Grimly,Jennings and Montgomery made their way through the busy docks,having watched Sarah and Jane depart on MTB 16.The boat had raced away from them,and Jennings was feeling as if he'd made a big mistake,letting his sister accompany Jane.He'd already made his mind up,to find out that particular boat's patrol route.Deep down,Jennings couldn't explain it,but he sensed both girls would need his help soon,and he was going to give it to them.
The two men continued to make their way through the docks,and as yet,still showed no indication,that they were aware of being watched.
Keeping a careful distance between himself and his targets,the Chinese man who'd observed them earlier at the restaurant,now had his asked for reinforcements.He'd been joined by six,and very tough looking coolies,and all their faces showed pleasure,once he'd told them of his intentions,or more precisely,Mister Lo's.
Still keeping a discreet distance,he watched Jennings and Montgomery carefully.The two men really did look powerful,and he thought he'd better use caution here,as he wondered how to get them.
After a few moments thought,the man decided to lure them away,from the frenzied activity of the docks.There were plenty of deserted corners,that may prove useful for this.He'd then see,how tough they really were.The question was how?
The answer came immediately for him,as he spotted a young Chinese woman standing nearby.She was dressed in a dark blue navy shirt,with black lapels,and also wore a matching,knee length blue skirt.She was actually,one of the harbour's customs officials,and was writing something down on a clipboard.
Seeing her standing alone,the man grinned.The girl was damned pretty,he thought,and his accomplices were also eyeing her,with more than lustful intent.
To make things even better,the man noticed Jennings and Montgomery,now walking towards her.Perfect,he grinned to himself.
He then silently gestured to one of his men,to grab the girl,whilst he and the rest of of the men,sneaked into hiding,preparing the ambush.
Neither Jennings or Montgomery had still given any indication,that they were aware of being watched,but inwardly,they both knew it.Both men had spotted the same Chinese man,Jennings had seen outside the restaurant,and of course,the six Chinese men who'd linked up with him.Both men nodded at each other,and tensed themselves up.
As they walked on through the docks,they were now encountering less people,and they weren't that far from the harbour's exit.It was then,that Jennings suddenly spotted a young,and very pretty Chinese woman.Jennings identified her uniform,as one of the harbour's custom staff.
Suddenly,a Chinese man he'd seen from the six men earlier,suddenly appeared behind the girl.Jennings could instantly tell what he was going to do,and before he could shout out a warning to the girl,the man instantly seized her.The girl's eyes bulged,as she felt his hand clamp over her mouth,and with his free arm tight around her waist,the man then dragged her around a corner.
Both Jennings and Montgomery instantly gave pursuit,and raced around the corner,where the girl had been taken.They then saw the man,still holding onto his hostage.He gave a nasty smile to Jennings and Montgomery,enjoying the girl's muffled cries.
Jennings noticed this was a dead end,and of course,it was empty of people,but he recognised the situation,and after glancing at his friend,Jennings began to move slowly towards the Chinese man.
'Let her go.'Jennings spoke fluent Cantonese,and waited for the response,hoping it was a positive one.Sadly though,it wasn't.The man gripped the girl more tightly,and was still smiling,when he heard the running sounds of his men,who now appeared.Jennings and Montgomery turned to see,six tough looking Chinese men,all armed with deadly knifes,and now blocked the way out.Every one of the men,wore menacing expressions,as they too,now slowly advanced.
If they had hoped to frighten Jennings and Montgomery,they were disappointed.On the contrary,they both stepped forward,accepting the challenge,before they then raced up to the group,catching the six men by surprise.Then,the fight began.
The Chinese men tried to use their knifes on Jennings and Montgomery,but the two men's attack on them,had caught them off-guard.It was a successful tactic,they'd both used in battle many times.Every lunge made with a knife,was easily blocked,as the two men were experts in this kind of fighting.Within moments,all six men were disarmed,and were then sent reeling by hard blows,as they lay senseless on the ground.
