Griffiths watched from the bridge,as the 'Savage' now closed in,on its destination.The target solar system held nine planets,and already,the 'Savage's' scanners,were picking up the heavy Sanna presence here.
Griffiths ordered his ship into the massive orb cloud,which encircled the entire system.Here,they would remain undetected,by any prowling Sanna ships,and this suited Griffiths perfectly.He was fully prepared to take the Sanna on,but for the moment,he'd spy on the enemy.
Major Robson stood faithfully beside him,watching the vast Sanna battle fleet surrounding the Earth.Griffiths could see,that her eyes were angry,at what the Sanna were doing.Griffiths fully agreed with her.Everybody from Sirrus 6,had heard the Sanna were not friendly people.They were always invading other worlds,conquering,and draining every resource they could lay their hands on.No mercy was shown by them,and Griffiths was fully prepared to return the compliment,if need be.
Their long range scanners,were now picking up the planet Earth.Everybody on the bridge glanced over at it.However,they were unable to see the whole planet,as they clearly noticed the vast Sanna battle fleet,completely surrounding it.He ordered his radar crews,to keep their eyes on all Sanna craft,coming in and out of the system.Griffiths knew the 'Savage' could handle herself,very well in battle.She could take a serious amount of punishment,but could dish it out,just as much.For the moment,Griffiths refrained from moving in.Far better,to remain hidden.He thought to himself.
He then heard one of the communications crew call him over,and he did so.A message was then handed over to him,and after Griffiths had read it,his face darkened.
Robson noticed it.'What is it,Sir?'
Griffiths handed her the message,and Robson read it too.Her face became worried also.The report she'd just read,told her that the Sanna had allies en route.To make it more worrying,the intelligence were unable to confirm,where this new enemy was coming from,or when they would arrive.
'You'll have to tell Kate.Sir.'Robson informed him,although she still felt an idiot,for doing so.Griffiths would undoubtedly know that,and she was more than relived to see him nod his approval.
'Of course.Keep watching for any incoming traffic,into this system.I want to know where these people are from.'
Griffiths then received a message from the launching bays.He was informed,that Kate was ready,and on board a prepared shuttle.All they were waiting for,was permission to launch.He moved over to the communications area,and made contact with Kate.
'I'm ready,sir.'She spoke first,and sounded confident.
'Watch yourself,Kate.'Griffiths politely warned her.'I've just heard some bad news.The Sanna are expecting allies coming here.We don't know when,but watch out,okay? You'll probably not be facing the Sanna alone.'
'Understood.Sir.'Kate's voice was still confident.'I'll be careful.'
'Very well.'Griffiths never doubted her ability,to handle herself.'Remember,your mission is intel.Find out what the Sanna are doing here,but by all means,assist the natives,but that also means,no heroics.Understood,Lieutenant?'
He emphasised the last two words to her,but again,her confident tone still remained.
Griffiths then remembered this Jennings,she was going to find,and wished her well on that one.
'I hope you find him,Kate.The President has said he's vital to our survival.'
'You can count on that,sir.'Kate never doubted that,and already knew the area,where Jennings was.It was simply a matter of time,and it would be quick.
Griffiths then wished her luck,and then gave the approval needed,for the shuttle to launch.After a few moments wait,everybody on the bridge watched the small craft exit the massive 'Savage' and it sped towards the Earth.Griffiths was pleased to get things moving,and was utterly confident,that Kate would succeed in her mission.All of his people did.Yet,he still couldn't shake off that uneasy feeling,that Kate was walking straight into trouble.
'Are you okay,sir?'Robson asked him,noticing his concerned face.
Griffiths nodded re assuredly at her.'Yes,just thinking.Major.'
'You're worried for her,aren't you?'
He smiled faintly.'It's that obvious,isn't it? We all are.I'm just worried,that there may be more trouble here,than we expected.'
'Don't worry,sir.'It was now his first officer's turn,to smile re assuredly at him.'Kate will get help.I can feel it.'
This made Griffiths look more closely at her.
'You're sure of that? You know who will help her?'
'I can feel him.'Robson nodded.'His name is Jennings.'
