both of them then hurried out,and without encountering any more Sanna opposition,they made an effective escape.
Chapter Three to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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