With that threat taken care off,Montgomery picked up the fallen blades,keeping an eye on the prone men,whilst Jennings slowly turned back towards the man holding the girl.The nasty smile was wiped from his face,as he stared disbelievingly at what he'd just seen.Even the girl's eyes were stunned too.
'I said,let her go.'Jennings repeated.His voice was much more harder now,and he resumed his advance towards them.
Suddenly,the man compiled,although not in the way Jennings wished.He roughly threw the girl at him,and bolted for it.Jennings caught the girl,making sure she was unharmed,and he whirled around to see the man's escape bid fail abysmally.Montgomery easily caught him,and grabbed him by the neck,forcing him up against the wall.This time,it was the man's eyes turn to bulge,as he realised his feet were well off the ground.
Satisfied at seeing that,Jennings turned back to the girl he was gently holding.He noticed she hadn't let go off him.
'Are you okay,Miss?'he asked her,concerned.
The girl looked up at him,and smiled warmly to him.
'Thank you for saving me.'her voice was warm too.'yes,I'm fine.'
Jennings could see that,and was pleased.He squeezed her shoulder gently,before he turned back,to face the man Montgomery was holding.His face wasn't friendly.
'Why did you attack us?'he asked him in Cantonese.Jennings' voice wasn't friendly either.
The Chinese man didn't reply,as he was desperately trying to break free,from Montgomery's hold on his neck.The man's efforts were wasted though,but just for a moment,Jennings thought his friend,was actually throttling him,but a nod from him reassured,that Montgomery was just making sure he didn't escape.
However,he still wasn't answering.
'Okay.'Jennings told him,now beginning to suspect who this man was,or rather,who he was working for.'We'll let the police deal with you.'
Grimly,Jennings reached inside his person,and pulled out his mobile.Then,he began to dial.
Watching them,and safely out of sight,the Chinese man who'd ordered the ambush,now realised Jennings and Montgomery,were indeed,trouble for Mr Lo's plans.He too,couldn't believe how easily these two foreigners,could easily beat six men,armed with knifes.He'd report to his superior in a moment,but he needed to do something first.He then reached into his tunic,and produced a small wooden tube.Then,he aimed it.
'It's no good,John.'Montgomery shook his head.'he's not going to talk.I bet he's a Triad.Code of silence.'
Jennings nodded,but he then saw the Chinese man suddenly gasp,his eyes widened,before he suddenly went limp,in Montgomery's hold.Both men then spotted,the small dart,now embedded in the man's neck.
Quickly,Montgomery dove into cover behind a huge crate,pulling out his sidearm,and grabbing the man's limp form with him.Jennings followed his example,also making sure the girl went down with him.She clung onto him.
Peering out carefully,Montgomery didn't see the shooter,and it didn't take him long,to work out the position of where the dart had been fired.Once he'd identified the spot,Montgomery didn't see anybody there,but of course,that was expected.
He then glanced back down at the Chinese man,and nudged Jennings to do the same.Both men noticed the lifeless eyes,and grimly realised there was nothing they could do for him.
Then,Montgomery decided to take a cautious chance,as he slowly rose from his cover.Nobody shot at him,and after examining for more potential firing points,he was satisfied the threat had gone.
'It's clear.'Montgomery called to his friend.
Grimly,Jennings stood up too,offering his hand to the young woman.She accepted,without hesitation.
'Better get an ambulance,I suppose.'Jennings stared down,at the lifeless corpse.'Fat lot of good,its going to do him though.'
'Who were those people?'the girl asked him curiously.'why did they attack you,and grab me?'
'I'm not sure yet,Miss.'Jennings admitted.'but I'm going to find out.'
At the moment,Jennings was totally convinced the still,lying prone men,were linked to that MTB,where Sarah and Jane were now on.He suspected whoever had ordered these men to attack him and Montgomery,were interested to see how good they were.He sincerely hoped the bad guys,were now getting worried,having seen their men easily taken care off.
