Still keeping her hand tight over Sarah's mouth,Kim Yang dragged the girl into a waiting lift.She was enjoying listening to Sarah's mumbling,despairing cries.At least,she'd have no problems with her now dead brother she'd just shot.
Kim Yang then touched the controls to shut the lift doors,and pressed the button to head down.As the lift did so,she pulled the still sobbing Sarah closer to her,fully enjoying her scent.She kissed Sarah's long,raven and bushy hair.
'You really are gorgeous,my dear.'Kim Yang complimented.'I can't wait to see you tied up and gagged again,before I ravish you.'
Sarah didn't hear that.She was constantly thinking of that horrible moment,when Kim Yang had ruthlessly gunned down her brother.She was still sobbing in despair,behind the tight gag.
Finally,the lift stopped,and then Kim Yang easily dragged her prize out.The boat was waiting for her,as was Liu.Kim Yang was also pleased to see the pretty bound,gagged hostages on the boat too.She loved looking at them all,especially the two English girls.Louise was very attractive.She thought,admiring her sexy form in uniform,tied up of course.Kelly,Jennings' youngest sister was stunning too.Her eyes showed shock,as she recognised Sarah being forced along,but could make no protest at this,as the other girls couldn't too.
Kim Yang roughly threw Sarah into Liu's eager hold,curtly ordering.'Get her tied up,and gagged.We'd better get out of here.'
'With pleasure.'Liu smiled,already telling his men to cast off,and they did so.There was another boat,but he'd seen to that,just in case his enemies decided to use that.Liu sincerely hoped they would,having planted something there recently.
He'd already forced Sarah to lie on her stomach.The English girl looked stunned,not realising what was going on around her,but Liu seized the advantage,grabbing Sarah's wrists behind her.There was still more than enough rope here on the boat,to tie up another pretty slave.As he lashed the strong rope over Sarah's wrists,the girl seemed to finally wake up what was happening to her.She felt her hands being tied up behind her,and now recognised the sinister Kim Yang smiling down at her.
'You murdered him!' Sarah's voice was full of hate,totally directing it at the Chinese woman.It also shocked her fellow female captives,every one of them.Kelly,Kieko,Angela and Louise could now only fear the worst.All the bound,gagged girls looked on in shocked eyes at Sarah,and Kim Yang,who was now assisting Liu,tying Sarah up.
'Jennings is dead?' Liu asked Kim Yang,slightly surprised to hear this news,as he now started to tie Sarah's ankles together.
Kim Yang smiled at her prisoners.It wasn't a nice smile,as she confirmed this.
'I'm afraid your knight in shining armour,won't be galloping to your rescue anymore,ladies.'
She was pleased to see all the girls mumble into their gags disbelievingly.None of them was prepared to accept it,but this was reinforced with Sarah,who was still fiercely glaring at Kim Yang in half hate,half terror.
'You murdering bitch!'Sarah screamed that out in utter rage.She began to furiously struggle to break free from Kim Yang's hold,and tear this evil bitch apart.Unfortunately,Kim Yang was wise to her intentions,and promptly ordered one of her men to grab Kelly.Sarah froze in horror,as she saw her younger sister seized,with a knife held tight at her throat.
'If you make any more attempts to defy me,'Kim Yang's voice snarled menacingly into Sarah's ear.'I'll slit your pretty sister's throat.'
The threat was real.So much so,that all the girls mumbled fearfully behind their gags.Sarah heard this,and despite the horrible memory of her brother being coldly gunned down,she had to stop struggling,for Kelly's sake.
Her screams didn't bother Kim Yang though.The Chinese woman merely raised an amused eyebrow,as she finished winding loops of rope over Sarah's upper body.With that completed,she saw Liu finish his part.Sarah was now tightly tied up,hand and foot,just like the other girls.Kim Yang then turned Sarah onto her back,pulling out a strip of cloth.
'We can't have your pretty mouth swearing like that now,can we,my dear?'Kim Yang chuckled,feigning shock.'It's not nice,when I hear a lady swear.'
