Sarah Jennings enjoyed her job,in the Royal Navy.She'd studied hard to get the job she really wanted.A weapons operator was one of the most difficult,and hard to earn places to get.
Sarah had studied like mad,in her quest to achieve her aims.It had indeed,took a lot of time,to be even selected for one.Yet,Sarah was not one to give up so easily.She had a first class brain,and she had a passion for computers,just like her younger sister,Kelly.
Of course,Sarah knew that computers didn't appeal to everybody.Her brother,John,hated them.This had led to some heated,although friendly arguments.
'John,you don't get it,do you?' Sarah remembered one such fight.'The computer's the future.The possibilities are endless.I can do a lot,just by typing in things.'
'Sitting in front of a computer screen,Sarah?' She recalled him countering.'That's not the future at all.'
He'd then held up his hands to her.
'These are your best tools,Sarah.Your hands.' Jennings had insisted.'They'll never break down.A computer's just a machine,and machines always break down.'
'You're not thinking straight,John.'Sarah was determined not to concede.She adored her only brother,but he was wrong here.
'Don't you understand the advantages?' Sarah went on to him.'You can do so much,with a computer,John.'
However,he also refused to back down.
'It's not the future,Sarah.Yes,there are advantages.'He did admit.'But you're relying too much on it.'
We could have argued all night.Sarah pondered that.However,she hadn't seen her brother for months,despite constant contact,with post,and phone calls.Sarah was going to give him one big hug.
She was waiting for him,standing in the docks area,and she was over-joyed to see him walking down one of the gangways.
It was then,that Sarah became aware that she was getting some leering looks,from some of the men.
Blushing slightly,Sarah backed off a little,with a couple of nervous steps.The men continued to stare at her,fully enjoying the sight,of a very pretty Western woman,in naval uniform.
Fortunately,her brother arrived on the scene.He'd practically ran to her.Sarah ran straight into his arms,and each gave a warm,long hug to each other.
Jennings gave the men standing close by,who'd leered at his sister a hard stare.This did the trick,as they turned away from them,and went back to work.
Relieved,Sarah gave her brother a grateful kiss on his cheek.
'Thank you,John.'She hugged into him again.'You're always my hero.'
'No problem.' Jennings smiled warmly in return.'How are you?'
'I'm good.' She answered him,as she held his hand,leading him towards the customs building.'Come on in.There's someone I'd like you to meet.'
Sarah led him into the customs building,and Jennings could see the customs staff hard at work.
Still holding her brother's hand,Sarah led him to her desk.The young,pretty Chinese woman Jennings had seen earlier,at the window was there.She gave him a friendly smile.
'This is Suzy.' Sarah introduced her.'She's my new friend here,and helped me out a lot here.'
Jennings offered his hand to Suzy.'Pleased to meet you,Suzy.'
Suzy accepted his hand,and nodded in return.'Nice to meet you,John.'
She saw his surprised face,as Sarah explained.
'I've told her all about you.Suzy was very keen to meet you.Any friend of mine,is a friend of yours.'
Jennings knew that.Both Sarah and Kelly were bubbly girls.They could be friends with anyone.
'What are you doing here?' He asked curiously.
'Oh,I'm helping out with customs.'Sarah answered.'It's good.We search a lot of vessels,and make checks just to make sure everything's in order.It's good,except for the paperwork.'
'How long will you be staying?' Suzy then asked him.
Jennings realised he had to get back to the ship.Kieko would be waiting for him.
'I'm sorry.'He meant that,seeing Sarah's frown.'I have something to do first,but I'll be back later.Will you excuse me?'
Seeing Suzy nod,Jennings led Sarah away a little bit,to talk in private.
'Why can't you stay,John?' The frown was still fully evident.
'Sarah,this is important.Please listen to me.' Jennings made sure his voice was serious.'Keep away from that ship,okay? I don't want you on there.'
'That's where my next job is.' Jennings informed her.'There are bad guys on there,and bad women too.'
'What is your mission,John?' Sarah was still curious.
'I can't tell you that yet.' He then took a hold of both his sister's hands,and looked directly into her eyes.'Please,Sarah.'
Sarah clearly recognised his look of concern for her,so she nodded.