The Chinese girl still with him,used her mobile to ask for an ambulance,and he too,dialled the number he had started,before being interrupted,by the man's death.
He got through to Hong Kong police headquarters,and he then asked.'Can I speak to Detective Angela Lee,please?'
This made the girl with him,stare slightly surprised at him,but she didn't say anything,as Jennings identified himself on being asked,and then waited for Angela's voice to come on.He didn't have to wait long.
'John!'She sounded overjoyed to hear from him.'How are you? I can't believe you're in Hong Kong.What are you doing here?'
'Hello,Angela.'Jennings greeted her warmly back.She was a really good friend now,and he couldn't wait to see her again.He did however,have some concerns at the back of his mind.Jennings knew it hadn't been that long,since Angela had been kidnapped,by Kim Yang's ruthless slavery gangs.The damned woman was still out there somewhere,and he hoped she wasn't involved here.He certainly didn't want to put Angela,into any danger again.
However,he knew Angela was a highly capable police officer.She'd smashed up many criminal gangs,and she'd also told him,that if he needed any help,she'd give it to him.All he had to do,was ask.He already decided too.
'I've got a problem,Angela.'Jennings explained to her.'I'm down in the harbour with a friend,but I need you to identify a body.'
'What happened,John?'Angela's voice was now concerned.'You're not hurt,are you?'
'No,we're fine.'he reassured her.'we got jumped by six heavies,and one of them grabbed a young lady here,but she's fine.She's right here with-'
Jennings suddenly stopped speaking,seeing the Chinese girl gesture at him,that she wanted to use his mobile.He handed it over to her,and listened.
'Hello,little sister.'the girl greeted Angela.
'Jenny?'Angela's voice was now surprised.'you were the one they grabbed?'
'Yes.'Jenny confirmed.'but these two men saved me.Don't worry,I'm fine.'Jenny then cast her eye over Jennings.'Is this the Englishman you told me about?'
'Yes,his name is John Jennings.'Angela informed her.'he's a soldier in the British army,and he's the one who rescued me,from that horrible Yang woman.'
Jenny liked looking at Jennings' impressive figure.
'He's certainly impressive.'Jenny was a little in awe of his,and his friend's height.'I never thought any man,could be so tall and strong.'She paused momentarily.'He's really handsome.'
'Yes,I know he is,Jenny.Now kindly put him back on.'
Jenny did so,and Jennings smiled his thanks to her,making her blush slightly.He'd understood everything she'd said.
'You're sister's very polite.'Jennings complimented Angela.
'Don't move from there,John.'Angela's voice was firm.'I'm coming down now.'
Jennings assured her,that he'd still be here waiting for her,and told her to be careful.He then ended the call,and glancing at Montgomery,he then said;
'We may as well wait for her,but not here.'
Saying that,Jennings then gently took Jenny's arm,and led her away from the dead man,before they found a suitable place to wait.
Still observing the trio unseen,the Chinese man who'd ordered the attack,used his mobile to contact his boss,Mister Lo again.'
'Well?'Lo's voice was sharp.'How did it go?'
'They're both expert fighters,Mister Lo.'the man reported,somewhat nervously,not sure how Lo would respond to this bad news.He still couldn't believe only two men,had easily beaten six armed men with knifes.
'It was unbelievable,sir.'he still kept shaking his head in disbelief.'they beat everybody.'
'As I suspected they would.'Lo replied surprisingly.'where are the men now?'
'All knocked out,except one.I had to kill him,Mister Lo.'the nervousness was still fully evident,in his tone of voice.'he could have told the police everything.'
'No matter.'Lo sounded totally indifferent,dismissing the man's death as nothing.'None of our people,will betray anything to anybody.Our code dictates that.'
'Yes,sir.'the man agreed eagerly.It sounded,as if he wasn't going to be punished after all.