Griffiths wasn't surprised to hear that name again.All the Sirrun women could feel anyone,who was willing to help them.If the President had given her full approval to this man,they were certainly off to a good start.
'Can you make contact with him.Major?'
Robson nodded.'I'll try,sir.'
Just as the President and Kate had done earlier,Robson looked as if she was in a trance.She remained this way for a few moments,and she did reach Jennings.However,despite her repeated attempts to talk to him,there was no response.Robson sensed he was hurt,and immediately made mental contact with Kate,and updated her.Kate acknowledged her message,and reassured that she would help him,if need be.For now,all they could do,was stay alert and wait.
Montgomery slowly began to become aware of his surroundings.He could just make out Jennings,who was beginning to come round too.Gradually,both their senses recovered,and almost immediately,their survival instincts kicked back in.Fortunately,they saw no new threat,but they clearly smelt death in the air.The radio station was still standing,although it was badly damaged in the recent battle.Yet Jennings and Montgomery,never saw a single soul,only bodies of their friends,killed in attempting to defending this place.Sadly,the Sanna had managed to defeat them.
Satisfied,that they were not under threat,both Jennings and Montgomery looked up,from where they'd fallen.It had been quite a height,but fortunately,it wasn't a sheer drop.They'd both suffered a lot of cuts and bruises,but they were still alive.
'We'd better get back up there.'Montgomery told his friend.'Maybe Kelly managed to hide.'
Jennings nodded,and made to follow his friend,when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.His face became blank.Montgomery noticed it.
'You okay?'He asked his friend concernedly.
'Yeah.'It took Jennings a few moments to respond,as he rubbed his face gingerly.'I thought for a moment,that I heard a woman's voice,speaking to me.'
He left it at that.Jennings certainly didn't want to alarm his best friend,by saying he was hearing voices in his head.However,he was adamant to himself,that he'd felt a woman's presence touch him.Whoever it was,had certainly made him feel better,and he still felt the woman's presence in him,but made no more comment on it.They then,began to climb back up,the steep embankment they'd fallen from.
When they finally reached the top,both men cautiously entered the radio station.Everywhere was still silent,but Jennings and Montgomery were taking no chances.Fortunately,the building was deserted,and they moved back into the command post,where they'd left Kelly.They both clearly noticed the absence,of the Sanna transmitter,and of course,Kelly.They repeatedly called for her,but she did not appear.Jennings then noticed the cut cables on the floor,and instantly knew these had been used to bind Kelly.Evidently,she'd been taken captive.
This was bad news.The Sanna would undoubtedly,get into her head,extracting the secrets she'd learnt from their technology,and Jennings also knew,that the humanoids wouldn't think twice,about making Kelly suffer,to get what they wanted.He then remembered O'Rourke had been here too,and knowing he was a more than willing collaborator for the Sanna,it was more than likely the Sanna would give Kelly to him,once they'd finished with her.
Jennings' face hardened at that thought.He and Montgomery had dealt with O'Rourke's people before.They'd proved themselves highly effective,against these thugs,and were a constant thorn in O'Rourke's operations.Harris too,but with the full might of the Sanna behind these two collaborators,eliminating them,wasn't going to be easy.
Montgomery too,was already thinking of O'Rourke's earlier presence,and had successfully thought,where the enemy had taken Kelly.
'You know they'll be holding her,at O'Rourke's fortress.'He stated it.There was never any question over it,and he watched Jennings nod his agreement.He knew the Sanna would interrogate Kelly there,and once they'd finished with her,the humanoids would give her to O'Rourke,for his own sick pleasures.Both men knew O'Rourke's fortress,was a difficult target to infiltrate.Nobody had ever attempted this,but it was assumed,that only a complete and utter lunatic,would dream of doing so.
Despite that.Jennings and Montgomery started to make their plan of attack.Kelly was a great friend,and neither of them,was going to leave her helpless,in those monsters clutches.Rescuing Kelly was more than important,not just for their own personal feelings for her,but the safety of their entire planet,depended on it.
'What do you want to do?'Montgomery asked him.
'We'll see if we've still got some extra help.'Jennings answered,as he then spoke into his headset.'Hunt,are you there? Come in,Hunt.'