'Of course.'
Jennings breathed a sigh of relief.He was still checking around,to see if he was being watched.Even though he saw nothing,Jennings wasn't fooled.He knew they were watching him.
He then realised that he had to get back,to meet up with Kieko.
'I'm heading back to the ship.'He informed Sarah.'Remember,no matter what happens,or anybody tells you,stay away from that ship.'
Again,Sarah nodded,and he was relieved.
'I'll be back soon,okay?' He warmly clasped Sarah's hands,who didn't reject it.She never would.
'Be careful.'Sarah told him.
Jennings nodded this time,with a slight smile.He then embraced his younger sister,and with another nice smile at Suzy,he left quickly.
Sarah watched him run back up to the 'Eastern Princess',as Suzy came up beside her.
'Your brother's nice.'She said.'I like him.'
'Yeah,we're close.'Sarah agreed.'He was the only friend me and Kelly had for years.'
'What did he want?'
'Oh,he asked me to stay away from that ship he's on.'Sarah gestured at the massive shape of the 'Eastern Princess.'
'Really?' Suzy was now curious.'Why did he ask that?'
'He just said there were bad guys,and bad women on board.'Sarah wished he'd been more informative.She was now starting to worry for her brother.
'I'll see what I can dig up.'Suzy too,was now slightly worried that there may be a criminal element operating here.
She headed over to her desk,and typed in the details of the 'Eastern Princess' into her computer,and waited.
The information came up immediately.Suzy checked it,and sure enough,she noticed the recorded disappearances,of several young female passengers,whilst in transit on the ship.
'Look at this,Sarah.' Suzy leaned back,to let Sarah have a look.'This must be what your brother's investigating.A series of kidnappings.All young women,travelling on that ship.'
'He might need some help.' Sarah knew of her brother's exploits,in battle.She and Kelly were very proud of him,as he helped many people,who'd needed it.Her gut instinct was telling her,that John would be okay,but there was still a lot of worry inside her for him.
'If he's working undercover,he'll probably have it.'Suzy told her.'Let's keep our eyes and ears open,but if he does call,we'll be there.'
Sarah was pleased at that.John had always been there for her,and Kelly.She'd always hoped to repay him somehow.Maybe this might be the occasion.
It was just then,that the telephone on Suzy's desk rang.She picked it up,and identified herself,then listened.
Sarah clearly saw Suzy frown,as she did so.Then,the caller abruptly hung up,making Suzy looked puzzled,as she replaced the receiver.
'Who was it?' Sarah asked.
'I'm not sure.'Suzy admitted.'It was a woman.A Chinese one.' Suzy had recognised the native tongue.'She said she knows about your brother's mission,and says he's in danger.'
Sarah instantly made to leave.
'I'm going up there.'The determination in her voice fully evident.If John was in trouble,Sarah wasn't going to sit and do nothing.
However,Suzy stopped her.
'Wait,Sarah.You can't just race up there all alone.'
'Watch me.' Sarah made to leave again,when she suddenly realised Suzy was right.It would be better to let more people know,where she was going.This way,if anything did happen to her,she'd at least leave a trail.
'I'm sorry,Suzy,you're right.'Sarah conceded.'You go and tell your people where I'm heading,and if I'm not back within the hour,call the cavalry.'
Suzy glanced around the customs office,looking for somebody,when she noticed one of the male staff looking over at them.
Suzy then headed over to him,and Sarah could see a brief conversation between them.Then,Suzy headed back over to her.
'Okay.I've left word with one of my colleagues,where you're going.'Suzy felt a bit more confident for Sarah's safety now.'But if you're not back within an hour,I'm coming in after you.Okay?'
'Okay.Thanks.'Sarah was grateful for Suzy's concern.She'd really made a great friend in her,as she'd settled into her role here.They'd accomplished a lot together.Checking vessels coming in,and out of the harbour,and finding a lot of forbidden activity.They'd caught a lot of bad guys,and both girls had enjoyed it,except for the paperwork.
However,all Sarah could think about,was finding John on that huge ship.She still remembered his warning to her,but with the back up Sarah had from her new friend,she felt confident everything would be okay.
Quickly,Sarah left the customs office,and headed over to the 'Eastern Princess.'
