'So,you sure you'll be okay?'
Sarah sighed,as she glanced over at her sister,Helen,who'd asked the question.Both girls were eating breakfast at the table,and still dressed in the night clothes.
'Will you stop worrying,Helen?'Sarah mildly scolded her younger sister.'I'm just going for a job interview,that's all.'
'Yeah,I know that,Sarah,but-'Helen tried to smile,but she couldn't finish. Sarah could see she was really concerned about something,and she leaned forward to her,taking Helen's hands in her own.Sarah gazed with deep compassion at her sister.Both of them were really great mates,and of course,were very close.They had similar facial features.Sarah was a little taller,and had a warm personality.This fact helped her,to achieve her goals.
Helen was a lot more reserved,but she too,was warm,although people had to prove themselves to her.Helen was very wary of strangers.The only people she trusted,was her family.
'But what?'Sarah asked Helen gently,still holding her sister's hand affectionately.'What's the matter,Helen?'
Helen looked back warmly too at her,but smiled sheepishly.
'I'm sorry,Sarah.'Helen meant her apology.'I'm just worried about you,with this interview you're going too.'
'The stewardess job?'Sarah was mildly surprised,to hear that.'Why?'
'Haven't you seen where the flight takes you? It's into Saudi Arabia,the Middle East.'
'So that means you'll be going into a country,that's notorious for slavery gangs.'Helen's eyes pleaded at her elder sister,as she tightened her grip on Sarah's hands.'Please,Sarah.Don't go to that interview today.'
Sarah sighed again,but she squeezed Helen's hands back.
'There's nothing to worry about,Helen.I'm just applying for a job,which is something what I've always wanted.If I'm lucky enough to get it,I can travel all over the world,and you can come with me.'She smiled.'We'll have some great holidays.Places we've only dreamed of going.'
Helen didn't reply to that.She was utterly convinced,that Sarah was walking into trouble.She'd make sure her sister would be fine,and already had a plan in her mind.
'Never mind.'Helen just grinned at Sarah.'I'm just rabbiting on.'
Helen then went back to eating her breakfast,but Sarah was gazing curiously at her.However,she made no further comment on the subject,and went back to her own breakfast.
Once Sarah had finished,she went up to her bedroom to get changed.It didn't take her long,as she selected a white shirt,with a dark blue,knee length skirt.Sarah had also chosen to wear,the same coloured nylons,and she then put her smartly polished,black high heels on.
As Sarah checked herself out in the mirror,she felt confident that she appeared smart.Then,Sarah put on a matching dark blue jacket,that went well with her skirt.For a moment,as Sarah looked at her reflection,she thought she looked quite sexy.
However,Sarah thought she was being a little big-headed,and instantly dismissed it.She then went to get her car keys,and once she'd found them,Sarah turned to Helen,who was still at the table.
'Well,this is it.'Sarah grinned at her.'Wish me luck then.'
Sarah then bent down a little,to give Helen a warm,friendly kiss on her cheek.Helen responded,as she did the same.
'Good luck,Sarah.'Helen meant that.She always wanted Sarah to do well,in everything she pursued.
'Thank you,Helen.'Sarah kept her grin,and stroked her hand affectionately,through Helen's hair.'Don't worry,okay? I'll let you know how it went.'
They hugged again,and then,Sarah left the house,and got into her car.Within a minute,she drove off,waving at Helen as she did so.
Standing by the window,Helen returned her sister's friendly wave,with a nice smile.However,as soon as Sarah had disappeared,Helen's face became determined.She was going to protect Sarah,no matter what,as she then picked up her mobile,and made a phone call.
'Jennings Security.'A female voice greeted her.
'I need to talk to Mister Jennings,please.'Helen's voice was still worried.'He's doing a case for me.'
'Your name,please?'The woman asked.
'Helen Bennett.'
The next moment,Helen heard the voice of the man,she needed to speak too.