There was no reply at first,but after Jennings called a second time,Hunt's voice came back.
'John!'Her voice sounded relieved.'Are you okay? I thought you and Monty were dead.'
'Not yet.'Jennings gave Montgomery a thumbs up,and a faint smile.This was good news.With Hunt,they now had options.
'It's just me and monty here,Hunt.'Jennings went on grimly.'Nobody else made it,but they've took Kelly.We're heading to O'Rourke's base now.What's your current location?'
'I'm looking at it.'She answered.'Once you blew that Sanna ship away from me,I extracted,and headed here.'
'Have you seen Kelly being taken in?'
'Yes.'Hunt confirmed this,having seen O'Rourke carry Kelly in earlier.She clenched her teeth,as she'd observed them through her telescopic sight,knowing if she had fired,she'd have seriously harmed Kelly's safety.She just had to watch them,take her in.
'She was well guarded.'Hunt informed Jennings.'O'Rourke's got the place on full alert,and the Sanna are here.'
'Copy that.We're heading there now.Keep your eyes peeled.'
Hunt acknowledged that,and signed off.After doing the same himself,Jennings then turned towards Montgomery.
'She's still alive.Monty,but we'd better get there asap.'
'Let's go then.'Montgomery then led the way out.Jennings right behind him,as they headed towards O'Rourke's fortress.
Kelly's eyes were still full of fear,as she watched her captors observing her.Despite still being tightly bound and gagged,she was also firmly held by O'Rourke,who had his arm wrapped over her waist.He was enjoying holding her this way,and was also kissing Kelly's hair and face.The girl flinched revoltingly from his every touch,but there was no escape.
She was also highly alarmed to see,that the Sanna were observing her closely.Their narrow eyes,never leaving her.This made her more frightened than ever.O'Rourke had carried her deep into his base,and Kelly had found it impossible,to try and memorise her way out.She could do nothing,but let her captors take her further and further away,from escape.
It took a while to reach there,but finally,O'Rourke reached one of the detention areas.Here,there were several cells,that were secure in holding his captives,and a lot of them were occupied.Kelly heard faint,but frightened mumbling noises behind those barred doors.Her fear was increasing,as she also heard O'Rourke order one of his men,to unlock one empty cell.This was promptly done,and O'Rourke carried her in.Then,he gently laid Kelly out on the floor,before gripping her chin.He smiled with relish,leering down at the girl's frightened eyes.
'You're very pretty,my dear.'He complimented her,although he knew the girl wouldn't appreciate it.
No matter.O'Rourke thought smugly.She soon will.
'We'll keep you here,for the time being.'He continued,gloating down at her.'I hope for your sake,that your two friends won't keep us waiting too long.For you see,I've promised to give you to the Sanna,and they can be very impatient,my pretty.'
Kelly's eyes bulged at that.Time was definitely against her,if the Sanna were planning to take her.She'd never see Jennings or Montgomery again,not even the Earth.Kelly was well aware,that the Sanna had a great fondness,for seizing young human females,and forcing them into slavery.She'd also heard what kind of slavery it was,and it had terrified her.This only made her thoughts more desperate,for her two friends to get here more quickly.
Kelly then saw one of the humanoids walk forward,and enter her cell.Her eyes went even more wider,staring up at him fearfully,but O'Rourke maintained his hold on her chin.He had heard the Sanna commander enter,but didn't glance in his direction.
'How long will you wait?'O'Rourke asked,still staring down at Kelly's gagged face.
'We will allow you one of your Earth days.'The humanoid answered.'However,if the human female's friends are what our intelligence wants us to believe,I'm sure they won't disappoint us.'
'A day's not long.'O'Rourke admitted.He was also disappointed,not being allowed more time,to keep the girl.Still,he'd been granted a chance,and was eager to make it work.
Kelly hated the look in both her captors eyes,but she hated it even more,on what the Sanna said next.
'Young,attractive human females,are always sought by us.We find them most compatible.They make excellent servants for us.'
His eyes seemed to stare right through Kelly,making her more terrified than ever,as she had her worst fears confirmed,knowing what this monster was thinking.