She then gripped Sarah's chin,holding the girl's head still,ready to stuff the cloth into Sarah's mouth,when suddenly,Sarah spat venomously into Kim Yang's face.This made her men advance menacingly forward to Sarah's tightly bound form,but they stopped,seeing Kim Yang sharply raise her hand at them.
Slowly,Kim Yang wiped her face with the cloth.She didn't lose her temper,but her face became much more menacing.She gripped Sarah's chin more harder.
'I'm pleased your spirit is still defiant,my dear.'Her voice was hard too.'I'm going to enjoy breaking it,and all these other beauties here too.'
She then roughly stuffed the cloth into Sarah's mouth,not giving the girl another chance to show her defiance.She made sure the whole cloth went in,but was still careful not to let her prisoner choke.Then,she added a second cloth,tying it over Sarah's mouth.This kept the girl tightly gagged,and that was precisely how Kim Yang wanted her.
She lay almost on top of Sarah,whose eyes were still blazing back at her.Kim Yang just smiled down at her captive,running a finger down Sarah's cheek.
'So much better,my pretty slave.'She sneered in Sarah's face.'I told you I'd punish you for your defiance,didn't I? Too bad your brother got in the way.'
Mentioning her brother's death again made Sarah furious,but she still couldn't stop crying.Who was going to help them now? Where were they being taken? She then heard Liu ask Kim Yang.
'The usual place?'
'Of course,Captain.'Kim Yang nodded,still sneering down at Sarah's face.Her smile suddenly became more sinister.
'Well then,ladies.'She addressed her bound,gagged prisoners.'I'm taking you to a nice little country retreat.I prepared it especially,just in case of things happening like this.'
She continued to stroke her finger down Sarah's cheek,still seeing the hate in the English girl's eyes,but the fear was still fully evident.She couldn't wait to ravish this beauty.
'You may all rest assured,ladies.'Kim Yang was still speaking to the girls.'Nobody will find you there.In fact,I guarantee it.I have some very special plans for my pretty slaves.'
She was pleased to hear the gagged girls mumble fearfully at this.Then,still smirking,she seized Sarah,pulling her up to her feet.Liu had already started the motor,and was now steering the boat out from the underground jetty.Once they had left a considerable distance from it,Kim Yang finally got her wish.She enjoyed Sarah's struggling in her hold,and she pressed herself more harder into the girl's back.Sarah gave a muffled scream into her gag,fully realising Kim Yang's intentions for her.
'Struggle away,my pretty.'The Chinese woman's voice was full of sexual lust.She then gripped Sarah's chin again,forcing her to look at the rest of the bound and gagged women.'I'm sure you care very much for your lovely sister.It would be a shame to hurt her,wouldn't it?'
Kelly's anguished expression wasn't lost on Sarah.To protect her,Sarah knew she had to submit to these demented,and ruthless woman.Her head sagged in defeat,which Kim Yang noticed.
'That's a very wise decision,Sarah.'Kim Yang's triumphant smile was lit up all over her face.She then pulled Sarah into the interior of the boat,pausing to inform Liu.
'I'm going to enjoy myself with Miss Jennings now,Captain.Keep your eyes on them.I may give them a turn later.'
Sarah and the girls squealed again into their gags,but Kim Yang,Liu,and their men merely smiled,fully enjoying their prisoners distress.Still holding Sarah tightly to her,Kim Yang dragged her into the boat,taking her into one of the cabins.Just like her bigger,more impressive boat she'd been kidnapped on,Sarah could see another well built,and comfortable cabin.A bed was there,not the king sized one,but it was certainly big enough to sleep two people.
Kim Yang literally threw Sarah onto the bed,who landed on it face down.Before she could move,Kim Yang pounced on her,lying on top of the girl.A snarl of sexually aroused pleasure escaping her lips.Sarah's terror increased tenfold,as she told her prize.'Well,my pretty,let's see what you're made of then.'