'Hello,Helen.'His voice was friendly,and Helen had liked him from the moment she'd met him.'How are you?'
'Hello John.I'm fine.'Helen responded,before she then informed him,'Sarah's on her way to the airport now.Her interview's scheduled for 0930,with a Miss Saunders.'
'Yes,thanks.'Jennings replied.'Don't worry.I'll keep an eye out,for your Sarah.'
'Please do,John.'Helen's voice was almost pleading.'Something's not right about this job,she's going for.We both know a lot of girls,have gone missing in that place.'
Helen had already done some background checking,on the job Sarah was applying for.The firm was known as,'Saudi Flights'.It was a private airline,flying from Dubai to Heathrow,on a regular basis.Helen had checked the flight fares,and was stunned to see the prices demanded.Only an overpaid Premiership footballer,or a senior politician,who earned money normal people could only dream of getting,could afford these prices.So unfair.Helen thought correctly.
At least,if anybody did pay the fee,they were guaranteed a flight,practically in perfect luxury.The seats were more than comfortable,and leg room was very spacious,unlike the cramped economy class,that Helen had flown on before.There was a good choice of food and drinks offered,and Sarah had told Helen,that the wages were very good.If she succeeded in getting the job,they'd both be a lot better off financially.
'I understand,Helen.'Jennings had answered her straight away.'I'll keep my eyes on Sarah,and don't worry,okay?'
Helen appreciated what Jennings was saying to her,and thanked him before ending the call.She'd heard a lot about this man,and knew he had been a professional soldier,in the British army.He was now in the private detective business,and he came highly recommended.Helen had wanted somebody,to watch out for her sister.She didn't trust that Saudi Flights,but she did trust Jennings.This actually surprised her,as normally,Helen didn't really have much faith in people.However,when she'd met Jennings,she liked him immediately,and knew he was a good man,even though she didn't know him.For now,all she could do,was to keep her fingers crossed.
Grimly,Jennings put the phone down,as soon as he'd finished speaking with Helen,his latest client.He fully detected the worry in the girl's voice,and just knew this was a genuine case.
His receptionist,a very pretty girl known as Jane,had never stopped looking at him,since he'd spoken on the phone.Her face was worried too.
'I hope we can help her,John.'Jane told him.Her tone of voice,was worried also.
'We will,Jane,and Sarah too.'Jennings reassured her.'Did you find anything else,about this airline?'
'I did,indeed,and it's not good.'Jane then handed him a file,and Jennings opened it.The first thing he noticed,were four photographs.Every one of them,showed a very pretty girl.They had their names written down,on each of their pictures.Jennings read their names to himself.Karen Smith,a blonde,with warm blue eyes.Jennifer Lloyd,a long,dark haired brunette.Carol Saunders,another blonde,but with shorter hair than Karen's,and Michelle Yang,a Thai girl,whose raven black hair and warm dark eyes.All of the girls,were smiling at the camera,and Jennings suddenly had a nasty feeling.This made him glance back at Jane,who nodded.
'These four girls have all disappeared,John.'Jane informed him.'Their last known movements,were heading towards this airline.All of them,were applying for a job there.'
'I see.'Jennings just had his suspicions confirmed.'Well,we'll have to do something about that.'
Jennings then picked up the phone on Jane's desk,and made a quick call.
'Jan,you okay? It's John.Look,can you meet me at Heathrow airport,terminal two.I'll need your help.'
He paused for a moment,listening to the response,before he then answered.
'There's some bad guys there,and there are people in trouble.'
This did the trick,and Jennings nodded,satisfied,as he then said:
'Okay,get there as quick as you can.I'm heading there now.'
Jennings then put the phone down,and asked Jane.'Do you have the address of this airline,Jane?'
Jane nodded,as she'd written it down on a piece of paper,before handing it to him.Jennings looked at the address there.It was actually in Heathrow airport itself,and he knew it would take some time to find the place.Better get moving then.He told himself.