Enjoying seeing the girl's fear,the Sanna commander then had an idea.
'Why don't we see how efficient her two friends are?'The Sanna's face,almost broke into a smile thinking this.'Why don't we put the female into a situation,where her safety is threatened?'
This interested O'Rourke,and he asked the humanoid.'What do you have in mind?'
'You will see.O'Rourke.You will see.'
The Sanna then turned and left,and O'Rourke released his hold on Kelly,and followed him out.He secured the door,imprisoning Kelly inside,and his footsteps faded away.
Now on her own,Kelly gave another frightened mumble into her gag.She could only lie here,totally helpless.The thin cables tied over her wrists,were cutting painfully into her skin,as well as the other coils that Harris had tied over her body.She couldn't budge an inch,and Kelly closed her eyes in despair.Her only positive thoughts,were of Jennings and Montgomery.She knew they'd both be coming for her,and that was the only thing,keeping her going.However,Kelly also knew O'Rourke's base was indeed,a fortress.The security systems here,would easily pick up any intruder,and swift,lethal defences would follow.How Jennings and Montgomery were going to get in here undetected,was a mystery,but Kelly knew her two friends,were her only chance of rescue.
Perfectly camouflaged,and lying perfectly still,Hunt observed the outside activity of O'Rourke's base,through her telescopic sights.She could see,that his people were going about their business as normal,but Hunt wasn't fooled for a second.She'd seen a Sanna craft land here much earlier,and had witnessed the hated O'Rourke,carrying a struggling,bound and gagged Kelly,into his lair.Her eyes had become fierce,when she also saw Harris follow him in.The temptation to shoot her,had been almost impossible to resist,but she had.If she had killed Harris,which was what she truly wanted,Kelly's safety would have been threatened,and had to let Harris go.Even so,she'd knew she'd get another chance,and Hunt couldn't wait for that moment.She was determined to make Harris suffer,before she finally eliminated her.
For the moment,Hunt patiently waited for Jennings and Montgomery to arrive.She was so pleased they'd survived the battle,back at the radio station.She'd really thought they'd both been killed,when that Sanna craft had fired down at them.With her two friends now en route though,Hunt was going to enjoy inflicting more losses,on their enemies.
She'd already marked down the base's defences,and had targeted several of them.There were manned gun towers,hidden weapon emplacements,and numerous security cameras.Hunt would brief her friends on this,and from what she'd observed,getting into O'Rourke's base unseen,was going to be a tough challenge.Yet,she knew that Jennings and Montgomery,would be having no doubts whatsoever.They were going in,to rescue Kelly,and she was going to help them do it.
As Hunt kept her eyes on the enemy,her attention was momentarily diverted away,to the sky overhead.She noticed a small craft streaking in,and peering through her scope,was unable to identify it.But then,Hunt noticed something drop out of the craft.It hurtled downwards,as she magnified her scope,trying to see what it was.After a few moments of free fall,Hunt noticed a parachute blossom,and she could now see a human figure descending from it.Hunt judged the angle the unknown figure was coming in,and could see,that they were going to land close to O'Rourke's fortress grounds.For a few baffled moments,Hunt wondered who the hell was this?
The shuttle from the 'Savage' had successfully avoided Sanna detection,and was now entering the Earth's atmosphere.Inside the shuttle,Kate stood ready to jump,preparing for a high altitude exit.She'd deploy the parachute,at a low height,where the enemy wouldn't see her.She'd already checked her equipment,making sure the parachute was packed properly,and checked her weapons too.Although Kate could handle firearms,it was the blade she preferred.Her two swords were strapped tight to her waist,and Kate knew she was going to use them.She had done so before,with lethal accuracy.
Finally,the signal came,and Kate made a successful exit from the shuttle.As she hurtled downwards,Kate glanced back at the shuttle,as it made it's return flight,back to the 'Savage.'There was a minor worry,that an unexpected Sanna patrol ship,might intercept it,but fortunately,this didn't happen.