'What are your instructions,sir?'
'Wait.'Lo told him sharply,and the man then heard him talking to somebody else.It sounded like a woman,before his voice returned.
'Just keep watching them.I understand the police are on their way?'
'Very well.Watch who they talk too,and get me pictures of that.Then report back here.Got it?'
His man acknowledged his instructions,before Lo ended the call,although with a final warning.
'Don't get caught.Understood?'Then,he did end the call,and the man resumed his mission,as he went back to watching Jennings,Montgomery,and the girl.He could still see his men,still lying senseless on the ground,and he began to dial another number.
Seated comfortably in Admiral Hunter's office,the man known as Lo,smiled across to the admiral.He knew he was well trusted by the admiral,as whatever she asked him for,he went and did it for her.
Lo wasn't a nasty looking type,but his dark eyes betrayed his sinister side,and he shared the same ruthless streak the admiral had.They both worked very well together.
He was currently watching Admiral Hunter reading a file.This was a very special file he'd gotten for her,and he could see she was enjoying reading it.Lo had even read it himself,knowing it contained details on Jennings and Montgomery's battle records.
'Those two men are highly dangerous,Admiral.'Lo told her calmly.'Very capable opponents.'
'I agree,Mister Lo.'Admiral Hunter nodded,still reading the file.'However,I don't think we need to be too concerned.If by some miracle,this Jennings and Montgomery do latch onto us,we know Jennings' weak spot.'She smirked on saying that.
Lo too,smiled his understanding.
'Yes,Jennings' sister is very pretty.So is Miss Griffiths.'Lo's smile increased in pleasure.'Both of them will make excellent hostages,before we sell them on.'
'Hostages,Mister Lo?'Admiral Hunter raised an amused eyebrow.'Bait is more appropriate.'
'Of course.'Lo bowed his head politely.'Please forgive me.'
'No apology necessary,I assure you.'She smiled politely back.'Just keep me posted on these two men's activities.The police are now involved,Mister Lo,so we must be vigilant.'
'Oh,don't worry about the police,Admiral.'Lo grinned confidently.'I have that area well covered,and don't anticipate any problems.'
Admiral Hunter sensed what he was saying.
'You have an informant,in the Hong Kong police?'she asked.
'We have our little ways,of watching our enemies.'Lo was now smirking,as he went on.'I must admit I enjoy watching Miss Lee getting frustrated.She's proved a constant thorn in my side.'
'Ah,yes.'the admiral then looked for the photograph,of Angela Lee in the file.She found it,and liked looking at the pretty Chinese girl.She'd been mentioned,in the file.'She does all the undercover work,I believe? A Thai slavery ring kidnapped her,on board that cruise ship,the 'Eastern Princess' didn't they?'
'Quite so,Admiral.'Lo nodded.'Fortunately for Miss Lee,Jennings managed to rescue her,but we could still bring her to you,if you so desire.'
'I'm more than tempted,Mister Lo,believe me.'the Admiral's lust was up,as she continued to gaze at Angela's picture.'I'm always looking,to increase my collection of pretty slaves.'
However,Admiral Hunter decided to be cautious.
'Perhaps later,Mister Lo.Let's have Miss Lee watched for the moment,and see what she does.'
'Leave it to me,Admiral.'Lo then rose from his chair.'I'll take care of it.'
He then bowed politely to her,and left the office.
As soon as he'd gone,Admiral Hunter gazed more lustfully at Angela's picture.She decided there and then,that she would like to have this girl in her clutches.She already had a good feeling,that Mister Lo would be seeing to that.
For the moment though,she had other concerns,and she then picked up the phone,and made contact with Captain Lin.
'Everything went as planned,Captain?'she asked her.
'No problems,Admiral.'Lin's voice replied confidently.'Both Miss Jennings and Miss Griffiths,are safely bound and gagged as we speak,just as you ordered.I've got them on my boat now,and taking them to our little retreat.'