'Okay.I'm going up there now.'Jennings said.'I'll ring you later,if I need anything,Jane.'
'Be careful,John.'Jane's voice was now concerned.
'I will.'Jennings nodded this time.'You stay by the phone.I'll check in later.'
Jennings then left the private offices his business was set up,and got into his own car.Heathrow was an hour's drive away from here,but he knew he had to get there quickly.Within a few moments,Jennings was now driving towards Heathrow.
Sarah finally found a parking space,in one of Heathrow's huge car parks.She was lucky though.The office she had to go to,was right next to the car park,and after Sarah paid the entrance fee,she locked up the car,and headed towards the address.Sarah had done her homework,and had actually checked where the exact location was,so she didn't have any problems finding the place.
Sarah finally reached the address,which was a small office,located in one of the huge,Heathrow terminal buildings.She checked her watch,and was satisfied to see,that she was ten minutes early.
As Sarah walked into the office,the first thing she saw,was a woman,sitting behind a desk.The office was indeed small,but everything appeared neat and tidy,and as soon she'd entered,the woman's eyes locked onto her immediately.Sarah noticed the woman wasn't young.She looked to be approaching middle age,but she was smartly dressed,and her eyes looked cunning.Sarah noticed that.
However,Sarah was here for a job interview,and with a friendly smile,approached the woman.
'Good morning.'Sarah greeted her politely.'My name's Miss Bennett.I'm here to apply for the job of-'
'Ah,yes.'The woman interrupted her,smiling.'You're Sarah,aren't you?I'm Miss Saunders.'The smile suddenly increased,as she offered her hand to Sarah.'I've been expecting you.'
Sarah didn't like the woman's smile.She thought she saw a sinister look there,but didn't comment on it.Instead,she accepted the hand,and shook it.The woman's grip on her,was firm,and Sarah thought she was being held for a moment.Sarah clearly saw a menacing gleam,in the woman's eyes.She didn't like that either.
Then,much to her relief,Miss Saunders released her hand,and gestured for Sarah to sit down.Sarah did so,sitting opposite her,and crossed her legs.Miss Saunders watched her,as she did so,and for the first time,Sarah began to feel alarm.
Miss Saunders noticed Sarah's face,and tried to ease the girl's concern.
'Please forgive me,my dear.'She spoke,in what was hoped,to be a reassuring tone.'I think you're very pretty.I didn't mean to scare you.'
'Thank you.'Sarah responded carefully,but it was a compliment,and if things turned out okay here,she was on a good start,in getting this job.
'So,'Miss Saunders began the interview.'You're applying for a position,on our cabin crew.'She stated that,before resting her hands on her chin thoughtfully.Her gaze never left Sarah,as she then asked her.'Why do you want this position,Miss Bennett?'
Sarah had that answer ready for her.
'It's something I've always wanted to do,ma'am.'Sarah spoke truthfully.'I believe it's a challenge,and would love to assist your business.'
Sarah could see Miss Saunders'face was pleased,and her confidence grew,although the woman then asked her,'So you have had previous experience,on cabin crew?'
'No,ma'am.'Sarah had to respond truthfully to that.It was a dreaded question,at any interview.Like so many others before her,Sarah always thought,how can I get the experience,if they don't use me? It was so frustrating.
However,Sarah knew she had to keep the interview positive,and then continued:
'I have talked to many people,who are on cabin crew duty.I've offered to help,when things are a bit tough,and they accepted.It was something I really enjoyed,and would love to give it a go full time.'
'I see.'Miss Saunders nodded.'Who did you help out?'
'It was actually this airline.I flew to Saudi Arabia,on a work experience trip.'
'Ah,lucky you.'Miss Saunders smiled,more pleasantly this time.'You have your references,of course?'
'Of course.'Sarah reached into her handbag,and gave them to her.She watched Miss Hunter look at the names,before she then stood up.