Kate slowed her rapid descent,spreading her arms and legs,and as she observed the ground below,she noticed a large built up structure.As she got closer to it,Kate could clearly see,that it was a military installation.She sensed this was where she needed to be,and then,just as she reached the desired height,Kate deployed her parachute.It opened successfully,and within moments,she made a gentle landing.
Quickly detaching herself from the parachute,Kate hid it,and then looked around her.Nobody was in sight,or came ou to challenge her,and she then advanced towards the military structure.
Inside the base,O'Rourke was watching the Sanna commander in discussion,with another Sanna of the same rank.They were both talking,in their own native tongue,and he couldn't understand a word of it.Very few of his people did.Another fact,that made the Sanna invaders,sneer down at their human enemy.The conversation didn't last long,as the Sanna commander present with him,turned and ordered O'Rourke in English.
'Bring the girl.'
O'Rourke snapped his fingers at one of his men,who promptly obeyed.He came back soon enough,carrying Kelly's still bound and gagged form.They could all hear her frightened,but faint mumbles,and they relished it.
'Put her down.'The Sanna commander ordered.'I want her to see this.'
The man did so,putting Kelly gently to her feet,but instantly forced her to her face the Sanna.His arm was wrapped tight around her waist,and Kelly's wide eyes noticed,that she'd been brought into a command area.Here,Kelly noticed many monitor screens,that showed different sections of O'Rourke's base,but there was one monitor screen that held Kelly's attention.Another Sanna commander was visible on the screen,and Kelly could see,that he was looking directly at her.From his surroundings,Kelly also noticed,that the humanoid was on one of the star battle vessels.From the way he was gazing at her,Kelly was seriously alarmed,not knowing what was being planned for her.Suddenly,she heard the Sanna on the monitor screen speak,and in English.
'This is the human female?'He was asking the Sanna in the room.
'Indeed.'His colleague confirmed,nodding.'How soon can we expect your-'There was a pause,as he considered what to say next,before deciding on.'-arrivals?'
The information was duly given to him,and after receiving it,he then walked up to Kelly,lifting her chin.
'A ship has been launched,from one of our cruisers.'The humanoid explained to her,almost smirking down at Kelly's frightened eyes above her gag.'There will be some very dangerous individuals on board it.You see,my dear.Like your own little race,we too,have a criminal element,and I'm sure you know of the high rate,of crimes against human females,is quite high.'The Sanna commander then tightened his grip,on her chin.'Especially sexual crimes.'
Kelly's eyes almost bulged out of her sockets,knowing instantly what was being said to her.The Sanna humanoid confirmed this.
'That's right,my dear.In thirty of your minutes,that ship will land here,and if your two friends haven't reached you by then,I'm going to give you to my people,who will ravish your body,to their hearts content.'
Kelly could only give a faint,muffled shriek into her gag.She now realised,that all the horror stories she'd heard,were all a frightening reality.It was O'Rourke who'd kidnapped her here,but the Sanna had seized untold numbers of young women,ever since they'd invaded the Earth.Kelly never imagined in her worst nightmares,that she was going to be handed over,to a bunch of Sanna criminals,who would take great pleasure,in ravishing her body.It was a scenario she was desperately hoping to avoid,and her terrified face,was enjoyed by the Sanna commander.
However,O'Rourke didn't look pleased.
'I thought you said,the girl would be mine.'His voice was hard.
The Sanna commander wasn't really interested,in this pathetic human's opinion,but he went on to explain to O'Rourke.
'This is an excellent opportunity,to eliminate two highly dangerous opponents.Jennings and Montgomery.'The Sanna's voice was filled with contempt though.'They are among the very few,but worthy humans we have faced in battle.Every one of us,wants to make the kill on them.'
The humanoid then paused for a moment,thinking of O'Rourke's protest.
'If by some miracle,the girl's two friends manage to eliminate the incoming threat,you may take ownership of her,once we have killed them ourselves.'
A sinister expression was on the Sanna's face,as he still held Kelly's chin.
'We can kill your two potential rescuers,whilst also eliminating some highly dangerous criminals.I think you'll find we'll have done your female spieces,a good service.Don't you agree,my dear?'
Kelly couldn't respond to him,due to her gag.All she could do,was stare up at him in utter fear.