Suzy was then called over by one of her other male colleagues,and attended to him.
Behind her,she failed to see the man she'd just spoken too,about Sarah quietly leave the customs office.
The man made sure he wasn't followed,and out of earshot,before he produced a mobile phone.
He dialled a number,and sure enough,he was answered by a woman's voice.
'Well?' The voice demanded.'Did it work?'
'Perfectly,Miss Yang.'The man responded confidently.'The English girl is on her way up to you now.'
'Excellent!' Kim Yang was highly pleased.'Just keep an eye out,on her friend.See what she does,when the girl doesn't return.'
'I have that information ready for you,Miss Yang.' The man then told her,about Suzy giving Sarah an hour,before she herself,would head up to the ship.
He heard a contented chuckle from his superior,over the mobile.
'This is better than I expected.'Kim Yang was really pleased,at the way things were going for her.'Just make certain that girl doesn't talk to anybody else.'
The man acknowledged,and headed back into the customs office,to keep his eyes on Suzy.
Despite the wide variety of luxuries,and activities the 'Eastern Princess' offered,both Michelle and Jane were now eager to get on,with the job in mind.They could enjoy the cruise later,once they'd completed their assignment.
Both girls were sitting in their cabin.Jane was checking her camera,whilst Michelle was reading some notes she'd written down.These notes detailed the layout of the ship,and Michelle was working out which area to start.
She noticed Jane finish checking her camera,and was waiting for her.Michelle noticed Jane seemed a lot more confident now.She had a good idea why.
She too,thought of the Englishman they'd met earlier.Michelle liked him a lot too,and was wondering where they'd meet again.
Soon,hopefully.She thought.
'All set?' Michelle asked her best friend.
'Yes,Michelle.' Jane nodded,that she was ready.'Where do you want to start?'
'We'll get some shots of the ship first.'Michelle had already thought her first move.'Then,we'll start asking the crew,if they've seen anything suspicious.'
'Okay.' Jane stood up.'Let's do it.'
In Captain Liu's ready room,Liu,Kim Yang,and Yee were listening with interest,to the conversation they'd recorded between Jennings,and the two pretty Chinese journalists,when they were in the bar.
Once the conversation had finished,there was a respectful knock on the door,and Liu granted permission to enter.
Kim Yang turned to see the man she'd ordered to take pictures of Jennings.He held several of them,in his hand,and handed them over to her.
Kim Yang could see Jennings embracing a very pretty girl,in the white uniform of the Royal Navy.She scanned the pictures intently,before asking the man,if he'd accomplished his mission.
'They are brother and sister,Miss Yang.' He was pleased to offer that information to her.'She's called Sarah,his younger sister.'
'I see.' Kim Yang continued to stare at Sarah's image.She liked the look of the English girl.Very pretty,and an impressive chest too.Kim Yang concluded.
She then made a decision,regarding Sarah's future.
'Let's take her,Captain.' Kim Yang suggested.'She'll make a pretty hostage.After we've dealt with her brother,we can keep her,for possible sale.'
Liu instantly knew what she was thinking.
'You want herself,don't you,Miss Yang?'
Kim Yang smiled quietly,as she responded.'I must admit I like the look of her.I want to see what she's like.'
She then turned back,to face the still waiting man.
'What's the number of that customs office?'
Just then,Liu's telephone rang on his desk.He picked it up,and listened.He didn't have to identify himself.Whoever rang this number,knew it was answered by the Captain himself.
He kept on listening for a few moments,before issuing fresh instructions to the caller.Then,he hung up,smiling.
'Looks like our two pretty journalists are on the move.' Liu informed them.'I've ordered a constant watch on them.I'm certain they'll find what they're looking for.'
'As we will,Captain.'Kim Yang then rose from her seat,to take a slip of paper,from the man.The paper held the number she wanted.
'Well,if you will excuse me,gentlemen.'She then bowed politely to both Liu,and Yee.'I have a phone call to make.Let me know the situation,of Miss Chan,and Miss Li.'
With that,Kim Yang exited Liu's ready room.
As she left,one of Liu's bridge officers requested Yee's presence for a moment.Liu nodded,and waited until Yee returned.He was also carrying photographs,and his face was grim.