'Will you excuse me,my dear? I just need to check on something.'
Sarah thought she was going to contact her references,so simply nodded.Then,Miss Saunders left her,and she waited patiently.
Taking her time,Miss Saunders entered another room,where two men were waiting for her.Both men were dressed as Arabs,and appeared very tough men.Like Miss Saunders eyes earlier,the men were looking at Sarah's sitting form.The girl couldn't see them,but both men enjoyed observing,their next unsuspecting victim.
Miss Saunders handed the sheet of paper,on which Sarah's references were written down,to one of the Arabs.
'Here's the girl's references.'She told them.'Do you think they might be a problem,Shiek Bolak?'
The man known as Bolak,took the paper from her,and read the names.A slight smile lit up his,usually dark features,that promised ill will to anybody,who dared crossed him.
'On the contrary,Miss Saunders.'Shiek Bolak was pleased,just like herself.He'd been listening to the interview too.'These people won't give us any problems whatsoever.For you see,they work for us.Miss Bennett wants to join us quite keenly,so she asked some of our staff,to provide her with the needed references.'
'I see.'Miss Saunders nodded her understanding.She then glanced at Sarah,then back at him.'I take it you approve? Shall we take her?'
'Of course.'Shiek Bolak fully agreed,and he then turned to his silent companion.'You will do the honours,of course,my brother?'
His brother gave a nasty smile,as he too,gazed lustfully at the girl.
'Nothing would give me greater pleasure.'He agreed too.'When shall we seize her?'
'I don't see no time like the present.'Shiek Bolak's lustful eyes,couldn't avert themselves from Sarah.'We'll put her with our other pretty guests.'He then glanced back at Miss Saunders.'Would you check on them,just to make sure they're still here,Miss Saunders,please?'
'My pleasure.'Miss Saunders grinned,as she made her way to a back room,which actually led into a private hanger.Here,a private jet,obviously the property of the Bolak brothers,stood waiting for it's next flight.A couple of ground crew,were at present,checking and refuelling the plane,but Miss Saunders attention,went straight to a corner of the hanger,and her grin increased.
Here,sitting on the hanger floor,were four young women.Like Sarah,they were all dressed smartly in business suits.Obviously,they'd attended an interview with Miss Saunders applying for the job she had deviously set up.All these girls had fallen for it,dreaming of a well paid job,and have some great travel perks.
Unfortunately,the girls had walked right into a trap.Miss Saunders had lured each one of them here,pretending to give them a tour of the plane they'd be flying on.Instead,a chloroform soaked handkerchief,was ruthlessly clamped over their mouths.The ground crew did this,hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike.All of their female victims,were easily subdued,and Miss Saunders had ordered the girls bound and gagged.The ground crew willingly did this,and one of them stayed to guard over them.He held a handgun ready,just as a warning to the girls.
Miss Saunders then made her way over,to where the four squirming girls,were still sitting.Every one of them looked up at her,and their eyes were full of fear.Miss Hunter was pleased,seeing that above their white tape gags.All four girls,had their hands tied behind their backs,and their ankles were tied together,preventing them from running off.More loops of rope,were tied horizontally over their upper bodies,above and below their chests,which actually excited Miss Saunders.She couldn't wait to get started on them,once she'd get them on the plane.
'Comfortable,ladies?'She smirked down at her pretty captives.They all mumbled behind their gags at her,which Miss Saunders enjoyed.'I promise we'll have you out of here soon,just as soon as we bring our latest pretty slave here.'
The four girls could only look up at her in horror,fully realising,that the woman who kidnapped them,was now going to kidnap another innocent girl.
Miss Saunders then turned the man guarding them.He was still holding the weapon,and although he wasn't aiming it at the women,he kept it in sight of them.
'Get the girls hidden.'She instructed him.'There's another unsuspecting beauty here.After you've tied her up,we're ready to leave.'
The man nodded,and Miss Saunders then made her way back,to where Sarah was waiting.