Just then,another Sanna trooper came forward,requesting his commander's presence elsewhere.The humanoid nodded,as he then turned back to Kelly.
'This will give you a little taste,of what to expect,when that ship lands,my dear.'
The Sanna's commander long tongue,suddenly flicked out,and licked Kelly's face.The girl squealed in terror at its touch,making the humanoids growl in pleasure.
'I really hope your two friends,will not keep us waiting too long.'The Sanna warned her,before continuing.'You will receive more than that.I promise you.'
He then turned back to O'Rourke.
'Take the girl back to her cell.O'Rourke.I will be watching everything,that happens here.'
With that,all the Sanna presence left.O'Rourke's face was furious,as he glared in utter hatred,at the retreating Sanna's backs.Damn them.He cursed to himself.Who the hell did they think they were,ordering him in his own base? He swore that he'd do this job.Keeping the girl,meant everything to him.He then turned to his man,holding Kelly.
'Give her to me.'He ordered curtly.
Kelly was thrown into his tight grip,frantically mumbling behind her tape gag.She was helpless,as O'Rourke pulled her bound body closer to his.Again,he fully enjoyed Kelly's pleasant scent,and then kissed her neck.The girl squealed ineffectively,as she then felt O'Rourke's hands grope her chest.O'Rourke just smiled,as he then whispered into her ear.
'Don't you worry your pretty little head too much,my dear.I'm not going to let the Sanna take you away from me.'He chuckled into her ear.'You're mine,and I'm going to keep you.'
Still enjoying Kelly's faint,mumbling protests,O'Rourke then lifted her over his shoulder,and carried her back to her cell.Once he took her back in there,O'Rourke knelt down,to gently place Kelly on the cell floor.He was almost drooling,at the sight of her tightly bound,gagged body in her uniform.He then made a thorough check on her bonds,but there was no need to worry.Kelly was staying tied up,and secure.With that satisfying him,O'Rourke then stroked his hand,down one of Kelly's bound,nyloned legs.She flinched instinctively,but couldn't escape his groping hands,as she then suffered her impressive breasts,being fondled by him.O'Rourke was fully enjoying himself here,savouring his prize.He couldn't wait to dispose of Jennings and Montgomery.The sooner he did so,the girl would be his prize to ravish.
'You should be grateful,my dear.'O'Rourke told her pleasantly,still groping her chest.'I know you don't want to end up,in the Sanna's clutches.So it will be far better for you,if you stay here with me.'
Kelly clenched her eyes shut in fear,but O'Rourke was having none of that.He seized her chin,forcing her eyes to open in alarm at him.
'You don't really want to disobey me,do you,my dear?'His voice was full of menace now,but the girl was still tightly gagged,and she couldn't answer.All she could think of doing,was desperately trying to ignore her tormentor.
However,O'Rourke just smiled,and much to Kelly's relief,he stopped groping her body,and stood up.He then glanced at his watch,still smiling.
'Twenty five minutes,my dear.'He gave her an unpleasant reminder.'You know,I really can't wait to see your two heroes again.I was very impressed with their efforts,back at the radio station.'O'Rourke smiled wolfishly down at her.'I'd wish them luck of course,but I do know that my pretty damsel in distress,is going to need plenty of it.'
With an ominous chuckle,O'Rourke then left the cell,locking Kelly in once more.He gazed at her helpless form,through the bars.
'Don't go away,my dear.If all goes well,which I'm quite sure it will,I'll be back for you soon.'
Then,with a sneering laugh,O'Rourke walked away.Kelly heard his footsteps retreat from her,but she was full of despair and frustration.
How are they going to get me out of this hell? She thought,still very frightened,desperately hoping Jennings and Montgomery would get to her in time.I can't even help them,tied up like this!
Kelly still lay where O'Rourke had placed her,and she knew there was no chance of freeing herself.Her eyes were still huge,as she stared fearfully at the cell door.Yet she did sense,that Jennings and Montgomery were close by.This thought slightly increased her hopes of rescue,and Kelly was desperately hoping,that when her cell door opened again,she'd see her two friends there,to get her out of this horrible place.
Chapter 4 to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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