She's going to rape me!Sarah thought,now desperately trying to escape,but the Chinese woman's power was far superior.As Kim Yang used both her hands to fondle Sarah's impressive breasts,she chuckled,knowing she had the girl exactly where she wanted her.She was highly skilled in her love making,having enjoyed dominating many of her pretty slaves she'd kidnapped,and she continued her assault.She clearly saw Sarah's fierce resistance to her,and loved it.
'That's it,my dear.'She whispered lovingly into Sarah's ear.'Fight me,so you can let me savour the triumph.'
This actually increased Sarah's determination to resist,but Kim Yang's power finally overwhelmed her,as both women climaxed.Kim Yang breathing triumphantly,whilst Sarah felt completely humiliated,and ashamed.Her female rapist noticed,and lovingly hugged into her.
'That was impressive,Sarah.'Kim Yang complimented,kissing the girl's face.'You put up the best fight I've ever seen.I can't wait till I take you again.That's a promise.'
Sarah didn't have the strength to offer any defiant response.She just lay on the bed,totally exhausted,and in total despair.Kim Yang then stroked Sarah's hair,whispering again into her ear.
'You're mine,my dear.All mine.'She chuckled,before checking on the girl's ropes.She was going to see the other girls now.'Don't go away now,my pretty.I'll be back soon.'
Giving Sarah another loving kiss,Kim Yang then rose up,somewhat regretfully,and left the cabin.Before she did leave,she posted one of her men to watch Sarah,who still lay on the bed,securely bound and gagged,and dreading her return.
Kim Yang then walked out from the boat's interior,and advanced up to the small group of girls tied up there.Her eyes made them all cringe in fear,as she then said to them.
'Now then ladies,who's next?'
Back outside the auction house,the fierce gun battle between the Thai police,and Kim Yang's people was still raging.Still in cover like all his other men,Panna reloaded another magazine into his pistol,before peering out to assess his next target.Unfortunately,he could see things were not going his way.The firepower that was being unleashed onto them,was simply too powerful.Leaning out to shoot back,was suicidal.Panna could see many of Kim Yang's men having the height advantage,and were using superior weaponry.
The bullets were raining down on them,forcing Panna and his men to take cover a lot.They could only return fire sparodically,and there were casualties amongst his people.Fortunately,there were no fatalities,but the amount of wounded was increasing.Panna narrowly missed being shot himself.He cursed these people,and he sensed things were going to get worse.Risking another glance at the house,Panna's worst fears were confirmed.He saw the men shooting at them,now produce grenades.Damn them! He cursed them again.Once they threw those things down,he and his people were finished.
However,just as the men had pulled the firing pins out of the grenades,there was a shattering explosion that sent some of them,screaming in anguish,crashing fatally to the ground below them.More violent explosions followed,and every one of them reduced the weapons fire being directed at Panna's people.Many of Kim Yang's men were either blown to smithereens,or plummeted to their deaths.Finally,the shooting stopped.
Panna could scarcely believe it,but then he remembered what the Englishman had told him earlier,about the surprise.He'd badly needed it.With grim satisfaction,Panna rose from his cover,still hoping he wasn't being targeted by a sniper.Fortunately,he wasn't shot at,and gesturing for his men to follow him,Panna hurried up to the entrance of the house.He could still hear explosions occuring inside,and peering in,also heard men screaming.Panna knew the reason why.
His men had instantly followed him on his command,and they quickly entered the house,weapons ready.What they saw on entering,was a scene from hell.Dead bodies lay scattered,and the floor was littered with many spent cartridge cases.Quite clearly,there'd been a really nasty firefight here.Panna concluded.He gestured again for his men to check out the house,telling them.
'Remember.Find the girls being held here.Their safety is our top priority.'
He was pleased to see all of his men nod their understanding.They then moved off to carry out his orders.Panna looked again at the bodies,and it was then,he suddenly spotted Jennings' unmoving form too.He instantly raced over to the fallen Englishman,and inspected him for any gunshot wounds.