Jennings finally reached Heathrow airport,and had also entered the same car park,that Sarah had driven in earlier.He was lucky to find a parking space,knowing time was critical.After exiting the car,Jennings didn't bother paying the parking fee,every second counted.If there was a problem later with this,he'd explain it to the security people.
Quickly,Jennings ran towards the address Helen had given him earlier.He was hoping he wasn't too late.
Sarah finally watched Miss Saunders come back into the room.She hoped things were going well,and could see the woman was smiling,as she sat back down opposite.
'Forgive the delay,my dear.'Miss Saunders apologised.'I just had to check on something.'
'Oh?'Sarah remained polite too.'I hope everything was okay?'
'Never better.'Miss Saunders smiled.The sinister gleam returned in her eyes,but it was just for a moment.'I'd like to show you the aircraft,that you'll be working on.'
Sarah's eyes suddenly widened,in expectant exhilaration.Had she done it?
'I got the job?'Sarah asked.
'I'm satisfied,my dear.'Miss Saunders kept her smile.'That is,if you're willing to start immediately?'
Sarah nodded eagerly,with all her previous nerves vanishing.She'd done it!A job!She never felt so happy.Wait till Helen found out.It really was,great news.
'Follow me,please,Miss Bennett.'Miss Saunders stood up again,and led the way out.She went the same way as before,with Sarah following eagerly.
She led Sarah down into the hanger,where she could let the girl see the plane.Miss Saunders noticed the excitement in Sarah's face,as she saw it.She smiled to herself.The girl was behaving just like the others,that she'd shown before her.
'Impressive,isn't it,my dear?'Miss Saunders asked,glancing at the ground crew,who were standing round it.One of them gave a wave to her,which she understood.It was the signal,indicating they were ready.
'Yes,it looks great.'Sarah had answered straight away.'Can I have a look inside,please?'
'Of course,my dear.That's why I bought you here.'
She then led Sarah down towards the plane,and then stopped at the portable steps,that led into the aircraft.She gestured politely to Sarah to go first,who gratefully accepted.As Sarah climbed the steps,Miss Saunders was right behind her.She was pleased to see the girl hadn't noticed,one of the ground crew discreetly give her the chloroform dabbed hankerchief.
Sarah reached the to of the steps,and was suddenly aware of a lot of mumbling coming from inside the plane.Puzzled,she stepped into it,and then stood in shock.
The mumbling was coming from four women,who'd been bound and and gagged tightly,and strapped into the chairs.All their eyes were pleading at Sarah,who couldn't move for a few moments,as she refused to believe what she was seeing.
When Sarah did decide to move,and help them,it was too late.Miss Saunders powerful arm seized around her waist,and her hand clamped hard over Sarah's mouth.Sarah instantly tried to scream her head off,but the woman's hand was holding something over her mouth.Sarah suddenly knew she was being chloroformed,and this made her go into frantic struggling,but Miss Saunders strength was too good,and within moments,Sarah plunged into darkness.
Still keeping the chloroform soaked hankerchief over the girl's mouth,Miss Saunders was delighted with her latest catch.She also enjoyed the faint,but despairing mumbles from her prisoners,knowing they could do nothing to help Sarah.
With Sarah now out cold,Miss Saunders then gestured to a waiting ground crew man,who came into the plane.Both of them then helped each other,as they put Sarah into an empty seat.The two of them,then produced coils of ropes,and began to bind Sarah to the chair.
They bound Sarah,precisely as all the other four girls were.Sarah's hands were tied tightly behind the chair,and they both wound plenty of loops of rope,over and below Sarah's chest.All these loops were pulled tight,firmly securing Sarah to the chair,before the man then tied her ankles together.Finally,the man produced a roll of white tape,and he tore off a large,rectangular strip.He then sealed it over Sarah's mouth,brushing away the long strands of hair.He grinned with relish at Miss Saunders,who nodded her thanks.