'What's wrong?' Liu asked him.'Anything else we should know about?'
Yee handed over the photographs to his Captain.Liu could see they showed the image of young,pretty Thai woman.She was also dressed,in the white uniform of the ship.
'Who's this?'
'She's the daughter of Inspector Panna,Sir.'Yee answered.'We just got word back,from our people in Bangkok.She sneaked aboard,when we left there,but she kept a low profile since,avoiding contact with the rest of the crew.'
'I see.' Liu shook his head sadly,as he knew his ship,was being investigated quite thoroughly.'We're going to have to improve security,my friend.'
'Don't worry,Sir.'Yee would always take care,of any problems the Captain didn't need to.That's what made an excellent first officer.'I'll see to it.'
Michelle and Jane had made a start,on their search.They'd made a few camera shots,discussing the 'Eastern Princess'and the security issues on it.
They'd also made many polite inquiries,to the crew,but whilst every crewman had been polite to them,they'd flatly refused to answer any of Michelle's questions.
Both girls had also walked deeper,into the ship.They were amazed,at the sheer size of the interior.Everything was well signed,but it was also easy,to get hopelessly lost too.
Michelle realised this,but was willing to be lost.She had her eye,on the off-limit areas.From her past experiences,Michelle knew,that going into a forbidden place,was a good source to find answers.
Michelle led Jane down one of the ship's many corridors,hunting out a particular off-limits area.She was very excited,in exploring this part.Jane was perhaps,a tad nervous,but she followed her best friend.
They managed to avoid being detected by the crew,who walked past them,but still found nothing of interest,yet still kept on searching.
After a while,they saw no sign of anybody at all.Michelle realised,that they'd gone much deeper into the ship.They could now hear,the vibrant sound of the engines.
Both girls were now footsore,and a little fed up.So far,they'd found nothing,and nobody had helped them.Jane's nerves were still a little on edge,as she stopped in her tracks,lowering her camera.
'Let's head back up,Michelle.'She advised her friend.'We're not getting anywhere.'
Michelle was disappointed,that she hadn't found anything.She did agree though,with Jane's thoughts for a break.
'It's still early days,Jane.'Michelle remarked.'We've still got the cruise to enjoy.'
She leaned back,into the wall,stretching her aching feet,when suddenly,Michelle felt the wall move behind her.
Startled,both girls jumped back,as they watched the wall section slide away,to reveal a flight of steps going downward.
Michelle suddenly got her enthusiasm back.She turned triumphantly back to Jane,who was now looking more nervous than ever.
'Jane,this could be it!'Michelle whispered excitedly.'I'll bet those girls are down there!'
'We don't know that,Michelle.'Jane backed into the wall herself.'Let's get some help,before we go down there.'She immediately thought of that nice Englishman she'd met earlier.'We should ask John to come with us.'
'There isn't time.'Michelle did admit,it would have been better,if they'd had some kind of protection.However,she didn't think they did.
'If we head back up now,we won't find this area again,and they may close it off.'She then took a hold of Jane's hand,gently guiding her,towards the flight of steps.
'Come on,Jane.'She smiled re-assuredly,at her best friend.'It'll be okay.'
Rather reluctantly,Jane let Michelle lead her down the stairs.As they were halfway down them,the girls suddenly watched the wall section,moving back into place.
'Well,we're committed now.'Michelle sighed.
They continued down the stairs,and gradually,both girls could see a double set of doors.They noticed the sign above it,written in Thai.
'Cargo Hold.' Michelle translated.
They suddenly heard something,coming from behind the doors.It wasn't a nice sound.In fact,it sounded like distant moaning.
'What's that noise?' It was giving Jane the creeps,hearing it.
'Only one way to find out.'Michelle answered,as she tried the door handles.It wasn't locked.She stepped into the hold first,Jane following,filming from her camera.
They both stopped in shock,at what they saw.The cargo hold they'd just entered,was a massive place,but it wasn't the size of the room,that they were stunned by.
It was what the hold contained.Several large steel cages,were scattered all over the hold,and in every cage they could see,there was a young,bound and gagged woman.
'Oh,no.' Michelle was stunned,by how many girls were held captive here.There was plenty of them,as they all kept mumbling,behind their tight gags.