'Get an ambulance! Now!'Panna yelled back at the entrance.Some of his men were still there,and one of them did so.Turning back,Panna suddenly noticed signs of life from Jennings.Panna had noticed his eyes slowly flicker open,and he was now starting to rise,groaning.He saw Panna staring down at him,with concern.
'Don't move.'The Thai policeman held out a cautionary hand to him.'You're hurt.'
'I'm okay.'Jennings replied,propping himself up on his elbows.His face grimaced,as he did so,instantly feeling the back of his head.It hurt like hell.
'I don't understand.'Panna was baffled.'What happened? I thought you were shot.'
In answer to that,Jennings raised his combat top to reveal a bullet proof vest,that Louise had left for him,back in the hospital.No doubt about it.Jennings knew this had saved his life,or rather,Louise had.He felt eternally grateful to her,seeing the bullet impacts in the vest,where Kim Yang had shot him.It had done its job,as not one had penetrated it.
Jennings slowly stood up,and Panna breathed a huge sigh of relief.He was glad the Englishman was okay.Panna felt a deep sense of gratitude to him,for saving his daughter's life.
Jennings recovered quickly,still gently feeling the back of his head.He'd gotten a nasty bump there,as he'd fallen.His thoughts hardened at that memory,still remembering Kim Yang's cruel smile as she shot him.The murderous bitch still had Sarah and Kelly in her clutches.Jennings hadn't forgotten that,or the other girls too,Angela,Kieko,and Louise.
Checking his weapon,Jennings led the way.Panna right behind him,with a few of his men following.There wasn't any opposition now.Jennings' C4 charges had taken care of that.They passed a lot of blown up rubble,with many dead bodies close to it,or parts of dead bodies.Not only had Kim Yang's men been killed instantly in the explosions,but many had been blown to pieces.
As Jennings led the way,one of Panna's men came up to him,and reported the house was now secure.Panna nodded at that,as they entered one of the lifts.Jennings had seen the underground river,with the boats moored on it.He knew Kim Yang would certainly use this route,as a way of escape.He hoped he'd see his sisters there,but the feeling inside him doubted that.He really hoped he was wrong.
The lift finally stopped,and as the doors opened,Jennings led the way out,his rifle out ready to fire.There was no sign of Kim Yang,or Sarah,Kelly,Kieko,and the other girls.I must have just missed them.Jennings thought grimly.
A single boat was there,moored alongside one of the wooden jetties,and Panna gestured for two of his men to check it out.They moved towards the boat,but Jennings sensed something.He raised a warning hand to them.
'No.Wait.'His warning gesture worked.Both of Panna's men stopped in their tracks.Panna himself asked.
'What's wrong?'
'Wait here.'Jennings answered,as he slowly advanced towards the boat.He thought he'd heard something.As he drew nearer,he was right.An ominous beeping sound came from inside the boat.
Whirling back round,he yelled.'Take cover!'
There was a mass of diving bodies,just as the boat exploded into a huge fireball.Its wreckage went flying everywhere,but fortunately,it didn't hit anybody.Once Jennings felt it was safe to stand,he did so.Panna followed his example,checking his men.They'd been lucky.Panna knew that.Just a few more metres closer to that boat,and they would have all beeb blown to kingdom come.Once again,he felt he owed Jennings another grateful debt.
'You're very observant.'Panna remarked to him.
'I had a good teacher.'Jennings admitted.
'Who taught you?'Panna was curious.
However,Jennings just smiled faintly at that question.
'That'a a long story.'He admitted.'I'll tell you one day though.'
He then gazed out at the river.There was only one way in,and out.The river flowed through into a large opening in the rock.Jennings then asked Panna about this.
'Any idea where the river's route leads?'
'It comes out in the jungle.'Panna nodded.'It's very tough country out there.If that's where Kim Yang took the girls,they have plenty of places to hide.'
Jennings was just thinking on how to answer that,when he suddenly noticed Panna smile.
'Don't worry though,Mr Jennings.I think I know where to find them.'
'Good.'Jennings was pleased.'I'll be there with you.'
'Of course.'Panna was in complete agreement.'We'd better head to the docks.I've got a friend there,who can help us out.'