'Excellent work,captain.'Admiral Hunter was delighted.'I'll be over later,but I need to talk to you,about a possible problem.'
'What kind of problem?'
'The Jennings girl has a brother,and he will come for her.'The admiral was certain of that.'We'll need to be prepared.'
'Of course.'Lin agreed.'I'm heading back there now,to check on our security.Don't worry though,Admiral.'Lin's voice was supremely confident.'Only a complete fool,would even dream off infiltrating here.'
'I can assure you,captain.'Admiral Hunter's own voice was firm.'The girl's brother,is no fool at all.Let's not get overconfident,but be prepared.'
On board MTB 16,Lin acknowledged the admiral's warning,and she then hung up,and quickly made another call.This time,it was to one of her men back on the boat,where she'd just left the two girls.Her call was answered immediately.
'Status?'Lin demanded.
'We've arrived,captain.'came the reassuring reply.'Just docking up now.'
'Good.'Lin was pleased to hear that.'I trust the girls are still secure?'
There was a brief pause,as this was checked.It made her a little impatient,but once the man's voice came back to her,he told her the good news.
'Aye,captain,both prisoners still secure.'
'Very good.Take them,and put them with our other pretty stock,and keep them locked up.'Her voice was now sharp.'We may be having,some unexpected visitors soon.I'm heading back now.Keep checking the defences,and warn the patrols to be extra vigilant.If any of them fail,I'll deal with them personally.'
Lin meant the last part,speaking it with utter menace,but she left it at that.She ended the call,and promptly ordered her crew,to head back towards her secret island base,at full speed.
Still securely bound and gagged,and back to back,Sarah and Jane's fears were racing inside them,as they now heard ominous footsteps approaching.They'd long given up,fighting their bonds,and could only make occasional struggles,but neither of them could break free from the tight ropes.
The two guards were still present with them,and to make matters worse,the men came over and with evil smiles,constantly groped Sarah and Jane's breasts.They even kissed the two girls necks and faces,making them both squeal into their gags.This of course,only made their tormentors smile in relish.Neither man had made any attempt,to take things further,as they obeyed their captain's orders.However,Sarah and Jane clearly saw the men,were desperate to take them.Their fears of rape multiplied.
They then heard the footsteps outside,and both girls watched fearfully,as the door opened.One man entered,holding a mobile phone.He glanced briefly at Sarah and Jane's bound,gagged forms,before speaking to the two guards.There was a brief exchange of words between the three men,and of course,the two girls didn't understand a word,but then,the man who'd entered,nodded,and appeared satisfied.He then spoke back into the mobile,before he closed the call.Then,he spoke again to the two guards,gesturing at Sarah and Jane.The two men nodded,and they advanced onto the two girls.
Both Sarah and Jane flinched back in terror,seeing one of the men producing a sharp knife.However,the man merely bent down,and he cut away the ropes,holding the two girls together.Once he'd done that,he and his colleague promptly scooped Sarah and Jane up.Both men enjoyed the terrified eyes,now bulging up at them,before they then carried the girls out.
As they emerged out onto the upper deck,both Sarah and Jane noticed they'd been taken to an island.It looked very peaceful and exotic,but once they saw the armed men patrolling it,their fears mounted even more.Added to this,the island looked extremely remote,as there was no other island in sight.If this was their prison,it was a perfect choice.
There were a few small wooden buildings,but there was also a large and high wooden fence,which also had four guard towers built on each corner.Each tower was also patrolled by armed men,and there was also a mounted machine gun in each tower,that provided a tough defence.Seeing this,Sarah suddenly realised her captors,were prepared to kill.This was bad news.
Still tightly held,Sarah and Jane were carried off the boat,and taken into one of the buildings.As they were,both girls could now see many more female captives.Each one of them,was tightly bound and gagged just as they were,but what they also saw,was that each girl,was dressed in the same Royal Navy uniform.