The two of them could also see,how tightly each girl had been tied up.Every girl had their hands tied tightly behind them.There were many loops of strong white rope,wrapped horizontally above,and below their chests.Even their legs were tied together,with more loops secured over their knees,and their ankles,making sure they were all helpless.
Michelle shook herself out of her reverie,as she was reeling from the pleading eyes each girl was giving her.She noticed the closest captive,was another young Chinese woman,dressed in the white uniform,of the ship.It was then Michelle realised,that she'd found the missing undercover policewoman,Angela Lee.
'Come on,Jane.'Michelle urged her friend.'Let's help them.'
She hurried over,to where Angela's cage.The girl was frantically trying to tell them something,behind her black tape gag,gesturing like mad with her head.
'Just hold on,Miss Lee.'Michelle thought the girl was pleased to be rescued.It was only then,that she suddenly heard the doors behind her,slam shut.
Both Michelle and Jane jumped in fright,as they looked over at the doors.They were shut,and had now been joined,by the first officer,Yee,another man dressed as an officer,and a menacing looking Chinese woman,in the hold.
Each one of the trio,wore a cunning smile,as they stared at the two new pretty girls,who'd stumbled into their trap.Michelle realised,that Angela had been frantically trying to warn them,but it was too late.The doors had been shut,sealing them in,and they couldn't see any other way out of here.
'Good evening,Miss Chan,Miss Li.' Yee stepped forward,still smiling.'So nice of you to join us.I thought you'd like to meet the Captain,as you requested.'
Liu also stepped forward,making both girls step back fearfully.
'So,you are the two pretty journalists,who have been reporting in on our activities.'He grinned maliciously at them.
'What do you think you're doing here,with all these girls?'Michelle tried to make it sound like a demand,but she clearly felt her voice tremble.That Chinese woman,standing with Liu,and Yee,was regarding them with meaningful eyes.Michelle could also see,that the woman was armed.A sheathed knife was holstered on the woman's waist,increasing Michelle's and Jane's alarm.
'The answer is quite simple,my dear.'Liu answered her.'We've taken all these girls,to make a profit.'His smile now turned into a smirk.'Just as we will with you two.'
The shock on both girls faces,as he said that to them,was highly pleasurable.Liu then produced a pistol,which made both girls eyes widen more.
'Now,ladies,please turn around,and put your hands behind your back.'He then coldly ordered.
Michelle and Jane's fear was going into overdrive.Both had heard about slavery rings,where many pretty,young women were abducted,to be sold as sex slaves.This was quite literally,the last thing they wanted.They had to get away! But how? Their captors had made sure their only route of escape was blocked.What on earth could they do?
The answer,was nothing.Michelle and Jane fully realised this,as they still backed off fearfully,clinging onto one another,from the sinister trio.
'You'll never get away with this!' Jane wished her tone of voice,had been more firmer.Just as Michelle had spoken earlier,Jane felt her fear in it.
Her defiance only provoked amused,but cruel smiles though,especially from the armed Chinese woman,who now stepped forward.In her hands,both Michelle and Jane noticed the several coils of white rope she held.They realised with dismay,that they were going to end up,bound and gagged,just like the other helpless captive women.
'That's the most frequent thing I like to hear,my dear.'Kim Yang gave Jane a sinister smile.'I never tire of it,but there's nobody to rescue you.You are both ours now.'
'That's what you think!' Jane was still defiant,just.She was constantly thinking of the Englishman.He'd save them,and teach these monsters a lesson they'd never forget.
However,her thoughts seemed to have been read,by the woman.
'Oh,you mean,your English friend,Mr Jennings,Miss Li?'Kim Yang's smile became even more sinister.'We're dealing with him,as we speak,just as you are going to be.'
The smile slowly disappeared,as she repeated Liu's order,then adding.'I won't tell you again.'
To emphasise her threat,Kim Yang then quickly walked up to where Angela's trussed up form.She coldly grabbed the back of the girl's neck,pulling out her knife holding it firmly against Angela's neck.The girl mumbled vaguely,behind her gag,although her eyes were huge.
Helpless,both Michelle and Jane slowly turned around,and did put their hands behind their backs.There was nothing they could do.