'Excellent work.'She was delighted.'Now would you mind informing the Shieks,that we're ready to go.'She then pulled out her own handgun,smiling at the frightened girls.'I'll keep an eye on them.'
The man's grin widened,and he hurriedly left the plane.Miss Saunders then sat on an empty seat,calmly keeping an eye on her bound,gagged prisoners.
'Just sit tight,ladies.'She chuckled.'It won't be long now,but don't get your hopes up.Nobody knows you're here,and nobody ever will.You're all ours now.'
The four gagged girls,could only mumble fearfully at her,and their eyes were desperate,hoping for any sign of rescue,but there was none.
Pleased,Miss Saunders settled back in her chair,calmly waiting for the Bolak brothers,who would fly the plane to their country,but she watched her captives like a hawk.
Jennings had literally ran towards where he needed to be.He was in good,physical shape,as he still did his fitness training,and it didn't take him long to reach his destination.
The first thing he saw,was several hangers.All of them held a private jet,and Jennings could see ground crews working on them.He decided to keep out of sight for the moment,and after making sure he wasn't seen,Jennings carefully observed them.
He didn't see anything suspicious,but as he looked more closely,Jennings noticed one of the aircraft,which had a portable stairway linked to it.He then spotted two Arab men,walking into the hanger,and they both appeared quite pleased with themselves.Jennings then saw one of the ground crew walk up to them,and after exchanging a few words,the man led the Arabs to the foot of the portable stairway.
The man climbed up,and disappeared into the plane,before Jennings saw a woman emerge,and she was holding a gun.This confirmed everything for Jennings,and still keeping out of sight,he took out his mobile,and redialled his friend's number once more.His call was answered,as he knew it would be.
'Jan,you here yet? Okay,good.I've found the bad guys,but will need you to distract them.'There was a quick pause,as he heard the positive response.
'Okay,good.Where are you now?'Jennings listened,and then he gave the directions needed.He was reassured,that his diversion was coming.
'Okay.'Jennings still kept his eyes peeled,as he then said.'Get airport security here,Jan.Tell them you've spotted two armed people with handguns,and that's the truth.'
Again,he was reassured on that,and the call ended.
With that done,Jennings then counted how many people were here,and could prove hostile opponents.There were three ground crew present,as well as the two Arab men,with the armed woman.He then spotted one of the ground crew,who was also armed,and he tensed,trying to think of something.He was fairly sure the girls,were all on that plane,and he needed to get into it.
He was pretty confident the airport security staff,would take Jan's call seriously,considering the very real threat to air traffic.Jennings still kept his eye on his targets,and then watched the two Arab men climb up the stairs,and entered the plane.The woman followed them,and Jennings could see their smiles.It was quite clear,that the three of them were in cahoots with each other.
He then received another phone call from Jan,who was pleased to tell him,that the airport security staff,had taken this seriously,and had called in the armed police squad.Jennings was pleased to hear that too,but he still realised he had to get the girls safely off the plane.
Jennings looked at the ground crew.The men looked really tough,but he felt confident to take them on,but decided to use stealth tactics.Quickly,he made sure he wasn't seen by the men,and then began to stalk,his first intended victim.
On the plane,Miss Saunders sat back down in her chair,smiling with ominous intent at her prisoners.The girls also cringed in fear,as the two Arab men entered.Both men leered down in relish,eagerly savouring their catch.They both glanced at Sarah's bound and gagged form,seeing the girl slowly coming to her senses,and one of the brothers moved over to her,stroking his hand down her cheek.
'You've done well,Miss Saunders.I congratulate you.'It was the first Shiek Bolak speaking to her.'This one will make a very pretty slave indeed,just as these four beauties will.'His direct,meaningful stare at the four other bound,gagged girls,made them more frightened,and he then noticed their latest captive,now fully realising her predicament.Sarah's eyes bulged up at him,and seeing she'd been tied up,Sarah desperately tried to free herself,but to no avail.