Jane suddenly realised that Captain Lin,had indeed spoken the truth.It was Admiral Hunter,who'd ordered her abduction.She even recognised some of the girls,that had gone missing from the college,and now she was another addition.A new slave for the admiral to enjoy.Jane mumbled into her gag,full of despair.Two new slaves,she corrected herself,realising that she'd unwittingly brought Sarah here.How could I have been so stupid? Jane thought,scared to death.
Both Sarah and Jane were then put gently down,and their captors put them with their backs to the wall.A stringent check on their bonds followed,and both men were satisfied the ropes were still tight.They even checked Sarah and Jane's gags,as one of them tightened the knot at the back on Jane's gag,whilst the other man smoothed the black tape more over Sarah's mouth.The two girls even made an unwilling check for the men,as they mumbled feebly behind the gags.The men smiled,as they then made another thorough check,on all the other girls bonds.Again,they were satisfied.
Sarah was frantically hoping these men would leave,so she could concentrate on working on her bonds.Unfortunately though,her captors had no such intentions.There were still two men here,and were on guard duty.When their watch was over,two more men would take their place,and they both watched the girls closely.Any girl attempting to free themselves,instantly bought a sharp rebuke from them.One of the men would step forward menacingly,and point his weapon at the struggling girl.This made all the girls freeze in fear,and the guards were pleased they remained in control.They would still taunt any one of the tied up girls,by stroking their weapons along their captives bodies,frightening them even more.
One of the guards liked the look of Sarah,and decided to have some fun with her.He moved over to her,and squatted down beside her.Giving her a cruel smile,his hands lovingly groped Sarah's chest,making the girl clench her eyes shut,in utter disgust and fear.The man laughed coldly in her face,fully enjoying himself,and his colleague kept a sharp watch,just in case any of the other girls showed any resistance.
Sarah's tormentor,now started to kiss her neck,and he ignored her muffled,gagged protests,and he did this for several minutes,before he moved over to do the same to Jane.As he indecently assaulted her,Sarah could only look on helplessly.She could offer no resistance,knowing the punishment.Her despair too,filled her mind.
Where's John? Sarah thought frantically.He has to know I'm missing!He's got to come for me! This thought kept Sarah going,but only just.
Yet how long was it going to take him to find her? Sarah couldn't help,but think on the grim side.How could he find everybody else here? She always knew her brother would help her,and he'd never give up on her either.Sarah longed for the moment,when John would reach her,and seeing what these monsters were doing to her,she also he'd make them pay dearly.Sarah couldn't wait to see him smash these thugs faces in.
Unfortunately,she was still a bound and gagged prisoner,and she was dreading what the future held for her.
Just then,Sarah,Jane,and all the other girls,now saw a woman enter the hut.Her arrival made both their guards stop what they were doing immediately,and they stood back respectfully for her.
The woman was Chinese Sarah noticed,and the former's gaze settled on her.She then found the woman's presence familiar,but couldn't quite remember her,although,her stomach was churning inside.
The Chinese woman now walked towards Sarah,and as she got closer,Sarah's eyes bulged in horror over her tape gag,as suddenly recognised the woman.Her non existent scream,totally inaudible into her gag.
It was Kim Yang!
The moment Kim Yang had entered the hut,her eyes had immediately found Sarah,and she moved up to her,before kneeling down beside Sarah's helpless form.All the other bound and gagged girls,shrank back in fear from her.
'So nice to see you again,Sarah.'Kim Yang chuckled,as she lifted the girl's chin.Her eyes were full of sexual lust,and a cunning smile crept in,as she gazed down at Sarah's gagged face,enjoying her fear.
'There's so much to catch up on,and so much I want to do to you,my dear.'Kim Yang continued.'and the best part is,that we have so much time to kill.'
Sarah dreaded the future even more now.
To be continued?
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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