Kim Yang kept the blade firmly against Angela's throat,enjoying the pretty girl's wide,scared eyes.She handed the many coils of rope,over to her two accomplices,and both men divided the rope,as they then began to bind Michelle and Jane's wrists behind them.
They took their time,making sure the loops,and knots were pulled tight.Once the girls hands were securely tied behind them,they were then forced gently,but firmly down onto their knees.They then felt their ankles being tied together,now making them immobile.
Even when that was done,there was still plenty of spare rope,and both Liu and Yee used it,as they wrapped four loops over the girls chests,and under them,and even tying more loops over their waists,firmly securing their arms behind them.
'Right,ladies.'Kim Yang was still holding Angela hostage,just to make sure her two new pretty captives,did as they were told.'I think it's time for you,to be gagged.'
Yee then produced the roll of black tape,that had been used to gag every woman locked up here.He tore off one large strip,then coldly smiled,as he planted it over Michelle's mouth first.He did the same,with Jane,enjoying the girls fear,as he gagged them both.
After checking the gags were tight,and effective,Yee nodded over to Kim Yang,who then withdrew her knife,from Angela's neck,much to the girl's relief.
The woman then sheathed her blade back,and unlocked two empty cages.Instantly,both Liu and Yee grabbed Michelle and Jane's tightly bound,gagged bodies,and carried them over.
Both girls were placed into their new prison,and Kim Yang locked both cages,smiling.
She'd locked Jane's cage last,and enjoyed giving the girl,a more nasty stare.Jane was frozen in utter terror,as she then had to endure Kim Yang's feeling her hair.
'Don't worry too much,my pretty.' She smirked again,down at Jane.'I'm looking forward to a duel,with your hero.It's up to him now,to see if he can save you.'
It was then,that Liu received a message,from one of his crew.He listened for a few moments,before he walked over,to Kim Yang.
'His sister is coming,Miss Yang.'
'Excellent,Captain.'Kim Yang was pleased.'You can use the chloroform on her,then bring her to me.I'll be here,waiting.'
Both Liu,and Yee nodded,and quickly left the cargo hold.Both men were eager,to seize their new prize.
As soon as they'd left,Kim Yang turned her attention back,to Michelle and Jane.Both girls were still lying helpless,on their sides in the cage.
'I'm terribly sorry,that your television career has now ended.'She smiled,almost apologetically.'But at least now,you will now have an audience,that will appreciate you.It only remains to be seen,if you will appreciate your new owners.'
This made both Michelle and Jane scream ineffectively,into their gags,as their eyes stared wider than ever,at Kim Yang.
'Yes,indeed,ladies.' She went on.'You're excellent merchandise,and we're taking you back to Bangkok.This is where we will put you up for auction.Who knows where you'll end up? The Middle East,Central America,possibly North Africa.I have many contacts there,as well as in the Orient.'
She then took a hold of Jane's chin,lifting her head up.
'Believe me,my pretty.'Her voice was still full of menace,as she gazed into Jane's terrified eyes.'You and Miss Chan,and every girl I've taken here,is going to make me very rich indeed.'
She paused briefly,still holding Jane's chin in her grip.
'All that remains for me to do now,is to make sure your hero won't get anywhere near you.' Kim Yang smiled.'I'm going to kidnap his sister,just for that extra insurance.After I've dealt with him,I'm keeping her,as my own personal little pet.You would make a welcome addition,to my own personal collection too,Miss Li.'
She enjoyed the revulsion,in Jane's face,and laughed.
'Just remember,my dear.You're mine now.There's no escape.For any of you.'
Kim Yang then released her chin,and hurried away.She picked up more coils of rope,in preparation for when they brought the English girl down here.
Both Michelle and Jane instantly tried to free themselves,as they rolled around,in their cages.Their efforts were frantic,but it was all to no avail.Not one rope even came loose.If anything,they just got tighter.The tape over their mouths refused to budge either.
They both finally gave up.In despair,all they could do,was just lie on the floor of their cages,and pray for a miracle.Jane was constantly thinking of Jennings.
Where was he? She prayed he'd find her here,with Michelle,and all the other girls,and quick.
Chapter 5 to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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