Her captors watched her futile efforts,in much amusement.Miss Saunders rose from her chair,and walked over,to stand in front of Sarah.
'Don't waste your time,my pretty.'The woman sneered down at her,stroking her gun down Sarah's cheek.'There is no escape,so you may as well accept what's coming to you.'
Miss Saunders then placed the gun under Sarah's chin,and tilted her head up.
'You see,my dear.Allow me to introduce the Shiek Bolak brothers.'The woman nodded her head,at the two men.'They're well known in their country,for having quite a collection of very pretty girls,all in their clutches of course.'Miss Saunders smile,became more nasty.'You,my pretty,and these four beauties,are their latest additions.You're going to do exactly as they say.If you don't,well,you'll regret it.I can promise you that.'
Her smile remained nasty,as she and the two men,enjoyed watching Sarah struggling vainly.Sarah was frantic inside.Helen had been right!How could she have been so stupid,not checking this place out first.Now,she was a helpless captive,and from what this horrible,evil woman had just told her,her kidnappers appeared to be,some kind of slave owners.God! Sarah knew she had to escape,but she was bound and gagged tight,and knew this was impossible.All she could do now,was pray.
'Right,'The second Shiek said.'Let's get moving.'
His brother and Miss Saunders fully agreed.The former went to join his sibling in the plane's cockpit,whilst Miss Saunders settled herself comfortably,into her seat.Her sinister smirk stayed,as she kept the gun,in full view of the girls.
All the five girls listened in utter despair,as they heard the plane's engines come to life.It was then,that Miss Saunders realised the door hadn't been closed.She took her seat belt off,and went to shut it.
Just as her hand closed on the door,she suddenly froze,as she noticed one of the ground crew,lying horizontal on the hanger floor.From the corner of her eye,Miss Saunders then spotted another man of the ground crew,also sprawled motionless.
By now of course,Miss Saunders realised something was seriously wrong.Somebody was here,and had obviously come for the girls.Quickly,the woman whirled around,and was making her way back into the aircraft,where she'd warn the Bolak brothers.
She never got the chance.A hand suddenly grabbed her neck,and started to squeeze it.Instantly,Miss Saunders felt herself blacking out.It was obviously,a pressure point,and she had no defence against it.The hand from her unseen attacker,tightened more,and finally,Miss Saunders sagged into oblivion.
Jennings watched Jan deal with the woman easily.Like himself,Jan Hunt was a highly experienced soldier.She was a master in unarmed combat,and Miss Hunter proved no problem whatsoever.
He too,had dealt with the ground crew.Jennings had sneaked up to every one of them,and dealt each,a hard,knock out blow.None of the men knew,what had hit them.
Having accomplished that,Jennings then made sure the wheel chocks,remained in position,keeping the plane in place.Satisfied they were,he then noticed Hunt finally come up to him,and after explaining the situation to her,Hunt nodded,and lay in ambush,waiting for Miss Saunders to appear.
Now that the woman was senseless,Hunt gestured silently to Jennings to come up.He did so,keeping his entry quiet,and peering round a corner,Jennings noticed five,very pretty girls,who were sitting in the passenger area.He also recognised them all,remembering the girls photos he'd looked at earlier.Another thing he noticed,was that all the girls,were tightly tied up on the chairs.Every one of them was also gagged,with a large strip of white tape.They all looked really scared.
Jennings however,was going to help them,and he moved with stealth towards them.Two of the girls suddenly saw him,and they instantly tried to scream for help at him,but fortunately,their gags rendered their attempted cries useless,but Jennings quickly put his finger to his lips to them all,and was pleased to see them nod their understanding.
Keeping his eyes on the cockpit,where he could see the two Shieks,who were doing a checklist,before they started their taxi to the runway.Jennings watched them sharply,and he raised his arm,indicating for Hunt to come forward.When she did so,Jennings then nodded,at the five bound and gagged girls,and Hunt moved forward to free them,whilst he moved closer towards the cockpit.