'Lead the way,Mr Panna.'Jennings gestured politely,and all of them did so,hurrying.Jennings still felt the laptop he had in his combat bag.Louise might have something there for him,and he'd check that out.Even so,as he hurried away from the underground river,Jennings knew every second counted.All the girls safety depended on how quick he could reach them.
Far ahead of them,Liu was steering the boat upriver,and felt a tremendous amount of satisfaction,in accomplishing a quick,undetected getaway.Even though he still felt the police wouldn't be that far off from him.Inwardly,he cursed Jennings.It was no thanks to this Westerner,that he'd managed to get the police onto their scent.Liu somehow sensed their time was running out.
Still,it hadn't been a total loss.Liu couldn't stop gazing lustfully at the four very pretty girls,bound and gagged on the boat with them.His men too,were doing the same.They hoped to choose one of them soon,to fully ravish,as they knew Kim Yang had already done so.Liu included.
There was still the occasional whimpering from some of the girls,especially Kelly.She was deeply worried for Sarah,seeing Kim Yang drag her away from her.Even though they were tied up tight,at least the girls could stay in contact with each other.However,with Sarah taken,Kelly's eyes strained into the boat's interior,hoping to see her elder sister emerge from there unharmed.She then spotted movement from within the boat,and her eyes were hoping to see Sarah.Her hopes were bitterly crushed,as she and everybody else watch Kim Yang emerge.
The Chinese woman's expression was one of utmost satisfaction,and a horrified Kelly instantly knew why.She tried to scream in protest behind her gag,but no scream was heard.Kim Yang heard her attempt,and walked over,kneeling down beside her,taking Kelly's chin in her hand.
'Your Sarah was most enjoyable,Kelly.'Kim Yang took great pleasure in telling her that.'I think I might choose you next,my dear.'
Kelly's eyes bulged again.Even the rest of the girls were now utterly terrified at Kim Yang's presence.Angela and Louise tried to back away from her,but being tied up back to back,they didn't get very far.Kim Yang stroked both girls faces,making them whimper again.Their captors enjoyed hearing it.
Kelly then tried to look out from the boat,trying to see where they were.All she saw was thick jungle on either side.It also alarmed her,that she noticed the odd snake curled around one of the many thick branches.She hated this place,especially seeing dangerous wildlife.Kelly turned her scared gaze back to Kim Yang,mumbling like mad behind her gag.
Kim Yang seemed to understand what she was saying.'You want the gag off?'She asked her.
Seeing Kelly nod furiously,the woman then jerked away the tape,making her prisoner gasp in relief,but then,Kelly pulled herself together,glaring at the smug faced Kim Yang.
'What did you do to Sarah?'Kelly tried to make it sound like a demand,but the fear was still evident in her tone.
'Why,that's perfectly obvious,my dear.'Kim Yang's reply was still smug.She however,didn't answer that,but stroking her fingers through Kelly's hair,she told her.'I think you should be more concerned what's going to happen to you.'
Kelly made an umpteenth,but still fruitless effort to free her hands tied behind her.She was still glaring at the woman.
'You really think you can make us disappear?'Her breath was quick.'You'll never get away with this!'Kelly couldn't help,but say that in defiance.It only made Kim Yang amused.
'My dear.Of course I'll get away with it.There's nobody to stop me.Granted,your brother was a concern,but not any more.'She finished speaking with an evil smile.
'You're wrong.'Kelly shook her head,steadfastly refusing to believe that.'You won't beat my brother.Nobody ever has.'
'Interesting.'Kim Yang conceded,although she was still supremely confident Jennings was still lying dead back in the house.'I doubt that very much though,my pretty.However,that's enough talking from you.'She then replaced the tape back over Kelly's mouth,sealing it on tightly,just as Liu suddenly informed her.
'We're here,Miss Yang.'
The boat was approaching a solitary house,built near the river.It wasn't as impressive as the house in Bangkok,but Kim Yang did use this place.She still sold girls here,only this time,to her more trustworthy clients.As yet,the Thai police hadn't located this place yet,and she still felt confident they wouldn't.