In the cockpit,the two Shiek brothers were taking their time,doing the final checks,before they'd taxi out to the runway.They were eager to get fly back home,with their newly acquired catch,but both realised they had to go through the checks.
Still,it was going well,and the plane's engines had been started.There were just a few more things to run through,before they could finally get things moving.
They finally completed their checks,and with eager grins on their faces,one of them nodded to his sibling,that he could now move the aircraft forward.His brother nodded,and activated the controls to do so.
Nothing happened.The plane didn't even budge.
Puzzled,but not worried,the brothers glanced through the cockpit window.They saw no sign of the ground crew,and one of the brothers turned back.
'Go and check outside.See what's happening.'
Shiek Bolak's brother nodded,and was just rising up out of his flight seat,when Jennings' hard fist,smashed into his face.The man reeled,falling back senseless.Seeing his brother being hit so ruthlessly,Shiek Bolak suddenly realised somebody had sneaked into the plane,threatening to destroy their plans.He wasn't going to let that happen.The Shiek was going to take these girls back home,even if it meant to kill.
Thinking this,he made to grab a pistol lying close to him,and after taking it,he swung it menacingly,in the direction of his unseen enemy.Unfortunately for him,his enemy was well prepared for something like this.The gun was savagely knocked away from his grasp,and before Shiek Bolak could react,he too,was hit by Jennings,who used a forearm smash on his face.The second Shiek fell back into his seat,with a bloody face,and also knocked senseless.
Pleased the two men were out of action,Jennings took the gun,and he then saw the airport security arrive.There was plenty of them,and Jennings glanced back,seeing Hunt and all the other girls looking at him.All five girls eyes,had now lost their terror,and were now replaced by warmth,and they were deeply grateful to Jennings.
'Is everybody okay?'Jennings asked them,with a polite smile.
The girls smiled affectionately at him,and then raced towards him,smothering him with kisses and hugs.This made Jennings blush,and the now freed girls had every intention,of continuing to show their gratitude towards him.
When the airport security staff entered the plane,the men headed immediately for the cockpit.Moments later,they were carrying the two,but still stunned and battered Shieks out of the plane,and then took them into custody.The ground crew followed immediately.
Just like the other girls,Sarah was so glad she'd been rescued by this man,but she was puzzled.Still warmly holding Jennings' arm,she then asked him:
'Who are you,and how did you find me?'
'It was your sister,Helen,that did it really,Sarah.'Jennings told her truthfully.'Helen had asked me,to investigate this place.She was worried for you,and my name's Jennings.'
'Guess I owe her one.'Sarah admitted.She was also looking in admiration,at Jennings' powerful physique.She kissed him warmly on his cheek.'Thank you,Mister Jennings.You're my hero.'
Jennings smiled warmly back at her.
'My pleasure.Now,let's get you ladies back home,shall we?'
They all left the plane,and Jennings led them out of the hanger.He was taking them into the airport itself,where he'd buy them all a drink,and the girls could contact their famalies,letting them know they were safe.
As they all disappeared however,another man was watching them go.His expression was sinister,but he made no move against them.Instead,he calmly walked towards a phone booth,and made a call.A man's voice answered him,in a Middle Eastern tongue.
'I have bad news,your excellency.'The man reported.'The girls were rescued,and your sons were arrested,as well as Miss Saunders.'
'I see.'The reply from the other end,was very cold,but the voice went on.'Who did this?'
'An Englishman called Jennings,your excellency.He was a highly skilled soldier,and a woman helped him too.'
'Very well.You will find out everything about this Jennings,including this woman,but you will also watch those girls he's just helped.I want them back.'The voice was now filled with menace.'Do I make myself clear?'
'Yes,your excellency.I shall see to it.'
With that,the call was ended,and the man went off,in pursuit of his next targets.
To be continued?
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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