Kim Yang was actually thinking of Jennings.She still felt bitter that she hadn't beaten him in unarmed combat,even though she'd gunned him down.There was still a twinge of regret inside her.She'd admitted to herself,that she would have loved facing him.Instead,she decided to tell her prisoners,what she had in mind for them.
'Well then,ladies.'The smugness was still there,as she spoke.'Here's what we have in store for you.You're all going to take part in a little game we'd like you to play.'
Still pleased to see her prisoners were looking at her fearfully,dreading what she was going to say next,Kim Yang continued.
'My men are exceptionally loyal to me.So,I'm sure you'll all understand how its important to me,to give them rewards from time to time.'She paused,giving all the girls a meaningful glance.From their frightened eyes,Kim Yang sensed they knew what was coming.She chuckled,not wanting to disappoint them.
'As you'll soon see,ladies.'Kim Yang went on explaining.'My men will do an excellent job of guarding you.They always do,making sure none of my pretty slaves will escape.Although of course,we will give you that chance.'
Her sinister smile wasn't lost on the girls.They knew she had something nasty planned for them,and they dreaded it.Before they did however,Kim Yang then turned away from them,heading back into the boat.She re-emerged out within moments,now holding Sarah's weary form.The girl was too weak to fight back,although Sarah was much relieved to see Kelly was still unharmed.She was still held tight by Kim Yang,and her eyes glared fierce hatred at her captor,still much to Kim Yang's faint amusement.Sarah also looked out onto the thick jungle surrounding them.Her hopes of rescue were ruthlessly crushed.Surely,nobody would find them here.
To confirm this,Kim Yang then told her.'Sorry,my dear.We always prepare our escape routes well.Needless to say,we don't want to be noticed.'
She was pleased to hear Sarah groan in despair through her gag,and then she repeated what she'd just told the girls.After she had,Sarah's eyes were just as appalled as all her other female captives.
You damned sick bitch! Sarah snarled into her gag,but her defiance was instantly punished,as Kim Yang quickly turned her to face her,and gave Sarah a sharp slap on her face.She yelped in pain.
'Keep this up,my dear.'Kim Yang's voice wasn't far off being a snarl either.'I'd hate to punish any of your friends,merely for your own stupidity.'
As Kim Yang expected,this had the desired effect.Sarah turned her head away,closing her eyes in defeat.She then heard Liu announce to them all.
'Right.We're here,ladies.'
Everybody on the boat turned to look.They were approaching another wooden jetty,and there were more men waiting for them on it.All the bound,gagged girls could also see the single house just visible ahead.It didn't look as impressive as the house back in Bangkok,but Kim Yang always made sure she kept this place habitable,and away from prying eyes.She was highly pleased with her efforts,knowing her enemies hadn't been able to find this place yet.
Liu skillfully steered the boat alongside the jetty.Ropes were thrown to the men,waiting on the jetty.They secured the boat quickly,and once Liu saw that was accomplished,he glanced back at his pretty prisoners,smiling with utter relish.He then ordered his men sharply.'Take them.'
His men moved rapidly to obey.Angela and Louise were cut free from being bound back to back,although they still remained bound and gagged.Each one of the girls was then seized by a man,who promptly placed them over a shoulder.Then,Angela and Louise were taken off first,Kieko and Kelly followed the same way,before Liu turned to Kim Yang,still holding Sarah tightly.
'Shall I take her in for you,Miss Yang?'He asked hopefully.
'No need,Captain.I'll attend to this lovely,young lady.'Kim Yang's reply disappointed him,but the Chinese woman then did the same to Sarah,placing the girl over her shoulder.Sarah mumbled into her gag in total surprise at this.She just couldn't believe how strong this woman was.Sarah was easily carried into the house by Kim Yang,but she didn't see much of the interior.Yet,she did hear Kim Yang order ominously.'Put the rest of the girls into the holding cells.I'll take this beauty to my bedroom.'
Hearing this,Sarah screamed again into her gag,much more terrified.Kim Yang smiled evilly,smacking her prize on her rump.Sarah gave out another muffled scream.Horrible recent memories of another rape was terrifying her,and she could do nothing to prevent it.
Sarah desperately tried to scream.'Somebody help me!'Yet,all she heard was just her own frantic,gagged mumbling.She was still doing this,as Kim Yang carried her into a bedroom,which was obviously hers,as it was well furnished.The Chinese woman threw Sarah down onto the bed face up.The English girl's eyes were now dominated by fear,staring wildly up at Kim Yang,whose face was right on top of hers.The evil smile still there,as the woman then confirmed Sarah's worst fears.Kim Yang then lovingly squeezed,and fondled her breasts.Sarah gave out another muffled,gagged scream,as she was then being kissed all over.
'I told you,Sarah,didn't I?'Kim Yang's voice was full of triumph,determined to ravish the girl once again.'You would complete your voyage into slavery.I would always make sure of that.'
There was no defiant reply from Sarah.She could only pray for a miracle as Kim Yang's hands crawled all over her tightly bound body.
Not too far away from the house,two dinghies were silently making their way towards it.Both dinghies carried four men,who were slowly paddling through the river.All of the men were dressed in jungle combat clothing,and had their faces camoflagued.They also held weapons,and wore determined expressions,as each man kept a sharp lookout.
In one of the dinghies,helping to paddle it along,was Jennings and Panna.The former had been pleased to see his new found friend,bring several highly experienced military men with him.All of them had declared a genuine offer of help to him,and Jennings had gratefully accepted.Each man was a member of the Thai Special Forces,and Jennings was glad to have them on his side.He'd need them.
As the dinghies made their stealthy approach to their landing point,Jennings thought of Sarah and Kelly.Before he'd gotten into the dinghy,he'd took out a favourite photo of his.It showed him between his sisters,and they were all smiling happily at the camera.Both Sarah and Kelly were cuddling into him,and this hardened his resolve.He swore to himself he'd get his sisters out of that place,with Angela,Kieko,and Louise too.He could still feel his combat knife sheathed in his belt,and also swore to himself,that if Kim Yang wanted a fight,he would be more than happy to oblige her.
Chapter 30 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
The BEST chapter yet! I enjoyed it when Kim Yang lay on top of Sarah fondling her "impressive breasts" but in this episode she finally climaxes her! I LOVE the fact that MOST of the captives are bound in their white Naval uniforms with chest ropes! (You "should" state that having their hands bound behind their backs has their chest "straining against their uniform shirt"! And I also suggest that, in-the-future, they be put in CROTCH-ROPES (with the statement that it is to "keep them in a constant state of arousal--thus sapping their energy to escape!"). I thoroughly enjoy "uniform bondage"--it is as though those women in a position of power are being subdued! A THEORY of mine is that girls who go to private/parochial/Catholic school (where they have to wear a uniform) "graduate" to job in which they CONTINUE to wear a uniform!
ReplyDeleteIf you enjoy cartoons of Asian women being ravished (some in uniform) I can HIGHLY recommend the web-site:
If, however, you enjoy women in uniform bondage there is a video sold by "Close-Up Concepts" called "Spy Stuff" starring Dee Casey in which she is kidnapped and then bound and gagged wearing a white U.S. Navy uniform (I have a copy!). "Harmony Concepts"
has videos of women restrained in security guard uniforms (I also have those videos!).
Again, I appreciate the great DETAIL you go into and look forward to the REST of your stories!--Is the BEST email address for "trading"?
One (1) "REQUEST": a bound-and-gagged BLACK woman in uniform bondage! White gags and white cotton ropes ALMOST "glow" against "dusky" skin and ESPECIALLY a white Naval uniform!!!
Many thanks! I'm really pleased you enjoyed that chapter.That MWB website is good fun to look at! I'll be a regular visitor there! I'll see what I can do about your request,in a later story,but I really appreciated your kind comments.They were the best yet!
ReplyDeleteTake care!